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Tatiana Sosa
Carroll, Crain Davis, Cheechin
28 March, 2018
Research Paper

Is animal testing ethical?

My research question is about whether or not animal testing for cosmetics, such as
lipsticks and eyeshadows, is ethical. Animal testing for cosmetics hasn’t always been a thing
until 1938. In 1938, The United States Food, Drug and cosmetic act was signed into the law,
requiring for makeup companies to start testing their ongoing products on animals, typically
bunnies and mice. The requirement for this was because they wanted to insure that the makeup
products were safe for the human face nor did they want to false advertise their products
without knowing whether or not it is safe to sell to begin with. However, over the years, as
cosmetics become such a popular and necessary thing for both men and women in the world,
the problem has arisen and has been debated if animal testing in the United States is ethical or
not. In 1998, cosmetic testing on animals was banned in United Kingdom therefore making the
debate in United States bigger.
Some may believe that animal testing is necessary when it comes to cosmetics, while others
believe that it is not necessary. They also think it should be banned in the United States. And
still others believe that either way it goes, it is fine. They aren’t for animal testing nor are they
against it. Their feelings for it are mutual and they find new ways to avoid the controversy.
These different opinions stem from disagreements about it being ethical or not. With animal
testing, there are pros and there are cons. The pros and cons are what build up the controversy
and it is the foundation for those different opinions.
Some believe that animal testing for cosmetics is ethical and is a necessary step when it
comes to selling or buying their cosmetics. Those who feel that animal testing for makeup is
ethical and necessary believe this because of the few pros it carries. The first one out of the few
can simply be the protection for humans and their skin. From​ , It states, “ While
animal suffering should be minimised, they also cite that it is preferable for an animal to suffer
as opposed to a human. The medical breakthroughs that have occurred as a result of animal
testing are also considered reason enough to continue the practice, with the aim of reducing
human suffering and saving human lives.” Therefore meaning that the pro of animal testing is it
reduces the harm done to humans. If a product wasn’t tested and just used on the human body
or face, it can effect them. Those who are strong believers in animal testing being ethical,
believe that before hurting or damaging people and their skin, they should test and make sure it
is suitable and wearable for the people. This quote shows the argument that those people use
to prove their belief and opinion of animal testing being something normal and okay.
For those who believe that animal testing is okay and a normal thing, 100% do not side
or agree with the cons. To defeat the cons and prove that animal testing is ethical, they’ll go
back to listing the various pros such as the benefit it brings for the animals themselves. ​ ​From,​ , it says, “It offers
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benefits to the animals themselves. Can you imagine if vaccines were not tested on animals?
Millions of them would have died from distemper, rabies, leukemia, tetanus, infectious hepatitis
virus, parvo or anthrax. Animal treatments that were developed using animal testing also include
remedies for glaucoma and hip dysplasia, as well as pacemakers for heart disease. Moreover,
animal testing has also been instrumental in saving endangered species from extinction. Aside
from all of these breakthroughs for animals, the method also helped produce medicines for
humans. Thus, it should also be the same with animal testing on cosmetics.”​ ​Aside from the
benefits that humans recieve, animals can receive the benefit too and some may be cured from
illnesses they had prior to be used for experiments on cosmetics. It reveals that not all animal
tests are dangerous given that it can be proven there are some benefits for the animal as well.
So the con that most people use which is it harms the animals, can be defeated and shut down.
The point of view #2 for this controversy is against the idea of animal testing and believe
is not ethical because of the big amount of pain and harm it causes for the animals. For those
who believe that it is wrong nor ethical can refute those who provide the pros for animal testing.
The group of people who support animal testing can provide various pros, as for example, it
ensures the suitable and wearable products for humans rather than damaging or effecting the
human skin. However, they can defeat that pro by bringing statics that prove innocent animals
are being used which they clearly give no consent to. From,
html??referrer=​ , This website provides insight on the types of animals
companies use and why they use them for specific products. For example, for skin sensitization
“32 guinea pigs or 16 mice, The test substance is applied to the surface of the skin or injected
under the skin of a guinea pig, or applied to the ear of a mouse. Their skin may show signs of
redness, ulcers, scaling, inflammation, and itchiness.” Also from​ , it says, “One of those
cons listed are One key argument against animal testing involves the inability of animals to
consent to the tests. Humans, it is argued, can make an informed decision to consent while
animals have tests forced upon them, with no choice.” With that, they make a good point in how
animals are just subjected to this and it’s not right. If it were humans being subjected to testing
they did not want done, it’d be a huge issue too.” This quote means that while animal testing is
in the process of happening for cosmetics, innocent animals are being used. Because of the
face structure of these animals, they are similar to the human structure and that it why they are
used. It reveals that they strongly go against the pros for animal testing because although one
of the pros is it protects people from future face rashes or bad reactions, they are using innocent
animals. Animals aren’t capable of consenting to being used for testing of upcoming cosmetic
products so it shows that those who are against it, believe no matter the pros, animal testing is
not ethical.
Point of view 2 believes strongly with the cons because of course, they are against
animal testing and can only add on to the list of cons. From,​ t says, “It
performs tests that are not necessary. Unfortunately, animal testing on cosmetics does not
always lead to the release of new cosmetics. In fact, there are tests done, without products
actually put into use. Animals are just suffering and dying in vain by being subjects in dangerous
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tests that do not even have direct human benefits. Unless every product, which is being tested,
is proven safe for public consumption, proponents of this method do not see the need for doing
it.” The quote stated means that animals are just being harmed and sometimes it is for no
reason. Not all products are released therefore meaning the killing and mistreatment of animals
happens often with no benefit to the company. This quote also reveals further why point of view
number two strongly sides with the beliefs and list of the cons for animal testing. Apart from
them believing that people are using too many animals without their consent or wanting to be
tested on, they also provide more cons such as animal testing being something so unnecessary
because in the end, companies nor animals benefit from it.
There are some people who stand in the middle for the situation. They aren’t for animal
testing nor are they for it. Those who stand in the middle find ways to avoid this whole
controversy. The point of view number three doesn’t side with the pros of animal testing nor are
they against it. From
imals​ , it says, “ “Companies can prove their products are safe by using established ingredients.
There are, for example, almost 20,000 ingredients in the European Union’s database for which
safety data is available. Cosmetic manufacturers increasingly accept that animal experiments
are unnecessary and those companies that still continue them damage the reputation of the
industry. “ Summing that up, a potential idea or solution for companies that use animals for
testing can be the change in their ingredients so they know it is safe for humans rather than
having to find out if it is safe on animals.” Instead of resorting to using new ingredients that need
to be tested, companies can stick to ingredients that they know are safe for people therefore
meaning they do not need to use animals to test for its safety. This quote reveals that even
though they are not against or for animal testing, they still think there are possible solutions. The
one belief on this controversy is the all the pros that come with animal testing however these set
of people don’t necessarily side with them. Instead of siding with the pros, the only thing they
can really do is just provide ways for animal testing to be “mutual”
Although these people do not side with animal testing being ethical or not, if they were to
suggest something for those who believe it is not ethical, they’d agree that there are ways to
prove that it is not ethical or to stop it. From
mal-testing/​ , it says, “After talking about the issue in depth and what countries banned it
already, it list ways to slowly make companies in the U.S realize they’re losing buyers because
of the fact that they use animals to test. For example, it says, “The best way to stop companies
from using animals is to refuse to purchase their products and to write and tell them why you
won’t be using their eye shadow, detergent, or shampoo.” Some possible actions that people
can take if they are against animal testing is stop buying the products that they know are animal
tested. If people emailed those companies and told them they weren’t going to buy the product
because it is tested, it can reduce the companies that actually do use animals to make sure the
product is okay. This proves that even though they do not really chose a side whether it is
ethical or not based on the pros and cons, they provide solutions and largen the ideas for those
people who truly believe it is not ethical due to all its cons.
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In conclusion, It is clear that the debate on animal testing is something that could go on
forever because of all the opinions it brings. Apart from the pros and cons listed throughout the
essay, there are a lot more pros and cons that one can find out about. Today, there are more
and more different pros and cons being added to their list which makes this controversy
something huge. If I were to choose a side for this topic, I’d choose the cons list and state that I
believe animal testing is not ethical. Animals are innocent and eventually there will come a time
where the population of those animals will die out and part of that will be because companies
continue to use them to test their new products. With makeup becoming a huge thing and
makeup companies evolving and making more and more makeup products, the use of animals
will continue to happen along with the debate about its pros and cons. Before this issue gets
bigger, I also think it is one topic that the United States should prioritize and find a solution to.

Works Cited
Controversy of Animal Testing​,

Cruelty Free International​,

Cosmetics Tests That Use Animals.” ​The Humane Society of the United States​,

Greengarageblogadmin. “12 Pros and Cons of Animal Testing On Cosmetics.” ​Green Garage​,
19 Aug. 2015,

Testing Cosmetics and Household Products on Animals.” ​PETA​,

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