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SUNY Canton Early Childhood Program

Lesson Activity Plan

Name: Kasey Murray Date: 11/13/2017

Curriculum Theme: Turkeys, Pilgrims and Native Americans
Age: ___I ___T _X_PS ___K
Focus: Mathematics

Title of Lesson: Fall Counting Fun!

I. Concept Statement
The children will participate in a math activity to enhance their knowledge of number and quantity


___ Approaches to Learning
___ Social and Emotional Development
_ _ Language and Literacy _ Language and Communication _ _ Literacy
_X_ Cognition _X_ Mathematics Development ___Scientific Reasoning
___ Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development

III. Sub-Domains
HSELOF Sub-Domain 1: Counting and Cardinality
HSELOF Goal: Child knows number names and the count sequence.

Objective 1:
The children will develop counting skills by counting the number of objects on a card.

HSELOF Sub-Domain 2: Counting and Cardinality

HSELOF Goal: Child understands the relationship between numbers and quantities.

Objective 2:
The children will develop an understanding of quantities by determining the number of objects on a card.

HSELOF Sub-Domain 3: Counting and Cardinality

HSELOF Goal: Child associates a quantity with written numerals up to 5 and begins to write numbers.

Objective 3:
The children will enhance number recognition skills by clipping a clothespin on the correct number.
IV. Materials Needed:
1. Turkey in the Hay song
2. Turkey cutout
3. Haystack with shape cutouts
4. 6 clothespins
5. Fall object/ people counting cards

V. Directions / Steps / Process [Parts A, B C]:

A. Motivation
I will play the Turkey in the Hay game with the children. Each child will sing the Turkey in the Hay song and
say the color and shape of the haystack they believe the turkey is under.

B. Steps
1. I will have the children go to their play centers.
2. I will spread out the haystack cards on a table.
3. I will place the turkey under one of the haystack cards.
4. I will call six children at a time to leave their play center and join me at the table.
5. I will explain the directions of the game to the children.
6. Each child will sing the Turkey in the Hay song and say the color and shape of a haystack.
7. We will check under the haystack for the turkey.
8. We will continue this till we find the turkey.
9. I will give each child a counting card and clothespin.
10. I will instruct each child to count the objects or people on their card.
11. I will instruct the children to place the clothespin on the number that represents the quantity.
12. I will discuss our results and the correct answer with the children.

C. Conclusion and Transition

We will look at everyone’s card and determine who has the most and least objects/people. We will put the
cards in order from least to greatest.

I will ask the children to count the number of steps it takes for them to walk back to their play center.

VI. Supplemental Materials

Turkey in the Hay

Counting Cards

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