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Elementary Education - Mathematics

Task 4: Mathematics Learning Segment Overview

Learning Segment Overview Directions: Briefly describe the instruction preceding the assessment by typing within
the brackets in each section of the chart below (no more than 2 single-spaced pages). Do not delete or alter the
chart; both the chart and your description are included in the total page count allowed. Refer to the evidence chart
in the handbook to ensure that this document complies with all format specifications. Pages exceeding the
maximum will not be scored.

Central Focus: State-Adopted Content Standards

[Lesson1: Students will use [Lesson 1: MGSE2.MD.10 Draw a picture graph and a bar
information from a data set to graph (with single-unit scale) to represent a data set with
create their own tally charts and up to four categories.
bar graphs and then analyze
Lesson 2 and 3: MGSE2.NBT.7 Add and subtract within
these graphs to answer
1000, using concrete models or drawings and strategies
based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the
Lesson 2 and 3: Students will be
relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the
able to use place value when
strategy to a written method.]
adding 10 or 100.]
Learning Instructional Strategies and Formative and
Objectives Learning Tasks Summative
[Students will be [-The teacher will tell students [Teacher will walk
Lesson 1
able to represent that we will be doing a graphing around the classroom to
data in different activity using bar graphs and observe student work.]
types of graphs.] tally charts.
-The teacher will explain what
the labels represent on a bar
-Each student will get a candy
heart…they need to remember
the color of their heart and then
eat it.
-The teacher will tally the colors
given to the students.
-The class will build a bar graph
together on
-The same date will be used to
make a pictograph.
-Discuss how each graph
shows same data.
-Students will create a
valentine graph using candy
-Students will share their
different types of graphs with
the class.]

Copyright © 2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. 1 of 3 | 2 pages maximum
All rights reserved. V4_0915
The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Use of the edTPA trademarks is
permitted only pursuant to the terms of a written license agreement.
Elementary Education - Mathematics
Task 4: Mathematics Learning Segment Overview

[Students will be [-The teacher will introduce [Teacher will walk

Lesson 2
able to mentally add new lesson. around the classroom to
10 or 100 to a 3-digit -Discuss how it is easy to observe and check
number.] mentally add 10 or 100. student work. If student
-Have the word problem of the work is correct, teacher
day on the active board. Give will put a check and tell
students time to answer it and the student to move on.]
then go over it as a class.
-Have students turn to pg. 363
in math workbook.
-Discuss the place value and
the importance of adding ones
-Add the hundreds to anchor
-Do review problems with
-Assign students to do numbers
1-6. Check student’s work,
review some problems on
-Tear out homework pg. 367]
[Students will be [-Have students tell what was [Teacher will walk
Lesson 3
able to regroup ones learned yesterday in math. around the classroom to
when adding two 3- - Have the word problem of the observe and check
digit numbers.] day on the active board. Give student work. If student
students time to answer it and work is correct, teacher
then go over it as a class will put a check and tell
546+28=574 the student to move on.]
-Review anchor chart, starting
in ones, regrouping if needed,
then adding tens, regrouping
tens, regrouping if needed.
-Discuss regrouping in ones
column to tens, does not affect
-Have students open math
workbook to pg. 372
-Do practice problems with
-Assign students to do pg. 373.
Check student’s work, review
some problems on board.
-Tear out homework pg. 375.]

Copyright © 2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. 2 of 3 | 2 pages maximum
All rights reserved. V4_0915
The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Use of the edTPA trademarks is
permitted only pursuant to the terms of a written license agreement.
Elementary Education - Mathematics
Task 4: Mathematics Learning Segment Overview

[ ] [ ] [ ]
Lesson 4

[ ] [ ] [ ]
Lesson 5

Copyright © 2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. 3 of 3 | 2 pages maximum
All rights reserved. V4_0915
The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Use of the edTPA trademarks is
permitted only pursuant to the terms of a written license agreement.

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