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Suleiman Al-Aiman Suleiman Al-Hunity


Dr. Abdelqader S.Najmi, Prof.

This Thesis was submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Master’s Degree of Science in Civil Engineering

Faculty of Graduate Studies

The University of Jordan

August, 2016



TUBE APPROACH) was Successfully Defended and Proved on 9, Aug, 2016

Examination Committee Signature

Dr. Abdulqader S. Najmi, (Supervisor) …………………………..

Prof. of Civil Engineering

Dr. Nazzal S. Armouti, (Member) …………………………..

Prof. of Civil Engineering

Dr. Samih S. Qaqish, (Member) ……………………….....

Prof. of Civil Engineering

Dr. Hasan N. Katkhuda, (Member) ……………………….

Assoc. Prof. of Civil Engineering

(Hashemite University)


This Dissertation is dedicated to my parents, Eng. Aiman Al-Hunity and

Mrs. Suhad Hawamdeh. Thank you for telling me what I’m capable of. For

giving me the support that I needed to build a dream to chase after. And for

believing that I have the talent to reach my goals. For your endless support,

love and encouragement. I am truly honoured to have you as my parents



It is my proud privilege to release the feelings of my gratitude to several persons who

helped directly or indirectly to complete this dissertation.

I would like to express my deep appreciation and owe a deep sense of gratitude to my

teacher and supervisor Dr. Abdelqader S. Al-Najmi. His dedication and keen interest

above all his overwhelming attitude to help his students had been solely and mainly

responsible for completing my work. His timely advice, meticulous scrutiny, scholarly

advice, and scientific approach have helped me to a very great extent to accomplish this


I would like to thank the rest of my thesis committee members for their useful remarks

and for their time.

Special thanks and appreciation goes to Eng. Ekhlas Rababa’a, Manager of Investment

and Planning Directorate at Jordan Water Company, for her kind help and co-operation

throughout my study period.

It is my privilege to thank my wife, Mrs. Haneen for her constant support and

encouragement throughout my research period.

I am extremely thankful to my two younger brothers Mohammad and Ahmad, my little

lovely sister Reham, and to my two great cousins Hassan and Yousef for their

unconditioned help, encouragement and support whenever required.

Finally, special thanks to my friend Osama Barakat for his help and support whenever



Table of Contents

COMMITTEE DECISION ............................................................................................... ii

DEDICATION ................................................................................................................. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................... v

List of Tables ................................................................................................................... ix

Table of Figures ................................................................................................................ x

Nomenclature .................................................................................................................. xii

ABSTRACT................................................................................................................... xiv

Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 General .................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 History of Torsion in Reinforced Concrete Members ............................................ 3

1.3 Torsion in Reinforced Concrete Members .............................................................. 4

1.3.1 Pre-cracking Strength ................................................................................................... 4

1.3.2 Post-cracking Strength ................................................................................................. 4


1.3.3 Torsional Reinforcement and Mode of Failure ............................................................ 5

1.4 Significance of the Study ............................................................................................ 6

Chapter Two ..................................................................................................................... 9

Literature review ............................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Torsional Behaviour of RC Beams – Theories and Models ....................................... 9

2.1.1 Skew Bending Theory ......................................................................................... 9

2.1.2 Space Truss Analogy ......................................................................................... 11

2.1.3 Variable Angle Truss Model - VATM .............................................................. 13

2.1.4 Compression Field Theory - CFT ...................................................................... 14

2.1.5 Modified Compression Field Theory - MCFT .................................................. 15

2.1.6 Softened Truss Model ........................................................................................ 15

2.1.7 Comments on the Comparison Between Skew-Bending and Truss Theories ... 16

2.2 Reinforced Concrete Beam Strengthening against Applied Torsion ........................ 16

2.2.1 Strengthening of RC Beams with High Strength Concrete (HSC) .................... 17

2.2.2 Strengthening of RC Beams using Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) 17

2.2.3 Strengthening of RC Beams Using Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) .............. 18

2.2.4 Comments on Torsional Strengthening Techniques .......................................... 19

Chapter Three ................................................................................................................. 20

Spread Tube Approach ................................................................................................... 20


3.2 Thickness Calculations for the Proposed Tube......................................................... 22

3.2.1 Contribution of Stirrups ..................................................................................... 22

3.2.2 Contribution of Longitudinal Reinforcement .................................................... 23

3.2.3 Thickness Ratio.................................................................................................. 24

Chapter Four ................................................................................................................... 25

Experimental Study......................................................................................................... 25

4.1 Beam Details and Test Parameters ....................................................................... 25

4.2 Reinforcement Ratios ............................................................................................... 31

4.3 Materials ............................................................................................................... 32

4.4 Welding Technique ............................................................................................... 35

4.5 Testing Apparatus ................................................................................................. 37

4.6 Testing Procedure ................................................................................................. 39

Chapter Five .................................................................................................................... 40

Test Results and Torsional behaviour of Test Beams..................................................... 40

5.1 Cracking Behaviour and Mode of Failure ............................................................ 40

5.1.1 C 8-12, 10-125 Crack Pattern and Mode of Failure.................................................... 40

5.1.2 B 8-12, 10-125 Crack Pattern and Mode of Failure.................................................... 42

5.1.3 B 12-12, 10-125 Crack Pattern and Mode of Failure.................................................. 43

5.1.4 B 8-12, 10-75 Crack Pattern and Mode of Failure...................................................... 46

5.1.5 B 8-12, 12-125 Crack Pattern and Mode of Failure.................................................... 47


5.2 Ultimate Torsional Strength of the Test Specimens ............................................. 49

5.2.1 Effects of Transverse and Longitudinal Ratios ........................................................... 51

5.3 Proposed Tube Thickness and its Effect on Ultimate Torsional Strength ................ 55

Chapter 6 ......................................................................................................................... 59

Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................... 59

6.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 59

6.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................... 61

7.0 References ................................................................................................................. 63


List of Tables

TABLE 4.1: SPECIMEN DETAILS SUMMARY …………………………………………….30




STRENGTH …………………………………………………………………………34




EACH SPECIMEN …………………………………………………………………...55


Table of Figures

FIG. 1.1: EQUILIBRIUM TORSION ........................................................................................ 2

FIG. 1.2: SECONDARY TORSION ......................................................................................... 2

FIG. TORQUE-TWIST CURVE .................................................................................. 4

FIGURE 2.1: MODE OF FAILURES – SKEW BENDING THEORY ........................................... 10

FIGURE 2.2.1: THIN WALLED TUBE UNDER TORSION ...................................................... 12

FIGURE 2.2.2: SPACE TRUSS MODEL ............................................................................... 12

FIGURE 3.1: STIRRUPS MELT IN THE LONGITUDINAL DIRECTION ...................................... 21


FIGURE 3.3: PROPOSED IMAGINARY TUBE INSIDE THE BEAM ............................................ 22

FIGURE 4.1.1: SPECIMEN DETAILS, C 4-10, 10-100 AND B 4-10, 10-100............................ 26

FIGURE 4.1.2: SPECIMEN DETAILS, C 4-10, 10-200 AND B 4-10, 10-200............................ 26

FIGURE 4.1.3: SPECIMEN DETAILING, C 8-12, 10-125 AND B 8-12, 10-125 .................... 27

FIGURE 4.1.4: SPECIMEN DETAILING, B 12-12, 10-125 ................................................... 28

FIGURE 4.1.5: SPECIMEN DETAILING, B 8-12, 12-125............................................................. 28

FIGURE 4.1.6: SPECIMEN DETAILS, B 8-12, 10-75 ............................................................ 29



FIGURE 4.3.2: TEST CUBES AND CYLINDERS .................................................................... 35

FIGURE 4.4.1: STEEL CAGE AFTER WELDING WAS APPLIED .............................................. 36

FIGURE 4.5.1: TESTING APPARATUS DETAILS ................................................................... 38

FIGURE 4.5.2: TEST APPARATUS ..................................................................................... 38

FIGURE 5.1.1: C 8-12, 10-125 AFTER FAILURE ................................................................. 41

FIGURE 5.1.2: SPECIMEN B 8-12, 10-125 AFTER FAILURE ................................................ 43

FIGURE 5.1.3: B 12-12, 10-125 AFTER FAILURE .............................................................. 45

FIGURE 5.1.4: B 8-12, 10-75 AFTER FAILURE .................................................................. 47

FIGURE 5.1.5: B 8-12, 12-125 AFTER FAILURE ................................................................. 48


RATIO ...................................................................................................................... 54


𝑓’𝑐 Uniaxial concrete compressive strength of standard cylinder (MPa)

ƒcu Compressive strength of standard concrete cube (MPa)

ƒy Reinforcement steel yielding stress (MPa)

RC Reinforced concrete

ρl Longitudinal reinforcement ratio

ρst Transverse reinforcement ratio

ρtotal Total reinforcement ratio

Ph Perimeter of centreline of the closed stirrups

S Spacing between stirrups

T Torsional strength

Tcr Cracking torque

Tu Ultimate torque

θ Angle of twist

PCA Principal components analysis

VATM Variable angle truss model


CFT Compression field theory

MCFT Modified compression field theory

FRP Fibre reinforced polymer

GFRP Glass fibre reinforced polymer

HSC High strength concrete

NSC Normal strength concrete

UHPC Ultra high performance concrete

tt Imaginary cylindrical tube total thickness

tts Stirrups virtual tube thickness

ttL Longitudinal reinforcement virtual tube thickness

λ Torsional tube thickness ratio

λs Continuity index




Suleiman Al-Aiman Al-Hunity

Dr. Abdelqader S.Najmi, Prof.


A new approach was developed in this experimental study to predict and enhance the

torsional behaviour of reinforced concrete beams. The proposed approach treats the

steel cage after cracking as a cylindrical tube. The cylindrical tube is assumed to be

formed by two layers, projected from the longitudinal bars and the stirrups. The tube

was achieved by proper structural welding between the longitudinal reinforcement bars

and the transverse reinforcement closed stirrups, forming what is to be called the steel

skeleton instead of the ordinary steel cage.

Nine 250 × 250 mm beams where tested under pure torsion, three beams were

controlling samples, the main parameters were the yielding stress, longitudinal

reinforcement ratio, transverse reinforcement ratio and the steel cage type whether a

steel skeleton or an ordinary one.

Test results proved that the proposed approach was efficient regarding torsional

capacity, concrete confinement and torsional ductility. The welded samples showed

about 50% increase in torsional capacity, also the welded sample showed a more ductile

behaviour upon failure when compared to the controlling samples.


Chapter 1

1.1 General

Reinforced concrete members are subjected to different types of loadings; namely,

bending moments and transverse shear forces, and in case of columns, the axial forces

exist along with bending moments and shear forces. Torsional forces scarcely act alone

on reinforced concrete members, they usually act concurrently with shear forces,

bending moments and sometimes with axial forces as well.

It is useful when considering torsion to distinguish between the two types of torsion;

Equilibrium torsion and Secondary torsion. Equilibrium torsion occurs when the

torsional moment is required to be in equilibrium and maximum torsional moment (Tu)

cannot be reduced by redistribution of moments. In this case the torsion reinforcement

must be provided to resist all of Tu. This type of torsion is also known as primary

torsion. An example of this type of torsion is the cantilevered slab of Figure 1.1, in such

case, the structure will collapse if the applied torsional moments are not resisted.


Secondary torsion - also known as Compatibility torsion - occurs when the torsional

moment can be reduced by the redistribution of internal forces while compatibility of

deformation is maintained in the member. This type of torsion when disregarded from

design will often cause extensive cracking but in general it won’t lead to collapse. A

good example for this type is an edge beam supporting two transverse beams producing

twisting moment as illustrated in Figure 1.2.



1.2 History of Torsion in Reinforced Concrete Members

Through the first half of the twentieth century, torsional forces effects were not

considered by designers due to the fact that the design provision were highly

conservative and the torsional effects could be absorbed in the overall factor of safety.

However, the present design procedures are less conservative and produce slenderer

reinforced concrete members, furthermore, the architectural engineers nowadays are

using more complex architectural components which require the use of structural

members for which torsion is a primary feature of the structural behaviour. Therefore,

reinforced concrete members must be reinforced against applied torsional forces.

Considerable research has been done in an effort to develop methods for predicting

the behaviour of reinforced concrete beams in pure torsion and in torsion combined

with flexure and/or shear. In studying torsion, elasticity theory was used by some

researchers in the second half of the past century, Cowan (1965), for the analysis of

reinforced concrete beams, while others adopted the plastic theory approach, Nadai

(1950). Moreover, analytical models were developed for the design of reinforced

beams. These models enabled researchers and engineers to gain a better understanding

of actual structural behaviour and minimise the usage of existing empirical design


The current design provisions for designing reinforced concrete members against the

applied torsional forces are based predominantly on experimental data resulted from the

tests conducted on specific types of structural members. However, these studies were

conducted to achieve a better understanding of the torsional behaviour of reinforced


concrete (RC) members, where few of them were aiming to enhance the torsional

strength of these RC members.

1.3 Torsion in Reinforced Concrete Members

1.3.1 Pre-cracking Strength

Before cracking, load is resisted mainly by concrete and steel is virtually unstressed.

When the diagonal tension stresses exceed the tensile resistance of the concrete, a crack

forms diagonally at some accidentally weak location and spreads immediately across

the beam. The value of torque at which the diagonal crack has formed is known as the

cracking torque. This behaviour is true for concrete beams reinforced in both directions.

i.e. longitudinal and transverse reinforcement.

1.3.2 Post-cracking Strength

Upon cracking, the torsional strength of the concrete reduces to about half of that of the

un-cracked section, where the remainder is being resisted by steel reinforcement. This

redistribution of internal torsional resistance is reflected in the torque-twist curve, as

illustrated in Figure



The cracking torque shows continued twist at constant torque until the internal forces

have been redistributed from the concrete to the steel reinforcement.

Many models have been developed for predicting the behaviour of members reinforced

with both longitudinal and transverse steel subjected to pure torsion. These models can

be categorised under two groups, the skew-bending theory and the space truss theory. In

recent years, the space truss theory has dominated the research field in both design and

non-linear analysis. A brief discussion of some significant developments in these

theories will be presented in the following chapter.

1.3.3 Torsional Reinforcement and Mode of Failure

In general, mode of failure of reinforced concrete members subjected to pure torsion is

mainly characterized by the behaviour of its material under direct tension, therefore, in

RC members the concrete is the weakest link due to its low tensile strength. As a result,

reinforced concrete members subjected to pure torsion fails in a brittle manner. Brittle

failure is least desirable mode of failure in RC members.

The conventional reinforcement against torsional effects consists from longitudinal bars

and transverse stirrups, both arranged in a cage assembly, where the longitudinal

reinforcement is equally distributed around the stirrups perimeter and tied at the points

of intersection using tie wires. In addition, the transverse stirrups used for torsional

reinforcement must be of closed form to provide the required tensile capacity across the

diagonal cracks of all faces of the beam.

Beside its role to resist the tension stresses across the diagonal cracks, torsional

reinforcement has a secondary role which is to provide confinement for the concrete

core (enclosed by stirrups reinforcement) to achieve sufficient ductility for the RC beam

under pure torsion. Concrete confinement is mainly affected by the following factors;

concrete strength, aggregate interlocking, steel strength and volume of steel

reinforcement. The contributor to the concrete confinement is the volume of steel

reinforcement. Steel is increased by either increasing the longitudinal reinforcement

volume in regard of diameter and number or increasing the stirrups volume in regard of

bigger diameter and less spacing.

It is proposed in our approach to transform the traditional steel cage reinforcement into

a skeleton reinforcement by welding the transverse reinforcement with the longitudinal

bars in order to create an imaginary steel tube inside the beam. Therefore, if this

imaginary tube works properly, then the concrete core will be confined before the

concrete reaches it cracking point, leading to enhanced torsional behaviour and ductile

mode of failure.

This study intends to introduce a new technique to improve the torsional strength of RC

beams, where the collected experimental results are expected to reflect the importance

of the approach in improving the overall torsional behaviour of RC beams.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study is aiming to provide an efficient approach for assessing the torsional behaviour

of reinforced concrete beams. In order to achieve this aim, the following objectives can be


1. To study the behaviour of reinforced concrete beams subjected to pure torsion in

terms of torsional strength and failure modes.


2. To investigate the beneficial effects of welding the longitudinal bars to the

transverse reinforcement on the confinement of concrete core through investigating

the number of cracks and the concrete core relative movements and bond with the

reinforcement steel.

3. To investigate the effects of using a steel skeleton (welded steel cage) on the

ultimate torsional capacity and whether it will help strengthen the beams or not.

4. To compare the failure modes of the steel skeleton with the failure modes when the

ordinary steel cage is used.

5. To investigate the torsional strength and failure modes when the transverse and

longitudinal reinforcement steel ratios are changed.

6. To estimate the thickness ratios of the proposed tube model.

Experimental results presented in this study provide valuable information about the

structural behaviour of RC squared cross-section beams reinforced with spread tube

approach through the whole stages of loading; Pre-cracking and Post-cracking. These

results could be further used to overcome some of the defects in the current design

procedures and to develop design equations that can better predict the torsional

behaviour of RC beams.

1.5 Methodology
In order to achieve the mentioned objectives, the following methodology will be followed:

1. Conducting an experimental program on nine reinforced concrete beams with

four primary parameters, the transverse reinforcement ratio, the longitudinal


reinforcement ratio, the yielding stress of reinforcement, and whether the

stirrups and the longitudinal bars are welded together or not.

2. Documenting the behaviour of the tested beams in terms of torsional capacity,

crack patterns and failure modes.

Test results have shown that the longitudinal reinforcement alone hardly increase the

torsional capacity of RC beams, and with the presence of stirrups the torsional capacity

of RC beams is improved up to a certain limit. Thus, this dissertation suggests a new

approach to improve the torsional behaviour of beams by welding the longitudinal bars

with transverse reinforcement in the right and proper structural way resulting in

skeleton reinforcement that provides higher torsional strength and improved overall

torsional behaviour against applied torques.

Ultimately, the published work on Spread Tube Approach (skeleton reinforcement) to

enhance the torsional strength and behaviour of RC beams is very limited, mainly

carried out by the author and his colleagues at the University of Jordan (UJ), therefore

this area is still an open field of study.


Chapter Two

Literature review

2.1 Torsional Behaviour of RC Beams – Theories and Models

2.1.1 Skew Bending Theory

Lessig (1958) proposed an approach of analysis for under-reinforced beams where the

equilibrium conditions for an observed skew-bending type of failure mechanism is

assumed. Inclined tension crack spiral round three faces of the beam. On the fourth side,

the ends of the crack are joined by a compression zone. At failure, reinforcement is

assumed to be yielding on the three sides. She presented the first two modes of failure

shown in figure 2.1. Mode I failure happens when bending moment is predominant,

tension cracks appear first on the bottom and then spreads to the side faces. The

compression zone is located at the top face. Failure occurs by yielding of both bottom

and transverse steels. Mode 2 failure happens when torsion and shear are predominant,

and cracks appear first at an angle of about 45 to the longitudinal axis of the beam, on

the vertical face in which the shear stresses due to torsion and shear are additive. These

cracks later spread to the bottom and top faces. The compression zone is located along

the other face where the shear stresses are subtractive



The following assumptions were made in Lessig's theory:

1. Both longitudinal and transverse steels yield at failure and no compressive

reinforcement is considered.

2. Concrete resists no tension.

3. Stirrups are equally spaced.

4. No aggregate interlock or dowel action of reinforcement is considered.

5. The ratio of torsion to bending moment remains constant within the failure


It should be noted that the assumptions of both longitudinal and transverse steels yield

at failure and the angle of inclination is 45 require equal amount of steel in each


Collins et al. (1968) discovered mode 3 failure and extended the analysis to a more

general case of un-symmetrically reinforced members where the top longitudinal steel is

significantly less than the bottom longitudinal steel and subjected to large torque and

small bending moment. Cracks are initiated at the top and side faces and the

compression zone is at the bottom face. Failure occurs when both top and transverse

steels yield.

While, the skew bending theory proved to successfully describe the overall torsional

behaviour of rectangular reinforced concrete beams, it was considered not practical to

predict the torsional behaviour of reinforced concrete flanged beams because of it

mathematical complexity (Karayannis and Chalioris, 2000).

Skew Bending theory was the basic formula adopted by American code between 1971

and 1995 to calculate the torsional strength of reinforced concrete members. In 1995, it

was replaced by the Space Truss Analogy which was considered more rational than the

skew bending theory.

2.1.2 Space Truss Analogy

Ritter (1899) and Morsch (1902) were the pioneers who introduced the truss analogy to

analyse cracked reinforced beams subjected to shear. However, Rausch (1929) was the

first to apply the truss analogy to beams subjected to torsion.

Using this analogy, the shear stresses produced by the torsional moment are treated as

constant over a finite thickness around the periphery of the member allowing the beam

to be presented as an equivalent tube as shown in Figure 2.2.1.




The space truss analogy is based on the following assumptions:

1. The space truss is made up of 45º diagonal concrete struts, longitudinal bars, and

hoop bars connected at the joints by hinges.

2. The diagonal concrete member carries only axial compression; i.e. shear resistance

by aggregate interlock is neglected.


3. The longitudinal and transverse bars carry only axial load i. e. dowel action

resistance is ignored.

4. For a solid section, the concrete core does not contribute to the ultimate torsional


5. In the case of pure torsion, the path of the shear flow coincides with the centreline

of the closed stirrup.

This model also assumes that the volume of all longitudinal steel within the stirrup

spacing is equal to the volume of one complete stirrup. This is so called the equal

volume principal which allows the concrete to form 45º inclined struts which might be

possible in the case of shear or torsion. Test results of Hsu (1968), Mattock (1968) and

Osburn et al. (1969) revealed that the 45º model is quite conservative, particularly for

beams with small amounts of web reinforcement.

2.1.3 Variable Angle Truss Model - VATM

Many models have been proposed using the truss analogy after it was developed. One of

these models is the Variable Angle Truss Model (VATM). Lampert and Thurlimann

(1971) generalised the space truss model for under reinforced members subjected to

torsion or to combined torsion and bending. They assumed that the angle of inclination

of the concrete struts is constant for each side and may deviate from 45º. In the walls

governing the failure, both longitudinal and transverse steel reach yield at failure. They

assumed an elastic-perfectly plastic stress-strain curve for reinforcement. The 45º truss

model became a special case of their model when equal volume reinforcement is

provided. They also assumed that the shear flow uses a path defined by a line

connecting the centres of the longitudinal comer bars enclosed by the stirrups.

In this model the superposition approach of steel required to resist torsion and that

required to resist bending was adopted. In the tensile zone the two longitudinal steel

components are added, whereas in the flexural compression zone, the longitudinal

torsional reinforcement can be reduced by an amount corresponding to the flexural

compressive force.

2.1.4 Compression Field Theory - CFT

Collins and Mitchell (1980) suggested a compatibility relationship which links the

strains in the concrete diagonals, the longitudinal steel and the transverse steel as given

by the following equation

𝜖𝑙 + 𝜀𝑑
𝑡𝑎𝑛2 𝜃 =
𝜖𝑡 + 𝜀𝑑


𝜃 = the angle of inclination of the diagonal struts.

𝜖𝑙 = longitudinal tensile strain.

𝜖𝑡 = transverse tensile strain.

𝜖𝑑 = diagonal compressive strain.

They used this equation for the prediction of the equilibrium equations of the truss, and

the stress-strain relationships of concrete and steel in reinforced concrete members

subjected to shear or torsion. Thus the compression field theory can predict the angle of

inclination of the diagonal compression.


The compression field theory assumes that the concrete carries no tension stresses after

cracking and that the diagonal compressive stresses can be transmitted through cracked

concrete by means of aggregate interlock and dowel action of reinforcement crossing

the crack. In this theory it was also assumed that the compression in the concrete tends

to push off the concrete while the tension in the stirrups holds it on. Since concrete is

weak in tension, the concrete outside of the stirrups spalls off. Because of this spalling it

was assumed that the effective outer surface of the concrete coincides with the stirrup


2.1.5 Modified Compression Field Theory - MCFT

Vecchio and Collins (1986,1988) developed the modified compression field theory to

analyse reinforced concrete elements subjected to in-plane shear and normal stresses.

This theory was based on the assumption that the reinforcement is uniformly

distributed. This is to ensure well distributed cracks. While the original compression

field theory ignored tension in the cracked concrete, in this modified model, concrete

between cracks is assumed to resist tensile stresses. The average stresses and average

strains were used in formulating the equilibrium, compatibility and stress-strain

relationships. The post cracking behaviour was given in a form of compression

softening and tension stiffening of concrete in the stress- strain relationships.

2.1.6 Softened Truss Model

Combining the equilibrium, compatibility and softened stress-strain relationships, a

softened truss model theory was developed (Hsu 1988), which was able to analyse the

shear and torsional behaviour of reinforced concrete members throughout the post-

cracking loading history.


2.1.7 Comments on the Comparison Between Skew-Bending and Truss


Kuyt (1971) made a theoretical comparison between the truss analogy and the ultimate

equilibrium method (skew-bending) for under-reinforced beams. He stated: " the latter

method will give the same results as the truss theory, provided that proper assumptions

are made with respect to the form of the failure surfaces and the magnitude of the

stirrup stresses at the smaller and the larger sides of the beam respectively". In a final

observation he said: "... it may be stated that calculations based on the truss analogy are

preferable, because they rest on a more definite basis with regard to the internal

equilibrium of the beam as a whole ".

Thurlimann (1979), in his comment on the two theories said: " In many cases they lead

to the same results". However, he preferred the truss analogy because it is applicable to

any type of cross section, allows a uniform treatment of combined load cases, can be

used to determine the warping resistance of thin walled reinforced concrete beams with

open cross sections, and torsional stiffness members after cracking. Hsu (1988) stated

that " It is agreed by researchers in recent years that the truss model theory provides a

more promising way to treat shear and torsion".

2.2 Reinforced Concrete Beam Strengthening against Applied Torsion

Early experimental studies have shown that the behaviour of an element subjected to

pure torsion is mainly characterised by the behaviour of its material under direct

tension. Hence, concrete is the main subject material due to its low tensile strength,

therefore, different research papers and investigators have focused on improving the

tensile properties of concrete and suggested different ways to do so and consequently

improving the ultimate torsional strength of RC member.

Several strengthening techniques proved to be successful in terms of improving the

torsional capacity of reinforced concrete beams, such as using fibre reinforced polymers,

high strength concrete and ultra-high performance concrete.

2.2.1 Strengthening of RC Beams with High Strength Concrete (HSC)

The use of High Strength Concrete (HSC) to improve torsional strength of RC

members was first suggested by Rasmussen and Baker [4] in 1995. Later, this subject

has been investigated by other researchers like Wafa FF et al (1995), Leonardo and

Lopez (2013) Ashour et al. (1999). All of these studies’ results have shown improved

torsional strength of the tested beams compared to other beams with Normal Strength

Concrete (NSC).

However, these studies have concluded that the torsional reinforcement ratio is the

variable that has the most influence on the mode of failure, where tests have that the use

HSC leads to less ductile members and the cracking mode of these members is fragile

and noisier compared to beams with (NSC).

2.2.2 Strengthening of RC Beams using Ultra-High Performance Concrete


The ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is a special high strength ductile material

containing steel or organic fibres, the UHPC provides compressive strengths up to 200 MPa

and flexural strengths up to 50 MPa.


Another approach that has been proposed to enhance the mechanical properties of

concrete was the use of UHPC by incorporating steel fibres in the concrete mix, In-

Hwan Yang et al (2013) and Nanni A. (1990).

In their study, Hwan Yang et. al. (2013) have explored the torsional behaviour of

thirteen UHPC beams with compressive strengths more than 150 MPa, different steel

reinforcement ratio and different steel fibre content. It has been shown that using UHPC

improves greatly the concrete performance under tension. It also improved greatly the

post-cracking behaviour and a very high increase in the ultimate torsional strength for

these beams.

2.2.3 Strengthening of RC Beams Using Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP)

Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) as an external reinforcement is used extensively to deal

with the strength requirements related to flexure and shear in structural systems. But the

strengthening of members subjected to torsion is explored only recently. Strengthening RC

beams with FRP sheets in the form of external reinforcement comes with several

advantages, FRP is a light weight, and an easily placed material, but there are also

disadvantages for using the FRP sheets as it is an easily damaged material unless proper

protection is provided.

Gobarah et al. (2002) have investigated the torsional behaviour of eleven RC beams

strengthened with FRP. Test results have shown higher ultimate torsional strength of

beams strengthened with FRP than the torsional strength of control beams.

Chhabirani Tudu (2012) has explored the torsional behaviour of RC beams wrapped

with Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP). These beams were fully wrapped,

wrapped at 90º inclination to the beam axis or wrapped at 45º inclination to the beam

axis. The experimental results show that externally bonded GFRP can increase the torsional

capacity of the beam significantly. The results also indicate that the most effective
configuration is the full-wrap of GFRP fabrics. In addition, GFRP applied in 45 with axis of
the beam gives more strength than GFRP applied in 90 with the axis of the beam.

2.2.4 Comments on Torsional Strengthening Techniques

Although the above mentioned techniques proved to enhance the torsional behaviour of

RC beams, it is rather obvious from the aforementioned techniques that they focus on

improving the tensile strength of the concrete to enhance the overall behaviour of RC

subjected to pure torsion, and that none of them aimed to improve the interaction

between the beam’s components. i.e. the interaction between concrete, longitudinal

reinforcement and transverse reinforcement.

In our study, we focus on improving the role of the conventional steel reinforcement

used in beams (Longitudinal bars and Stirrups) by introducing the Spread Tube

Approach, which will be discussed in the following chapter.


Chapter Three

Spread Tube Approach

It is a common knowledge among the science society that a homogenous cylindrical

tubular section is the most efficient section to resist applied torques. This fact was the

first spark that lightened the way to come up with the idea of our proposed approach.

The Spread Tube Approach adopts the idea of transforming the traditional torsional

reinforcement into an imaginary steel tube within the beam’s cross-section by welding

the transverse stirrups with the longitudinal bars that forms the cage reinforcement. This

fictitious tube consists of two tubes. The first tube comes from the contribution of the

transverse reinforcement, visualise that each transverse stirrup melts in the longitudinal

direction of the beam and connects with the adjacent stirrup, which also melts, in order

to resemble a cylindrical tube inside the beam with an average thickness (tts) as shown

in Figure 3.1. The other tube come from the contribution of the longitudinal

reinforcement, where each longitudinal bar melts in the x-y plane of the beam’s cross-

section and connects with the adjacent bar, which also melts, to form a cylindrical tube

with an average thickness (ttl) within the beam’s cross-section as shown in Figure 3.2.

The main tube that is meant to resist the applied torques is resembled by the

contribution of the two aforementioned tubes, the integrated tube has a total thickness

(tt), which is equal to the summation of (tts) and (ttl) as shown in Figure 3.3.


It must be emphasised that the above assumptions to form the imaginary tube are only

valid if the welding between the stirrups and longitudinal bars is presented, meaning

that the proposed spread tube approach can only take place if the steel torsional

reinforcement is welded together.



3.2 Thickness Calculations for the Proposed Tube

3.2.1 Contribution of Stirrups

 The total volume of the proposed tube is defined as follows;

𝑉𝑠𝑡 = 𝜋 ∗ 𝑑 𝑇 ∗ 𝐿 𝑇 ∗ 𝑡𝑡 ..…. (1) Where

𝑉𝑠𝑡 ≡ 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒

𝑑𝑇 ≡ 𝑇𝑢𝑏𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝𝑠

𝐿𝑇 ≡ 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒

𝑡𝑡 ≡ 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒

 The total volume of the stirrups is defined as follows;

𝑉𝑠 = ∗ 𝜋 ∗ 𝑑𝑠2 ∗ 𝐿𝑠 ……… (2) Where

𝑉𝑠 ≡ 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝


𝑑𝑠 ≡ 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝𝑠

𝐿𝑠 ≡ 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝

𝑛 ≡ 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛

 Equating equation 1 and 2 gives

𝑛 ∗ 𝑑𝑠2 ∗ 𝐿𝑠
𝑡𝑡𝑠 =
4 ∗ 𝐿𝑡 ∗ 𝑑𝑡

where 𝑡𝑡𝑠 refers to the tube thickness formed by transverse stirrups.

3.2.2 Contribution of Longitudinal Reinforcement

 The total volume of the longitudinal bars is defined as follows;

𝑉𝑙 = ∗ 𝜋 ∗ 𝑑𝑙2 ∗ 𝐿𝑙 ……… (3) Where

𝑉𝑙 ≡ 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑠

𝑑𝑙 ≡ 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑠

𝐿𝑠 ≡ 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑠

𝑛 ≡ 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛

 Equating equation 1 and 3 gives noting that length of the proposed tube = length

of bars,

𝑛 ∗ 𝑑𝑙2
𝑡𝑡𝑙 =
4 ∗ 𝑑𝑡

where 𝑡𝑡𝑙 refers to the tube thickness formed by longitudinal reinforcement.


3.2.3 Thickness Ratio

The ratio of the stirrups tube thickness to the longitudinal bars tube thickness will be

defined as follows:

𝜆 =

Where (λ) is the thickness ratio which expresses the contribution of each tube

(transverse and longitudinal) to global proposed tube.


Chapter Four

Experimental Study

4.1 Beam Details and Test Parameters

Osama Barakat, May, 2016 has studied nine 250mm x 250mm RC beams and reported

his results in his dissertation previously done on the same subject. In this study, the

torsional behaviour of another five beams with different steel ratios have been

investigated. These fourteen beams were tested through two stages, the first stage

included four beams; two control beams and two beams with skeleton cage

reinforcement. The second stage included the testing of ten beams; two control beams

and eight beams with skeleton reinforcement, five of these beams of the second stage

are included in this study, the other five was investigated and reported by O. Barakat,

May, 2016.

The clear concrete cover was 40 mm to the outer surface of the stirrups, and the average

concrete cylinders’ compressive strength was in the range of 17-20 MPa. The test

parameters considered in this experimental study are the longitudinal reinforcement

ratio and transverse reinforcement ratio. Stirrups of nominal diameter of 10 mm and 12

mm were used, and the transverse reinforcement ratios varied between 2.58% and

3.72%. Nominal bar diameter of 10mm and 12 mm were used for longitudinal bars, the

ratios of longitudinal varies between 1.09% and 2.35%. In addition, test beams’ ends

were reinforced in a way to force the predicted failure to take place at the middle region

of the beam; i.e. both ends of the beam were torsionally stiffer than the beam’s middle

region, this region has a total length of 0.9 m.


Each of the test beams in Table (4.1) were given a designation that indicates the type of

reinforcement (B for Skeleton and C for Cage), number and diameter of longitudinal

bars, stirrups diameter and spacing. For instance, B 8-12, 10-125 indicates that the beam

is a skeleton type reinforcement, longitudinal reinforcement consists of 8 - Ф12 mm

bars, and stirrups diameter is 10 mm spaced at 125mm intervals.

C 4-10, 10-100 and B 4-10, 10-100 specimens both have the same torsional

reinforcement, 4Ф10 longitudinal bars and 1Ф10 / 100 mm transverse reinforcement.

The only difference between them is that B 4-10, 10-100 specimen has its torsional

reinforcement welded together. Figure 4.1.1 shows the detailing of these two beams.

The same applies to specimens’ C 4-10, 10-200 and B 4-10, 10-200. Figure 4.1.2 shows

the detailing for these two beams

CB 1
1Ø10 / 100mm 4Ø10

10 10


10 10


CB 2 FIGURE 4.1.1: SPECIMEN DETAILS, C 4-10, 10-100 AND B 4-10, 10-100


1Ø10 / 200mm 4Ø10




20 20


FIGURE 4.1.2: SPECIMEN DETAILS, C 4-10, 10-200 AND B 4-10, 10-200

Specimens C 8-12, 10-125 and B 8-12, 10-125 both have the same torsional

reinforcement; eight Ф12 longitudinal bars. The transverse reinforcement has two

different spacing; the first one is located within the middle region of the beam that has a

total length of 0.9 m, this region has Ф10 stirrups spaced at 125 mm. The other spacing

is located at the two ends of the beam which are 0.35 m in length each, the beams ends

has Ф10 stirrups spaced at 50 mm. this difference in spacing was made to force the

failure to occur at the middle region.

C 8-12, 10-125 is a control specimen and B 8-12, 10-125 specimen has its torsional

reinforcement welded together. Figures 4.1.3 shows the detailing of these specimens.

1Ø10 / 125mm

1Ø10 / 50mm 8Ø12


35.0 35.0


FIGURE 4.1.3: SPECIMEN DETAILING, C 8-12, 10-125 AND B 8-12, 10-125

Specimen B 12-12, 10-125 is reinforced with twelve Ф12 longitudinal bars and Ф10

stirrups space at 125 mm in the middle region of the beam (length = 0.9 m) and Ф10

stirrups at 50 mm at both beam ends. Figure 4.1.4 shows B 12-12, 10-125 detailing.

Note that the longitudinal reinforcement ratio has been increased compared to control

specimen C 8-12, 10-125.


1Ø10 / 125mm

1Ø10 / 50mm 8Ø12

35.0 35.0


FIGURE 4.1.4: SPECIMEN DETAILING, B 12-12, 10-125

B 8-12, 12-125 specimen has the same longitudinal reinforcement ratio as the control

specimen. The transverse reinforcement is 1Ф12 spaced at 125 mm at the middle

region and 1Ф10 spaced at 50 mm for the ends. Figure 4.1.5 shows the detailing of this

specimen. Note that the transverse reinforcement ratio is increased by using bigger

stirrup diameter at the middle region compared to control beam.

1Ø10 / 50mm 1Ø12 / 125mm 8Ø12




35.0 35.0


FIGURE 4.1.5: SPECIMEN DETAILING, B 8-12, 12-125

Specimen B 8-12, 10-75 is the last one, it is reinforced with eight Ф12 longitudinal bars

and 1Ф10 stirrup spaced at 75 mm in the middle region, the beam ends have the same

reinforcement as the control specimen. Figure 4.1.6 shows the detailing of this

specimen. Note that the transverse reinforcement ratio is increased by using smaller

stirrup spacing at the middle region compared to control beam.

1Ø10 / 75mm

1Ø10 / 50mm 8Ø12



35.0 35.0


FIGURE 4.1.6: SPECIMEN DETAILS, B 8-12, 10-75

Table 4.1 summarises the specimens’ details. Note that the difference in concrete

strength between the two stages is due to the fact that the concrete was procured from

two different batches.


Equally Spaced
Compres No. Type of
Test Beam section Diam. Spacing diam.
sive of Torsional
Designation (mm X (mm) (mm) (mm)
strength bars Reinforcement

C 4-10, 10-100 4 10 100 10 Cage

B 4-10, 10-100 4 10 100 10 Skeleton


C 4-10, 10-200 4 10 200 10 Cage

B 4-10, 10-200 4 10 200 10 Skeleton

C 8-12, 10-125 X 8 12 125 10 Cage
B 8-12, 10-125 8 12 125 10 Skeleton

B 12-12, 10-
21.1 12 12 125 10 Skeleton

B 8-12, 12-125 8 12 125 12 Skeleton

B 8-12, 10-75 8 12 75 10 Skeleton


4.2 Reinforcement Ratios

The transverse and longitudinal reinforcement ratios are listed in Table 4.2. These ratios

were calculated as follows:

𝜌𝑙 =

𝐴𝑠𝑡 × 𝑃𝑠𝑡
𝜌𝑠𝑡 =
𝐴𝑐 × 𝑠


𝜌𝑙 ≡ 𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜

𝜌𝑠𝑡 ≡ 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑜𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜.

𝐴𝑠𝑙 ≡ 𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑙 (𝑚𝑚2 )

𝐴𝑐 ≡ 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 − 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝑚𝑚2 )

𝐴𝑠𝑡 ≡ 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝 𝑙𝑒𝑔 (𝑚𝑚2 )

𝑃𝑠𝑡 ≡ 𝑆𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 (𝑚𝑚)

𝑠 ≡ 𝑆𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 (𝑚𝑚)

Note that for the second stage five beams, the transverse reinforcement ratios were

calculated as percentage contribution from each specimen’s length with different

spacing; for each segment with different spacing the ratio was calculated then

multiplied by (segment length / total specimen length). The total transverse

reinforcement ratio is the summation of these ratios.


Longitudinal Transverse Total

Test Beam Yield
Reinforcement Reinforcement Reinforcement
Designation Strength
Ratio Ratio Ratio

C 4-10, 10-100 0.50% 1.186% 1.688%

B 4-10, 10-100 0.50% 1.186% 1.688%

280 MPa
C 4-10, 10-200 0.50% 0.593% 1.095%

B 4-10, 10-200 0.50% 0.593% 1.095%

C 8-12, 10-125 1.43% 1.57% 3.005%

B 8-12, 10-125 1.43% 1.57% 3.005%

B 12-12, 10-125 420 MPa 2.15% 1.57% 3.721%

B 8-12, 12-125 1.43% 2.24% 3.675%

B 8-12, 10-75 1.43% 1.93% 3.360%

4.3 Materials

Two sets of concrete batches were procured form a local plant during the preparation of

test specimens. The first batch of concrete was C15 class concrete (desired compressive

strength is 15 MPa). The second batch of concrete was C20 class concrete (desired

compressive strength is 20 MPa). Concrete was properly vibrated during pouring

process to achieve a good quality concrete.



For the first batch of concrete, six 15 x 30 cm cylinders were cast properly to check the

concrete compressive strength after 7 days, 14 days and get the 28 compressive

strength. Table 4.3 summarises the compressive test results of these cylinders. Note that

the average 28-day cylindrical compressive strength for the first batch is 16.9 MPa.

For the second batch of concrete, nine 15x15x15 cm cubes were cast properly to check

the concrete compressive strength after 7 days, 14 days and get the 28 days. Table 4.3

summarises the compressive test results of these cubes. It is worth noting that a

correlation factor of (0.8) is used according to EN 206-1:2000 to get the equivalent


cylindrical compressive strength. The average equivalent cylindrical compressive

strength is 21.12 MPa.


Cylinder No. Load (kN) 𝑓𝑐′ (MPa)
7 days 𝑓𝑐′
1 227 12.8
2 236 13.4
Average Compressive strength @ 7 days = 13.1 MPa
14 days 𝑓𝑐′
3 269 15.2
4 274 15.5
Average Compressive strength @ 14 days = 15.4
28 days 𝑓𝑐′
5 295 16.7
6 302 17.1
Average Compressive strength @ 28 days = 16.9



Cylinder No. Load (kN) 𝑓𝑐′ (MPa) Equivalent 𝑓𝑐′ (MPa)

7 days 𝑓𝑐′
1 413 18.36 14.7
2 455 20.22 16.2
3 463 20.58 16.5
Average Compressive strength @ 7 days15.76 MPa
14 days 𝑓𝑐′
4 528 23.47 18.8
5 542 24.09 19.3
6 556 24.71 19.8
Average Compressive strength @ 14 days 19.28 MPa
28 days 𝑓𝑐′
7 567 25.20 20.2
8 588 26.13 20.9
9 628 27.91 22.3
Average Compressive strength @ 28 days 21.12 MPa


4.4 Welding Technique

Flux-cored arc welding technique was used according to American Welding Society

standards AWS D1.4/D1.4M:2011 (Structural Welding Code – Reinforcing steel). The

welding process took place in a local lathe workshop. Welding was applied on each

intersection point between the longitudinal reinforcement and the transverse ties to

transform the steel cage into a steel skeleton as shown in Figure 4.4.1, note that the

wires were not removed before or after welding.




4.5 Testing Apparatus

The experimental set up is shown in Figure 4.5.1. The total length of the specimens is

1600 mm. The test set up consist of hydraulic jack, spreader beam, four W20 steel

beams and two fabricated roller supports 1400 mm apart. These two supports were

designed to ensure that test beams are free to twist and elongate longitudinally at both

beam ends during testing.

The source load was applied through the hydraulic jack with a total compressive

capacity of 400 kN at the centre of the spreader beam which rests on two W20 steel


The twisting load was applied through a diagonally placed steel spreader beam; the

spreader beam was fabricated by welding two IPE 160 channels back to back together,

these two channels were further strengthened by welding plain steel plates in the void

between the two flanges of each channel.

The twisting load from the spreader beam was transferred to the specimens using four

cantilevered W20 steel beams. These cantilevered beams are clamped to the test

specimen’s ends using 24-diameter tie rods, and they transfer the load to the test beam

as a torque. Figures 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 shows the details of the testing apparatus.

The test rig set up is configured in a way to produce a pure torque between the two

supports of the test beam to avoid any other loadings to be produced throughout testing

of the beam such as bending moments and / or shear forces.





4.6 Testing Procedure

The specimens were loaded in a controlled manner (The load was increased at a

constant rate of 0.5 kN/min until several cracks were visible on the surface of those

specimens. The first cracking load and the associated torsional moment were recorded,

then the monotonic loading was resumed until failure.

After initial cracking and in order to measure the cracks widths the load was held

constant for several minutes at every load stage, also the propagations of the cracks

were traced and marked on the specimens’ surfaces, and then the maximum width of the

cracks was measured.

Finally, the steel cage was extracted from the concrete body to observe and examine the

reinforcement steel behaviour and failure modes. The steel cage was extracted using a

rotary hammer drill, then a small hammer was used to clean the steel cage from the

remaining concrete.

Chapter Five

Test Results and Torsional behaviour of Test Beams

5.1 Cracking Behaviour and Mode of Failure

The formation of cracks in concrete test beams was observed during and after the

testing of these beams. Until the point of the first crack, the behaviour of the tested

beams was elastic and the applied torque was mainly resisted by concrete itself, i.e.

without any contribution from the torsional reinforcement.

By the time the applied torque has reached its cracking torque value, the initiation of

cracks on beam’s surface was observed, these initial cracks were diagonally and spirally

formed around the test beam’s surfaces. In addition, it was observed that all initial

cracks were formed simultaneously on all four faces of the test beams, where according

to theory of elasticity, cracks initially form on longer faces of a rectangular cross-

section beam, however, our beams’ cross-sections are square, therefore theory of

elasticity suggests these cracks must initiate simultaneously.

As the applied torque increased, the number of cracks has also increased parallel to the

initial cracks, until the ultimate torque was reached.

5.1.1 C 8-12, 10-125 Crack Pattern and Mode of Failure

The crack pattern of control beam C 8-12, 10-125 has been observed throughout testing

and after failure. The beams initiated cracks at a torque value of (Tcr) equal to 15.50

kN.m. These initial cracks were diagonally and spirally formed around the test beam’s

surfaces. C 8-12, 10-125 has generated two major cracks at failure at the middle region,

these two cracks were spaced at 180 mm apart. The failure took place at the middle

region of the test beam and the total length of the failure zone is 330 mm. Prior to the

beam’s failure, one specific crack grew wider than the other cracks, then the beam failed

at the plane of this crack. The maximum measured crack width was 9 mm.

The failure of C 8-12, 10-125 is related to core concrete crushing and excessive

concrete spalling off. The beam failed in a brittle manner shortly after the formation of

the first crack. The beam exhibited a small rotation prior to failure which indicates that

the steel cage was still in the elastic range. Figure 5.1.1 shows beam C 8-12, 10-125

after failure.

FIGURE 5.1.1: C 8-12, 10-125 AFTER FAILURE


5.1.2 B 8-12, 10-125 Crack Pattern and Mode of Failure

This beam has the same reinforcement ratios (longitudinal and transverse) as the control

beam C 8-12, 10-125. The beam initiated its first cracks at a torque value of (Tcr) equal

to 14.57 kN.m. These initial cracks were diagonally and spirally formed around the test

beam’s surfaces. B 8-12, 10-125 has formed four major cracks at failure at the middle

region, these four cracks were spaced at 12.5 cm apart on average. The higher number

of cracks observed on test beam B 8-12, 10-125 indicates that welding stirrups with

longitudinal bars has the effect of enhancing the beam’s torsional resistance, where the

test beam B 8-12, 10-125 had to develop more cracks in order to reach its ultimate

torsional strength.

The failure took place within the middle region of the test beam and the total length of

the failure zone is 400 mm. Prior to the beam’s failure, one specific crack grew wider

than the other cracks, then the beam failed at the plane of this crack. The maximum

measured crack width was 10 mm.

The failure of B 8-12, 10-125 is related to core concrete crushing and the kinking

(permanent deformation) in longitudinal bars. The beam failed in a semi-ductile manner

a little while after the formation of the first crack. The beam’s stirrups exhibited a

relatively small rotation prior to failure, and since the stirrups and longitudinal

reinforcement are welded together, the longitudinal bars were forced to rotate with the

stirrups. this unified behaviour of steel skeleton caused the longitudinal bars to kink

(yield) and partly contribute to beams failure. Figure 5.1.2 shows beam B 8-12, 10-125

after failure.


5.1.3 B 12-12, 10-125 Crack Pattern and Mode of Failure

B 12-12, 10-125 has the same transverse reinforcement ratio as the control beam, and a

higher longitudinal reinforcement ratio content. B 12-12, 10-125 initiated its first crack

at a torque value of (Tcr) equal to 16.45 kN.m. These initial cracks were diagonally and

spirally formed around the test beam’s surfaces. B 12-12, 10-125 has formed eight

major cracks at failure at the middle region, these eight cracks were spaced at 6.1 cm

apart on average. The higher number of cracks observed on test beam B 12-12, 10-125

indicates that increasing the number of longitudinal bars has the effect of enhancing the

beam’s torsional behaviour.

The failure took place within the middle region of the test beam and the total length of

the failure zone is 490 mm. Prior to the beam’s failure, one specific crack grew wider

than the other cracks, then the beam failed at the plane of this crack. The maximum

measured crack width was 9 mm.

The failure of B 12-12, 10-125 is caused by core concrete crushing and the kinking

(permanent deformation) in longitudinal bars. The beam failed in a semi-ductile manner

a little while after the formation of the first crack. The longitudinal bars were slightly

kinked in this specimen although the beam’s stirrups exhibited a relatively higher

rotation than B 8-12, 10-125. Prior to failure, and since the stirrups and longitudinal

reinforcement are welded together, the longitudinal bars were forced to rotate with the

stirrups. This unified behaviour of steel skeleton caused the longitudinal bars to kink

(yield) and partly contribute to beams failure. Figure 5.1.3 shows beam B 12-12, 10-125

after failure.

FIGURE 5.1.3: B 12-12, 10-125 AFTER FAILURE


5.1.4 B 8-12, 10-75 Crack Pattern and Mode of Failure

This specimen has the same longitudinal reinforcement ratio as the control beam, and a

higher transverse reinforcement content. The specimen initiated its first cracks at a

torque value of (Tcr) equal to 15.93 kN.m. These initial cracks were diagonally and

spirally formed around the test beam’s surfaces. B 8-12, 10-75 has formed nine major

cracks at failure at the middle region, these nine cracks were spaced at 4 cm apart on

average. The higher number of cracks observed on test beam B 8-12, 10-75 indicates

that using less stirrup spacing has the effect of enhancing the beam’s torsional ductility.

The failure took place within the middle region of the test beam and the total length of

the failure zone is 410 mm. Prior to the beam’s failure, one specific crack grew wider

than the other cracks, then the beam failed at the plane of this crack. The maximum

measured crack width was 7 mm.

The failure of B 8-12, 10-75 is related to sever core concrete crushing and a slight

kinking (permanent deformation) in longitudinal bars. The beam failed in a semi-ductile

manner a little while after the formation of the first crack. B 8-12, 10-75 torsional

behaviour is almost similar to B 12-12, 10-125 specimen. The difference between these

two specimens is that B 8-12, 10-75 has its failure mode to be more ductile than B 12-

12, 10-125 specimen. The beam’s stirrups exhibited a small rotation prior to failure, and

since the stirrups and longitudinal reinforcement are welded together, the longitudinal

bars were forced to rotate with the stirrups. this unified behaviour of steel skeleton

caused the longitudinal bars to kink (yield) and partly contribute to beams failure.

Figure 5.1.4 shows beam B 8-12, 10-75 after failure.


FIGURE 5.1.4: B 8-12, 10-75 AFTER FAILURE

5.1.5 B 8-12, 12-125 Crack Pattern and Mode of Failure

This specimen has the same longitudinal reinforcement ratio as the control beam, and a

higher transverse reinforcement content in terms of using bigger diameter. The

specimen initiated its first cracks at a torque value of (Tcr) equal to 15.73 kN.m. These

initial cracks were diagonally and spirally formed around the test beam’s surfaces.

B 8-12, 12-125 has formed four major cracks at failure at the middle region, these four

cracks were spaced at 10.25 cm apart on average. The failure took place within the

middle region of the test specimen and the total length of the failure zone is 410 mm.

Prior to the beam’s failure, one specific crack grew wider than the other cracks, then the

beam failed at the plane of this crack. The maximum measured crack width was 10 mm.

The failure of B 8-12, 10-125 is related to core concrete crushing and the kinking

(permanent deformation) in longitudinal bars. The beam failed in a semi-ductile manner


a little while after the formation of the first crack. The beam’s stirrups exhibited a

relatively small rotation prior to failure, and since the stirrups and longitudinal

reinforcement are welded together, the longitudinal bars were forced to rotate with the

stirrups. this unified behaviour of steel skeleton caused the longitudinal bars to kink

(yield) and partly contribute to beams failure. Figure 5.1.5 shows beam B 8-12, 10-125

after failure.

FIGURE 5.1.5: B 8-12, 12-125 AFTER FAILURE


Table 2 shows the number of cracks and the average spacing between these cracks.


No. of average crack
Test Specimen crack width
cracks spacing (mm)

C 8-12, 10-125 2 180 9

B 8-12, 10-125 4 125 10

B 12-12, 10-125 8 61 8

B 8-12, 12-125 6 102.5 10

B 8-12, 10-75 9 45 7

It is clearly indicated in Table 2 that increasing the transverse reinforcement ratio

develops more cracks in the test beam, it is also observed that increasing longitudinal

reinforcement ratio has the same effect as increasing the transverse reinforcement ratio

but with less influence.

5.2 Ultimate Torsional Strength of the Test Specimens

In general, the ultimate torsional strength of the test specimens reinforced using the

spread tube approach has been improved. The improvement percentages range between

23% and 38%. C 8-12, 10-125 specimen, which is the control beam, has the ultimate

torsional strength equal to 17.7 kN.m.

Accordingly, the B 8-12, 10-125 specimen, which has the same reinforcement ratios

(longitudinal and transverse) as the control specimen, has collapsed at a torque value

equal to 21.78 kN.m with a total increase in torsional strength of 23.02% compared to C

8-12, 10-125 ultimate torque. In addition, increasing the longitudinal reinforcement

ratio has further enhanced the ultimate torsional strength. B 12-12, 10-125 ultimate

torque is 24.55 kN.m with a total increase in torsional strength of 38.71% comparing it

to control specimen C 8-12, 10-125, and total increase in torsional strength of 12%

compared to specimen B 8-12, 10-125.

Moreover, increasing the transverse reinforcement ratio, either by using bigger stirrup

diameter or less stirrups spacing, has also further improved the torsional strength of the

test specimens. B 8-12, 12-125 and B 8-12, 10-75 specimens have failed at a torque

values equal to 23.63 kN.m and 24.21 kN.m showing a total improvement in torsional

strength of 33.5% and 36.8% respectively. Furthermore, comparing the ultimate torque

values of these beams with B 8-12, 10-125 specimen, it is shown that B 8-12, 12-125

specimen has a percentage increase in ultimate torque of 8.5% and B 8-12, 10-75

specimen has improved the ultimate torque value by 11.2% compared to B 8-12, 10-125

ultimate torsional strength.

The ultimate torque values for test beams is shown in Table 3. Table 3 also shows the

percentage increase in ultimate torsional strength of test beams with welded cage

compared to ultimate torsional strength of control beams in which the steel cage is not



Test Beam Designation Tu (kN.m) % Increase

C 8-12, 10-125 17.7 0%

B 8-12, 10-125 21.775 23.02%

B 12-12, 10-125 24.552 38.71%

B 8-12, 12-125 23.625 33.47%

B 8-12, 10-75 24.21 36.78%

C 4-10, 10-100 5.68425 0%

B 4-10, 10-100 8.1575 43.51%

C 4-10, 10-200 4.5175 0%

B 4-10, 10-200 6.305 39.57%

5.2.1 Effects of Transverse and Longitudinal Ratios

It is evident from Table 5.2 that using the spread tube approach idea in reinforcing RC

beams against applied torques has improved the ultimate torsional strength of these

beams when it is compared to control beams. For example, a comparison between the

ultimate torsional strength of C 8-12, 10-125 and B 8-12, 10-125, where both have the

same reinforcement ratios (longitudinal and transverse), indicates that skeleton steel

cage has enhanced the ultimate torsional strength of the beam by 23.02 %, in addition,

ultimate torsional strength of B 8-10, 10-125 is improved by 33.56% compared to

torsional strength of C 8-10, 10-125.

This improvement in beams’ torsional strength is attributed to the fact that the welded

stirrups and longitudinal bars system behaves as a one unit against the applied torque,

resembling the behaviour of an imaginary steel tube. This unified behaviour of the

skeleton cage was observed in test beams after failure; a kink was noticed in skeleton

cage of RC beams, which indicates that the longitudinal and transverse reinforcements

have twisted almost at the same value of the ultimate twisting angle at failure. However,

this phenomenon was not observed in control beams.

Test Beam CB12

Test Beam B 8-12, 10-125

Test Beam B 12-12, 10-125


Test Beam B 8-12, 10-75

Test Beam B 8-12, 12-125


It is evident from these photos that the steel cage of C 8-12. 10-125 was not deformed

and that the steel cage behaved elastically throughout the whole testing time and after

failure, however, in beam B 8-12, 10-125 the kink in steel cage is clearly observed and

the skeleton cage has permanently deformed. The kink in the skeleton cage was also

observed in all other test beams after failure. However, the degree of the kinking differs

as the total reinforcement ratios vary.

Another observation can be drawn from Table 5.2 is that the ultimate torsional strength

of RC beams increases as the total reinforcement ratio increases. This behaviour is

illustrated in Figure 3.



Total steel ratio vs Tu

23 Suleiman

Total Steel Ratio vs Tu


Osama B.



0.100% 1.100% 2.100% 3.100% 4.100%



Furthermore, it is indicated in Table 3 that for the same amount of longitudinal

reinforcement, 1.57%, the ultimate torsional strength increased as the amount of

transverse ratio increased from 0.98% to 1.63%, and vice versa; i.e. For the same

amount of transverse reinforcement, 0.98%, the ultimate torsional strength of test beams

increased as the longitudinal reinforcement ratio increased from 1.09% to 2.35%.


5.3 Proposed Tube Thickness and its Effect on Ultimate Torsional


It has been argued in chapter three of this dissertation that an imaginary tube will form

when both longitudinal and transverse reinforcement are welded together, and are both

reinforcements melt in three directions to form the tube. This imaginary tube has an

average thickness that consists of the contribution of transverse reinforcement

imaginary tube thickness (tts) and the contribution from the longitudinal reinforcement

imaginary tube (ttl). The values of (tts) and (ttl) are calculated for each specimen using

equations Eq.(a) and Eq.(b) derived in chapter three. Table 5.3.1 lists the values of (tts),

(ttl) and (ttot) for each specimen.



Test Specimen tts ttl Thickness Tu (KN.m) λ
Designation (mm) (mm) (mm)
C 4-10, 10-100 N.A N.A 1.56 6.5 N.A

B 4-10, 10-100 1.13 0.42 1.56 9 2.67

C 4-10, 10-200 N.A N.A N.A 5.5 N.A

B 4-10, 10-200 0.60 0.42 1.02 7.2 1.42

C 8-12, 10-125 N.A N.A N.A 17.7 N.A

B 8-12, 10-125 1.27 1.22 2.49 21.775 1.04

B 12-12, 10-125 1.27 1.83 3.10 24.552 0.69
B 8-12, 12-125 1.82 1.22 3.04 23.625 1.49
B 8-12, 10-75 1.53 1.22 2.75 24.21 1.26

It is evident from table 5.3.1 that as the thickness of the imaginary tube increases the

ultimate torsional strength is increased. This increase is mainly affected by the number

of longitudinal bars and the spacing between stirrups, i.e. more longitudinal bars and

less stirrup spacing will produce higher ultimate torsional strengths. This is true due to

the fact that increasing the number of longitudinal bars or utilizing less spacing would

produce higher imaginary tube thickness leading to greatly improve the concrete core


Specimen B 8-12, 10-125 has the same total reinforcement ratio as the control beam and

hence has a tube thickness of 2.49 mm. Comparing Tu of this specimen with Tu of the

control beam C 8-12, 10-125, the effect of the tube approach is clearly evident where

the ultimate torsional strength is improved.

Specimen B 12-12, 10-125 has the same transverse reinforcement as the control

specimen but its longitudinal reinforcement ratio is higher. The average tube thickness

of this specimen is 3.1 mm, and the corresponding Tu is 24.55 KN.m, where both of

these values are the maximum among other specimens.

Specimen B 8-12. 10-75 contains the same number of longitudinal bars as the control

specimen, rather it has higher transverse reinforcement content. Comparing the tube

thickness of this specimen with tube thickness of B 8-12, 12-125, we see that tube

thickness of B 8-12. 10-75 is 2.75 mm which is lower than the tube thickness of B 8-

12, 12-125 which equal to 3.04 mm. However the ultimate torsional strength of B 8-12.

10-75 is 24.2 KN.m which is higher than the torsional strength of B 8-12, 12-125 (

23.63 KN.m).

It is concluded from the above discussion that the ultimate torsional strength is affected

mainly by the number of longitudinal bars and stirrups spacing, i.e. concrete

confinement. Using a bigger diameter for the stirrups does not contribute much to Tu as

the comparison between specimen B 8-12, 10-75 and specimen B 8-12, 12-125 states

that B 8-12, 10-75 has higher Tu even though it contains less total reinforcement ratio

and less imaginary tube thickness. Figure 5.3.1 shows the relation between Tu and total

thickness of imaginary tube produced by torsional reinforcement.





Tu vs Total thickness



0 1 2 3 4



Another factor that affects the relation between the ultimate torsional strength and total

tube thickness is the thickness ratio (λ) which is defined in chapter three. The values of

(λ) is listed in table 5.3.1 for each specimen. It is evident from these value of (λ) that

the thickness ratio is inversely proportional to the ultimate torsional strength, except for

the specimen B 8-12, 10-125, again this phenomenon happens due to the fact that all

other specimens have a better concrete confinement and that the specimen B 8-12, 10-

125 has the least tube thickness.


Chapter 6

Conclusions and Recommendations

6.1 Conclusions

This dissertation discusses a new approach to reinforce RC beams against applied

torques. An experimental study is presented in this paper to introduce the Spread Tube

Approach, where the following conclusions can be drawn from the test results:

1. The post-cracking behaviour of test beams reinforced by the spread tube

approach has improved, since these test specimens had to develop more cracks

prior to failure. In addition, the transverse reinforcement ratio has the most

effect on the post-cracking behaviour of test specimens.

2. The steel reinforcement ratio has a direct impact on the ultimate torsional

capacity; higher reinforcement ratio produces higher torsional capacity.

3. The ultimate torsional strength of test beams was improved when skeleton steel

cage was used. Test results shows an increase in ultimate torsional strength of

test beams compared to control beams, where increase percentages ranged

between 23.02% and 38.71%.

4. Increasing the transverse reinforcement ratio was effective at improving the

post-cracking behaviour, furthermore, it improved the ultimate torsional

strength of test specimens. The addition of transverse stirrups has improved the

overall behaviour of test beams.

5. At the same amount of transverse reinforcement, the ultimate torsional

strength of test specimens improved by the addition of longitudinal bars.


Moreover, adding longitudinal bars was effective at enhancing the post-

cracking behaviour of test specimens.

6. The tube model was very efficient in replacing the undesired brittle mode of

failure with a moderate ductile behaviour, which can be partly attributed to the

contribution of the longitudinal reinforcement.

7. In the steel skeleton the longitudinal reinforcement bars has a role in confining

the concrete core by establishing friction with the concrete pieces trying to

escape the steel skeleton, this friction was due to the relative movement since

the bond between the concrete and the longitudinal bars is no longer easily


8. The proposed tube thickness ratio (λ) has a direct impact on the torsional

behaviour of reinforced concrete beam. The tube thickness parameter λ also

proved that the longitudinal reinforcement layer has a larger impact than


9. The total thickness of the imaginary tube is directly proportional to the ultimate

torsional strength of specimens, noting that longitudinal reinforcement

contribution to the imaginary tube thickness was more efficient at improving

the ultimate torsional strength. This is true due to the fact that longitudinal

reinforcement has higher bonding area with the concrete core.


6.2 Recommendations

For future investigations, the following is recommended:

1. Investigate the effect of placing the stirrups with different hook position and

welding the two hooks together to provide completely closed welded stirrups.

2. Investigate the approach by changing the parameters and the steel arrangements

in more significant and drastic ways so that the proposed behaviour can be


3. Include the stress-strain analysis to get a more accurate perception for the virtual

tube behaviour under pure torsion.

4. A modification to the proposed tube approach (steel skeleton) is to be provided

to make the concrete active in a better way, by establishing a technique to force

the concrete core to contribute to the ultimate torque of the section in the

post-cracking phase.

5. Increasing the width of the cylindrical support to match the width of the steel

torsional arms to ease placing those steel beams and to provide a better rotating


6. Welding the cylindrical supports upper part with the lower torsional steel beam

to ease preparing the setup, save time and achieve a better rotation for the

torsional steel beams.

7. Adjusting the upper torsional steel beams so that the spreader beam will be in

contact with them in the exact same point in order for the twisting to be equal

and uniform on the specimen.


8. Decreasing the length of the steel tie rods from one-meter-long to be fifty

millimetres longer than the total depth of the concrete specimen and the two

steel torsional beams (About 700 mm long) to save both time and effort.

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APPROACH, University of Jordan, May 2016.

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