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Ivan Foy

Milestone Review Number 2 - Ivan Foy

1 Tasks completed since last Milestone

I have almost finished my project and some sheets of the checklist.

2 Status of project as a whole

98% complete but I said that I will be looking ways to improve what I have already
done this may mean some sort of interaction or something similar.

3 Tasks planned to be completed by next Milestone

Improvements for the current version of the multimedia product as well as the
checklist sheet.

4 Review of schedule (ILP or Timeline) so far and identify changes made to

My schedule hasn't change from planned so all going to plan till now without huge
amount of loss or adjustment.

5 Additional General Comments

File check is done and it would seem that I need to sort files and folders around
before the next check so that my file structure is good for me to use and show off.

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