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Student Name: ______________________________________ Score: __________________

Advanced (5 points) Proficient (4) Developing (3) Emerging (2)

Introduction Career is clearly introduced One of these Two of these Three or more
Explains why someone would is missing or are missing or of these are
choose this career incomplete incomplete missing or
Topic and transitions are done incomplete

A Day in the Explains the day-to-day One of these Two of these Three or more
Life responsibilities of the career, is missing or are missing or of these are
work environment, who you’d incomplete incomplete missing or
interact with, tools and incomplete
materials you’d use.
Examples and explanations are
cited from appropriate sources.
Explanations and examples are

Benefits Explains the benefits, including One of these Two of these Three or more
salary, and challenges of this is missing or are missing or of these are
career. incomplete incomplete missing or
Examples and explanations are incomplete
cited from appropriate sources.
Explanations and examples are

Skills & Explains the skills, education, One of these Two of these Three or more
Education and training necessary for this is missing or are missing or of these are
career. incomplete incomplete missing or
Examples and explanations are incomplete
cited from appropriate sources.
Explanations and examples are

Conclusion Research is summarized One of these Two of these Three or more

briefly. is missing or are missing or of these are
Concluding sentence is incomplete incomplete missing or
present. incomplete

Bibliography At least four sources are cited One of these Two of these Three or more
Citations are in accurate MLA is missing or are missing or of these are
format incomplete incomplete missing or

Mechanics Spelling, grammar, comma One of these Two of these Three or more
usage, and capitalization are is missing or are missing or of these are
accurate. incomplete incomplete missing or
Sentence structure is varied incomplete
and sophisticated, including
transitions and topic
Language is formal and 3rd
person (no “I” or “you”)
Format Indented paragraphs One of these Two of these Three or more
Times New Roman 12 pt. font, is missing or are missing or of these are
and double spaced. incomplete incomplete missing or
Heading and title are correct incomplete
and complete
Any Additional Comments:

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