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How well do you know yourself?

Answer the following questions in one thorough paragraph on this form

1. Where do you see yourself in September of next year? How do you plan to
get there? Where I see myself in September of next year is in my sophomore
year of university. I plan to get there by applying to university, studying for
test, completing and turning in my homework, and try to not procrastinate.

2. What kind of life do you want to have in the future- 5, 10, 20 years from now?
The kind of life I want to have in the future, let’s say 5 years is to have my
bachelor’s degree and have a stable job, but most importantly walking
according to God’s will also going to church. Next 10 years most likely to be
married and have like 2 kids and going to church still in God’s path

3. What do you think you need to do to make that life a reality? What I need to
do to make that life a reality is go where God guides me and pray that I don’t
get lost along the way

4. Why do you think this is what you need to do? I don’t think, I know that’s
what I need to do because I’ve come to understand that without God I can’t
do nothing, I trust him.

5. What skills, talents, or strengths do you think you have that will help you
develop this kind of life? I think the strength would be to have more courage
and self motivation. I definitely need more confidence in myself and break
the bubble of being more about me, me, me. I need to think of others and less
about me.

6. What skills, talents, or strengths do you think you need to develop to create
this kind of life? My answer is the same as #5

Now watch the YouTube video in class:

1. What is your personal capital? What are your strengths, skills, passion,
purpose your problem-solving ability? My strengths would be that I’m a
positive person and I’m always trying to see the good side to
everyone/everything. My skills would have to be creativity, fixing things, and
creating poems. My passion is seeking God and staying in His will and
following the path He has set before me.

2. What is your intellectual capital? What is your expertise in one or two

subjects or skills? (These do not have to be exclusively academic subjects)
My intellectual capital would be thinker and problem solver. My expertise
would be art in different forms like taking pictures, creating poems, and
sometimes art projects.
3. How can you gain social and financial capital to accomplish the goals you’ve
established for yourself or to create the kind of life you want to have? The
way that I can gain social and financial capital to accomplish goals I’ve
established for myself would be making more connections and talking to
more people breaking the bubble of shyness I have sometimes and get out of
“Ayleen’s world” and learning more about people and connecting with
different people.

4. If you could do what you do best every day, what would that be? If I could do
what I do best everyday it would have to be a better human, a better
daughter of God and of my parents.

Character Strengths Test

Read the following two articles for a rationale behind taking the Character Strengths

a. Go to the following site and take the VIA Character Strengths test for


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