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Author: Lady Sthefanny Campo Hoyos1


El libro BIEN HECHO escrito por Ken Blanchard, Thad Lacinack, Check
Tompkins y Jim Ballard, nos transmite un mensaje de positivismo, en ver más allá de las
cosas negativas, y valorar cada buen acto, trabajo o comportamiento que tenga alguien en
nuestro entorno, toda esta enseñanza se desarrolla como una analogía entre la esencia del
comportamiento del ser humano y el de las ballenas asesinas del Sea World, durante el
desarrollo del libro ejemplifica situaciones en las que se evidencia este trato, y en como
mejora reconocer y retribuir a una persona su buen trabajo; en el desarrollo de este
documento, se puede evidenciar los beneficios de la motivación en el trabajo, en la casa y
en cualquier entorno, y la respuesta positiva que conlleva decir frases como bien hecho

Palabras claves: positivismo, confianza, bien hecho, familia, trabajo.


The book WELL DONE written by Ken Blanchard, Thad Lacinack, Check
Tompkins and Jim Ballard, conveys a message of positivism, to see beyond the negative
things, and value every good act, work or behavior that someone has in our environment,
all this teaching is developed as an analogy between the essence of the behavior of the
human being and that of the killer whales of Sea World, during the development of the
book exemplifies situations in which this treatment is evident, and in how it improves to
recognize and give back to a person his good job; In the development of this document,
you can see the benefits of motivation at work, at home and in any environment, and the
positive response that comes with saying sentences as well done.

Keywords: positivism, trust, well done, family, work.

Student of 10th Semester of Industrial Engineering; Technologist in Industrial Production.
In our daily life we often show the demotivation of workers everywhere we go, and
there may be many factors that affect this state of mind, but in many of these cases is the
lack of recognition for good work. To demerit a good work can cause that this person does
not feel valued and his will is not going to be the same after this.

Well Done, two words so simple that they carry a lot of positive acts as a
consequence, that is what the author through his book teaches us, the repercussions of not
valuing the work and the good acts of others; and the importance of two simple words as
they are well done, the book develops it as an analogy with the sea world whales, and
exemplifies several cases.

In the development of this document, you can see the benefits of motivation at
work, at home and in any environment, and the positive response that comes with saying
sentences as well done. It is necessary to focus on the bright, noble and wonderful qualities
of the people with whom we relate, this allows them to obtain better and better results.
(Blanchard, Lacinak, Tompkins, & Ballard, 2002), to recognize a good job, allows people
to be more motivated to do their work and to perform better and better, which leads to
better results, whether in the company, in the family and interpersonal relationships.

A true leader is not distinguished by his innate talent or technical mastery, but by
his ability to inspire others with his energy, passion and enthusiasm; which makes the
feelings spread quickly in the work teams, stimulating others. (Goleman, Boyatzis, &
McKee, 2017), is the leader in charge of motivating and maintaining the group with the
energy and enthusiasm necessary for workers to do their job in the best way, for that it is
necessary to implement the proposal by Blanchard and it consists in recognizing publicly
when the work is done in the best way and encouraging others to do their job well, this
brings us even closer to fulfilling our goals, since a motivated person delivers all the best
in carrying out their work.

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success "(Schweitzer);
A happy and motivated person is able to achieve any purpose, so motivation within the
company, our family or in any environment is of vital importance to meet those objectives.
When a good performance receives a positive reaction, it is logical that People want to
continue behaving that way and doing well to receive more praise and merit for doing their
job well.
Being kind does not cost anything and does not take much time, but it can make a
difference in the relationship with the beings around. So the question would be why not
follow the example of Blanchard ?, Foster confidence, accentuate the positive, and redirect
negative behavior, With this we can expect very attractive results in productivity,
communication and especially a workplace where respect and Mutual recognition
translates into collective well-being. If you have a good work environment, innovation and
creativity have a greater opportunity to express yourself, apart from the fact that it can
serve to inspire others to follow suit, creating a serious, sincere commitment to reach the


The magic of the well done, focus on the positive aspects of people and recognize
them, in many cases is more rewarding than a good pay or a great gift. The intention of the
Re-addressing is to generate a positive response, which is of great value since as tense
environments are generated when only the negative is emphasized, beneficial cycles are
also created by emphasizing the positive. (Pacheco Ruiz, 2016), Recognizing a good
performance or a good job not only results in motivated people, but the environment is
more pleasant and healthier; recognize our environment when doing things right, a phrase
as simple as a "WELL DONE" can change people, their way of doing things and their
perspective on work, not everything is low in monetary retribution to much more things
important and is to give value to work, if you are a leader or want to be, recognize in your
team their good actions or their good performance and you will have the best team and the
most faithful.

Blanchard , K., Lacinak, T., Tompkins, C., & Ballard, J. (2002). Bien Hecho.
Bogota : Grupo editorial Norma .

Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. (2017). El lider resonante crea más.

Pacheco Ruiz , C. (2016). Reseña del libro Bien Hecho .

Schweitzer, A. (s.f.).

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