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UNLV Student: Maya Steinborn PSMT Name: Dr.

Chyllis Scott
Course & Grade: English 10 Lesson Topic: End-of-Course Exam
Date: February 6-8, 2018 Estimated Time 90 minutes

1. State Standard(s)
a. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to
examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and
accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
2. Teaching Model(s):
a. Set Expectations
i. Students have the entire period to fill in the practice packet
ii. Expectation is that each of the paragraph sections will be filled in
iii. Expectation is that there is AT LEAST one piece of evidence and one
analysis statement per paragraph
iv. Formula: Identify Contextualize Analyze
3. Objective(s)
a. SWBAT understand and utilize the writing type required for their End-of-Course
writing exam by writing an expository practice essay.
4. Materials and Resources
a. Prompt #1
b. Organizer #1
c. Sentence Starters #1
5. Instructional Procedures
a. Introduction
i. Warm Up 2/6/18
Students annotate the prompt on their EOC Writing Organizer.
- Underline essay type
- Circle topics
- Box off expectations

Correct answer for writing type: explanatory

Correct answer for audience: professional test graders

Three prewriting questions:

1) What do you already know about the topic (ALWG)?
2) How have you handled similar writing tasks (standardized essays) in
the past?
3) What kind of academic language should you use to sound like an

- Discuss academic language

- Discuss difference between Ms. S and a stranger reading/grading the
- Discuss stakes: EOC determines advancement to English 11
ii. Warm Up 2/7/18
- Pick up the EOC Practice Assignment from the Pick-Up Box.
- Re-read the EOC practice prompt.
- Read the text excerpt without annotating it.
- Re-read the text excerpt and underline important quotes.
- Have three students share out underlined quotes
iii. Warm Up 2/8/18
- Get your EOC packets from the pick up box.
- Finish bullet-pointing all the evidence you want to use from the text
- Fill in the next column: take notes on the importance or meaning of each
piece of evidence
b. Activities or Learning Experiences
i. Independent Writing -- TIMED WRITE
ii. Introduction -- students summarize how they know that Ishmael loves his
country and appreciated his childhood
iii. Body 1 -- Identify evidence, Contextualize evidence, Analyze evidence
iv. Body 2 -- Identify evidence, Contextualize evidence, Analyze evidence
v. Body 3 -- Identify evidence, Contextualize evidence, Analyze evidence
vi. Conclusion -- restate intro
c. Closure
i. Students turn in completed essays.
d. Extension and Contingency Plans
i. Students who finish early will conference with the teacher. Teacher will
read completed essay and make a recommendation about whether the
student has completed the assignment, should continue working, or is in a
position to re-read and revise independently.
6. Accommodations and Modifications
a. Students with writing-based IEP needs can complete two instead of three body
b. Elaboration techniques handout is stapled to prewriting organizer
c. Students can take essay home and turn in on Friday, 2/9
7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning
a. Teachers circulate to check for completion and provide proofreading feedback.
b. After essays are turned in, teachers provide thorough narrative feedback in the
form of grammatical notes, syntactical advice, and evaluation of the student’s
claim and evidence. Essay is scored and entered into the gradebook.
8. Homework Assignment
a. Finish essay at home if absolutely necessary. Essays that are not turned in will be
marked missing until they are received. Essays received after Friday 2/9 will be
marked late.
9. Reflection
a. Turn-and-talk about writing progress -- students can help read over each other's

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