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2017/ 2018
Occupational health and safety

Safety work is:

1. Safety related to machines, planes, work tools, materials and processing processes,
the workplace and the environment and the ways of doing the work.
2. Occupational safety is from, by, and to every workforce as well as others, as well as
society at large.
3. The main tools for the prevention of accidents, disabilities, and deaths from accidents.
Good job security is the main gateway for labor security.
4. Occupational safety concerns all processes of production and distribution, goods or
Occupational health
Specialization in health and medicine sciences and practice which aims to get workers to
the highest possible level of physical, mental and social health with preventive and curative
efforts against illness or health problems caused by work factors and work environment
and against diseases, disease generally.
The nature of occupational health is as follows:
• As a means to achieve a high degree of wellbeing labor, laborers, farmers, fishermen, civil
servants or free workers, is thus intended for the welfare of the workforce.
• As a means to increase production based on the heightened efficiency and power
productivity of human factors in production.
Implementation of safety program
An effective occupational safety and health program has many parallel functions. Parker
and Oglesby, (1972) have largely categorized this as follows:
a. Personality or behavioral factors.
• Workers: training, customs, beliefs, impressions, educational and cultural background,
social attitudes and physical characteristics.
• -The work environment: attitudes and policies of employers and managers, supervisors,
supervisors and co-workers on the project
b. Physical factors.
• Occupational conditions: are determined by the kind of inherent hazards inseparable
from the work being carried out, as well as by occupational hazards posed by the method
and materials and location of the work. Therefore, always try to comply with the standard
work by using safety tools such as using safetydan shoes and others.
• Removal of mechanical hazards: use of fences / limits, equipment and procedures to
protect the work physically against dangerous areas or situations

Youth Reproductive Health

The definition of reproductive health is a state of perfect health both physically, mentally and
socially and is not solely free from disease or disability in all aspects relating to the reproductive
system, its functions and processes.

While reproductive health according to WHO is a physical, mental and social condition intact,
not only free from disease or disability in all aspects related to the reproductive system, its
functions and processes.

The definition of reproductive health according to the 1994 ICPD results in Cairo is a perfect
state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
weakness, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and its functions and processes.
This definition of reproductive health includes the following: 1) The right of a person to obtain a
safe and satisfying sexual life and having the capacity to reproduce; 2) The freedom to decide
when or how much to do; 3) The right of men and women to obtain information and obtain a
safe, effective, affordable accessory both economically and culturally; 4) The right to obtain
adequate levels of health services so that women have the opportunity to undergo the process of
pregnancy safely

Have a long-distance plan while pregnant? Always make sure to consult this with your doctor or
midwife ladies yes ladies. Do not get, the long trip should be fun and safe just turn into a
moment that is dangerous for the health of mother and fetus.

Stay Safe Traveling Away While Pregnant, This Tips

Quoted from page, important pregnant women have enough rest and should not be
too tired. Good for physical tired and psychological tired. Meanwhile, traveling is very
susceptible to physically and psychologically tired. In order to travel far remain safe and not
exhausting, here ya tips.

1. Avoid traveling alone. Make sure there are people closest to accompany you to travel. The
person can be a husband, siblings or parents also in-laws.
2. Know the number of hospitals in each city that you will pass or stop by. Knowing the phone
number of this hospital will prevent panic when things go wrong during the trip.
3. Choose a vehicle that makes you comfortable and safe. For convenience and safety while on
the go, choose a train or bus and airplane with a wider seat. Select also a vehicle that has been
guaranteed to provide maximum service.
4. Consumption of enough water during the trip and make sure that your mind is happy.
Traveling with attention to fluid intake in the body and a happy mind can support both mother
and fetal safety.
5. Provide healthy food supplies during the trip. Foods ranging from vegetables, fish, or fruit that
has been juiced. If you are lazy to bring food, you can stop by the restaurant and choose healthy
food there.
6. Avoid consumption of unhealthy snacks such as ciki-ciki, soft drinks or junkfood.
7. Avoid carrying excessive and heavy items. Bring the things you need so you do not trouble
your trip.
8. Make sure that your physical condition allows to travel long distances. Two or three days
before traveling, check the health conditions of your doctor or midwife.
9. Make sure your insurance card or health card is still valid. This will make it easier for you to
register at every hospital where you want to go.
That's the safe tips to travel far for pregnant women. Experts reveal that traveling long distances
are not recommended for women who are under 3 months of age and over 8 months of age. Age
of this content is quite risky. Hopefully this information is useful

Mother And Child Knowledge Enhancement Articles

Usually, for young mothers who first feel like having a baby, they will be browsing more or
looking for information related to mother and child health. One of the articles on maternal and
child health that is widely accessed by new mothers is how to keep babies healthy by consuming
only breast milk alone. All the information required by mothers is easily accessible via the
internet. Here are some examples or ways to make breast milk produced by mothers can remain
qualified. Some of the information below can be obtained via the internet easily.
1. Preferably for mothers who are in exclusive breastfeeding program, it is advisable for mothers
to consume green vegetables. This is done because later can make mother's milk multiply. For
mothers can consume breast milk enhancer vegetables such as spinach, cassava leaves or sweet
potato leaves.
2. Drink plenty of vitamins and increase rest. Because if the mother is a little rest, will affect the
quality of milk production. In addition, the mother also needs to avoid stress. To avoid it,
mothers can do refreshing with the streets or the others. Because when the mother is stressed
then the loss of appetite, if the mother has lost appetite, the milk products will be less and will
adversely affect the health of the baby.
3. Consuming milk is one way that can be done to improve the quality of breast milk. Today
there is a lot of milk for breastfeeding mothers who are sold in supermarkets
According to the Association of American Physicians (1948) Public Health is the science and art
of preserving, protecting and promoting public health through community organizing efforts.
From these limits it can be concluded that public health extends from only sanitation, sanitation
engineering, curative medical science, preventive medicine to social science, and that is the
scope of public health science.
Many disciplines are used as the basis of public health sciences, among others, Biology,
Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, Environmental Health, Sociology, Education, Psychology,
Anthropology, and others. Based on this fact, the science of public health is a multidisciplinary
science. But in general, the disciplines that support the public health sciences, or often referred to
as the main pillars of Public Health Sciences are:
1. Public Health Administration.
2. Health Education and Behavioral Science.
3. Biostatistics / Health Statistics.
4. Environmental Health.
5. Community Nutrition.
6. Occupational Health.
7. Epidemiology.
Why is the science of public health a multi disciplinary science, because it is basically a public
health problem multikausal, then pemecahanya must be multidisciplinary. Therefore, public
health as an art or practice has a wide expanse. All activities either directly or indirectly to
prevent disease (preventive), promote health (promotive), therapy (physical, mental, and social)
or curative therapy, as well as health (physical, mental, and social) restoration (rehabilitation) are
public health efforts. (Notoatmodjo, 2003).
Broadly speaking, efforts that can be categorized as art or the application of public health
sciences are as follows:
1. Eradication of the disease, whether contagious or non-infectious.
2. Improvement of environmental sanitation
3. Improvement of residential environment
4. Vector Eradication
5. Education (education) public health
6. Maternal and Child Health Services
7. Community nutrition development
8. Supervision of Sanitation of Public Places
9. Drug and Drug Control
10. Community Participation Development

Labor is normal

Normal labor is a process of labor that goes through a natural incidence with the contraction of
the mother's uterus and is passed by opening to remove the baby. From Understanding Abortion
is a natural process where cervical dilatation occurs, the birth of the baby and the placenta from
the mother's womb. Normal delivery is also called natural because it occurs naturally. So in
general Normal Labor is a process of labor that goes through a natural occurrence in the presence
of mother's uterine contractions and is passed by opening to remove the baby. If Normal
Delivery is not possible due to infant position problems should be performed caesarean section.
At the time of Normal Delivery, babies are born through the vagina
Setelah Persalinan
Factors Affecting Delivery
Factors involved in labor are:
1. Power
contractions and retractions of the uterine muscles plus the working of the volunteer muscles of
the mother, namely the contraction of the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm as the mother
strikes or acts
2. Passage
Is part of the pelvis, cervix, vagina and pelvic floor (displacement)
3. Passenger
Especially the fetus (specifically the fetal head) plus the placenta, membranes and amniotic fluid
or amnion.
Kala / Stage
Normal delivery consists of 4 times:
Kala 1 = When the opening of the cervix / cervix from 0cm to 10cm
Kala 2 = Childbirth where the baby is removed from the uterus / uterus
Kala 3 = When placental expulsion is done by placenta birth (normally going out by herself after
fetal discharge) and ending the baby's umbilical cord.
Kala 4 = 1 hour since placental expenditure, mother is observed again to see if there is bleeding

Persiapan Persalianan
1) Understanding
A denominator or clue is the position of one part of the front of the fetus towards the birth canal.
Hipomoklion is a play point or playback center.
2) Mechanism of delivery behind the head
a. Engagement (fixation) = enter
It is the entry of the head with the largest circle (Biparietal diameter) through the PAP. In
primigravida the fetal head begins to drop at the gestational age of approximately 36 weeks,
whereas in multigravida at about 38 weeks, it is sometimes new at the onset of partus.
(Wiknjosastro, 2005, p.129). A complete engagement occurs when the head reaches Hodge III.
When engagement has occurred then the head can not change position again, so that his position
as if terfixer in the pelvis, therefore engagement is often also called fixation. At the head entering
the PAP, then the head is in a transverse position with a sagittal sutarian cross suture
corresponding to a rounded round shape ..
Supposedly when the heads enter the PAP, the sagittal sutures will remain in the middle called
Synclitismus. But in fact, the sagittal sutures may shift to the fore or backward called
Asynclitismus is divided into 2 types:
- Asynclitismus anterior: naegele obliquity that is when sutural sagittal shifts near the
- Posterior asynclitismus: litzman obliquity is when sutures of sagittal close to symphisis.
b. Descensus = decrease
It is the decline of the head further into the pelvis. Factors affecting the descensus: amniotic
water pressure, impulse fundus uterus in the fetal support, contraction of the abdominal muscles,
extension of the fetal body.
c. Flexible
It is suppressing the head where the chin approaches the sternum so that the head circle becomes
smaller à suboksipito bregmatikus (9.5 cm). Flexion occurs when the head is pushed His
downwards then meet the birth canal. At the time the head is retained the birth canal, while from
above gets a boost, then the head moves downward.
d. Internal rotation
It is turning the occiput forward, so that the small crown is under symphisis (HIII). Factors that
affect: changes in the direction of the PAP and PBP fields, the shape of the arched birth canal,
the round head and oval.
e. Deflection
It is the mechanism of the birth of the head through the perineum. Factors that cause this is: the
front pelvic arch is shorter than the rear. At the time of deflection, the head will rotate upward
with the suboxiput as a hypomock point under the symphisis so that the forehead of the forehead,
forehead, face and finally the chin rise.
f. Outside rotation (external rotation)
It is the head turning back with the axis of the body (the direction corresponds to the baby's
Signs - Normal Birthmarks
The birth mark is categorized as a sign of possibility, an initial sign and a positive sign. This
category helps decide when mothers actually experience labor. Note that not all of these marks
may be present and that they should not occur sequentially.
a) Signs of Possible Birth
The sign of the possibility of labor is whether or not it can be the beginning of labor, time will be
1) Back pain
Pain that feels, mild, disturbing can disappear can be caused by early contractions.
2) Cramps in the lower abdomen
Like menstrual cramps, can be accompanied by a sense of comfort in the thighs. Can be
continuous or disconnected.
3) The soft stool
Dispose of water several times in a few hours, may be accompanied by abdominal cramps or
4) Pressure for bebenah
Sudden energy spikes cause you to do a lot of this extra activity as a sign that you have the
strength and stamina to undergo labor, try to avoid exhausting activity.
b) Preliminary Signs of Labor
1) Unexpected contractions
Contractions tend to have the same strength and frequency. Pre-delivery contractions can be
short or continuous for several hours before stopping or continuing for several hours before
stopping or starting to develop.
Causes softening and thinning of the cervix, although most of the opening does not occur until
you experience a positive sign.
2) Blood out
Blood-stained mucus flow from the vagina. Associated with depletion and early opening of the
cervix, may take several days before another sign or appear after the onset of labor contractions
begins, continues throughout labor.
3) Seepage of amniotic fluid from the vagina
Caused by a small tear in the membrane (ROM). Sometimes membranes arise for hours or days
Roles and Responsibilities of the Midwife in the Childbirth Period
Midwives have a very important role in the provision of postpartum care. The roles and
responsibilities in the puerperium include:
1. Provide continuous support during the puerperium according to the needs of the mother to
reduce physical and psychological tension during the puerperium.
2. As a promoter of the relationship between mother and baby and family.
3. Encourage mothers to breastfeed their babies by increasing comfort.
4. Establish policies, health program planners related to mothers and children and able to carry
out administrative activities.
5. Detecting complications and the need for referrals.
6. Provide counseling for mothers and their families on how to prevent bleeding, recognize signs
of danger, maintain good nutrition, and practice safe hygiene.
7. Conduct care management by collecting data, establishing diagnoses and action plans and
implementing them to accelerate the recovery process, preventing complications by meeting the
needs of mothers and infants during the puerperal period.
8. Providing professional care

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