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Teens and Suicide

Jacob B. Stewart

26 March 2018

English 12: British Literature

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Introduction to Topic:

Could you imagine feeling so overwhelmed and helpless that you feel like your only

option is to end your life? Many teens in today's world have taken their lives because of this very

reason. Over the past couple of years, annual suicide rates have grown, and it is becoming a huge

issue. Parents have had to bury their own children and deal with the depressing emotions that

come along with losing a child. Although many people do not understand the logic of them, there

are a variety of reasons teens take their own lives such as mental illnesses. On the other hand,

there are many people who believe there are reasons to live, and even people who have found

preventative methods for teens contemplating suicide.

Intro to Side One:

In almost every case of teen suicide, mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety have

played a part in the child's reasons for suicide. There are so many pressures for teens in today's

world such as making friends, feeling accepted, spending long hours on homework and studying,

trying to find a college they like and maintaining the grades to get in, and trying to decide what

career they would like to pursue. For an increasing number of teens, the pressure of these things

are too much for them to handle and in some cases lead to depression, anxiety, insomnia, and

other mental illnesses. If and when that happens, these teens are put at risk of suicidal thoughts,

which could ultimately lead to their demise. A kid's health organization studies mental illnesses

effects on human behavior, "Young people with mental health problems – such as anxiety,

depression, bipolar disorder, or insomnia – are at higher risk for suicidal thoughts. Teens going

through major life changes (parents' divorce, moving, a parent leaving home due to military

service or parental separation, financial changes) and those who are victims of bullying are at

greater risk of suicidal thoughts," (D'Arcy Lyness, About Teen Suicide). When teens commit

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suicide, they do so because they feel like they have no other way to escape all the things

happening to them. Whether or not the child has a mental illness, suicide attempts can also occur

after a stressful event has happened in the life of a teen. According to the same kids' health

organization, "Suicide among teens often happens after a stressful life event, such as problems at

school, a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend, the death of a loved one, a divorce, or a major

family conflict," (D'Arcy Lyness, About Teen Suicide). Not everyone understands why teenagers

choose to take their own lives, but it is clear the reasons are there. However, there are people

who have come up with reasons for kids to decide against killing themselves, and even found

things that might possibly prevent them from doing so.

Intro to Opposing Side:

Even in times of stress and pressure, there are many reasons to live. For teens

contemplating suicide, it is hard to see these reasons, and this can further decrease the child's will

to live or look for reasons to live. A big point that is brought up often is that the way you feel

right now might be temporary, and that things will get better. This doesn't always console teens

though, because it may not go away fast enough. As stated in the previous paragraph, sudden

stressful events in teens' lives have caused them to attempt suicide. There are researchers who

have been studying the correlation between impulsive decisions following a traumatic event and

suicide. "Impulsive suicide involving decisions made in as little as five minutes is one of two

types generally seen among patients suffering from depression," (Corey Adwar, The Role of

Impulsivity is One of the Saddest Things About Suicide). This suggests that if contemplators

take the time to calm down and try to find something that will distract them, they will not feel as

suicidal after a little while. Surveys were conducted for research purposes and the results

confirmed what has been suggested, "A 1978 study of 515 who were prevented from attempting

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suicide on the Golden Gate Bridge between 1937 and 1971 found after more than 26 years 94%

were still alive or had died from natural causes. Many rare survivors of Golden Gate Bridge

suicide attempts recall regretting their impulsive decisions instantly – even as they were falling,

"Corey Adwar, The Role of Impulsivity is One of the Saddest Things About Suicide). This

strongly suggests two ideas. The first idea is that these suicidal tendencies and thoughts go away

at some point whether naturally or through therapy and medication. The second idea is that

impulsivity after a traumatic event is dangerous and can cause a cluster of suicidal thoughts at

once. However, it also suggests that if teens can find a distraction, a way to calm down, or help,

that these thoughts lose their intensity. This serves as hope for teens discerning whether to kill

themselves or not. On top of reasons for suicide, questions are also raised by the Catholic's

stance on suicide.

Catholic Churches Stance:

The Catholic Church clearly establishes that they are opposed to suicide. In the eyes of

the church, our bodies and souls truly are God's creation, and we are meant to honor our physical

bodies because we are just temporary inhabitants of God's physical creation. Suicide also breaks

the fifth commandment, "Thou shall not kill." In this commandment the word "kill" does not just

refer to homicide. It implies the killing of others and yourself. The Catechism addresses a

plethora of controversial topics and the Catholic Church's stance on them, so it provides direct

insight on what exactly the church believes. "Suicide contradicts the natural inclination of the

human being to preserve and perpetuate his life. It is gravely contrary to the just love of self. It

likewise offends love of neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family,

nation, and other human societies to which we continue to have obligations. Suicide is contrary

to love for the living God," (Catechism 2281). This excerpt from the Catechism explains that

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suicide is against the belief that you should have a natural life that ends on its own without you

taking matters into your own hands. A big question among people is what happens to people who

commit suicide when they die. Do they go to hell? In the Catechism, the church addresses this

question, "We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own

lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance.

The church prays for persons who have taken their own lives," (Catechism 2283). This states that

that people who have committed suicide still are able to get into Heaven, but God is the judge of

that. This provides hope for the living families of the deceased, because if they know in their

heart that their child was not a bad person and did not commit suicide out of spite for God, they

will most likely go to Heaven. This also establishes that just because the church is against suicide

does not mean they don't pray for and mourn those who have killed themselves. The Catholic

church believes every human life is sacred and losing a teenager to suicide saddens the church. I

believe every human life is sacred as well.

Intro to My Stance:

My stance on suicide is a bit mixed. I do not support suicide and I think it is tragic but at

the same time I understand the mindset of teens who have attempted or committed

suicide.However, it is becoming a huge problem for teens today. "Suicide is the second leading

cause of death for ages 10-24. More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from

cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, strokes, pneumonia, influenza, & chronic lung disease

combined," (2016 CDC WISQUARS). That is way too many lives lost to suicide. I think people

need to stop romanticizing suicide so much, and instead of talking about how tragic it is, actually

make an effort to help reduce the suicide rates. Suicide and its effects have played its part in my

life. A few people I have been acquaintances with have tragically committed suicide and a good

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friend of mine took her life a few years ago. In 8th grade, a medication I took for my ADHD

unknowingly caused me to become severely depressed and I ended up in a mental hospital. I

know what it is like to feel completely helpless, and the alexithymia that comes along with it.

You don't know what exactly you are feeling, but it feels like your spirit is slowly suffocating.

For people in that situation, suicide seems like the only option and the only way to escape

everything they are dealing with, but society must find a way to get help for those people.

Conclusion of Topic:

When a teenager chooses to take their own life, it leaves behind a scar that can never

heal. Families, friends, and communities feel the pain of losing a child that was so important to

them, or the pain that they had no idea and were unable to seek help for that child. Suicide rates

rise every year and that is a trend that our world should seek to decrease instead.

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“About Teen Suicide.” Edited by D'Arcy Lyness, KidsHealth, The Nemours Foundation, Aug. 2015,

Adwar, Corey. “The Role Of Impulsiveness Is One Of The Saddest Things About Suicide.” Business
Insider, Business Insider, 13 Aug. 2014,

Catholic Church. Catechism of the Catholic Church. 2nd ed. Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana,

“Youth Suicide Statistics.” Parent Resource Program,


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