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School : State Senior High School

The Lesson : Chemistry
Subject : Electrolyte Solution and Electrical Conductivity
Grade/ semester : X/ 2
Time Allocation : 2×45 minutes

Standard of Competence :
Understanding the properties of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution and oxidation-
reduction reaction.

Basic Competency :
Explaining the development of oxidation- reduction reaction concept and the relation
with compound nomenclature and the application.

Teaching Objectives :
 Students are able to describe electrolyte solution concept and redoks concept into
environment problem solving.

Indicator :
 Students are able to describe electrolyte solution concept and redoks concept into
environment problem solving.

Teaching Method :
 Lecturing
 Discussion
 Question answer method

Media components :
Notebook, LCD.

Learning materials :
Redox reaction around us
1. Corrosion of iron metal
2. Clothes Bleaching
3. The accumulator electrocuting
4. Redox reaction in metals extraction
5. Redox reaction in silvers Recycle
Teaching and Learning Objectives
Opening ( 5 minutes)
No. Activities Teacher’s Language
1. Greeting Good morning, class.
2. Asking for student’s condition How are you today?
3. Leading a prayer Before we start our lesson today, let’s pray
together. Prayer, do. … Thank you.
4. Checking attendance Who is absent today?
5. Apperception Next week we have study about the concept of
redox reaction. Ok please present your paper
about electrolyte solution concept and redoks
concept into environment problem solving.
Main activities ( 83 minutes)
No. Activities Teacher’s Language
1. Teacher give a chance every Please who want the first to present your
group to present the paper paper?
about electrolyte solution
concept and redoks concept
into environment problem
2. Teacher and student discuss Ok who will give the question to your friend...
about it, and some student can
give the question to group that
present. And teacher give
clarification about it if
3. Teacher give a chance to other Next group, please...
group and discuss the topic.
Closing ( 5 minutes)
No. Activities Teacher’s Language
1. Propose the next topic That’s all the time we have for today. Its very
nice day. Next week we have examination
about redox reaction. Dont forget to get ready.
2. Leave Taking See you later.
Learning Source
Justiana, Sandri and Muchtaridi. 2009. Chemistry for Senior High School 1 Year X.
Jakarta: Yudhistira.
Purba, Michael. 2007. Kimia untuk SMA Kelas X Semester 1. Jakarta: Penerbit
Sunardi. 2007. Kimia Bilingual Untuk SMA/ MA Kelas X Semester 1 dan 2. Jakarta:
Yrama Widya.
Tim Penyusun. 2010. Kreatif Kimia untuk SMA/ MA Kelas X Semester Gasal. Klaten:
Viva Pakarindo.

Assessment :
Psycomotoric (enclosure)
Affective : Attendance
Perception sheet of students in group
Discussion Cooperation in Paticipation
No Name Average
activity in class group in group

Assessment scale:
1 : Very less
2 : Less
3 : Enough
4 : Good
5 : Very good

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