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14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Finding a Just Savior

The world looks for strength in power, the ability to control others. It looks for
strength in wealth, the ability to own and accumulate possessions. It looks for strength
in developing advantages over others, such as superior education and prestigious posi-

Revelation presents a different picture. It introduces us to a messiah who is meek, and

riding on an ass. It wants us to believe that our strength is in a man whose boast is that I
am gentle and humble of heart. It praises God for contradicting the wisdom of the world:
for what you have hidden from the learned and the clever you have revealed to the merest children.

Maybe we continue to suffer so many miseries because we look for answers in the
wrong places. We look “up” at the rich and powerful, expecting to find strength and
security, and we are disillusioned with empty promises of passing joy.

Perhaps we should look “down” at the meek and humble, the little people, the sick
and dying, the poor and hungry. For it is among them that we will find our just savior,
the God whose right hand is filled with justice.

Gerald Darring

“The power of the Spirit, who raised Christ

from the dead, is continuously at work in
the world. Through the generous sons and
daughters of the Church likewise, the peo-
ple of God is present in the midst of the
poor and of those who suffer oppression
and persecution; it lives in its own flesh and
its own heart the Passion of Christ and
bears witness to his resurrection.”
Synod of Bishops, Justice in the World (1971)

July 6, 2008
Some καιρός / kairos thoughts…
καιρός / kairos—Greek—time—viewed as an occasion rather than an extent

Discussion Questions


Matthew, Chapter 11, Verses


1. Jesus took on all of the bur-

dens of our human nature.
Is he like the meek king in
Prayer List
Pray the rosary for world peace, Avis Cox, Fr. Clarence Biggers, Gladys
this? What if Jesus he had and Ben Kramkowski, Rita Moenk, Doug Bearden, Sarah Snider,
Thornton/Lynch family, Ryan Amsberry, Annie & family, Connie, her
never known suffering? mother & family, Blake, Erik, Campbell family, Jonathan & family, Sharon
& family, Will, FMS, Cap. Corp., Patrick & Brittany, Broughman family,
Would you feel comfortable Fannie Crowder & family, VAL, Father Ingram’s father & family, Karen’s
mother, Cheryl Mobley & family, William Hudson, Robert, Walter,
going to him with prob- Danielle, Christopher, Barbara, Katherine, Nicholas, Kaylin, Kasie, Mary
Beth & family, Mary Ann Mahoney & family, Donna & family, Ann
lems? Chancellor & family, Sheila & family, cancer patients & families, military &
families, Brandon, Plantation Villa residents, Don, Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. &
Mrs. Rooks, Katherine & family, Mr. Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. Barlow, Jane &
family, Scott & family, Diane & Peter, Michele & Gary, Lucy’s father &
2. If you “labor and are bur- family, Bobbie, Joan & family, Karl’s mother & family, June & family, Tina
& family, Belinda & family, OLM family, Kat, Delgratia & family, Mr.
dened” would that help you Gomez & family, Sara’s mother, Dr. Lynch & family, Rob/Allie & family,
Chuck & family, Frank & family, Liesa & family, mother of Dr. Petros, Dr.
know Jesus, and also know the Issa & family, Odessa, Anita’s mother & family, Ruby, Ruby’s mother &
family, Davies family, Katie & family, family of Angie, Ann & family,
Father? The carpenter hand- Gretchen & family, Eileen, Scott & family, Robert, Flavia & family, Tony’s
family, Roy & Martha Wright, Roy, Alice Swygert, Alan, Nard, Tony,
made the yoke to fit the animal Glenda, Nelson, J. Bob, Munn, Vogt, Wolfe families, Russell & family, Ola,
Gene Wilson & family, Jane Brock & family, Janet Kramer & family,
that wore it. Is your own Elayne & family, Winnie, Phil & family, Tony, Stan, Emily & family, Ruthie
& Ed, Mr. Bergin & family, Russell & family, Mrs. Sanseverino & family,
“yoke” hand-made for you by CC Center, veterans & families Jessie Emmett, Mark, Michael’s mother,
Carrie, VAMC, Rambo’s mother & family, Josephine Mary, Mary Anna, S.
the Lord? Paul, Tony, J. W. Wilson & family, Jason & Kim, Josie, Kelly, Mickey’s
family, Jon & Janet Cook & family, Karen’s cousin, Mike Aguado & family,
Carl & family, Dr. Lopez & family, Dr. Vanapalli & family, Dr. Nair &
family, Garrett & family, family of Duffie, Aaron Christian, Marina &
family, Mitchell’s father & family, Estella’s mother & family, Kerry’s
Jesus wants us to take up his burden mother & family, Gail & family, Beth & family, Bernard, Anna & family,
Sara Lucas & family, Mary Gilliam & family, Gary & Sharon Creed,
as he takes up ours. “My yoke is easy Barbara Carl, James & Phyllis Wham, Dan Kessler, Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Fry,
David Hempen, Steve Kirkland, Michael Cofer, Buddy Brasher, Lana
and my burden light,” he says. His Adams-Tidwell, Kathy McGhee, Michael & family, Berger family, Mendez
family, Ikai family, Joshua Moser, Stephanie Christian, Carolyn Williamson,
burden, the cross, is a way of life. Our Patricia Finch, Kathy Weaver, Heidi FitzGerald, Ed Schaffer, Lynn Smith,
Sonya Robinson, Russ family, Gary Toler, Tena Greene, Willie Ryans,
own burdens are better shared with Justine, Chris B., Joyce Jones, Carlo Dellaquila, Katherine Catti, Stephanie
& Mark Fletcher, Michael & Joanna Spataro, Justino Prado, Maria Beck,
the one who leads us to salvation. Jan Mastin, Beverly Barrett, Anna & Henry, Heidi B., Leonard & Mary,
Paul , Wil Landry, Eze family, Connie Graham, Sr. Mary Bonaventure,
The Father has entrusted all to Jesus, Hattie Jackson, Elaine Cole, Elysa Cole-Ali, Eric Hawthorne, Anthony
Morgan, Marie McDemmond, Shirley Walton, Michelle Carroll, Sean
his son, who leads us home. God in- McHugh, Doris Bishop, Erin McHugh, Mary Platt, Debbie McCloud, Mary
Foster, Peg & Bill Moore, Mike Schlueten, Curtis & Dot Hill, Joey Milani,
vites us to his table, the Eucharist. Robert S. & family, Louis Talbot, Mrs. Bass, Mr. Duffy
Philip J. Sandstrom, S.T.D. © 2001 Oregon Catholic Press. All rights reserved.

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