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Lethbridge University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER THREE a Formative Assessment Intern Teacher: Leah Benson Person Providing Feedback Namé School: Tilley Schoo! Janice Jensen a Gr Grade/Subjects Taught: |Math, Science, Art V| TeacherMentor | [| | University Mentor Date/Time of Observation: | FIPAL 4, 2B [ [Administrator TA Grade 4 Instructions: + The purpose of this form is to provide the inter teacher with feedback during the PSIIl internship. + The mentor should complete this form at least three times during the practicum. + The intem retains the completed form to include in his/her PSIII Report its not submitted to the Field Experience Office. * Select the level of performance for outcomes being assessed. Please also provide some written comments after each ‘section and on the final page of the form, * Itis not necessary to assess each outcome every time the form is completed - you may wish to concentrate on the most relevant and significant strengths and areas for growth, depending on the situation. 1. PLANNING AND PREPARATION (KsAs #1. 3, 6, 9nd 13) Planning and Preparation Not Meeting Expectations pectation ions a Excoedin Ee 1. Demonstrates knowledge and skis in the subject matier of the lesson induding hisfher subject major. 7. Incorporates a variety of appropriate resources and instructionalassessment strategies into lesson plans and unit plans. ‘3. Translates learning outcomes from the Alberta Program of Studies into relevant and "appropriate learning objectives for the lessons and units being taught “Fakes into account studens’ prior learning, learning needs (melucing stidlent IPP), interests, and student variables such as age, gender, socio-economic eatus and culurafingusis background. 5._ Organizes content into appropriate components and sequences for instruction 6. Plans appropriate content and activities for the time alloted, sO "7. Prepares lesson plans forall lessons taught, using a well-defined siuclare which Includes leaming objecive(s), an inraduction and closure, detaled procedures and Instructions, key questions, teaching strategies and leaming activities, and ‘assessment of lesson objectives. ‘Prepares unit plan(s) in subject major (Student Leaming Guidas for CYS) that Include rationale, overview, leaming outcomes, teachingileaming activi, assessment plan. id ‘3. Integrates information and communications technology inte inerucion In aubjea major and other subjects, where appropriate, aa Prepares long rm pans) for the subjects nigh Sones plans lamang ar as ‘course outline poondary). com , N 711, Obtains and organizes equipment and materials for instruction, ‘COMMENTS: University of Lethbridge: PS. Il Formative Assessment (tay 23,2008) E 2. INSTRUCTION (KSAs #4, 5, 9 and 10) 41. Uses clear, fluent, and grammatically correct spoken and written language. 2._Uses vocabulary appropriate to students’ age, background and interests. NN 3, Modulates hisiher voice for audbilty and expression. 4. Demonstrates cultural sensitivity in communication and instruction. Tesson Introduction '. Establishes set: reviews pior leaming, Wniies lesson objecve(s) and expectations, tses motivating atfenton-gottors, provides an overview, and relates the lasson to previous leaming as appropriate, General Losson Development 6. Incorporates strategies for motivating students using relevant and interesting subject matter and activities. 7._Presents content in appropriately organized sequences for instruction, '&. Explains and proceeds in small steps at an appropriate pace to sult the acivily and student response. ‘9. Demonstrates subject mattor competence during instruction. 10. Organizes and directs learning for individuals, small groups, and whole classes, 11, Provides clear directions, instructions and explanations, 12, Directs efficient transitions between lessons and from one activily to the next. 1S. Uses a variely of instructional strategies to address desired outcomes, subject mation, varied learning slyles and individual needs (including goals/objectives of student IPPs) 114. Uses a broad range of instructional strategies specific to subject major. 15. Uses appropriate materials and resources. 16. Demonstrates flexibility and adaptabilty. ‘Questioning and Discussion 17. Asks clearly phrased, well-sequenced questions at a variety of cognitive levels. 18, Provides appropriate "wait-time" after posing questions, 19, Seeks clarification and elaboration of student responses, where appropriate. 20, Leads and directs student paricipation in class discussion effectively and Gistibules questions appropriately. Focus on Student Learning 21. Ciculates in the classroom, injervening when necessary, checking on individual and group understanding of activity/eontent, 7. Recoorizes and responds appropriately to individual Gerences and group Teaming needs 23. Reinforces student learning, building on previous learning, reviewing, and re-teaching. ‘Closure 24, Achieves closure for each lesson, consoldaling ideas or concaple through summa reviews, discussions, and applications. eee ad 25. Provides homework when appropriate and explains assignments fully, University of Lethbridge: P.S. ll Formative Assessment (May 29, 2006) }. CLASSROOM LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT (KSAs #7 and 6) [Expectations Exceeding | Classroom Leadership 11. Assumes a leadership roe inthe classroom, taking charge of classroom activites, showing confidence, poise, composure, and presence. J 2. Creates and maintains an effective leaming environment, seling Figh expectations and oi standards for student learning, alending to student variables such as age, gender, ‘Socio-economic stalus, and cuituraVinguistic background. 1 3, Demonstrates iniative, enthusiasm and a commitment to the students and subject, 1 ‘models appropriate behaviours. iyi Establishes positive relationships and a dassroom climate based on mutual ust and respect. Classroom Management t 5. Clearly defines and reinforces classroom progedurepandputines |g i iV 6 Cle commis weperom voronaes OOS onlvsnaveur, | [| [| [% Fis HAG CST Ul ov oT Oa TAG i ', Responds to inappropriate behavior promplly, firmly, and consistently, using appropriate low-key and higher level responses; follows schoo! discipline policies and 1 procedures. ‘comMeENT: 4. ASSESSMENT (KsAs#11) [Expectations Exceeding Expectations [Meeting Assossmont 4. Assesses student leaming using a varioly of appropriate assessment techniques and instruments (e.g., observations, conversations, questioning, checking daily work, perlormance-baved and writen assessment, quizzes, tests). 2. Checks frequently for understanding. "3, Provides timely and effective feedback on learning to students. 4. Modifies and adapis teaching based on assessment data and student IPPs ; (e.a., employs allernative teaching strategies to re-teach where required). _ } '5. Analyzes and evaluates measurement data to assess student learning, 7 . Explains to students how learning wil be measured. inl 7, Develops and mainiins accurate records of student achievement (e.g. rade sheets, alabeses) and communicates results to students, parents, nd | [—] the school effectively pW is COMMENTS: University of Lethbridge: P.S. Il Formative Assessment (May 23, 2008) PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (KSAs #2, 15 and 16) Professionalism 4. Presents a professional appearance and manner. Fulfils professional obligations (i , Punctuality, routine administrative duties). KU Naccoptan Demonstrates maturity and professional judgment. Js knowledgeable about professional issues and demonstrates a commitment to the teaching profession. Establishes professional relationships with the educational community and wider community (where appropriate). Professional Growth. . Accuralely assesses and documents the effectiveness of lessons, identifies strengths and weaknesses and makes appropriate suggestions for improvements. 7. Uses the results of student assessment and feedback to improve leaching practices and guide professional 8. Responds appropriately to feedback from others by listening, interpreting, and implementing suggestions. "8, Develops and communicates a personal vision of teaching 70. Davelops a professional porto andlor growth plan including goals, evidence of progress toward goals, reflections on growth, and future goals. Ti Carries out the roles and responsibilities of a teacher according to the Alberta School Act, school and district policies and other relevant legislation. 72. Applies the knowledge, skills and attributes for interim certification appropriately. Ethical Conduct 773, Respects the dignity and rights ofall persons without prejudice as to race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, ‘Soetol orientation, gender identi, physical characteristics, disabilty, marital status, age, ancestry, place of brig, place of residence, socio-economic background or linguistic background. 7a. Treats students with dignity and respect and is considerate of their circumstances, FB Does not diuige information received in confidence or in the course of professional duties about a student DkSopt as required bylaw or where fo do so sin the best interest of the student. Je, Does not undermine the confidence of students in teachors or other student teachers. 77 Does not crlicize the professional competence of professional reputation of teachers or other student Rech ce unless the eticism is communicated in confidence to proper officals after fist informing the individual concemed of the eicism. TB. Acts in a manner that maintains the honour and dignity ofthe profession. 5" Doos not speak on behalf of he Faculy of Education, the University of Lethbridge, the school, or the profession unless authorized to do so. COMMENTS: University of Lethbridge: PS. Il Formative Assessment (ey 23, 2008) [ FEEDBACK ON PROFESSIONAL GROWTH ] Strengths! Professional Learning Achieved: She's qood at explaining every #9 in prjets Loork, acsignmentes. ; A She gives vs aduice, help 2” inoenation when we need 76, ‘Suggestions/Areas for Growth: When she says shes gorag p elo some thing she neces py Ae 6.

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