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Human Nervous System and Sensory Organs

Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions answers

Subject : Human Nervous System and Sensory

The Nervous System
1. Development and Subdivision - Nervous System - Answer (click here)
2. Functional Circuits - Nervous System - Answer (click here)
3. Position of the Nervous System in the Body - Answer (click here)

Development and Structure of the Human Brain

1. Development of the Brain - Answer (click here)
2. Anatomy of the Human Brain - Answer (click here)
3. Evolution of the Brain - Answer (click here)

Basic Elements of the Nervous System

1. The Nerve Cell - Answer (click here)
2. Methods in Neuroanatomy - The Nerve Cell - Answer (click here)
3. Ultrastructure of the Nerve Cell - Answer (click here)
4. The Synapse: Localization, Structure, Function - Answer (click here)
5. Types of Synapses - Answer (click here)
6. Neurotransmitters - The Synapse - Answer (click here)
7. Axonal Transport - The Synapse - Answer (click here)
8. Transmitter Receptors - The Synapse - Answer (click here)
9. Synaptic Transmission - The Synapse - Answer (click here)
10. Neuronal Systems - Answer (click here)
11. Neuronal Circuits - Neuronal Systems - Answer (click here)
12. The Nerve Fiber - Answer (click here)
13. Ultrastructure of the Myelin Sheath - The Nerve Fiber - Answer (click here)
14. Development of the Myelin Sheath in the PNS - Answer (click here)
15. Development of Unmyelinated Nerve Fibers - Answer (click here)
16. Structure of the Myelin Sheath in the CNS - The Nerve Fiber - Answer
(click here)
17. Peripheral Nerve - The Nerve Fiber - Answer (click here)
18. Neuroglia - Answer (click here)
19. Blood Vessels - Answer (click here)

Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

1. Overview of Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves - Answer (click here)
2. Structure of Spinal Cord - Answer (click here)
3. Reflex Arcs - Spinal Cord - Answer (click here)
4. Gray Substance and Intrinsic System - Spinal Cord - Answer (click here)
5. Cross Sections of the Spinal Cord - Answer (click here)
6. Ascending Pathways - Spinal Cord - Answer (click here)
7. Descending Pathways - Spinal Cord - Answer (click here)
8. Visualization of Pathways - Spinal Cord - Answer (click here)
9. Blood Vessels of the Spinal Cord - Answer (click here)
10. Spinal Ganglion and Posterior Root - Spinal Cord - Answer (click here)
11. Spinal Meninges - Spinal Cord - Answer (click here)
12. Segmental Innervation - Spinal Cord - Answer (click here)
13. Spinal Cord Syndromes - Answer (click here)
14. Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click here)
15. Nerve Plexusus - Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click here)
16. Cervical Plexus (C1 - C4) - Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click here)
17. Posterior Branches - Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click here)
18. Brachial Plexus - Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click here)
19. Supraclavicular Part - Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click here)
20. Infraclavicular Part - Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click here)
21. Lateral Fascicle - Infraclavicular Part - Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click
22. Medial Fascicle - Infraclavicular Part of Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click
23. Posterior Fascicle - Infraclavicular Part of Peripheral Nerves - Answer
(click here)
24. Nerves of the Trunk - Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click here)
25. Posterior Branches - Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click here)
26. Anterior Branches - Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click here)
27. Lumbosacral Plexus and Lumbar Plexus - Peripheral Nerves - Answer
(click here)
28. Sacral Plexus - Peripheral Nerves - Answer (click here)
29. Sciatic Nerve - Answer (click here)
30. Pudendal Nerve - Answer (click here)
31. Sensory Innervation of Pelvis and Perineum - Answer (click here)
Brain Stem and Cranial Nerves
1. Overview of Brain Stem and Cranial Nerves - Answer (click here)
2. Longitudinal Organization of Brain Stem and Cranial Nerves - Answer
(click here)
3. Cranial Nerves - Answer (click here)
4. Base of the Skull - Answer (click here)
5. Cranial Nerve Nuclei - Answer (click here)
6. Medulla Oblongata - Answer (click here)
7. Cross Section at the Level of the Hypoglossal Nerve - Medulla
Oblongata - Answer (click here)
8. Cross Section at the Level of the Vagus Nerve - Medulla Oblongata -
Answer (click here)
9. Pons - Answer (click here)
10. Cross Section at the Level of the Genu of the Facial Nerve - Answer (click
11. Cross Section at the Level of the Trigeminal Nerve - Answer (click here)
12. Hypoglossal Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII) - Answer (click here)
13. Accessory Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII) - Answer (click here)
14. Vagus Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII) - Answer (click here)
15. Glossopharyngeal Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII) - Answer (click
16. Vestibulocochlear Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII) - Answer (click
17. Facial Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII) - Answer (click here)
18. Facial Nerve - Cranial Nerves (V, VII - XII) - Answer (click here)
19. Parasympathetic Ganglia - Answer (click here)
20. Ciliary Ganglion - Answer (click here)
21. Pterygopalatine Ganglion - Answer (click here)
22. Otic Ganglion - Answer (click here)
23. Submandibular Ganglion - Answer (click here)
24. Structure of Midbrain - Answer (click here)
25. Cross Section Through the Inferior Colliculi of the Midbrain - Answer
(click here)
26. Cross Section Through the Superior Colliculi of the Midbrain - Answer
(click here)
27. Cross Section Through the Pretectal Region of the Midbrain - Answer
(click here)
28. Red Nucleus and Substantia Nigra - Answer (click here)
29. Eye-Muscle Nerves (Cranial Nerves III, IV, and VI) - Answer (click here)
30. Abducens Nerve - Eye Muscle Nerves - Answer (click here)
31. Trochlear Nerve - Eye Muscle Nerves - Answer (click here)
32. Oculomotor Nerve - Eye Muscle Nerves - Answer (click here)
33. Corticospinal Tract and Corticonuclear Fibers - Answer (click here)
34. Medial Lemniscus - Answer (click here)
35. Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus - Answer (click here)
36. Internuclear Connections of the Trigeminal Nuclei - Answer (click here)
37. Central Tegmental Tract - Answer (click here)
38. Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus - Answer (click here)
39. Reticular Formation - Answer (click here)
40. Histochemistry of the Brain Stem - Answer (click here)

1. Subdivision - Structure of Cerebellum - Answer (click here)
2. Cerebellar Peduncles and Nuclei - Structure of Cerebellum - Answer (click
3. Cerebellar Cortex - Structure of Cerebellum - Answer (click here)
4. Neuronal Circuits - Structure of Cerebellum - Answer (click here)
5. Functional Organization of Cerebellum - Answer (click here)
6. Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle (Restiform Body) - Answer (click here)
7. Middle Cerebellar Peduncle (Brachium Pontis) - Answer (click here)
8. Superior Cerebellar Peduncle (Brachium conjunctivum) - Answer (click

1. Development of the Prosencephalon - Answer (click here)
2. Telodiencephalic Boundary - Answer (click here)
3. Structure of Diencephalon - Answer (click here)
4. Subdivision of Diencephalon's Structure - Answer (click here)
5. Frontal Section at the Level of the Optic Chasm - Answer (click here)
6. Frontal Section Through the Tuber Cinereum - Answer (click here)
7. Frontal Section at the Level of the Mamillary Bodies - Answer (click here)
8. Epithalamus - Answer (click here)
9. Habenula - Epithalamus - Answer (click here)
10. Pineal Gland - Epithalamus - Answer (click here)
11. Dorsal Thalamus - Answer (click here)
12. Specific Thalamic Nuclei - Dorsal Thalamus - Answer (click here)
13. Nonspecific Thalamic Nuclei - Dorsal Thalamus - Answer (click here)
14. Anterior Nuclear Group - Dorsal Thalamus - Answer (click here)
15. Medial Nuclear Group - Dorsal Thalamus - Answer (click here)
16. Centromedian Nucleus - Dorsal Thalamus - Answer (click here)
17. Lateral Nuclear Group - Dorsal Thalamus - Answer (click here)
18. Ventral Nuclear Group - Dorsal Thalamus - Answer (click here)
19. Lateral Geniculate Body - Dorsal Thalamus - Answer (click here)
20. Medial Geniculate Body - Dorsal Thalamus - Answer (click here)
21. Pulvinar - Dorsal Thalamus - Answer (click here)
22. Frontal Section Through the Rostral Thalamus - Answer (click here)
23. Frontal Section Through the Caudal Thalamus - Answer (click here)
24. Subthalamus - Answer (click here)
25. Subdivision in Subthalamus - Answer (click here)
26. Responses to Stimulation of the Subthalamus - Answer (click here)
27. Hypothalamus - Answer (click here)
28. Poorly Myelinated Hypothalamus - Answer (click here)
29. Richly Myelinated Hypothalamus - Answer (click here)
30. Vascular Supply - Hypothalamus - Answer (click here)
31. Fiber Connections of the Poorly Myelinated Hypothalamus - Answer (click
32. Fiber Connections of the Richly Myelinated Hypothalamus - Answer (click
33. Functional Topography of the Hypothalamus - Answer (click here)
34. Hypothalamus and Hypophysis - Answer (click here)
35. Development and Subdivision of the Hypophysis - Answer (click here)
36. Infundibulum - Answer (click here)
37. Blood Vessels of the Hypophysis - Answer (click here)
38. Neuroendocrine System - Answer (click here)

1. Telencephalon - Answer (click here)
2. Subdivision of the Hemisphere - Telencephalon - Answer (click here)
3. Rotation of the Hemisphere - Telencephalon - Answer (click here)
4. Evolution - Telencephalon - Answer (click here)
5. Cerebral Lobes - Telencephalon - Answer (click here)
6. Frontal Sections of Brain Through the Telencephalon - Answer (click here)
7. Horizontal Sections of Brain Through the Telencephalon - Answer (click
8. Paleocortex - Answer (click here)
9. Amygdaloid Body - Answer (click here)
10. Fiber Connections - Paleocortex and Amygdaloid Body - Answer (click
11. Archicortex - Answer (click here)
12. Archicortex's Subdivision and Functional Significance - Answer (click here)
13. Ammon’s Horn - Answer (click here)
14. Fiber Connections in Archicortex - Answer (click here)
15. Hippocampal Cortex - Answer (click here)
16. Neostriatum - Answer (click here)
17. Insula - Answer (click here)
18. Neocortex: Cortical Layers - Answer (click here)
19. Neocortex: Vertical Columns - Answer (click here)
20. Cell Types of the Neocortex - Answer (click here)
21. Neocortex: The Module Concept - Answer (click here)
22. Neocortex: Cortical Areas - Answer (click here)
23. Neocortex: Frontal Lobe - Answer (click here)
24. Neocortex: Parietal Lobe - Answer (click here)
25. Neocortex: Temporal Lobe - Answer (click here)
26. Neocortex: Occipital Lobe - Answer (click here)
27. Neocortex: Fiber Tracts - Answer (click here)
28. Neocortex: Hemispheric Asymmetry - Answer (click here)
29. Imaging Procedures of Brain Telencephalon - Answer (click here)

Brains Cerebrovascular and Ventricular Systems

1. Arteries - Cerebrovascular Systems - Answer (click here)
2. Internal Carotid Artery - Cerebrovascular Systems - Answer (click here)
3. Areas of Blood Supply - Cerebrovascular Systems - Answer (click here)
4. Veins - Cerebrovascular and Ventricular Systems - Answer (click here)
5. Superficial Cerebral Veins - Answer (click here)
6. Deep Cerebral Veins - Answer (click here)
7. Cerebrospinal Fluid Spaces - Answer (click here)
8. Choroid Plexus - Cerebrospinal Fluid Spaces - Answer (click here)
9. Ependyma - Cerebrospinal Fluid Spaces - Answer (click here)
10. Circumventricular Organs - Cerebrospinal Fluid Spaces - Answer (click
11. Meninges - Brain - Answer (click here)
12. Dura Mater - Brain's Meninges - Answer (click here)
13. Arachnoid Mater - Brain's Meninges - Answer (click here)
14. Pia Mater - Brain's Meninges - Answer (click here)

Autonomic Nervous System

1. Autonomic Nervous System - Answer (click here)
2. Central Autonomic System - Autonomic Nervous System - Answer (click
3. Peripheral Autonomic Nervous System - Answer (click here)
4. Adrenergic and Cholinergic Systems - Autonomic Nervous System -
Answer (click here)
5. Neuronal Circuit - Autonomic Nervous System - Answer (click here)
6. Sympathetic Trunk - Answer (click here)
7. Cervical and Upper Thoracic Segments - Answer (click here)
8. Lower Thoracic and Abdominal Segments - Answer (click here)
9. Innervation of the Skin - Answer (click here)
10. Autonomic Periphery of Autonomic Nervous System - Answer (click here)
11. Efferent and Afferent Fibers - Autonomic Periphery - Answer (click here)
12. Intramural Plexus - Answer (click here)
13. Autonomic Neurons: Structure and Signal Transmission - Answer (click

Functional Systems
1. Brain Function - Answer (click here)
2. Corticospinal Tract - Motor Systems - Answer (click here)
3. Extrapyramidal Motor System - Answer (click here)
4. Motor End Plate - Answer (click here)
5. Tendon Organ - Motor Systems - Answer (click here)
6. Muscle Spindle - Motor Systems - Answer (click here)
7. Common Terminal Motor Pathway - Answer (click here)
8. Cutaneous Sensory Organs - Answer (click here)
9. Pathway of the Epicritic Sensibility - Answer (click here)
10. Pathway of the Protopathic Sensibility - Answer (click here)
11. Gustatory Organ: Taste Buds, Taste Fibers - Answer (click here)
12. Olfactory Organ - Answer (click here)
13. Limbic System - Answer (click here)
14. Cingulate Gyrus - Limbic System - Answer (click here)
15. Septal Area - Limbic System - Answer (click here)

The Eye
1. Eyelids - Structure of the Eye - Answer (click here)
2. Lacrimal Apparatus - Structure of the Eye - Answer (click here)
3. Orbital cavity (eye socket) - Structure of the Eye - Answer (click here)
4. Muscles of the Eyeball - Structure of the Eye - Answer (click here)
5. Eyeball: Development, Structure - Answer (click here)
6. Anterior Part of the Eye - Answer (click here)
7. Cornea - Structure of the Eye - Answer (click here)
8. Anterior Chamber of the Eye - Answer (click here)
9. Iris - Structure of the Eye - Answer (click here)
10. Ciliary Body - Structure of the Eye - Answer (click here)
11. Lens of the Eye - Structure of the Eye - Answer (click here)
12. Vascular Supply - Structure of the Eye - Answer (click here)
13. Fundus of the Eye - Answer (click here)
14. Retina: Neural Layer, Structures, Neuronal Circuits - Structure of the
Eye - Answer (click here)
15. Optic Nerve - Structure of the Eye - Answer (click here)
16. Photoreceptors - Structure of the Eye - Answer (click here)
17. Visual Pathway - Eye - Answer (click here)
18. Topographic Organization of the Visual Pathway - Eye - Answer (click
19. Ocular Reflexes - Eye - Answer (click here)

The Ear
1. Structure of The Ear - Answer (click here)
2. Outer Ear - Structure of The Ear - Answer (click here)
3. Middle Ear - Structure of The Ear - Answer (click here)
4. Tympanic Cavity - Structure of Middle Ear - Answer (click here)
5. Auditory Ossicles - Structure of Middle Ear - Answer (click here)
6. Medial Wall of the Tympanic Cavity - Answer (click here)
7. Muscles of the Tympanic Cavity - Answer (click here)
8. Inner Ear - Structure of The Ear - Answer (click here)
9. Cochlea - Structure of The Ear - Answer (click here)
10. Organ of Corti - Structure of The Ear - Answer (click here)
11. Vestibular Apperatus - Structure of The Ear - Answer (click here)
12. Acoustic maculae and its function - Answer (click here)
13. Vestibular Sensory Cells - Structure of The Ear - Answer (click here)
14. Auditory Pathway of The Ear - Answer (click here)
15. Vestibular Pathways of The Ear - Answer (click here)

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