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P.. G . D I P L O M A I M M A N A G E M E N T

f h r Mar4 -L.uml in Dlridne+ Educsrlion

- - -- . . --

The following c M i f b t 6 8 MI1ba Issued dn -We mpletidn

of the program: On successful complcltton of the 1" Y w :
Advanced Olploma In Buslness Admlnl%trrrblon
On rruccesdul wrnpletlon of the Program: Post Graduate
Dlploma in Management (SpeclJMon) Hybrid Program
- -
(PQDM SpdakaIon HB), Mode of dellvary :DDVD1Stanca

The Wst ho semesters am genaric, m m o n to dl a d ccwer

general toplcs of managment. The I& two semesters contaln
speclalWon relatad subjects.
Advanced Diploma in B u a i m Adrnini8tmtbn (ADBA)

Tough t i m call for upgmdatlond shlL. And to acquire tha perfect

cwnbiflatlon of MI1 sets, it b m m &tical fw one to Implement
existing cornpetencles with newer ones. Th&s just the reason
Wellngkar Institute of Management Deve!opment & Research
p m n t s its autonmou8 kut Graelum DIploma In Management
Management * EWlen@bfC6rnrnunihbn &
Marketln@Prindples wiwwqWtlb
through Hybdd Leatnlng Mode (PGDM HB) - *-WE-- * ~ a l ~ . d W n e W s
mlaIlt~ti0nalbhaviwr r qa@; Wp-W

We, at Wellngkar continue b ddiver quality eduaation, while

providing dlstarce Iemen with the flexibllky they ned, Hybrid
LeamlngIswhere Insbuction Is delhred and wursswrk is fulfifld
FolWng are the Mecidizatians offered in the Pyew
from a remote Ioeaffdn ffirough prlnt and web methodology. Banloing, I m e n t & I n s u m
The main admmges of d l m c e Iwrting are: Flnanm M c e s Wellence
An opprrrtunliy to advance your educatlond and meer goals Human W u r c e Rural & Agri Businms
wtth conwniencs and ftexiblllty of gMng mid-term exams online Setdl Media And Advertlslng
Operatlons T m i & Touhm
and en&temexams from spclfled centers,
Supply Chaln Management H W m Management
+ Opportunity for edmlond advancement Mth minus the travel,
physical ctassmom your own srhdub dat your own pace.
Business Adrnlnlstratlon
lnbmlonal Buslnssg -
HmpBatlty M a n a g e m
7 E - C o m e
IT Projects Managemem

Welingkar's PGDM-HB offers 18 $Herent programs under the

Hybrid learnlng mode. All these prcgrams have been developedIn
line with industry requimmmb. Each ~~ is spread across 2
years and Is dlvfded Into 4 semesters. In the I*par, the subjects In the w,there are 5 subjeets In Sem- 1 and 4 SUMS
am generic md In the 2" yew focus is on specIalbtrcn subjects. In Semester IV, plus a project report In each Semester,

bradumfrom any M g n W UnWsRy

lnternatlonalgraduates from a rec~gnlzedkcredlted
Post Graduate Mploma h Mamgmmt Post Grerduate Diploma In Management
(Bankirrg, Investment and Imuranee] @DM - B1l- HB) plandTmism)(PGDM-lT-HB)
W i L Mailed pmp- in Bankiw, this program is designed to Be part of the largesl and most exciting industry in the world.
create We Mue h k m with a deep understanding of the fundmental Learn the management aspects of Travel and Twrlsm wlth ksy
concepts of hnkim,h t m e n t , as wel as Insurance secwr. insights that help ywr bulld a successful career:

b s l G d u & D l p l m In Man-
(Heahwe Manegement) (PGDM HCM HE) - -
H m h we is fast becoming a notable car- option.This pwram
Post Graduate DIpBoma In Msnagement provim mprehensrve undmmdlng of Weeb .Care InLfuW,
-( -I!-) - -
(PQDM SE HB) as well as criticalfunchi% l i k planning, opatims management, quw,
Be an expert in Service Managementwith e-ve wement m u e cycle managment,as well as legal aspects of Healfhwe Industry.
skills that help you make the cut in a wrnpstitive market. This
course men& to equlp students wlth m n q t and tools la
E s m U % WH** mwkrmpihw-
AdminW o n m ~ ~ ~ M g l h
~ ~ w n m o f mnkm**
Habi-el%m&. . M w ~ w &
HbpWQpbmon *--
Quality W e r r i e n t h
** AvaUable

In E - h o k M a t only

Po& Gduate Diploma in MmagewW

( H q m m m m (PGDM HOM HB) - -
Fcf an Industry poised to triple in slze by 2020.the Hospitality
Management Dimma arms you wlth knowledge applicable to be
successful not JustIn hotel management but as entlte Indugry of
g l M Eonterd,and -ire pmhsbnal &!Is and Mhrdqlles datedto hospitalh and twrrlsm-related buslmss.
Rwal Emmny,by joining this InnwlatbHB Pmgm.

k&Qradu&D~inManagmml . Pa& Greduate Diploma br Wnsgement

(Medie and Advertlslng) WDM MA - HB) (E4ommerce) (PGDM EC HB) - -
rhts program exposes students to dltference f m o f dwtidng, This innwat-wspsdallzationhas been uniquelydeveloped with sub-
like media campaigns, media planningand management, whlle Ilke: Startirg of E-CommerceVenture k-dm C a p i & Crowd Swrcing,
equipping them wlh approach and tactics requiredfor Business & E-Commerce etc.This r r w k you ~ M l -sy to
"7-ordlnatlon ammgveriws stake holders. handle various r o k In tlw fastestgrowim E-Cornme lWsby

h E-TalOn$
I n t a o Q ~ tto -a
S b d q ofE-CommerceVenture m Logistics-M a n w e n t in
mm-@W m m l S;Dlutions ~ wm-
iinfem-~ -

. PmlFdCt ,
**Ava&ble in E-bmh fammi only
Wmd Classroom Facility (VCF): The Institute conducts Ilw
(IT ProJects m e m e n t ) (PGDM ITPM - HB) fecture sessions for seiective subjects of the Idyear from its
This program focuses on With subjects Ilke Scheduling &Tracking campus studio. Students availing VCF can attend these

of Projecb, Managlng ProjectsTeams, EstimatingSoftware lectures using a computer. It is a must to have 25% kbps
broadband connection to use this faality. Stvdents can
Projectsetc., this program focuses m various topi& that train
Interact wlth the professw during these two-way audio-video
you to become a succesful R Projects ManaQer.
lectures.This interactive live video lecture facitity is available
presently for the follwving subjects of the 1' year

W h g ProfFsetT w s 8r Qualltlrwm*
Resources UstngSphrn&Win
W d n g Lywam Prqjects &
- prole&**
w i g Costs hojeet
+Business Analysis
r-- m I lnovdh Man-

** Avalleble In E-book f o d only

Study Material: On taking admission, students are given the

entlre set of 1st year study materfal consisting of B books, as
well as guidel[nesfor 1st year project work (We Like).
Sirnultarreously, students are given login details on the webSie
so that they rn check various topics put up on the website
and can access multiple web based facillies like E+tsooksfor
select subjects, We-Lectures,
E-LearningTool Kit, WeTube,
We bunge, Video Dictionary etc

E-Books: Wlth changingtrends and for the convenienceof

the students, web based E-Book are provided for few
subjectsInstead of physical wpy of boks. This E-Bwk
cmtslns chapter wise reading maferial in PDF format,
summarfm,presentations and skltl bullder m u t e s . Students
can download these E-Book at any time and refer to It as per
their convenience

Audio Books: These are subject books with only audio. It can
be domloaded on PC and rnoblle handsets for easy access
anytime anywhem

I Penmd C o r n Programs (PCPs):Wefingkar All conduel

Pwsoslal Contact Prwmnas for ?"paraublW, twice W
wmster- oslm prlw to the m i d - h a m s and once Wore
the &smester exams, each round lastingfor 3 days. During
each mest% a mlnlrnum of 7 hours per subject wlll bs
merd In a W r m environment Were ma@oancepts will
bexpldnd. Presently, Personal Contact P m g m a r e
conductedmJy In M u m . PCP'sare optionat and d - q m b l e .
Students optrng for PCP's am required to pay an addMona1fw
of t 3 W for w I w s subjects at the limed admission
v Qna Day W o m p s : For hoHWc dewbpment d w r sbrtients tfle
h s M e regularly holds many ad&ional r r o ~ p son
l wekmds at
wtlschgol, like:
The foHMng servicesare offered free of cost to students:

Placement Support Placement lnfwmation Including global

vacancies are uploadedon OW websfto on a daily basis. On snralting,
. m#@muw!Qn
w,&t nf lt?nuerlciIlQ
+ f ' m w h f m skills
. -.
q1;~ j m M ~ , ~
a student can me all lob openings, statewise, spmafiiion-wise.
WeTube: Vdeo Iecturss on latest topics are Weloped with the hdp
of e m s in various management fields. New video lecfulgs are
uploaded evsy few days in WTube" d o n . Students get free
subscription to this online video library.
T k Alumni of WeSchool now haw a chance to barn wn8nuousty,
MewaWre Service: Students are kept updai6d wltfi news about the develop their overall prsomlily and enjoy the assistance of
latest developrrments in their chosen specielilon through this link placement even &er they have completed their PGDM, just by
prwided on oarr wsbslte.
paying nominal annual fees.
Welounge: Ii is an online platform which Is designed to disseminate a
wide spectrum of views of sucoesstul people in Wr r-iw fields.
The instit& invites dignitaries from various walks of Ilfeand interviews
them on haw ffiey achieved success in M i r respective professions.
These leamlngscan be W d by the stdents frm website. Each semester Is s p r d 6 months. In everj semester, for
svery subject mere are 2 exams- a mid-term exam and en
.Video Didanmy: To support the student understand concepts
dwiy, and enhance his k n o w l a p a new facility has been Initiated. end-sernest~exam. The mi&m rn Is based an a fsw initial
From this link, by typlng any word/phrase, the student connects to chapters and the end-semester exam is b a d on the renaaining
numerous vidm kctures from "YouTube"and other online sources. chapters.The mld-term axtendfor about 15 days and lheend
sem- exam for about 20-26 days.
Management eduwtion is h p n d theoretical training. Skills like
leadership, team work, m i o n making, etc. an be effectively learnt
through experientid i m l n g .
A number of weekend activities, InMated by t k Institute, Hke games, Both mid-ten and end-semester exams are out of 50 mark.
m6vies. Industrial visits, workshps and so on, help students with Mid-term exams carry 2D% weightage and end-semester exams
experiential learning. Quarterly brne-tahle are provided for convenience carry 80% weightage. To clear a subjwt, a student has to get 50$6
so students can joln various events at a nominal cost and also earn marks, which is a sum of the weightage obtain& in mld-tern and
credits. Cwducted 2* semester onwards, these activities are voluntarj
and a student mght c h m e nat to participate h one.

Expedential Leamlng (Game Based hrnlng) Workshop: Why do

we play gams In the first place? To have fun, to Immerse into an appear fw that exam in the next semester along with next
imzginary world, to take the challenge and outsmart the oppohlents
and/or win, etc. There are probably as many slightly different reasons
to play games as there are playem,

During this workshop, Games are u s d for personal development and

to lrnprweself esteem of the player I.e,learner. This two days event is
held at the Institute during weekends.

Industry V t To add !o ttm learning experiem ol ow students,

tndusby Vtsits am planned at regular Intervals frwn P s m s t w onwards.
Students can participate in these S i t s by mng imninal charges.

Spiritual Visit In today's demanding life style where expectations are

greater than achievement, we suffer from, what is called as 'Stress".
The lnstiarte has designed a unique stress management activity,
wherein a combinatbn of yoga and other stress refievfng p m
are conducted which can be practiced on a regular bash.
4 Movie Leammg Session: It is a known fact that, when we are
engaged with the content through a medium we love, we learn better
and retain mbre. W i this obj~tive,Inspirational movies are weened
on monthly hasis and debriefing sessions are conducted after movie
far collaborative learning.

The application form Is available on our mbsii

SROGRAll Students have to flll the

appllcatlon form mllne, print the mmpktd appllwtlon form and
subrnB R to the IMMo along wRh relevant dmuments and course

* i& s M hotoccpy d tlw dwrm cedifate.

!+ 1 passport slne w l w r phowraghs
Coum fges are payable at the Welingkar lnstitlrte by L o t .
cheque, Demand draft, Crsdlt card, Debt card w Net Banking,
Local cheque I Demand Draft shwld be drawn In fawur d
Wlngkar lnstttute of Management payatrIe at Mumbal.

b) 93731W &m@h
first year aml r:**

Thmugh this Hybrid Program, studeats can

personatly Interact wlth professors, unllke other My lwo years journey with Wellngkar's PGDM Is
unforgettable and I sill want to continue my
distance learning programs,
journey. The teachers of the inst& are really
Wellngkar's prwldes many value added helpful, they helped us In each and evety posslblewgr. I wlll not
actlvltles that are very helpful, especiatly workshops and VCF forget to mention abut the friends whom I got from here and we all
lectures, that helps you grow personally and professmally. Also i l k a family, 'Wefingkar Family'. Ihad done the W D M in
the academia of WellgWs WDM-HB Is very advanced and EBuslness, the subject and chapters pvkled polnt to polnt
easily accessible, lnformatlon.The E-learning sectlon from which we used to study
the slldes was great. The PGDM - HB accelereted my career graph
In terms of knowledge. research, anaipc, leadership, $amwork,
ethics, and cwnmunicatbn. Also given me the abllity to dedop my
career to its fullest potential, at an d e r a t d pace.
Diganta Sengupta Rebecca Figueiredo
SR Conusltant Alumni
Capgemini India Pvt Ltd
This course has given me a better
The PGDM-HB program helped me grow to my understanding of how the entire management
r*%mh!potentla1and reach to the blue ocean ~nmy career process works. The value added activities
This program builds leadership qualities through experimental learning here, VCF lectures, workshops, etc, help you get in touch wlth
workshops. It's really a boon for the working professionals who can people from different sectors and from different walks of life. You
take benefits of this excellent courseware, learn through its e-learning can witness how they deal with life and how the HB program is
modules, and take help from professors in web-based classroom currently helping them,
sessions as per their own convenience and flexibility.

Manisha Mayekar Apurva Ajmera

Manager- HR & Admrn Expediter
Onward Esewlce Ltd. Euro Mechanical & Elect Cont. LLC

It has been a wonderful experience to be a I would l~keto express my slncere gratitude to

student at Wellngkars. In the year 2000, Wellngkar's In conductlng the PGDM-HB
I completed DBM. Now, after 11 years, there were tremendous Buslness Admrnlstratlon course It has helped me personally and
changes in the teaching methodology.The facility of virtual classes professionally and I would strongly recommend ~tto my frlend and
& personal contact program is a splendid addition. Efforts of colleagues here In Abu Dhab~where I am currently worklng
management to keep pace with advanced technology and Thls course 1s customized for worklng professionals llke me to
increasing demands is well appreciated. learn from any part of the world, a speclal mentlon to team
Wellngkar's for the subject they covered, study materials they
I specially would like to thank Welingkar's for being so well connected
provrded, and for conductlng a easy exam process
with all the students. No matter the nature of concern, Welingkar's has
I am sure thls will be llke a milestone and will glve me an edge In
always remained approachable. Thanks you once again.
my career pat?h

lyer Sharan Laxman

Team Leader
Trackmail AR Services Pvt. Ltd

It has been a fabulous journey in the last 2 years. I am

overwhelmed by the kind of support and
co-ordination that I have received from my college. I want to thank the reality gives a window to learn and fulfil the dream of becoming a
institute for teaching me the managerial aspects of life and profession. post graduate. This program helped me in learning the
fundamentals of marketing which are required in day to day life. The
This course has taught me to look at my professional life in a more broader
study material was good and simple to understand the subject in
sense, understand the depth of business and above all the respect and
details. This helped me applying the knowledge in my sales career.
trust my colleagus irrespective of their position and job profile.
In a nutshell, It widened my vision and overall power on the subject
Thank you Welingkar's HB for imparting such kind of knowledge and of Marketing. I am proud to be a "We-Student'.
helping me overcome this curve of life successfully.

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