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Illustrations on Network Analysis Chapter

1. A small assembly plant assembles PC’s through 9 interlinked activities. The time duration
for which is given below:

Activity 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-5 3-6 3-7 4-6 5-8 6-9 7-8 8-9
Duration 2 2 1 4 8 5 3 1 5 4 3
in hours

a. Draw a network diagram.

b. Calculate EST, EFT, LST, LFT where EST is Earliest start time; EFT is Earliest finish time;
LST is Latest start time and LFT is Latest Finish time.
c. Calculate all types of Floats.


a. Basic Network Diagram

2 4 5

2 1

1 2 3 5 7 4 8

8 3

4 3 6 5 9

Paths in the network:

I. 1-2-5-8-9: Duration = 2+4+1+3 = 10 hours

II. 1-3-7-8-9: Duration = 2+5+4+3 = 14 hours
III. 1-3-6-9: Duration = 2+8+5 = 15 hours
IV. 1-4-6-9: Duration = 1+3+5 = 09 hours

Critical Path = 1-3-6-9 and Project Completion time = 15 hours.

b. Calculation of EST, EFT, LST and LFT

Activity Duration Earliest Time Latest Time (backward)

(i,j) (tij) Start (Ei) Finish Start (Lj-tij) Finish (Lj)

1-2 2 0 0+2=02 7-2=5 7
1-3 2 0 0+2=02 2-2=0 2
1-4 1 0 0+1=01 7-1=6 7
2-5 4 2 2+4=06 11-4=7 11
3-6 8 2 2+8=10 10-8=2 10
3-7 5 2 2+5=07 8-5=3 8
4-6 3 1 1+3=04 10-3=7 10
5-8 1 6 6+1=07 12-1=11 12
6-9 5 10 10+5=15 15-5=10 15
7-8 4 7 7+4=11 12-4=8 12
8-9 3 11 11+3=14 15-3=12 15 (Project
Completion time)
Commented [n1]: For LFT, you start backward i.e. last
Important hints:

 For Earliest forward calculations use the MAXIMUM if two activities are there. In above
the activity 8, E8 = Max [E6+t, E7+t] = Max [6+1, 7+4]. Similarly for E6 and E9.
 For Latest backward calculations use the MINIMUM if two activities are there.

a. Basic Network Diagram with Ei, Lj

2,7 6,11

2 4 5

0,0 2,2 7,8 11,11

2 1 1
1 2 3 5 7 4 8

8 3

1 1,7 10,10 15,15

4 3 6 5 9
c. Calculation of All types of Floats
Activity Head Tail Total Free Float Independent Interfering
Slacks Slacks Float = = TF-HS Float = FF- Float = HS
1-2 7-2=5 0-0=0 5-0=5 5-5=0 0-0=0 5
1-3 2-2=0 0-0=0 0-0=0 0-0=0 0-0=0 0
1-4 7-1=6 0-0=0 6-0=6 6-6=0 0-0=0 6
2-5 11-6=5 7-2=5 7-2=5 5-5=0 0-5=-5 5
3-6 10-10=0 2-2=0 2-2=0 0-0=0 0-0=0 0
3-7 8-7=1 2-2=0 3-2=1 1-1=0 0-0=0 1
4-6 10-10=0 7-1=6 7-1=6 6-0=6 6-6=0 0
5-8 12-11=1 11-6=5 11-6=5 5-1=4 4-5=-1 1
6-9 15-15=0 10-10=0 10-10=0 0-0=0 0-0=0 0
7-8 12-11=1 8-7=1 8-7=1 1-1=0 0-1=-1 1
8-9 15-15=0 12-11=1 12-11=1 1-0=1 1-1=0 0

Illustration 2 using PERT

Assignment Questions as on 27th March 2018.
1) The assignment to be submitted by 2nd April 2018 morning by 9.30 a.m.
2) Every page should have details of Roll No, Name, Specialization and Page number.
3) Theory answers can be very brief but ensure all points are well covered.

Metro project consists of twelve activities and their time estimates are shown below: -

Activity Time (in weeks)

Optimistic to Most likely tm Pessimistic tp
(1-2) 4 6 10
(1-3) 3 7 12
(1-4) 5 6 9
(1-7) 2 4 6
(2-4) 6 10 20
(2-6) 3 4 7
(2-7) 5 9 15
(3-4) 3 7 12
(4-5) 2 4 5
(5-6) 1 3 6
(3-7) 2 5 8
(6-7) 1 2 6

i. Draw the network diagram.

ii. Determine the critical path.

Activities of a project are described below in the table below. Calculate the following:
i. Total time for completing the project.
ii. Critical Path.
iii. ES, EF, LS and LF for all activities.
iv. Total Float and Free Float available for non-critical activities.
Activity Estimated Duration (Days) Immediate Predecessors
A 3 -
B 1 A
C 2 A, B
D 7 -
E 8 A, D
F 3 B
G 1 E,F
H 2 D
a) Using a 3 Month & 4 Month Moving Average Methods, Forecast for the 12th Month.

Month No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Observed Value 210 150 185 195 310 190 160 150 240 265 235 ?

b) Using a 2 Month, Forecast for the 12th Month. Which of the three forecasts is more reliable on the
basis of MSE criteria?
c) Explain the basic concepts of Cost of a Project.

Write any two of the following:
a) What are the functions of Planning? Why informal planning is not feasible for a Project?
b) What are different types of project Organization?
c) What type of organization you recommend for a project of your choice?

Write any two of the following:
a) Work breakdown structure with an example
b) GANTT chart with an example
c) Sensitivity Analysis with an example

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