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Analysis of Vehicles’ Daily Fuel

Consumption Frontiers with Long-Term

Controller Area Network Data
Dawei Li, Tomio Miwa, and Takayuki Morikawa

The vehicle fuel consumption frontier (VFCF) is the unobserved maximum data resources are required. Therefore, it is often not feasible in
amount of fuel that an individual private car user is willing to consume practice.
for driving. This study incorporated interindividual and intraindividual This study approached the problem from a more macroscopic
variations into the modeling of VFCF. Long-term controller area net- perspective. Since driving behavior and travel behavior are related
work data collected from private cars during 10 months in Toyota City, to the characteristics of drivers, road environments, and vehicles,
Japan, were used. A stochastic frontier model with random parameters the study explored the relationships between these characteristics
was applied as the modeling methodology to deal with the panel data. and drivers’ daily fuel consumption directly. The data used in the
The data fit of the estimation results demonstrated that models with study were the long-term controller area network (CAN) data col-
random coefficients were preferable and had better model fits than the lected from private vehicles in Toyota City, Japan, as well as data on
ordinary linear regression models. VFCFs on working days were sig- the characteristics of drivers and their cars. The main contributions
nificantly affected by the departure time of the first trip, temperature, of this study are
weather, home location, gender, age, and occupation. All explanatory
1. A detailed analysis of the variations in drivers’ daily fuel
variables, except weather and temperature, also significantly affected
consumption, which used long-term panel data, and
VFCFs on holidays. Predictions made with the estimated parameters
2. A proposed stochastic frontier model to incorporate inter­
showed that the expected VFCFs were about double the corresponding
individual and intraindividual variations into the estimations of daily
actual vehicle fuel consumption expenditures.
fuel consumption.

The most direct way to describe the relationships between the

With the increased concern about energy consumption and urban
attribute variables and drivers’ daily fuel consumption is to develop
air pollution caused by private vehicles, there is a need for models
a linear regression model. However, the ordinary linear regression
of vehicle fuel consumption. Vehicle fuel consumption and carbon model cannot reflect the constraint of drivers’ available resources.
emissions have a significant linear relationship. In previous studies, This constraint means that every driver has a budget for daily fuel
physically and empirically based methods were usually considered consumption. The constraint is similar to the assumption of a travel
in modeling fuel consumption and emissions. It was found that time budget, which has been well discussed in the literature (7, 8).
vehicle fuel consumption and emissions rates are usually associated Mokhtarian and Chen (9) provide a comprehensive discussion. Travel
with cruise speeds, drivers’ acceleration aggressiveness, and road time and fuel consumption are the indexes of drivers’ general costs for
grade (1–4). In these studies, fuel consumption was only related to travel and are significantly correlated. Therefore, it is reasonable to
the driving environment and driving behavior; fuel consumption and assume that a budget for daily fuel consumption exists. The analysis
emissions were estimated for a given driving task. The next prob- presented here proves that this assumption can lead to a model with
lem is, given an individual traveler, how to determine daily driving better fit compared with the ordinary linear regression model.
tasks. An activity-based model can be applied to solve this problem. To consider the travel time budget, Banerjee et al. (10) developed
Previous studies have considered the combination of an activity- the notion of a travel time frontier, which is representative of the
based model (5) and a fuel consumption model (6). Simulation-based unobserved maximum time that an individual is prepared to spend on
models can provide detailed analysis of fuel consumption and carbon traveling per day. According to this definition, even if the travel time
emissions. However, to develop an activity-based model, abundant frontier is constant, actual travel time expenditure may vary over
time but should always be less than the travel time frontier. Simi-
larly, this study developed the notion of a fuel consumption frontier
D. Li, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Urban Intelligent Transportation Systems, to incorporate the constraint of drivers’ available resources for fuel
Southeast University, Jinxianghe Road No. 35, Xuanwu District, Nanjing consumption. The model used by Banerjee et al. (10) is called a sto-
210096, China. T. Miwa, EcoTopia Science Institute and Green Mobility Col-
laborative Research Center; and T. Morikawa, Graduate School of Environmental chastic frontier model, which was originally proposed for efficiency
Studies and Green Mobility Collaborative Research Center, Nagoya University, and productivity analysis (11) and also widely applied in the analysis
Furo-Cho, Chikusa-Ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan. Corresponding author: D. Li, of time use (12–15). A brief description of the model will be given in the next section.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
Instead of actual fuel consumption, the fuel consumption frontier
No. 2503, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2015, pp. 100–109. was considered in this study for two reasons: (a) the assumptions
DOI: 10.3141/2503-11 on the travel time frontier lead to better model fit than the ordinary

Li, Miwa, and Morikawa 101

linear regression model and (b) for some purposes, the extreme situ- From Equation 2, it can be found that the expected values of
ation is more relevant than the average situation. The availability of VFCF and VFCE are equal only when the expected value of error
information on the upper limits of fuel consumption will be useful term uid is 0. Since uid is nonnegative, exp(−uid) must be less than
in the analysis of energy and environmental policies. 1. Therefore, drivers’ VFCF (the budget) must be larger than the
This paper describes the methodology used for stochastic fron- VFCE (the actual fuel consumption). The distribution of uid decides
tier modeling with panel data. The paper describes the CAN data the differences between VFCF and VFCE.
that were used in the study and provides some descriptive statistics. In a stochastic frontier model, τid is further presented as
Detailed model specifications and estimation results are described
and some analyses are also presented, based on the estimation τ id = b′ X id + vid (3)
results. Conclusions and directions for future research are given
in the final section.

Methodology Fid = b′ X id + vid − uid (4)

The ordinary linear regression model is often the first choice to model where
the relationships between variables. However, previous studies on car
usage behavior suggest that there exists a budget for travelers’ daily car  = vector of coefficients,
usage, which means that there is a maximum value of daily car usage X = vector of explanatory variables, and
and drivers’ actual daily car usage must be less than this budget. The vid = random error term, such that vid ∈ (−∞, +∞).
ordinary linear regression model cannot incorporate this factor explic-
itly. Therefore, this study used a methodology that was mainly based
on a stochastic frontier model of vehicles’ daily fuel consumption. The Model with Interindividual Variation
linear regression model was included as a benchmark.
Considering only the interindividual variation in VFCF, the stochastic
frontier model will be
Stochastic Frontier Model
Fi = α + bi′ X i + vi − ui
The stochastic frontier model was originally proposed for efficiency
and productivity analysis (11). In its original definition, the pro- vi ∼ N [ 0, σ 2v ]
duction frontier represents the maximum amount of products that a
ui ∼ N [ 0, σ u2 ] (5)
producer can produce given the available resources. Therefore, the
producer’s observed scalar output must be less than the production
frontier. Similarly, each car user can be seen as a producer, while where
the scalar output is the observed vehicles’ daily fuel consumption.
vi = an assumed normal distribution (N),
Then, in the standard form, a stochastic frontier model for vehicle
ui = an assumed half-normal distribution, and
fuel consumption can be proposed as
σ 2v and σ 2u = 
variances of corresponding normal distributed
Fid = ln ( fid ) and Fid = τ id − uid (1)
Different from Equation 4, all the variables in Equation 5 have only
where one subscript, i. In the applications, Fi represents the mean car usage
time of individual i over the survey period. Then, VFCF is log-normally
fid = observed vehicle fuel consumption of individual
i on day d,
Fid = log transformation of fid,
exp(Fid) = fid = observed vehicle fuel consumption expenditure VFCFi ∼ log_ N (µ τi , σ 2τi )
 µ + σ τi 
exp(τid) = unobserved vehicle fuel consumption frontier E ( VFCFi ) = exp  τi 
(VFCF) of individual i on day d, and  2 
uid = random term that must take nonnegative values.
var ( VFCFi ) = ( exp (σ 2τi ) − 1) i exp ( 2µ τi + σ 2τi )
The log transformation of the dependent variable, which is consis-
tent with the original specification of the stochastic frontier model, µ τi = E (α + bi′ X i + vi ) = α + bi′ X i
takes into account the skewed nature of fuel consumption and ensures σ 2τi = var (α + bi′ X i + vi ) = σ 2v (6)
positive predictions. The following is obtained from Equation 1:

fid Model with Interindividual

= exp ( − uid ) (2)
exp ( τ id ) and Intraindividual Variation

where exp(−uid) is the technical efficiency of the producer in the In this study, VFCF was individual day–specific, but for each indi-
original specification. In this study, it represents the ratio between vidual, there were observations on multiple days. Therefore, unlike
VFCE and VFCF. the cross-section specifications, VFCF was modeled with panel
102 Transportation Research Record 2503

data. A random parameter specification (16) was applied for panel some other Japanese cities (such as Tokyo), which are heavily depen-
data and unobserved heterogeneity. The general formulation is dent on public transportation systems, Toyota is a city on wheels.
More than 200 drivers participated in the survey. Onboard equipment
Fid = (α + wi ) + bi′ X id + gi′ Z i + vid − uid installed in private cars logged the CAN data, including driving
operations and real-time fuel consumption, as well as GPS trajec-
wi ∼ N [ 0, σ 2w ]
tory data. The data were uploaded to the Internet by the partici-
vid ∼ N [ 0, σ 2v ] pants every week. The data were collected over a period of about
10 months (March to December 2011). Not all participants took part
uid ∼ N [ 0, σ u2 ] in the survey for the entire period. After some basic data-cleaning
work, data collected from 153 drivers remained for use in this study.
bi ∼ N (mb, Vb ) The following list gives a basic description of driver and vehicle
gi ∼ N (mg, Vg ) (7)

where • Drivers:
– Gender: male = 141, female = 12;
Zi = vector of time-invariant explanatory variables (e.g., – Age (years):
gender), • Mean (standard deviation) = 44.56 (11.06),
Xid = vector of time-variant explanatory variables, • Younger than 35 = 37,
′i and gi = individual-specific vectors of parameters, • 35 to 50 = 60, and
µb and µ = vectors of parameter means, and • Older than 50 = 56;
b and  = positive definite covariance matrixes. – Occupation:
 and  are diagonal, assuming the random parameters are inde- • Company employee = 40,
pendent. The coefficients of the explanatory variables are assumed to be • Organization employee = 90, and
normally distributed. In this specification, wi and i′Zi are interindividual • Unknown = 23;
variant, while ′i Xid and the random error vid are intraindividual variant. • Vehicles:
It is assumed that all random variables in Equation 7 are – Type: normal = 73, hybrid = 82;
independent. Then VFCF is log-normally distributed: – Capacity (kg):
• Mean (standard deviation) = 1,225.69 (576.16),
VFCFid ∼ log_ N (µ τid , σ τ2id ) • Less than 1,000 = 61,
• 1,000 to 1,500 = 32, and
 µ + σ τid 
E ( VFCFid ) = exp  τid • More than 1,500 = 60; and
 
2 – Displacement (L):
• Mean (standard deviation) = 1.93 (0.46),
var ( VFCFid ) = ( exp (σ τ2id ) − 1) i exp ( 2µ τid + σ τ2id ) • Less than 1.6 = 30,
µ τid = E ((α + wi ) + bi′ X id + gi′ Z i + vid ) • 1.6 to 2 = 107, and
• More than 2 = 46.
= α + mb′ X id + mg′ Z i
Part of the road network is shown in Figure 1.
σ 2τid = var ((α + wi ) + bi′ X id + gi′ Z i + vid )

= σ 2w + X id′ i Vb i X id + Z i′ i Vg i Z i + σ 2v (8)
Interindividual and Intraindividual Variation
In Equation 5, the coefficients can also be assumed to be random.
Initially, the study compared the interindividual and intraindividual
However, to estimate a random parameter model, a large sample
variations in vehicle fuel consumption. To determine the intra­
size is required. In this study, the data were collected from 153 indi-
viduals. Therefore, there were at most 153 observations for the esti- individual variation, the coefficient of variation of vehicle fuel con-
mation of the model only incorporating interindividual variation, in sumption was calculated for each driver, that is, the ratio between
which each driver’s vehicle fuel consumption was aggregated over the standard deviation and mean of each driver’s daily vehicle fuel
the survey period. It would not be meaningful to assume a random consumption over the survey period. Figure 2 shows the resulting
parameter specification for Equation 5 with such a small data set. histogram. To show the interindividual variation, for each driver,
The proposed model can be estimated by the maximum like- vehicle fuel consumption was averaged over the survey period. The
lihood procedure. The model estimation was accomplished with ratio between the standard deviation and mean of individual-specific
LIMDEP (17). average vehicle fuel consumption is 0.46. From Figure 2, for less
than 10% of the 153 drivers, intraindividual variation was lower than
the interindividual variation.
Data and Descriptive Statistics

Data Working Days and Holidays

The study used data from the CAN data collected from private Drivers’ car usage patterns on working days can be expected to
vehicles. The data were collected from private vehicles in Toyota differ from patterns on holidays, according to empirical experi-
City in 2011 as a part of a project related to green mobility. Unlike ence. Therefore, Figure 3 compares the individual-specific mean
0 0.9120

Scale: 1:39,610

Toyota City Hall

FIGURE 1   Part of road network of Toyota City.


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Coefficient of Variation of Vehicle Fuel Consumption

FIGURE 2   Histogram of coefficients of variation. Ratio of standard deviation to

mean of individual-specific average daily vehicle fuel consumption is 0.46.

Fuel Consumption (L)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Driver ID

FIGURE 3   Comparison of car usage time on working days and holidays (ID = identification).
104 Transportation Research Record 2503

3 15
Mean temperature

Fuel Consumption (L)

2.5 10




1.5 0
March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

FIGURE 4   Average vehicle fuel consumption each month (Aug. 5 August;
Sept. 5 September; Oct. 5 October; Nov. 5 November; Dec. 5 December).

car usage time on working days and holidays. Figure 3 shows the Time Variant
Figure 4 shows the average daily vehicle fuel consumption for each
• MVFC is the individual-specific mean vehicle fuel consumption month. Drivers’ vehicle fuel consumption varies significantly in
over the whole survey period. different months. The figure also shows the monthly average tem-
• WMVFC is the individual-specific mean vehicle fuel consump- perature, which indicates that the drivers’ vehicle fuel consump-
tion on working days over the whole survey period. tion on working days is related to the mean temperature, while the
• HMVFC is the individual-specific mean vehicle fuel consump- relationship on holidays is not significant.
tion on holidays over the whole survey period.
Space Variant
The figure shows that most drivers (106 of 153 respondents)
consume more fuel on holidays than on working days. The average The relationship between vehicle fuel consumption and home location
WMVFC value is 2.00 L, while the average HMVFC value is 2.56 L. is shown in Figure 5. From the figure, individuals who live further


Vehicle Fuel Consumption (L)




1 R 2 = .34


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Distance to City Center (km)

FIGURE 5   Relationship between vehicle fuel consumptions and drivers’ home locations:
(a) working days.
Li, Miwa, and Morikawa 105

Vehicle Fuel Consumption (L)


5 R 2 = .09

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Distance to City Center (km)

FIGURE 5 (continued)   Relationship between vehicle fuel consumptions and drivers’

home locations: (b) holidays.

from the city center (i.e., from city hall) are likely to consume more Estimation Results
fuel for driving on working days and holidays. However, the rela-
tionship between vehicle fuel consumption and distance to the city The estimation results are shown in Tables 2 and 3. The final log
center on working days is more significant than that on holidays. likelihoods of the proposed random parameter stochastic frontier
models (Model 1_W and Model 1_H) are significantly higher than
those of the models with deterministic coefficients (Model 2_W and
Estimation and Analysis Model 2_H). The p-values of the likelihood-ratio test approach 0.
This finding indicates that it is necessary to consider the panel data
Estimated Models specification and unobserved heterogeneity when modeling vehicle
daily fuel consumption. The log likelihoods of the frontier models are
According to the basic statistics, drivers’ vehicle fuel consumption on
holidays is quite different from that on working days. Therefore, the
study estimated two random parameter models based on Equation 7: TABLE 1   Explanatory Variables Included in Estimated Models

• Model 1_W. VFCF on working days and Variable Descriptions

• Model 1_H. VFCF on holidays.
Interindividual variant
 Log_Mean_Dept_ Log transformation of mean departure time
To demonstrate the necessity of the random parameter specifica-
Time of the daily first trip over the whole survey
tion, two other models, based on Equation 7 with constant coefficients, period (the beginning of 1 day is set to
were also estimated for comparison with Models 1 and 2: 4:00 a.m.)
 Dist_To_Center Distance between home location and Toyota
• Model 2_W. VFCF on working days, but set as σ w2 = 0,  = 0, City Hall
 Male Dummy variable, 1 for male
and  = 0 and
 Age Age in years of the principal driver
• Model 2_H. VFCF on holidays, but set as σ 2w = 0,  = 0, and  C_Employee Dummy variable, 1 for company employee
 = 0.  O_Employee Dummy variable, 1 for organization employee
 Hybrid Dummy variable, 1 for hybrid vehicle
As a benchmark, two ordinary linear regression models were also  Car_Capacity Capacity of car; unit: ton
 Car_Displacement Displacement of car; unit: L
Intraindividual variant
• Model 0_W. with the same formulation as Model 2_W, but set  Log_Dept_Time Log transformation of departure time of the
first trip for each day (the beginning of one
as σ 2u = 0 and day is set to 4:00 a.m.);
• Model 0_H. with the same formulation as Model 2_H, but set  Rain Dummy variable, 1 for rainy day
as σ 2u = 0.  Temp_LT_20 Temp_LT_20 = maximize (20-daily mean
temperature, 0); Unit: centigrade
 Temp_HT_26 Temp_HT_26 = maximize (26-daily mean
The explanatory variables included in these models are described temperature, 0); unit: centigrade
in Table 1.
106 Transportation Research Record 2503

TABLE 2   Estimation Results of Models for Working Days

Coefficient (p-Value)

Variable Model 1_Wa Model 2_Wa Model 0_Wa

Means of Parameters
Constant 1.095 (.00) 1.021 (.00) .718 (.00)
Log_Dept_Time −.132 (.00) −.166 (.00) −.247 (.00)
Rain −.027 (.00) −.030 (.02) −.033 (.01)
Temp_LT_20 −.003 (.04) .002 (.08) .003 (.05)
Temp_HT_26 .071 (.00) .065 (.00) .061 (.00)
Dist_To_Center .053 (.00) .044 (.00) .047 (.00)
Male .137 (.00) .163 (.00) .122 (.00)
Age −.005 (.00) −.001 (.03) −.001 (.29)
C_Employee .065 (.00) .143 (.00) .143 (.00)
O_Employee .045 (.02) .073 (.00) .079 (.00)
Hybrid −.049 (.01) .067 (.00) .095 (.00)
Car_Capacity −.204 (.00) −.069 (.00) −.056 (.00)
Car_Displacement .274 (.00) .248 (.00) .227 (.00)
Standard Deviations of Parameters
Log_Dept_Time .031 (.00) na na
Rain .029 (.00) na na
Temp_LT_20 .010 (.00) na na
Temp_HT_26 .031 (.00) na na
Dist_To_Center .006 (.00) na na
Male .047 (.00) na na
Age .009 (.00) na na
C_Employee .101 (.00) na na
O_Employee .041 (.00) na na
Hybrid .110 (.00) na na
Car_Capacity .025 (.00) na na
Car_Displacement .017 (.00) na na
σw .120 na na
σv .545 .619 .927
σu .883 .961 na
L(C) −25,684.18 −25,684.18 −26,354.52
L(β) −22,465.45 −24,320.11 −24,964.16

Note: na = not applicable; L (C) and L (β) = log likelihood at constant and estimates, respectively.
Number of observations = 19,621.

also significantly higher than the ordinary linear regression models, on working days, drivers with hybrid cars consume more fuel than
indicating that it is necessary to consider unobserved budgets when drivers with ordinary cars during holidays.
modeling vehicle fuel consumption.
The estimation results for Model 1_W show that, at the signifi-
cance level of .05, all the explanatory variables have a significant Predictions
effect on vehicle fuel consumption on working days. The signs of
the estimated parameters suggest that a driver will consume more The expected VFCF for each observation was calculated from Equa-
fuel on working days when the departure time of the first trip is tions 6 and 8 with the estimated parameters given in Tables 2 and 3.
earlier, it is not rainy, the temperature is higher, home is further Distributions of actual VFCE and VFCE predicted by the linear
away from the city center, gender is male, the driver is younger, regression models were also calculated for comparison with the
occupation is company employee, car type is not hybrid, car capac- expected VFCFs.
ity is lower, and car displacement is higher. It is also clear that the Distributions of expected VFCFs as well as actual VFCE and
marginal effect of temperature on fuel consumption is greater when VFCE predicted by linear regression models are shown in Figure 6.
the temperature is higher. The figure shows that the distributions of expected VFCFs are a little
The estimation results for Model 1_H differ slightly from those more spread out than the VFCE distributions. As expected, the distri-
of Model 1_W. The main differences are that rain and high tempera- butions of expected VFCFs are to the right of the actual usage times.
ture do not significantly affect fuel consumption on holidays. Unlike The average expected VFCF on working days is 3.60 L; the corre-
Li, Miwa, and Morikawa 107

TABLE 3   Estimation Results of Models for Holidays

Coefficient (p-value)

Variable Model 1_Ha Model 2_Ha Model 0_Ha

Means of Parameters
Constant 2.281 (.00) 2.922 (.00) 1.941 (.00)
Log_Dept_Time −.347 (.00) −.361 (.00) −.401 (.00)
Rain −.007 (.79) −.002 (.96) .043 (.17)
Temp_LT_20 −.005 (.05) .004 (.16) .007 (.03)
Temp_HT_26 .017 (.26) .024 (.13) .038 (.03)
Dist_To_Center .019 (.00) .022 (.00) .027 (.00)
Male .434 (.00) .168 (.00) .123 (.02)
Age −.008 (.00) −.013 (.00) −.012 (.00)
C_Employee .292 (.00) .099 (.01) .028 (.50)
O_Employee .180 (.00) .070 (.05) −.012 (.75)
Hybrid .084 (.05) .092 (.02) .203 (.00)
Car_Capacity −.108 (.01) −.059 (.12) .025 (.57)
Car_Displacement .557 (.00) .523 (.00) .423 (.00)
Standard Deviations of Parameters
Log_Dept_Time .035 (.00) na na
Rain .116 (.00) na na
Temp_LT_20 .002 (.25) na na
Temp_HT_26 .118 (.00) na na
Dist_To_Center .008 (.00) na na
Male .066 (.00) na na
Age .009 (.00) na na
C_Employee .041 (.09) na na
O_Employee .009 (.56) na na
Hybrid .153 (.00) na na
Car_Capacity .036 (.00) na na
Car_Displacement .039 (.00) na na
σw .035 na na
σv .571 .649 1.189
σu 1.499 1.575 na
L(C) −12,150.39 −12,150.39 −12,624.37
L(β) −11,339.21 −11,746.08 −12,254.47
Number of observations = 7,702.

sponding value on holidays is 6.97 L. These findings indicate that driving. Long-term CAN data collected from private cars in Toyota
drivers’ budgets for daily fuel consumption on holidays are double City were used in the study. A stochastic frontier model with panel data
those on working days. The average actual VFCEs are 1.98 L and was employed as the methodology to identify the unobserved VFCF.
2.57 L on working days and holidays, respectively. Thus, the expected From the descriptive statistics, the intraindividual variation in daily
VFCFs are about double the corresponding actual car fuel consump- vehicle fuel consumption is much greater than the interindividual
tion. This means that, on average, people have the potential to double variation in the data set. Drivers’ fuel consumption patterns on work-
their fuel consumption. It should be noted that although the shapes of ing days are very different from those on holidays. Actual vehicle
the distributions of VFCEs predicted by the linear regression models fuel consumption (expenditure) was also found to be time variant
are much closer to the actual VFCEs, the frontier models in fact have and space variant.
much better model fit than the linear regression models. The proposed models were estimated and compared with cross-
section specifications and linear regression models that did not con-
sider the unobserved budgets. From the estimation results, the models
Conclusions with random coefficients provided a much better fit. Drivers’ VFCFs
on working days are significantly affected by the departure time of
In this study, interindividual and intraindividual variations were incor- their first trip, weather, temperature, home location, gender, age, and
porated into a VFCF model. VFCF was defined as the unobserved occupation. All these explanatory variables, except temperature and
maximum amount of fuel that an individual is willing to spend for weather, also significantly affect VFCFs on holidays. The engine type
108 Transportation Research Record 2503


VFCF predicted by Model 1_W (mean = 3.60 L)
VFCF predicted by Model 2_W (mean = 3.71 L)
VFCE predicted by Model 0_W (mean = 2.21 L)
Actual VFCE on working days (mean = 1.98 L)

Frequency 0.5





0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fuel Consumption (L)


VFCF predicted by Model 1_H (mean = 6.97 L)
VFCF predicted by Model 2_H (mean = 6.63 L)
0.6 VFCE predicted by Model 0_H (mean = 3.34 L)
Actual VFCE on holidays (mean = 2.57 L)






0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fuel Consumption (L)

FIGURE 6   Distributions of predicted VFCF and actual VFCE: (a) working days
and (b) holidays.

of the vehicles (i.e., hybrid vehicle or not) has opposite effects on outputs could be developed to consider the correlations between
VFCFs on working days and holidays. different car usage measures, such as travel time and mileage.
The estimated parameters were used to calculate expected VFCFs,
which were compared with actual VFCEs. The average expected
VFCF on working days was found to be 3.60 L; the corresponding References
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