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1. Start with a blank image with a size 800 x 600.

2. Next, choose Effects | Render | Mandelbrot Fractal. Change Factor = 3 and other keep the
default settings.

After applying Mandelbrot Fractal effect

3. Next step is we want to insert a new layer. Go to Layers window and click Add New Layer

Before Add New Layer After Add New Layer

4. Then use paint bucket tool to fill the canvas with black color.
Note: Black background is used to wrap the transparent area in the canvas.

After changing the background color

Before Apply Color After Apply Color

5. After that, click Move Layer Down button at Layers window to move down Layer2.

Before moving the layer After moving the layer

After move Layer2

6. Next step we need to merge these two layers by using Merge Layer Down.

Before merging the layer After merging the layer

7. Now choose Effects | Blurs | Splinter and follow the setting below. Mode = Lighten.

Splinter setting

After applying Splinter effect

8. Next, we will select a portion of this image as a background for our banner. Use the
Rectangle Select tool to select it.

9. Click on your canvas to make a selection. When you drag inside your canvas you will get a
selection with a fixed size 750 width and 100 heights.

10. Click and choose the area that you want to apply as a background.

11. Then click Crop to Selection or choose Image | Crop to Selection from your menu bar.
12. Next, we will sharpen the image. Choose Effects | Photo | Sharpen & Amount = 20.

Before applying the effect

After applying the effect

13. Next, go to Layers window and rename the layer as background.

14. After that, add a new layer and rename it as bar.

15. Choose Rectangle tool from Tools toolbar. Change the style to Draw Filled Shape at
tool options.

16. Make sure bar layer is the active layer. Then draw a black bar in the center of your canvas.
Blend Mode = Normal

17. Go to Layers window and click bar layer. Then press F4 to open the layer properties. Change
the blend mode to Reflect.

Blend Mode = Reflect

18. Next, add a new layer and rename the layer as yourname.

19. Then, type your name inside the bar. Make sure you used yourname layer for the text.
Apply any effect that you want for the text.

20. Add another new layer and rename the layer as text2.

21. Then apply Hue & Saturation to change the background color. Apply it in a different layer.
Choose any color that you like from your tutorial except blue color.
22. Modify your output by using gradient tool with transparency mode.

23. Lastly, save your banner as banner1_studentID.pdn and banner1_studentID.jpeg.

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