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liEAvY AilRC ru4!! JVr\F ?


I clasiified by
Xt. Fuel leal<s are usually .

are considered a hazard to

rc) ln:*;:tl:;"n".:ffiJ:11:i'ix1ii:#:everitv tonsidered flight 'ight
hazardous when located
aacit]onio-'unning ru"tt "'"
in unvented areas
purpose cf cross feed system
3.2. What is primary
any engine to any tank
a) To allow the feeding from one tank of defueling
b) To allow the f;in;of fuelfromof a tank to any desired level
c) To provide uuto*uitt refueling
13. Fueljettisoning is done
Defuel the outboard tank
;) eoort"' should be in "oN" condition
and outlet in each wing
c) Through t";;;;'
d) All - -..:^^^^r .,,ith
pump circuit is equipped
3-4. Constant delivery
a) Fressure regulator {
' b) Pressure indicator
c) Pressure relief valve
d) All
15. Cable tension is determined
a) Direct tensiometer
when reading concide
-ri^- rnnrirt e
b) Form temperature graph within' x. and min. is
d) None r: -^^!:^^

aircraft move to right direction

il t*;ru;"ffi: ffff:16iff"'::"JTi"::^::n'
;i nier'tt una left aileron moves simultaneously
to aircraft
17. Landing gear is attached
a) lnterference fit
b) Close tolerance fit

i [1*:;i*iJ,'"il1cros1torela
- !:+., sause it is measured by
a) Volume
b) Weight
c) DensitY
19. Finess ratio
a) Low in thick wing
;) r-o* tin.r,,'atio increases turbulence
.i n,*n finess ratio increases skin friction ry
d) All
( zbi tn multiPle disk brake svstem
Yi ooo no of stator and evennonoofofstator
;i odd no of rotor and even
c) As in .'.""""'

S!'i KTJMAR & fiAVt KR' sf'vcF

ca{,/!ptLEl8Y: - AVij',d,A

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