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Monique Soto

Cristal Negron
Julia Duarte-Reyes
Laura Mendez

Activity: LEVEL # 3 WEEK # 27


TIME: 30 mins

Parachute (1)
Jump Ropes (32)
Foam Soccer Balls (5)

OBJECTIVES: The students will:

1. Hear changes in musical accompaniment and move accordingly.
2. To understand the aerobic benefits of rope jumping.
3. To recognize that learning any skill takes repetition and refinement.
4. Understand strategies in simple game activities.
5. Work cooperatively with peers in parachute fitness activities.

Introductory Activity: 3.6 Demonstrate basic stretches using proper alignment for
hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, triceps,back, shoulders, hip abductors, and calves.
Fitness Activity: 3.2 Demonstrate the correct body position for pushing and pulling
large objects.
Lesson Focus: 1.5 Jump a self-turned rope.
Game: 1.9 Catch a fly ball above the head, below the waist, and away from the body.
5.5 Include others in physical activities and respect individual differences in skill and


Activity Teaching Hints

One Partner leads and performs various Encourage students to challenge their
kinds of movements. Start off with your partner. Change partners once or twice
favorite dance move/give them ideas of to maintain interest in the activity.
what to do. The other partner follows
and performs the same movements.
This can also be done with small groups,
with the group following a leader.

PART 2: FITNESS DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY (8-12 mins): Parachute Fitness

Activity Teaching Hints

1. Jog in circle with chute held in Tape alternating segments (25-30

left hand. Reverse direction and seconds in length) of silence and music
hold with right hand. to signal duration of exercise. Music
2. Standing, raise the chute segments indicate aerobic activity with
overhead, lower to waist, lower the parachute while intervals of silence
to toes, raise to waist, etc. announce using the chute to enhance
3. Slide to the right; return slide to flexibility and strength development.
the left.
4. Skip.

PART 3: LESSON FOCUS (15-20 mins): Individual Rope Jumping Skills

Activity Teaching Hints

1. Introduce the two basic jump rhythms: The length of the rope is dependent
a. Slow-time rhythm. In slow time rhythm, on the height of the jumper. It
the performer jumps the rope and then should be long enough so that the
takes a second jump while the rope is ends reach to the armpits or slightly
overhead. The jump while the rope is higher when the child stands on its
overhead is usually a small, light center. Grades 5 and 6 need a
rebound jump. In slow time, the rope mixture of 7-, 8-, 9-ft ropes. Ropes
makes one full turn for each two jumps. or handles can be color-coded for
b. Fast time rhythm. In fast time rhythm, the length.
students jump the rope with every jump.
The rope makes one full turn for every The length of the ropes is
jump. dependent on the height of the
2. Introduce some of the basic steps variations. jumper. It should be long enough
The basic steps can be done in slow or fast so that the ends reach the armpits
time. or slightly higher when the child
a. Side Swing- Swing the rope, held with stands on its center. Grades 5 and
both hands to one side of the body. 6 need a mixture of 7-, 8-, and 9-ft
Switch and swing the rope on the other ropes. Ropes or handles can be
side of the body. color coded for length.
b. Double side swing and jump- Swing the
rope once on either side of the body Two types of ropes are available,
Follow the second swing with a jump the beaded (plastic segment) and
over the rope. The sequence should be the plastic (licorice) rope. The
swing, swing, jump. beaded ropes are heavier and
c. Alternate-Foot Basic Step- In alternate- seem easier to turn for beginning
foot basic step, as the rope passes jumpers. The drawback to the
under the feet, the weight is shifted beaded rope is that they hurt when
alternately from one foot to the other, they hit another student. Also, if the
raising the non-support foot in a running segments are made round, the
position. rope will roll easily on the floor and
d. Spread Legs Forward and Backward- For cause children to fall when they
spread legs forward and backward, stand in step on it. The plastic licorice ropes
a stride position (as in the Rocker) with are lighter and give less wind
weight equally distributed on both feet. As resistance. For experienced
the rope passes under the feet, jump into jumpers more speed and control
the air and reverse the position of the feet. can be gained with that type of
e. Straddle Jump- Alternate a regular jump rope. An ideal situation would be to
with a straddle jump. The straddle jump is have a set of each type.
performed with the feet spread to shoulder Posture is an important
width. consideration in rope jumping. The
f. Cross Legs Sideward- In the Cross Legs body should be in good alignment
sideward, as the rope passes under the with the head up and the eyes
feet, spread the legs in a straddle position looking straight ahead. The jump is
(sideward) to take the rebound. As the rope made with the body in an erect
passes under the feet on the next turn, position.
jump into the air and cross the feet with the A slight straightening of the knees
right foot forward. Then repeat with the left provides the lift for the jump, which
foot forward and continue this alternation. should be of minimal height (about
g. Toe-Touch Forward- To do the toe-touch 1 in.).
forward, swing the right foot forward as the The wrists supply the force to turn
rope passes under the feet and touch the the rope, with the elbows kept
right toes on the next count. Then alternate, close to the body and extended at
landing on the right foot and touching the a 90-degree angle.
left toes forward. A pumping action and lifting of the
h. Toe-Touch Backwards- The toe-touch arms is unnecessary. The landing
backward is similar to the swing-step should be made on the balls of the
sideward, except that the toes of the free feet, with the knees bent slightly to
foot touch to the back at the end of the cushion the shock.
i. Shuffle Step- The shuffle step involves
pushing off with the right foot and
sidestepping to the left as the rope passes
under the feet. Land with the weight on the
left foot and touch the right toes beside the Usually, the feet, ankles, and legs
left heel. Repeat the step in the opposite are kept together, except when a
direction. specific step calls for a different
3. Teach the Crossing Arms Step position.
Once the basic steps are mastered, crossing
the arms while turning the rope provides an The rope should be held by the
interesting variation. Crossing the arms during index finger and thumb on each
forward turning is easier than crossing behind the side with the hands making a small
back during backward turning. During crossing, the circle. The elbows should be held
hands exchange places. This means that forward near the sides to avoid making
crossing, the elbows are close to each other. This large arm circles with the rope.
is not possible during backward crossing. Crossing
and uncrossing can be done at predetermined Music can be added when jumpers
points after a stipulated number of turns. Crossing have learned the first stages of
can be accomplished during any of the routines. jumping. Music provides a
4. Teach Double Turning challenge for continued jumping.
The double turn of the rope is also interesting.
The jumper does a few basic steps in preparation To collect ropes at the completion
for the double turn. As the rope approaches the of a rope-jumping activity, have two
feet, the child gives an extremely hard flip of the or three children act as monitors.
rope from the wrist, jumps from 6 to 8 inches in They put both arms out to the front
height, and allows the rope to pass under the feet or to the side at shoulder level. The
twice before landing. The jumper must bend other children them drape the
forward at the waist somewhat, which increases ropes over their arms. The
the speed of the turn A substantial challenge for monitors return the ropes to the
advanced rope jumpers is to see how many correct storage area.
consecutive double-turn jumps they can do.
5. Teach shifting from forward to backward Instructional cues to use for
jumping improving jumping technique are:
To switch from forward to backward jumping a. Keep the arms at the side of
without stopping the rope, any of the following the body while turning.
techniques can be used. (Many children lift the arms
a. As the rope starts downward in to shoulder level trying to
forward jumping, rather than allowing it to move the rope overhead.
pass under the feet, the performer swings This makes it impossible for
both arms to the left (or right) and makes a the youngster to jump over
half turn of the body in that direction the elevated rope.)
(i.e., facing the rope). On the next b. Turn the rope by making
downward swing, the jumper spreads the small circles with the wrists.
arms and starts turning in the opposite c. Jump on the balls of the
direction. This method also works for feet.
shifting from backward to forward jumping. d. Bend the knees slightly to
B. When the rope is directly above the absorb the force of the
head, the performer extends both arms, jump.
causing the rope to hesitate momentarily, e. Make a small jump over the
at the same time making a half turn in rope.
either direction and continuing to skip with
the rope turning in the opposite direction. Partner jumping may require a
c. From a crossed-arm position, as the rope slightly longer rope and partners of
is going above the performer’s head, the similar height.
jumper may uncross the arms and turn
simultaneously. This starts the rope turning
and the performer jumping in that e
6. Teach Jumping with a Partner. One student
turns and jumps the rope while her partner enters
and jumps simultaneously. The following are some
challenges partners can try:
a. Run in and face partner, and both jump.
b. Run in and turn back to partner, and both
c. Decide which steps are to be done; then
run in and match steps.
d. Repeat with the rope turning backward.
7. Teach side- by- side jumpin. Partners clasp
inside hands and turn the rope with outside
a. Face the same direction and turn the rope.
b. Face opposite directions, clasp left hands,
and turn the rope.
c. Face opposite directions, clasp right hands,
and turn the rope.
d. Repeat routines with inside knees raised.

PART 4: GAME ACTIVITY (5 mins): Whistle Ball

Activity Teaching Hints

Have students move into circle Divide students into groups of 6-8
A ball is passed rapidly back and forth
among them in any order.
Objective is to stay in the game as long
as possible.
A student sits in place after making any
of the following errors:
1. A player has the ball or the ball is Time intervals can be signaled with
on the way when the signal music on-off taped segments of 5 to 15
occurs. secs
2. A poor throw is made or a catch
is not made after a catchable
3. A pass is made back to the
person from whom it was

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