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Lake Forest School District 115 Support Personnel Evaluation Employee Name: Sara Derdiger Job Title: Teacher Assistant Years in Current Position: 1 Evaluated By: Anna Bahramis Date: Novernber 29, 2017 and March 21, 2018 PRODUCTIVITY Q X Exceeds Expectations is regularly sought out by peers as a resource and expert consistently completes exceptional amounts of work consistently completes work thoroughly, accurately and in advance of deadline performs more than essential job functions in order to achieve departmental goals performs advanced planning and demonstrates superior organization ability speaks and writes clearly and understandably, even when dealing with complex topics completes assignments and more than is expected with minimal oversight employs creativity when approaching new challenges and solving problems takes initiative to address issues before they become problems a Meets Expectations clearly understands the job produces the expected amount of work generates accurate and timely work products performs essential and related job functions plans and organizes as necessary speaks and writes clearly and concisely regularly follows through on commitments with normal supervision incorporates new technologies and approaches to solving problems and completing work a Below Expectations requires guidance in ot lacks knowledge of areas of fundamental job duties produces only enough work to get by; does not use time wisely fails to attend to essential job functions ‘generates errors, inaccuracies, and requires frequent oversight Jacks command of spoken and written language follows through only with supervision demonstrates a lack of independent problem-solving skills and exhibits poor judgment lacks initiati IIS Support Personnel Evaluation Document Revised 8.13.17 Lake Forest School District 115 Support Personnel Evaluation Please comment on employee’s productivity; i.e. knowledge of the job; technologies required to complete it; quality of work; quantity of output; attention to duties; the ability to plan/organize work. November 29, 2017 Sara exceeds expectation in this area of Productivity. A teacher that Sara works with comments that her assistance in the classroom and with students is “invaluable”. ‘The feedback that she received from all teachers is positive, There are comments that Sara is an asset in the classroom, and especially with her educational degree, understands the needs of students and the classroom and is able to independently ‘work with students and groups of students, All of the teachers comment that Sara is extremely fependent and is intuitive when approaching the student she works with and the classroom she assists in, “Sara jumps right in and assists in direct instruction and also works with students individually in the classroom setting. March 21, 2018 During this observation, Sara was providing support in a math class to a student who needs individual support; however, she also provided support to other students in the classroom, Sara redirected the students who were off-task as class gets started. She asked one of the students to go back to his seat, Sara is able to approach any student and her interactions with each student is respectful. Sara checked in with the student she works with as a 1:1 support, C, before she walks around to check in with other students. Sara let other students know that they can tell her if they need help. A student says he is not happy to be in class after the teacher asks, and Sara helps this student (who she is not assigned to) by sitting next to ‘the student and indicating to a portion of the worksheet. Sara used subtle prompting and less verbal instruction for this student, who is sensitive to noise and distractions in the environment. Sara then moved back to the student she is assigned to and made sure he was on the right track and then moved to circulating the room to see if others need assistance. Sara checked with other students to make sure they labeled specific parts of the problem that the teacher indicated at the front of the room. This class is mostly teacher-led with students completing portions of a worksheet and C didn’t need a lot of support on this particular date. C begins to look in his bad and Sara offered him a calculator; he accepted it. C began to fall asleep, Sata noticed and nudged for him to wake up; he complied, Sara offered for the student to move (to wake up); the student did not want to so Sara moved to sit next to him instead of behind him, Over the year, Sara is sought out by colleagues and students as a resource and expert, Sara’s excellent productivity is evidenced by teacher feedback: © Sara is invaluable in the classroom. When Michelle and I have stations, [ count on her to teach one of the stations and she does a fantastic job. The students regard her as a regular teacher, Always readily available to help with these tasks. I never need to ask her to help--she automatically steps up. D115 Support Personnel Evaluation Document Revised 8.13.17 Lake Forest School District 115 Support Personnel Evaluation © Sara is the BEST TA I have ever had. She goes above and beyond the expectation I would have for her in my classroom, She is so helpful to have for her assigned student, as well as assisting other students. She communicates well with me and always expresses concems or new ideas. I appreciate that she is organized and professional, She is always so willing to help and comes to see me if there's anything to do to help our class, I appreciate it greatly. I think so highly of her and she truly made our class better and was an important member. © Sara is a total self-starter, whether i's supporting the entire class or while supporting her 1:1 student, She creates forms and documents regularly, often thinking of them before Ido. Sara is very responsible in this area and I always tell my subs to refer to Sara and follow her lead when {Tm absent. Tam most comfortable when Sara is my sub in the class, ¢ Sara has been very active in adapting the current project for Casey (e.g., only providing him ‘one research handout ata time to prevent him from being overwhelmed). Sara works with Casey 1:1 both in the classroom and in a separate space (when necessary) to keep him current. Sara comments: My knowledge of the job has steadily improved and become clearer as I’ve settled into this position, as, have my interactions and support of C.W., who has become much more comfortable with me. I understand the technology being used in classes, as well as how to implement it in helping C.W. and other students. I believe I have done well in helping C.W. improve in areas related to his IEP goals, specifically in using his resources within the school and talking with teachers, but I would still like to work on helping hhim improve when working with groups and relying less on separate site when working on projects and ‘writings in class. I would also like to be more proactive in communicating with teachers about their needs during class. I have, however, stayed organized and planned out my work duties well, including completing the work that C.W. is required in terms of math assignments and readings so I can be of more help to him and other students in the class, TEAMWORK Q X Exceeds Expectations freely volunteers clear and accurate information forges working relationships characterized by caring, respect and acceptance exhibits courtesy when interacting with others readily volunteers to assist colleagues, supervisors, teachers, volunteers, etc. listens empathetically to others” points of view contributes to the work of the team beyond what is expected a Meets Expectations provides clear and accurate information IIS Suppor Personnel Evaluation Document Revised 8.13.17 Lake Forest School District 115 Support Personnel Evaluation builds positive working relationships usually exhibits courtesy in interacting with others, supports the work of colleagues, supervisors, etc. listens and allows others to express themselves a Below Expectations withholds or provides inaccurate information treats others with a lack of caring and respect interacts rudely or abusively with others cooperates unwillingly with colleagues, supervisors, teachers, et. has problems with or creates friction with others contributes little or distracts the team from its work blames others for own mistakes Please comment on the employee's teamwork skills; i.e. working relationships within the department; willingness to cooperate and commitment to achieving team goals; ability to listen and empathize; skill at accepting and sharing constructive nutions to the work of the department. November 29, 2017 Sara meets expectations in the area of Teamwork. She has built positive working relationships with her colleagues and has shown a true commitment to the Special Education Department and the student(s) she works with. One teacher comments that Sara is “always readily available to help with all of the tasks in the classroom and I never have to ask her to help to prepare for class - she comes into class and automatically sets up what we need for the day.” Another teacher comments the Sara is great at organizing handouts, running copies, and assisting with test makeup and working with students in a small group and individual setting, This teacher also comments that Sara needs no to little prompting to initiate tasks, March 21, 2018 Sara has made growth in the area of Teamwork. Her excellent rating is supported by teacher feedback and her contributions to the team during professional development opportunities, as well as with her willingness to substitute for teachers and provide support in additional areas (testing, gathering data for other students, supporting general education students in the classroom) when needed, ‘Teacher feedback: ‘© Sara is completely professional and friendly in communicating with me. She takes detailed notes on student progress and shares these with me to provide additional feedback on students. Sara has a very supportive relationship with the students and especially the student she is directly IIS Support Personne! Evaluation Document Revised 8.13.17 Lake Forest School District 115 Support Personnel Evaluation. responsible for. The student feels safe and accepted by Sara. Sara is very good at delivering content/instruction to students and I can count on her during stations activities. Sara has a very calming influence on students and we haven't had a serious conflict in the classroom yet. Sara is very comfortable collaborating with other staff in support of her 1:1 student. When she has been asked to escort students, she takes it very seriously. Sara is excellent at this and it shows. her teaching experience, Sara is always calm and comforting, and she has had to intervene frequently this year when her 1:1 student has become upset. She calms him down effectively. Sara comments: My relationships with my coworkers have been positive and collaborative. I am often working with teachers to support them or other students, as well as following up with C.W.’s teachers on his needs. As previously stated, Id like to work on communicating with teachers on a daily basis about how I can be of best use to them in class that day. I have been able to empathize with and listen to both my colleagues and students, There has not been much constructive (or otherwise) criticism given or received at this point in the year, but it is a long-time goal of mine to apply constructive criticism to improving my practice consistently and to receive it well, as I historically have a tendency to overthink it or take it personally, I have made suggestions for new adaptations and modifications for students which have been well received and have benefitted those students. PROFESSIONALISM DQ X Exceeds Expectations ‘models behaviors consistent with the District’s vision adapts quickly and seamlessly to change responds effectively to emergencies and new challenges seeks out opportunities to learn new skills and grow professionally a Meets Expectations observes and follows District policies and procedures ‘maintains a pattern of prompt and regular attendance demonstrates good judgment when making decisions shows flexibility when faced with new situations, problems and challenges follows supervisor's directives a Below Expectations demonstrates behaviors inconsistent with District policy and/or vision absences interfere with productivity shows inflexibility and resistance to change 11S Support Personnel Evaluation Document Revised 8.13.17 Lake Forest School District 115 Support Personnel Evaluation reveals unwillingness to learn new skills ignores/disregards directives of supervisor Comment on the employee's level of professionalism; ice. initiative; willingness and capacity to learn new ills and technologies; dependability; judgment and problem-solving skills November 29, 2018 Sara meets expectations in the area of Professionalism, Teachers comments that Sara demonstrates professionalism in the classroom in her approach and delivery to students and adults. Sara also attends professional development opportunities and departmental meetings, as expected. Another teacher comments that Sara can always be relied on during PLT time, as she checks in to see if assistance is, needed. Sara follows district policies and procedures. She maintains a pattem of prompt and regular attendance and demonstrates good judgement when making decision, Sara follows her supervisor’s directives and helps to come up with solutions when a problem arises. March 21, 2018 ‘The teachers that Sara works with comment that she is always on time and prepared for class, and also that she makes sure that her student is also prepared with instructional materials. There was one incident when Sara was a few minutes late for a Departmental Meeting. Sara has made growth in the area of Professionalism and shows true excellence, as evidenced by the feedback provided by the teachers she works with: ‘* Sara maintains notes and shares this information with us using Google Docs. During PLT time, Sara makes herself available to help out with these tasks. When I was at a conference, the sub left a note saying Sara was amazing, Sara knows how to explain material at appropriate levels so that all students can understand. Sara assists with the use of Chromebooks, redirecting student misbehavior, and takes initiative in the classroom, Sara is very tech savvy and has helped me in situations when I don’t know what to do with the Chromebook. ‘¢ Sara takes her job seriously and is very responsible for all tasks in the classroom, she shares the space with the teacher. A classroom teacher designed a form for Sara's student and requested that Sara fll it out daily, which she has. Sara is an excellent resource in this area, always thinking ‘multiple steps ahead and planning accordingly. Sara is always ready to jump in when/where needed. Sara can handle anything we give her. Sara does a great job in a variety of settings, including as a class TA, as a 1:1 TA, and as a general TA in the department. Sara comments: Thave taken initiative in identifying potential new ways to help certain students and in arranging times to speak with teachers to update them on C.W., as well as other students, and to identify ways to help D115 Support Personnel Evaluation Document Revised 8.13.17 Lake Forest School District 115 Support Personnel Evaluation students and teachers. I have requested (and gained) access to Schoology and Powerschoo! in order to better keep track of classwork and student work so I can be of greater assistance in LS courses. I have consistently volunteered to sub for teachers for BF Tutoring, in classes, and extracurriculars, as well as proctoring when T am available during the required slots. I have not missed any days of work or any classes and have only shown up late to classes when helping with other students, I have worked with teachers to solve problems that have arisen with C.W. and other students as well as general planning and problem solving in certain classes. I seek out answers when I have questions, though I don’t always know who to go to, ATTAINMENT OF PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVES (Discretionary) Objective #1 Before the end of this school year, I will complete professional development (je.: CPI training, behavioral professional development, and / or training on motivators) in order to meet the needs of the students ‘work with. This will be evidenced by the approval of each professional development and my attendance at each session that I am approved to attend. Progress to date: © Completed CPI Training in August 2017 ‘* Completed Executive Functioning Training in November 2017 ‘© Sara adds that she attended all collaboration days and department meetings and is reading Finding the Gray by Timothy J. Wahlberg, which is a book about working with people on the autism spectrum, Objective #2 1 will review my student’s IEP at each quarter and create strategies that will help him to meet his quarterly benchmarks. This will be evidenced by communications I have with the case manager, who will approve suggested strategies and share with teachers. Progress to date: Has worked with “C” on how to approach his teachers and ask for help when needed. Sara sees him talking to teachers more and coping better with long-term projects. Sara would like to see him working with groups, but working with his peers and teachers are more important, Sara will attend his IEP meeting today. © Sara reports, “I have read over C.W’s IEP on multiple occasions and have worked with him on his, ‘goals (one at a time). We have made great progress in improving his ability and comfort with DIS Support Personnel Evaluation Document Revised 8.13.17 Lake Forest School District 115 Support Personnel Evaluation speaking to teachers, and I would like to work with him on working in groups and staying in class for projects and writing assignments rather than seeking separate site (this isa function of his anxiety over his progress v. his perception of everyone else’s progress and he misses out on valuable help from his teachers when he leaves the room). I have made suggestions specific to courses as well as overall suggestions for both C.W. and other students, which have been received well.” DX Exceeded objectives a Objectives were met a Objectives were not met OVERALL JOB PERFORMANCE Identification of Strengths: ‘© The relationship she has formed with “C” and the rapport she has with other students Interactions with colleagues Problem-solving for students who she does not work with directly Hard-working Caring Self-starter, self-learner Follows IEPs Electronic data collection ee ee eee Opportunities for Growth/Improvements: ‘© Teach C more ways to be independent Overall rating: X Exceeds Expectations Q a Meets Expectations a Below Expectations Supervisor's Signature Date Employee's Signature Ds Pali P28 SR I D115 Support Personne! Evaluation Document Revised 8.13.17

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