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# CPP SW UPDATE Procedure Using SMO – OSS #



DAY time activity

1. Make sure you have all valid SW packages in your laptop

2. Unzip SW package once if was zipped twice
3. Transfer all SW packages using FTP Client to OSS (should exist on SMO)
4. Open SMO application in OSS then > > SMO file store, on right pane select Delivery. Then right-
click and select import files.

On popup window coming select the path where you transferred SW package in step 3/.

Note: import file will transfer all SW packages to SMO delivery folder ( var/opt/…./delivery)
automatically by OSS

5. On top menu bar select Software, then select “Set main Software FTP service”, on popup
window , select FTP service in OSS configured to be used to upgrade ( whether is remote
fptserver or local ftpserver)

>> /UTRAN_FTP/ftpswstore/

// Hint:
TO confirm, check on ONE application, check FTP server folder to see which ftpservice is
configured to be used including path and IP address of ftpserver
(for this case us ftpswstore)

6. On middle pane “delivery “ select respective SW package and click Software on top menu bar
and select import Software package , follow instruction to the end.

import SW >> means, OSS will transfer all SW package from SMO delivery folder to
ftpserver under specified path ( ftpserver selected in step 5 above) and later it clears all
files from SMO delivery folder
SW importation take max 7mins
7. Check /monitor progress of the SW importation and logs under “Jobs”
8. Login to RNC and check if SFTP is active and Corba is OFF ( OSS 10.3 requires RNC to use SFTP
>secmode –s

9. Go to SMO, Under Software select respective SW Upgrade package and right click and select
“Upgrade NE”
Then follow instruction by first add NEs to be upgraded ( Add, Select NE window will appear,
the add all NEs needed to be upgraded by that SW UP)

On Ftp service window, un-tick and make sure ftpSwStore is selected then NEXT, on Job
configuration select /tick “Installation” and “Verify Upgrade”

On Job parameter Window, confirm name of Upgrade control file then select “Installation” then
Under Loadm Module Transfer type ..Select “FULL”

Then next.

1. During installation, RNC will first analyze LKF including checking capacity license in RNC
then it will install UP ( download UP from ftpserver using ftpservices in OSS/SMO to RNC
/c/loadmodules & /jvm . and creating CV “ SI “ ).

2. Estimated time to SW installation takes roughly 30mins

10. Monitor the installation progress on “JOB”

Once done verify if everything is ok on respective Node

a. Pr UpgradePackage //check whether new UP exist

Mid night Activity (Actual Upgrade)

1. Open SMO, under Network and select all Nodes to be upgraded, and highlight the required SW
UP then Next.
2. On Job configuration, select “Upgrade” and “Confirm Upgrade”, then Next
3. On Jo Parameters, confirm upgrade control file and then click Upgrade…and tick Hard SW
4. Click Finish
5. Monitor the progress under “Job” then once done execute SW Adjust
6. Make CV after confirming everything is OK..

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