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Quality Assurance in Education

Managing service quality in higher education: the role of the student as primary consumer
Frances M. Hill
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To cite this document:
Frances M. Hill, (1995),"Managing service quality in higher education: the role of the student as primary consumer", Quality
Assurance in Education, Vol. 3 Iss 3 pp. 10 - 21
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Adee Athiyaman, (1997),"Linking student satisfaction and service quality perceptions: the case of university education",
European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 31 Iss 7 pp. 528-540
Mathew Joseph, Beatriz Joseph, (1997),"Service quality in education: a student perspective", Quality Assurance in
Education, Vol. 5 Iss 1 pp. 15-21
Jacqueline Douglas, Alex Douglas, Barry Barnes, (2006),"Measuring student satisfaction at a UK university", Quality
Assurance in Education, Vol. 14 Iss 3 pp. 251-267

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Managing service The first part of this article discusses aspects of
quality in higher current service quality theory in the context of
British higher education (HE). In particular, it
education: the role of focuses on the role of the student as primary
the student as primary consumer of HE services, and the implications
of this conceptualization for the management
consumer of service quality in higher education organiza-
tions (HEOs). The second part briefly discusses
an exploratory study which has monitored a
Frances M. Hill group of students’ expectations and percep-
tions of service quality over time, and the spe-
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cific issues raised by the findings.

Definition and characteristics of services

Services are behavioural rather than physical
The author
entities, and have been described as deeds,
Frances M. Hill is a Senior Lecturer at the School of
performances or effort (Rathmell, 1966);
Finance of Information, The Queen’s University, Belfast,
deeds, acts or performances (Berry, 1980);
activities or processes (Grönroos, 1991). As
Parasuraman (1986) notes, there is fairly wide-
spread agreement in the literature concerning
Discusses aspects of current service quality theory in the
the characteristics which tend to differentiate
context of British higher education (HE). Focuses on the
services from goods. These are: intangibility,
role of the student as primary consumer of HE services (a
perishability, inseparability of production and
relatively recent conceptualization in this country), and the
consumption, and heterogeneity. With regard
implications of this for the management of service quality
to intangibility, this has been described as one
in higher education organizations (HEOs). Briefly discusses
of the few fairly stable generalizations that can
an exploratory study which has monitored a group of
be made about services. Liechty and Churchill
students’ expectations and perceptions of service quality
(1979) state that services are doubly intangible
over time. Because of its limited scope, the findings of this
because they are impalpable and cannot be
study may not be generalized to the student population as
grasped mentally. The abstract nature of ser-
a whole. However, it does serve to highlight the need for
vices causes problems for both providers and
HEOs to gather information on students’ expectations, not
consumers. It is difficult for service providers to
only during their time at university, but at the point of
differentiate their offerings from those of com-
arrival and before, to manage students’ expectations from
petitors, while it is equally difficult for con-
enrolment through to graduation, in order to align them as
sumers to evaluate a service before it is
closely as possible with what can be delivered by way of
acquired and consumed. Unlike physical
service quality, for the student evaluation process, or
goods, services are ephemeral, to the extent
upward appraisal, to be dealt with in a much more
that they can be consumed only as long as the
detailed, comprehensive and multi-focused way than
activity or process continues. When the activity
tends to be the case currently at many British universities.
or process discontinues, de facto the service
Acknowledges the need for further research to investigate
ceases to exist. Thus, service processes
all of these matters.
(although not their tangible outputs) are per-
ishable and cannot be stored in the way that
physical goods can. Moreover, their utility is
short-lived and mass production, which may be
possible with certain goods, is impossible in
relation to services. Services are also consumed

The author wishes to thank Christopher Burns and

Shirley-Ann Hazlett for their assistance in conduct-
Quality Assurance in Education ing this study, and also two anonymous referees
Volume 3 · Number 3 · 1995 · pp. 10–21 who clearly put a considerable amount of effort
© MCB University Press · ISSN 0968-4883 into the task.
Managing service quality in higher education Quality Assurance in Education
Frances M. Hill Volume 3 · Number 3 · 1995 · 10–21

at the same time as they are produced, but there Service quality
is no transfer of ownership. However, the con-
The will-o’-the-wisp nature of service quality is
sumer is an integral part of the service process.
nicely captured by Tan (1986, p. 224), who
Because of the human interaction and labour
describes it as being like beauty in the eye of
intensity involved in the delivery of most ser-
the beholder; in other words, it has different
vices, they are heterogeneous, as each service
meaning for different people. Similarly, Berry
act is unique. This leads to a lack of standardi-
et al. (1990) see consumers as being the sole
zation, which means that service quality can
judge of service quality. In terms of how con-
vary considerably from one situation to the next
sumers actually assess service quality, Berry et
within the same organization (Berry et al.,
al. (1985, p. 46) conclude that consumer
1985). Clearly these characteristics have impor-
perceptions of service quality result from
tant implications for the delivery of service
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comparing expectations prior to receiving the

quality – and for HEOs, which are largely in the
service, and their actual experience of the
business of service provision.
service. Not surprisingly, if the consumer’s
expectations are met, service quality is per-
Role of the consumer in service delivery ceived to be satisfactory; if they are not met, it
One distinctive aspect of services is that con- is perceived to be less than satisfactory; and if
sumers are often part of the production and they are exceeded, it is perceived to be more
delivery processes. In many services, the than satisfactory (delighting the customer). A
consumer is required to contribute informa- similar approach is taken by Grönroos (1982).
tion and/or effort before the service transaction This has developed into the perceptions minus
takes place (Kelley et al., 1990). The con- expectations (P–E) conceptualization of ser-
sumer’s input constitutes the raw material that vice quality referred to as “gap theory”. This
is transformed by the service organization’s “suggests that the difference between con-
employees into a service product. Conse- sumers’ expectations about the performance of
quently, the consumer contributes directly to a general class of service providers and their
the quality of service delivered, and to his/her assessment of the actual performance of a
own (dis)satisfaction (Mills et al., 1983, p. specific firm within that class drives the per-
302). If the inputs provided by the consumer ception of service quality” (Cronin and Taylor,
are inadequate and/or inappropriate, this may 1992).
well lead to service problems and failures. In To complicate matters further, service
the world of higher education, illustrative quality can be broken down into two sub-
examples might include: students failing to do components, namely technical quality and
the necessary advance preparation for tutorials functional quality. Technical quality relates to
and to ask appropriate questions at tutorials; what is provided during the service process
omitting to hand in work for assessment; (knowledge, tangibles, technical solutions,
talking excessively during lectures, and so on. etc.). Functional quality, on the other hand,
Thus, service productivity and quality depend refers to how the service is provided, the inter-
not only on the performance of the service personal behaviours contributed by the service
provider’s personnel, but also on the perfor- employee during the service encounter (Grön-
mance of the consumer, which again can make roos, 1982). Recognizing the role of the con-
quality management problematic. In addition, sumer in the service delivery process, Kelley et
many service encounters require close person- al.(1990) add two further components to this
al interaction between a service provider and a service quality framework – customer technical
consumer. Whether or not such interaction is quality and customer functional quality. The
perceived by the consumer to be satisfactory former refers to what the consumer
may depend on a variety of factors, ranging contributes to the service encounter, while the
from the appearance of the service provider latter refers to how the consumer behaves
(be they academic or support staff) and his/her during service provision – friendly, respectful,
perceived competence, to the personality co-operative behaviours would be relevant in
characteristics of, and the interpersonal attrac- this regard, as would aggressive, abusive,
tion between, the participants. Although some disrespectful ones. The significance of the
of these factors may contribute to service above discussion on service and service quality
heterogeneity and variability, they are not easy is that, in attempting to manage service quality,
to control. it is not enough to focus on service provider
Managing service quality in higher education Quality Assurance in Education
Frances M. Hill Volume 3 · Number 3 · 1995 · 10–21

personnel; attention must also be paid to the service provider should offer, and a pair of
motivation and behaviour of the consumer as normative standards comprising what the
well. consumer hopes to receive, and adequate
Before entering into a detailed discussion on service. While this debate continues, it is gener-
the management of service quality in HE, it is ally agreed that most consumers enter a service
first of all necessary to isolate the key variables encounter with some form of expectations,
which relate to service quality. There is consid- ranging from the ill-defined in unfamiliar
erable debate in the literature (see, for example, situations to the well-defined in familiar ones.
Cronin and Taylor (1992, 1994), Teas (1993, As indicated above, whether or not these expec-
1994), and Parasuraman et al. (1994)), about tations are met will have a bearing on perceived
how best to conceptualize and operationalize service quality.
the service quality construct, and about the In attempting to explain how such expecta-
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relationship between, and relative importance tions are formed, some writers (for example,
of, the key variables that relate to it. However, McCallum and Harrison (1985), Smith and
Bitner’s (1990) model of service encounter Houston (1986)), refer to the literature on
evaluation highlights the variables which have cognitive scripts. This type of script has been
received most attention from researchers. described as a predetermined stereotyped
Figure 1 represents a simplified version of sequence of actions that defines a well known
Bitner’s model. situation (Schank and Abelson, 1977). Thus, a
For the purposes of this article, the variables cognitive script will specify the set of actions
of interest are: expectations, perceived service which constitute a particular situation, the
performance, disconfirmation, and the rela- order in which they would normally occur, the
tionship between consumer satisfaction and individuals who would perform the actions, and
perceived service quality. the setting in which they take place. Thus,
through repeated consumption of a service, the
consumer may develop a script for that service,
which will shape his/her expectations. Once
For those wishing to manage service quality, it formed, these expectations will be the basis of
is most important to have some understanding evaluation for subsequent service transactions.
of consumer expectations, how such expecta- Zeithaml et al. (1990) identify some specific
tions develop, and their significance in relation factors which can influence the consumer’s
to service quality. “Knowing what customers expectations. These are:
expect is the first, and possibly most critical, • word of mouth communications (what
step in delivering service quality” (Zeithaml et consumers hear from other consumers);
al., 1990, p. 51). Again, there is some debate in • personal needs (determined by individual
the literature concerning the exact nature of the characteristics and circumstances);
expectations construct in this context. As Teas • past experience of the service (or a related
(1994, p. 135) points out, expectations have service);
been variously defined as desires, wants, nor- • external communications from the service
mative expectations, ideal standards, what the provider (for example, printed advertise-

Figure 1 A simplified version of Bitner’s model of service encounter evaluation


Service Perceived
Disconfirmation Attributions encounter service
satisfaction quality


Source: Bitner (1990)

Managing service quality in higher education Quality Assurance in Education
Frances M. Hill Volume 3 · Number 3 · 1995 · 10–21

ments, TV commercials, brochures, and oral lence or superiority. Thus perceived service
promises from service provider employees); quality could be the product of the evaluations
• price. of a number of service encounters. In the case
of a student, these could range from encounters
with office staff, to encounters with tutors,
Perceived service performance
lecturers, the heads of department, etc.
Zeithaml et al. (1990) also identify some factors
which can influence the consumer’s perception
Managing service quality in higher
of service performance. These include tan-
education via the student
gibles, such as the food eaten in a restaurant,
the physical surroundings in which the service One of the problems facing HEOs seeking to
transaction takes place, the equipment improve service quality is that, as yet, a body of
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involved, and so on; the perceived competence meaningful performance measures does not
and credibility of service providers, and their exist. However, since students are now being
responsiveness, reliability and courtesy. These viewed as the primary customers of the HE
writers offer the following advice to service service in the UK, one approach to service
providers based on their own research findings: quality management which to some extent
“…appear neat and organised, be responsive, circumvents the performance measure difficul-
be reassuring, be empathetic, and most of all, ty, would be attempting to align, as closely as
be reliable – do what you say you are going to possible, students’ expectations with their
do” (Zeithaml et al., 1990, p. 27). perceptions of service performance. It has
already been demonstrated that service expec-
tations play a key role regarding the quality
Disconfirmation, consumer
perceptions which consumers ultimately devel-
(dis)satisfaction and perceived service
op. It follows then, that organizations should
take appropriate steps to manage such expecta-
As already discussed, an important variable tions. As a minimum, this involves informing
with regard to perceived service quality is consumers of what is, and what is not possible,
disconfirmation, i.e. the disparity between a and outlining the reasons why (Berry et al.,
consumer’s expectations and perceived service 1985; King, 1985; Zeithaml et al., 1990). For
performance (see Figure 1), referred to as example, as Habeshaw et al. (1992) point out,
disconfirmation. However, as Teas (1993) for many HEOs in the UK “luxuries” such as
highlights, there is some degree of confusion in fully-individualized written feedback on stu-
the literature as to whether the disconfirmed dents’ assignments, one-to-one attention at
expectations variable is a predictor of perceived tutorials, etc. are now things of the past, due to
service quality or whether it is a predictor of pressure on resources. Alternative arrange-
consumer (dis)satisfaction. In other words, ments employed, such as peer assessment,
whether its relationship to perceived service small-group working and so on, should be fully
quality is direct (as in the P-E conceptualization explained to students at the beginning of their
of service quality) or indirect, as suggested by course of study, in an attempt to ensure that
Bitner (1990) in Figure 1. their expectations of academic service encoun-
The confusion mentioned earlier to some ters are realistic.
extent results from an unresolved issue in the As discussed earlier, some of the factors
literature concerning the nature of the relation- which can influence consumer expectations
ship between service quality, and consumer and which are relevant in the context of higher
satisfaction. Cronin and Taylor (1992), for education, include: word-of-mouth communi-
example, take the view that perceived service cations, personal needs of consumers, past
quality leads to consumer satisfaction, while experience of the service (or a related service),
others such as Parasuraman et al. (1988) have and external communications from the service
concluded that consumer satisfaction leads to provider. Thus it might be politic to make
perceived service quality. One attempt at greater use of existing students (current con-
resolving this issue is made by Bitner (1990). sumers) on occasions such as school visits and
She suggests that the consumer’s satisfaction university open days, when there are opportu-
assessments relate to specific service transac- nities to shape the expectations of prospective
tions, while service quality is a general attitude undergraduates and make them as realistic as
relating to the service provider’s overall excel- possible. In addition, greater efforts should be
Managing service quality in higher education Quality Assurance in Education
Frances M. Hill Volume 3 · Number 3 · 1995 · 10–21

made to gather information about the needs cies that customers perceive to be beyond the
of students across their time at college or service provider’s control).
university, as these may not always be appar-
ent to service providers. Furthermore, such
Perceived service performance
needs may well change in nature over time, in
line with certain changes in the external In adopting this approach to managing service
environment – for example, Government quality, the other major issue which has to be
policy on funding, grants, etc. With regard to addressed is perceived service performance (to
previous experience as a factor influencing be differentiated from perceived service qual-
consumer expectations, Zeithaml et al. (1990) ity). The factors which can influence the con-
note that this includes not only experience of sumer’s perception of service performance
a particular service provider, but also of com- already alluded to have obvious implications for
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petitive service providers, and experience of personnel employed in HEOs generally, and for
other types of service. This clearly has rel- academic staff in particular. For instance,
evance for higher education. In relation to lecturers who appear clean, neat and well
some undergraduate students, it seems rea- organized are more likely to be perceived as
sonable to suppose that their expectations of competent and in control than those who do
HE are informed by their experiences at not. The personal interactions between
school. This may lead to a mismatch between academics and students are also crucial in
expectations and perceived service perfor- regard to perceived service performance. It
mance/perceived service quality. By way of appears that a key factor which influences
illustration, in an area such as Northern consumers’ perceptions of service performance
Ireland, where many young people attend in general is reliability. McElwee and Redman
relatively small rural schools, experience of (1993) state that in the HE context, reliability
close relationships with teachers may lead to “involves consistency of performance and
expectations of similar relationships with dependability. Specifically…performing the
academic staff at college or university. The service at the designated time, i.e. turning up
expectations of postgraduate students on the for classes, etc. and keeping accurate records of
other hand, may be informed by their experi- student performance” (p. 28). Tutors and
ences at other HEOs, which may or may not lecturers who fail to turn up to classes without
lead to such a mismatch. External communi- good reason, or who persistently arrive late, are
cations in this context include university or unlikely to project an image in keeping with
college prospectuses, faculty brochures, service quality. Moreover, effort expended on
departmental information leaflets and so on. preparation of lecture/tutorial material actually
The aim here must be to put the best possible delivered, could well be devalued by such
gloss on services provided for reasons of behaviours. At the one-to-one level, it is most
competitiveness, but without making false important that students are dealt with sensitive-
claims that “everything in the garden is rosy”. ly and sympathetically, and that necessary
One trick employed by commercial organiza- assistance is provided where possible. Even in
tions is to acknowledge problems facing a situations where a member of academic staff
sector as a whole – in the case of HE, say, can do little to help a student directly, the
increasing class size – but outline the steps simple act of listening is often appreciated. It
that a particular organization is taking to has to be admitted, however, that with growing
overcome such problems, and which differen- student numbers it is becoming increasingly
tiate it from competitors. Some other difficult for academic staff to provide this kind
antecedents which the research of Parasura- of pastoral care, a fact which may well have
man et al. (1994) suggests can serve to lower negative implications for perceived service
consumer expectations, thereby making them performance.
more realistic, include these: perceived service One distinctive aspect of services already
alternatives (consumers’ perception of the mentioned is that consumers are often part of
possibility of obtaining better service from the production and delivery processes. Thus
other service providers); self-perceived service the quality of the service provided will be influ-
role (consumers’ perceptions of the extent to enced by the consumer’s input. Because of this,
which they themselves influence the level of Kelley et al. (1990) recommend that organiza-
service they receive, discussed further below); tions conceptualize consumers as organization-
situational factors (performance contingen- al members or “partial employees”, and
Managing service quality in higher education Quality Assurance in Education
Frances M. Hill Volume 3 · Number 3 · 1995 · 10–21

attempt to influence their behaviour through offer a curriculum module for first-year stu-
the process of organizational socialization. The dents aimed at providing them with the skills
term “partial employee” refers to a conceptual- and attitudes necessary for effective under-
ization of consumers as temporary participants graduate study); the posting of appropriately
in organizations, which must develop mecha- placed, and clearly visible, notices concerning
nisms to ensure that consumers behave appro- such matters as where assigned work can be
priately within the service operations (Mills, collected, where completed assignments should
1986, p. 139). Organizational socialization has be left for marking, and so on. According to
been defined by Ward (1974, p. 2) as processes Kelley et al. (1990), service consumers who
by which individuals acquire skills, knowledge have achieved a high level of organizational
and attitudes relevant to their functioning as socialization should have more accurate expec-
consumers in the marketplace. “Through tations regarding the service transaction than
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organisational socialisation it is possible for might otherwise have been the case. In addi-
service customers to gain an appreciation of tion, these expectations should be more closely
specific organisational values, develop the aligned with consumers’ perceptions of the
abilities necessary to function within a specific quality of actual service delivery.
organization, gain an understanding of what the
organisation expects of them, and gain the
Managing service quality in higher
knowledge necessary to interact with employees
education – an exploratory study
and other customers” Kelley et al. (1990, p.
318). Thus, an essential element of the social- For any organization, attempting to improve
ization process is clarifying the role of con- quality performance significantly is a major
sumers. Mills (1986) identifies two fundamen- undertaking. This is probably particularly true
tal types of role behaviours which are consistent of British HEOs, where those responsible for
with the nature of service encounters. These such matters have, until recently, had quite a
are pivotal behaviours and peripheral behav- different set of preoccupations from their peers
iours. The former are those considered by the in industry and commerce. The problem is
organization to be so vital that if the consumer compounded by the fact that the task of devel-
fails to engage in them, he/she would not be oping meaningful performance measures in HE
considered a minimally adequate performer – is far from complete, and also because service
for example, students failing to do the neces- quality is a multifaceted construct – but as yet,
sary advance preparation for examinations. The there is no clear consensus in the literature on
latter are behaviours which the organization the number of facets and their interrelation-
considers desirable but not absolutely essential ships (Parasuraman et al., 1994). However,
(students being polite to academic staff per- there do appear to be some issues which are
haps?). It should be noted that the Department fundamental to the management of service
for Education’s Charter for Higher Education quality. These include the centrality of the role
(1993) refers to “learner agreements” (p. 13) of the consumer, and the relationship between
which set out the responsibilities of both HEOs the consumer’s expectations and his/her per-
and students. ceptions of service provided. In British higher
Regarding the specific methods available to education students must now be considered
service organizations attempting to socialize “primary customers” (Crawford, 1991), so one
their consumers as partial employees, it is possible approach to managing service quality
proposed in the literature that these include: is to focus on the alignment of students’ expec-
formal socialization programmes, the produc- tations with their perceptions of service provid-
tion of appropriate informative material, the ed. However, in relation to students specifically,
provision of environmental cues, reinforce- there are a number of potential problems with
ment, and observation of other consumers. In this approach. These include:
the context of HE, this might translate into • Undergraduates’ expectations regarding the
such steps as: the provision of formal and quality of HE services have no comparative
detailed induction programmes for new under- base or framework of reference from which
graduates; the preparation and distribution of to make evaluations (McElwee and Redman,
handouts outlining the kinds of behaviours they 1993, p. 30). Thus, their expectations of HE
will be required to perform in order to gain may be informed by their prior educational
optimum benefits from the various aspects of experiences at school, etc. Such expectations
the HE service (some colleges and universities may be quite unrealistic, and, as suggested
Managing service quality in higher education Quality Assurance in Education
Frances M. Hill Volume 3 · Number 3 · 1995 · 10–21

by Zeithaml et al. (1990), have a negative factors which the researcher considered
influence on perceived service performance. would be experienced by the exploratory
If such were the case, student expectations group during its time at the university in
would require careful management by question. The full range of factors, both
HEOs. academic and non-academic, are listed in
• Younger undergraduates undergo a transi- Tables I, II and III. As can be seen, because of
tion from schoolchildren to adults while at its importance, teaching has been divided into
college/university, and both younger and the following sub-factors: course content;
more mature students may become increas- quality of teaching (delivery of course ma-
ingly discerning over time. For these rea- terial); teaching methods employed; personal
sons, their perceptions of service provided contact with academic staff for discussion of
are likely to change during the course of questions and/or problems; and feedback on
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their studies, and such change may not academic performance and progress.
necessarily relate to actual changes in service
quality. Data collection and analysis
During the first lecture of each year of study,
To gain some insight into these matters, the
the exploratory group were requested to
author has undertaken an exploratory study. To
indicate, on a self-complete questionnaire,
date, this has tracked the expectations and
how important they consider each of the
perceptions of a cohort of accounting under-
service factors to be in determining the qual-
graduates at a provincial British university,
ity of the overall higher education service they
from enrolment through to their final year of
are receiving at the university. They do this by
study. Some of the interim results of this study
ranking each factor from 1 to 5 on a Likert-
are reported next.
type scale, 1 denoting totally unimportant and
5 denoting very important. Perceived impor-
Methodology tance was used as a crude indicator of expec-
tations. The rationale for this was as follows.
First, it was considered that undergraduates
The original exploratory group comprised 62
would have difficulty articulating their expec-
accounting undergraduates. Two of the main
tations if asked to do so directly. Second, if
reasons for targeting this group were:
students perceive a particular factor as being
(1) Their relative homogeneity in terms of
important in relation to the quality of the
academic attainment (minimum entry for
overall HE service they are receiving, it seems
the course is two A grades and one B
reasonable to suppose they would expect that
grade at A-level or equivalent), and voca-
the quality of the factor itself should be good.
tional aspirations (desire to be profession-
Since the beginning of their second year of
al accountants of some description). It
study the exploratory group have also been
was considered that the expectations of
asked to evaluate the same factors, based on
this group were likely to be fairly homo-
their experiences to date. Students do this
geneous as well.
using a second Likert-type scale, on which 1
(2) Nature of course (vocationally oriented
denotes very poor, while 5 denotes very good.
and subject to quality assessment by
So far the group have been surveyed three
external professional accrediting bodies,
times – at the beginning of their first, second
which, for the purposes of this study,
and third years of study. Essentially the study
provided some indication of consistency
has aimed to test for the following:
of academic quality over time).
• statistically significant between-year differ-
ences in expectations;
Service factors
• statistically significant between-year differ-
Higher education organizations do not merely
ences in evaluations.
provide academic services. Indeed, here in the
UK in recent times, some of the other services The statistical test employed was the Wilcox-
provided, such as financial services and on Matched-Pairs Signed Ranks Test. Also,
accommodation, have become crucial to since one school of thought in the service
successful course completion for many stu- quality literature defines quality as: “…the
dents. Accordingly, the study has not focused degree and direction of discrepancy between
solely on teaching, but on a range of service consumers’ perceptions and expectations”
Managing service quality in higher education Quality Assurance in Education
Frances M. Hill Volume 3 · Number 3 · 1995 · 10–21

Table I Perceived importance of each service factor – between-year comparisons (differences significant at the p ≤ 0.05

Year 2/Year 1 Year 3/Year 2 Year 3/Year 1

Service factors n = 56 n = 55 n = 55
Course content
Teaching quality
Teaching methods
Personal contact with academic staff –
Feedback +
Student involvement
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Joint consultation
Work experience (placements)a +
Computing facilities – –
Library service
University bookshop
Careers service + +
Counselling/welfare + +
Financial service + +
Health service
Accommodation service
Students’ Union
Catering service
Physical education
Travel agency
a It should be noted that at no time during the students’ course of study were formal work placements
arranged for them by the university.
+ = A service factor was rated more important in the subsequent year than it had been in the earlier compara-
tor year (differences significant at the p ≤ 0.05 level).
– = A service factor was rated less important in the subsequent year than it had been in the previous com-
parator year (differences significant at the p ≤ 0.05 level).
To illustrate, in year 2 the service factor “personal contact with academic staff” was perceived to be less
important than it had been by the same students in year 1, and the difference in the importance ratings
between the two years was significant at the p ≤ 0.05 level.

(Parasuraman et al., 1988), it was considered academic staff, and computing facilities,
appropriate to try to test for such discrepancy both of which were perceived as being less
(the P–E gap) in this study. Accordingly, a important at the beginning of year two than
number of comparisons were carried out they had been by the same students at the
between the perceived importance data beginning of year one; and financial services
(expectations) and the evaluation (perceived which were perceived as being more impor-
quality experienced) data, again testing for tant.
significant differences using the Wilcoxon
Test (see Table III). Year three and year two
In this case, as Table I shows, significant
differences at the p ≤ 0.05 level were identified
Between-year differences in perceived
regarding the following: feedback on academ-
importance (expectations)
ic performance, work experience
As can be seen from Table I, when the data (placements), the university’s careers and
collected at the beginning of year two were counselling/welfare services – in all instances
compared with those collected at the begin- these factors were perceived to be more
ning of year one, significant differences at the important at the beginning of year three than
p ≤ 0.05 level were identified in relation to the they had been by the same students at the
following factors: personal contact with beginning of year two.
Managing service quality in higher education Quality Assurance in Education
Frances M. Hill Volume 3 · Number 3 · 1995 · 10–21

Table II Evaluation of each service factor – between-year comparisons, year Between-year differences in evaluations
three and year two (differences significant at the p ≤ 0.05 level) (perceived quality experienced)
Evaluations At this point in time, the only data available
Service factors Year 3/Year 2 relating to students’ evaluations of the service
Teaching factors are those collected at the beginning of
Course content – years two and three. As Table II shows, when
the Wilcoxon Test was performed on these
Teaching quality (delivery of course material) –
data, significant differences at the p ≤ 0.05
Teaching methods –
level were identified with regard to the follow-
Personal contact with academic staff ing factors: course content, teaching quality,
Feedback teaching methods, computing facilities,
Student involvement in curriculum
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library service, university health service,

review/development university catering service, the careers service,
Joint consultation and the university counselling/welfare service.
Work experience (placements) In all cases, except for the last two (careers
Computing facilities – and counselling/welfare), students appeared
to perceive a reduction in quality experienced
Library service –
over the period in question. There are several
University bookshop
possible explanations for these findings. For
Careers service + example, there may have been a real, as
Counselling/welfare + opposed to a perceived, change in the quality
Financial service of the factors in question. Given the growth in
Health service – student numbers since this study was initiat-
Accommodation service ed, it could well be that in respect of service
Students’ Union factors like the libraries, computing, catering
Catering service – and student health, increased pressure on
available resources has produced a diminution
Physical education centre
in service quality from the students’ point of
Travel agency
view, despite the efforts of hard-pressed staff.
However, regarding the academic service
Year three and year one factors (course content, teaching quality
It can be seen from Table I that analysis of the (delivery of course material), teaching meth-
data with a two-year interval, revealed signifi- ods), it is less likely that there was a real nega-
cant differences at the p ≤ 0.05 level in relation tive change in service quality, as the course is
to: the university’s careers, counselling/wel- subject to external quality assessment by
fare, and financial services, all of which were various professional accounting bodies.
perceived to be more important at the begin- Furthermore, pressure of student numbers is
ning of year three than they had been by the a less significant influence in this case, as
same students at the beginning of year one; many of the modules which comprise the
and computing facilities, which were per- accounting degree course are restricted to
ceived to be less important. accounting and related students only. A sec-
The findings revealed in Table I suggest ond possible explanation for all or some of the
that students’ expectations of the various HE findings in Table II may be that the students
service factors included in the study do became more discriminating or demanding
appear to have been fairly stable over time. over time. It is salutary to note in this context
This is particularly true of the academic that, since more and more British students are
aspects of the HE service such as course having to make greater personal financial
content, teaching quality, teaching methods, investments in their college/university educa-
and student involvement in curriculum tion (via part-time jobs, student loans, etc.),
review/development. It is also interesting to they are likely to become increasingly
note that service factors such as the univer- demanding primary consumers of the higher
sity’s careers, counselling/welfare, and finan- education service as time goes by. A third
cial services acquired increasing perceived possible explanation for the findings in Table
significance over the period in question – signs II is that they emanate from unrealistic and/or
of the times no doubt! mismanaged expectations.
Managing service quality in higher education Quality Assurance in Education
Frances M. Hill Volume 3 · Number 3 · 1995 · 10–21

Table III Perceived importance compared with evaluation – between-year comparisons differences significant at the p ≤
0.05 level)

Evaluation Yr2/ Evaluation Yr3/ Evaluation Yr3/

Service factors importance Yr1 importance Yr2 importance Yr1
Course content – – –
Teaching quality – – –
Teaching methods – – –
Personal contact with academic staff – – –
Feedback – – –
Student involvement – – –
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Joint consultation –
Work experience (placements) – – –
Computing facilities –
Library service – –
University bookshop
Careers service – + +
Counselling/welfare + +
Financial service
Health service + +
Accommodation service
Students’ Union
Catering service + –
Physical education + + +
Travel agency
+ = A service factor’s evaluation rating was higher in the subsequent year than its perceived importance
rating had been in the earlier comparator year (differences significant at the p ≤ 0.05 level).
– = A service factor’s evaluation rating was lower in the subsequent year than its perceived importance rating
had been in the earlier comparator year (differences significant at the p ≤ 0.05 level).
To illustrate, the evaluation rating for the service factor “course content” was lower at the beginning of
year 2 than its perceived importance rating had been at the beginning of year 1.

Service quality: the P–E gap service, university physical education centre.
In all cases except the last three (health service,
With regard to discrepancies between expecta-
catering service, physical education centre)
tions and perceived quality experienced, in this
students’ perceived experiences of the factors
case between-year comparisons were only
fell short of their expectations.
made when students had actually made use of
particular service factors, so n varies for each
service factor. Expectations beginning year two,
evaluations beginning year three
Expectations beginning year one, In this instance, as can be seen from Table III,
evaluations beginning year two significant differences were detected at the
As Table III shows, when these two sets of data p ≤ 0.05 level in relation to: course content,
were compared, significant differences were teaching quality, teaching methods, personal
detected at the p ≤ 0.05 level regarding the contact with academic staff, feedback, student
following factors: course content, teaching involvement in curriculum review/develop-
quality, teaching methods, personal contact ment, work experience (placements), library
with academic staff, regular feedback, student facilities, university catering service, university
involvement in curriculum review/develop- careers service, university counselling/welfare
ment, joint consultation, work experience service, university physical education centre.
(placements), university careers service, uni- Again, in all cases except the last three (careers,
versity health service, university catering counselling/welfare, physical education)
Managing service quality in higher education Quality Assurance in Education
Frances M. Hill Volume 3 · Number 3 · 1995 · 10–21

students’ perceived experiences fell short of a maturation process, familiarity breeding

their expectations. contempt, inappropriate expectations, etc.
Thus the study highlights the following issues:
Expectations beginning year one, • the need for HEOs to gather information on
evaluations beginning year three students’ expectations – not only during
Analysis of these data revealed differences their time at university, but at the point of
significant at the p ≤ 0.05 level concerning the arrival and, if possible, beforehand;
following service factors (refer to Table III): • the need to manage students’ expectations
course content, teaching quality, teaching from enrolment through to graduation, in
methods, personal contact with academic staff, order to align them as closely as possible
feedback, student involvement in curriculum with what can be delivered by way of service
review/development, work experience (place- quality;
Downloaded by BAHRIA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & COMPUTER SCIENCE At 00:17 30 September 2015 (PT)

ments), computing facilities, library service, • the need for the student evaluation process,
university careers service, the university coun- or upward appraisal, to be dealt with in a
selling/welfare service, the university health much more detailed, comprehensive and
service, the university physical education multi-focused way than tends to be the case
service. In this case, with the exception of the currently at many British universities.
university’s careers, counselling/welfare,
health, and physical education services, stu- Clearly, more wide-ranging research is required
dents’ perceived experiences of the factors did to investigate all of these areas further.
not match up to expectations.
There appears to be a significant mismatch
between students’ expectations and the per-
ceived quality they have experienced concern- Berry, L.L. (1980), “Services marketing is different”,
ing many of the service factors, up to the Business Week, May-June, pp. 24-9.
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mismatch is most disturbing with regard to the “Quality counts in services too”, Business Horizons,
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“Five imperatives for improving service quality”,
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Sloan Management Review, Summer, pp. 29-38.
back, and student involvement in curriculum
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stable over time. Exploration of the reasons for Grönroos, C. (1991), Strategic Management and Market-
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Habeshaw, S., Gibbs, G. and Habeshaw, T. (1992), Prob-
study. However, there is some evidence to
lems with Large Classes: Making the Best of a Bad
suggest that, because of external accreditation Job, BPCC Wheatons, Exeter.
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in service quality. It may have been the result of ery”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 66 No. 3, pp. 315-35.
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