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Understanding Argument

Grade: 11th

Essential Questions:

 Overarching: How do authors use a variety of strategies to form a strong argument?

 Topical: What components are needed to formulate a strong Argumentative Essay?

By: Ashley Bason

May 14th, 2018
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Dear Readers,

Thank you for taking the time to review my Unit Plan. As you look through my unit plan, I hope
you will be able to notice the amount of time and effort I put into it in order to prove to myself
the work ethic I possess in my journey to becoming an effective teacher.

Through this assignment, I learned about the amount of effort that goes into creating a unit plan.
Choosing the topic for my unit plan proved to be the easiest part of the process for me. What
followed next were many revisions as I looked for texts and instructional activities that would be
both engaging and relevant. I learned that you may have exciting activities for your students, but
you should always ask yourself how are the activities relevant to the lesson. As a teacher, you
want to ensure that you are having your students complete tasks that relate to the learning targets
and Common Core Standards. By ensuring that activities align, the teacher is ensuring that
students are remaining focused and developing the skills that are deemed important by the state.

I use to believe that minimal effort had to be placed into curriculum planning due to the
resources available to teachers on the Internet. However, I quickly learned that that is not always
the case. As a teacher who knew the angle of their unit plan, I found it difficult to find other
curriculum guides that aligned completely with how I wanted to teach the lesson. I now realize
that as a teacher, many hours can go into planning an effective lesson that has been taught many
times. Depending on your students, you will find more text more effective than others. For
example, you will notice that I included OP-ED’s. As the years progress, the OP-ED’s used will
change in order to remain current with hot topics in society. My ideas about curriculum planning
have shifted to realizing the amount of effort and editing that comes along with creating good
curriculum. As you fully plan out your lesson, you may realize that some areas do not align.
Meaning, you will have to make corrections to parts in which you thought were already
complete. It is very helpful to have input from others in your subject area. I have bounced ideas
off of them and called one on occasions in order to ask if parts of my unit plan sounded engaging
or aligned with my learning targets.

This unit plan has both strengths and weaknesses. I believe the strengths this unit plan possesses
are the engaging instructional activities. Due to longer high school periods, I wanted to ensure
that students would be able to stay engaged throughout the class period. You will notice that
each period has both independent and group work components in order to allow for independent
critical thinking and working collaboratively. As for weaknesses, I believe that I could have had
a better variety of text. I used two texts from Martin Luther King, Jr. because these were the text
I found most effective in my learning when covering a similar unit in AP Language.

I hope that you will recognize the amount of effort I placed into this unit plan, and the abilities I
possess as a teacher candidate.


Ashley Bason
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III. Unit Overview

Learning Targets:

Writing LT: Students will be able to (1) use reasoning to connect evidence back to claims and
anticipate and refute counterargumentsconnect evidence back to claims by using reasoning, and
(2) anticipate and refute counterarguments with counterclaims in order create organization and
logically advance their argument.

CCSS: ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.1.A. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s),

establish the significance if the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or
opposing claims, and create organization that logically sequences claim(s),
counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.

Rationale: When one wants to make an argument, it is important for them to be able to
establish a clear connection between their claim and the evidence they are using to
support the claim. When writing an Argumentative Essay, students need to be able to
advance their argument. In order to advance an argument, one has to be able to present
counterclaims and supporting evidence. However, the supporting evidence used needs to
be able to connect with the claim(s) to create organization and logically advance the

Grammar LT: Students will be able to use commas in order to create an organization that
logically connects ideas and introduces evidence in theircombines a direct quote with the name
of the speaker and additional speaker information, such as their profession, in writingthe writing
of their an Argumentative Essay.

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Rationale: When making an argument, it is important to include direct quotes from

credible sources in order to make the argument stronger. However, it is not enough to
simply include a direct quote. The writer should include information about the speaker of
the direct quote so that the reader knows why the quote should be noted as a strong
addition to the argument. In order to combine direct quotes, the name of the speaker, and
additional speaker information, the writer must understand how to properly uses commas.
The use of commas allows for the reader to understand the information, and the paper to
have a logical organization.

Digital Literacy LT: Students will be able to utilize digital media, such as Screencast-O-, YouTube, PowerPoint, or Prezi , and visual aids in order to create a Public Service
Bason 4

Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive
elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence
and to add interest.

Rationale: Within a classroom, there is diversity among students’ intellectual abilities.

Some students are “better” at writing paper, while others have a more visually artistic
side. By allowing for students to utilize technology, the teacher will be able to assess
students in a presentation mode that may be more comfortable for their learning style.
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LT # & Key Title, Author, & Genre Year Other Distinguishing
Word(s) Genre Characteristics1
LT1; Biblical “Letter From Letter 1963 Many biblical references,
References; Birmingham Jail” establishes a connection
Understanding (Dr. Martin Luther with his audience in a
Audience King, Jr.) unique way, room for
discussion about how to
use references within an
argumentative piece
LT1; Evidence; “I Have a Dream” Speech 1963 Use of historical
Understanding Speech (Dr. Martin references in order to
Audience; Luther King, Jr.) advance argument;
Imagery repetition of key phrases;
different punctuation
uses; multiple passages
with complex metaphors
LT1; LT2 “Twitter is sick. OP-ED 2018 Use of less formal
Claims; The prognosis is language; interesting
Counterclaims; grim.” (Christine introduction; asking
Persuading; Emba) reader rhetorical
Speaker questions; statistics
Information (evidence)
LT1: Evidence “Types of Evidence Informational n/a Explicitly explains four
in Persuasive/ Handout different types of
Argument Papers” evidence with examples;
easy to understand; can
be utilized as a quick fact
checking sheet while
writing paper
LT3: Imagery; “Nature Image n/a Image with minimal
visual aid; Conservancy” words and phrases;
Exploring (Kevin Kallaugher) students must draw their
Argument own conclusions based
off of image; message
about saving the
environment, but
contains many layers

How is this text different from the others in terms of genre (realistic fiction, dystopia, fantasy, etc.), form (chapter
books, poetry, short stories, plays, etc.), media, setting (location, time), or featuring authors and protagonists who
are culturally diverse (different from other texts in terms of race, class, age, language, body size, sexual orientation,
gender expression, or disability)?
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Essential Questions (EQs) & Rationale

 Overarching: How do authors use a variety of strategies to form a strong argument?
 Topical: What components are needed to formulate a strong argumentative essay?
 Rationale: Students will need to think about the different strategies used to formulate
strong arguments as they begin to explore various arguments and create their own. As
we start to think about our specific unit topic, students will need to think about
strategies that are used to write arguments in an essay format.
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IV. Assessment

Assessment Plan
LT Assessments
Include percentage of overall grade in unit (or “NG” if not graded),
assessment type – (in)formal, formative/summative – and brief
Writing LT: Students
will be able to use
 (10%) Argument Analysis Paper: Students will be able to
reasoning to connect
analyze MLK’s “I Have a Dream Speech,” in order to create
evidence back to
an essay in which they analysis how he constructed his
claims and anticipate
argument. (Formative)
and refute
 Summative Assessment (see below)
ect evidence back to
claims by using
reasoning, and
anticipate and refute
counterarguments with
counterclaims in order
create organization
and logically advance
their argument.
Grammar LT:
Students will be able
 (NG) Exit Slip: Student will be able to demonstrate their
to use commas in
understanding of comma placement by completing an Exit
order to create an
Slip. (Informal)
organization that
o Directions: Using the blank space below, revise the
logically connects
following sentence, which may be found in an
ideas and introduces
Argumentative Essay. Be sure to include
evidence in
punctuation. Finally, in one to two sentences
theircombines a direct
explain your comma placements.write a sentence
quote with the name
that may be found in an Argumentative Essay. Be
of the speaker and
sure to include proper punctuation. Finally, in one
additional speaker
to two sentences, explain your comma placements.
information, such as
their profession, in
writingthe writing of
their an
Argumentative Essay.
Digital Literacy LT:
Students will be able
 (10%) Creation of MLK Screencast: Students will be able
to utilize digital
to demonstrate their understanding of the screencast software
media, such as
by creating an MLK Screencast. (formal; formative
Bason 8, YouTube, assignment)

PowerPoint, or Prezi , o Students will create a screencast using excerpts from
and visual aids in their Argument Analysis Paper.
order to create a  (40%) Summative Assessment: Students will be able to turn
Public Service their Argumentative Essay into a PSA in order to persuade the
Announcement. in class to agree with their position on a controversial topic.
which they persuade
the class to agree with
their position on a
controversial issue.

*The above Assessment Plan calculates to a total of 65% of the unit grade. The remainder 35%
will be divided among the “Homework” and “Classwork” grades.

Homework Grades:
 Homework Assignment (5%): Students will create two outlines: (1) MLK Argument
Analysis Paper, and (2) MLK Screencast-O-Matic.
 Homework Assignment (10%): Students will bring in a completed rough draft of (1)
their MLK Argument Analysis Paper, and (2) PSA in order for their classmates to be able
to help them with revisions.

Classwork Grades (Participation is calculated in the Classwork grade):

 Peer Review Day (20% ~ 10% per rough draft): Students will assist their classmates
with the revision of their MLK Argument Analysis Paper and PSA assignment.
 Free Write (5%): Students will write about whether or not they agree with the author’s
argument in their chosen OP-ED.

Grade Breakdown (100%):
 Homework (15%)
 Classwork (Participation included) (25%)
 Argument Analysis Paper (10%)
 Creation of MLK Screencast (10%)
 Summative Assessment (40%)
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Summative Assessment Assignment Sheet Handout & Rationale

Public Service Announcement:

In this unit, we have discussed how to formulate a coherent argument. We have discussed the
difference between claims and counterclaims. Claims are arguable statements, and counterclaims
as well as supporting evidence helps build the author’s credibility and advance the argument. We
have also examined how to employ figurative language (metaphors, similes, personification, etc.)
and utilize digital media and visual aids in order to appeal to our audiences’ various senses.

As we conclude our lesson, you will have the opportunity to utilize the skills learned and create a
Public Service Announcement.

You will choose one controversial topic from the OP-ED section of “The Baltimore Sun,” or
another online newspaper website, and create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) in which
you argue for or against the presented issue. You have three options on how you may present
your PSA:

1. Speech in front of the class

2. PSA Commercial (2-3 minutes in length)
3. Presentation using a visual aid (PowerPoint, Prezi, poster board, etc.)

All presentations should be between 3-5 minutes. There will be a penalty if your presentation
is under three (3) minutes. You will be graded on provided materials: hard copy of speech (1 ½
page minimum), uploaded media file, or submitted visual aid.


Below is a tentative schedule for the in-class components of the project.

Day One: Project Introduction; In-Class Workshop

 Will have access to laptop cart and classroom art supplies.

Day Two: In-Class Workshop

 Will have access to laptop cart and classroom art supplies. Please bring any other needed

Day Three: Peer Review Day

Day Four & Five: Presentations

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V. Unit Calendar

Unit Calendar for Exploring Effective Argument Unit

Week One

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Monday (90 minutes) Tuesday ( 90 minutes) Thursday (90 minutes)
LTs: Writing LTs: Writing LTs: Writing

Focus: Establishing Argument Focus: Evidence in Focus: MLK Analysis Paper;

Argumentative Essays Understanding Historical and
Biblical References;
Understanding Audience
Instructional Activities: Instructional Activities: Instructional Activities:

1. (10mins): Warm-up: Craft 1. (15-20mins): Warm-up: 1. (2-3mins): Warm-up:

an argument about As students enter the As students are
“homework.” Your classroom, they will be walking into class,
argument should be at instructed to write on have them read over
least 1-2 sentences and the board one piece of the Argument Analysis
contain your position. evidence that either assignment sheet.
supports or does not Students should write
2. (12-15mins) Group Work: support the prompt: down any questions
Students will gather in “Homework is essential that may arise.
their pre-assigned groups for student learning.”
in order to read the MLK As a part of the warm- 2. (10mins) Teacher-Led:
speech aloud. Students up period, the teacher The teacher will
will be instructed to take will pinpoint specific review each section of
notes on what they notice sentences on the board the assignment sheet in
as each student reads. and discuss whether or order to ensure that
They will be reminded to not it could be students are
pay close attention to any considered a strong knowledgeable about
aspect of the speech in piece of evidence. their assigned task.
which they believe helps
MLK build his argument. 3. (15-20mins)
2. (20-25mins) Teacher- Independent Work:
3. (20-23mins) Independent led Lecture: The Students will read
Work: After listening to teacher will use the MLK’s “Letter from
the speech read aloud, “Types of Evidence in Birmingham Jail” and
students will return to Persuasive/Argument highlight any biblical
their seats and reread Papers” handout in or historical references
MLK’s speech while order to lecture about they notice.
completing the the different types of Afterwards, students
accompanied worksheet. evidence that may be will answer the
The worksheet will ask used in Argumentative question: How do the
Bason 11

students to do the Essay. references you noted

following: (1) explain help MLK’s
MLK’s argument in 2-3 3. (20mins) Group Work: argument?
sentences, (2) list 2-3 Using the four types of
pieces of evidence MLK evidence discussed in 4. (25-30mins) Teacher-
adds to his speech, (3) do the lecture (facts, Led Lecture: The
you believe this speech is statistics, quotes, and teacher will discuss the
an appropriate example of examples), Students use of references in
a well written argument? will annotate the MLK Argumentative Essays
Why or why not? Include speech (from and how they correlate
textual evidence. yesterday’s class) and to understanding your
label each type of audience through the
4. (10-12mins) Think, Pair, evidence found. use of a PowerPoint.
Share: Students will The teacher will
return to the pre-assigned 4. (20mins) Whole-Class display a copy of the
groups in order to discuss Discussion: Each group text on the screen in
their notes from the oral will discuss one order to refer back to
reading and their answers example they found for the MLK text when
to the worksheet. each type of evidence. discussing references.

5. (18-20mins) Whole-Class 5. (5mins): The teacher 5. (10-12mins)

Discussion: The teacher will collect the Independent Work:
will display a copy of annotated speech in Students will write
MLK’s speech using the order to examine notes about who they
white board, and discuss students’ understanding believe the audience
either the notes or answers of implementing textual was for MLK’s “I
to the worksheet. The evidence. Have a Dream”
discussion will be student- speech. They should
led and focused on their include a 2-3 sentences
interpretations after explanation.
reading the speech.
6. (5mins) Think, Pair,
Share: In their pre-
assigned groups,
students will discuss
the notes they wrote
concerning MLK’s

7. (10mins) Independent
Work: Students will
begin to work on the
outline for the MLK
Argument Analysis
Bason 12

HW: (none) HW: (none) HW: Create outline for MLK

Argument Analysis Paper
(due next class)

Week Two

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Monday (90 minutes) Tuesday ( 90 minutes) Thursday (90 minutes)
LTs: Writing LTs: Writing & Grammar LTs: Digtal

Focus: Understanding Focus: Comma Usage; Rough Focus: Introduction to the

Imagery Draft revisions Screencast-O-Matic software.

Shorten Period: Assembly on

how to choose classes for
next school year
Instructional Activities: Instructional Activities: Instructional Activities:

1. (10mins) Warm-up: 1. (50mins ~ See 1. (10mins) Students will

Discuss the imagery Grammar Lesson on watch the Demo Video
that can be found in Commas) for how to create a
MLK’s “I Have a Screencast-O-Matic.
Dream” Speech. 2. (30mins) Group Work:
Students will get in 2. (10mins) Independent
2. (12-15mins): Teacher- their pre-assigned Peer Work: Students will
led Lecture: The Review groups. During prepare the outline for
teacher will discuss the peer review session, their Screencast-O-
the importance of students will be Matic. The outline
imagery in reviewing their should include what is
argumentative writing. partner’s paper by discussed in their
completing a Argument Analysis
3. (25-30mins): Group worksheet. The paper.
Work: Students will worksheet will ask for
Bason 13

analyze “Nature students to see if their

Conservancy” by partner discussed
Kevin Kallaugher and specific elements (i.e.
discuss what is the how was the argument
argument the established, what was
illustrator is trying to the use of evidence and
portray. They will be historical references,
reminded that their was there imagery).
notes will be collected They will also look for
at the end of the proper commas usage.
3. (10mins): Independent
4. (15mins): Group Work: Students will
Sharing: Each group examine the notes from
will discuss their notes their partner, and use
they took about the the remainder of the
image. class time to make
5. (20mins): Teacher-
Led Discussion: The
teacher will mention
aspects of the image,
that are important to
the argument, which
students may have
missed. The teacher
will explain that the
same skills used to
analyze the image can
be used when
analyzing text for
Bason 14

HW: Complete a rough draft HW: Bring in the final copy of HW: Bring in completed
for your Argument Analysis your Argument Analysis paper outline for Screencast-O-
paper by next class. next class. Matic assignment next class

Week Three

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Monday (90 minutes) Tuesday ( 90 minutes) Thursday (90 minutes)
LTs: Writing, Grammar, & LTs: Writing LTs: Writing & Grammar
Focus: MLK’s “I Have a Focus: OP-ED’s and how Focus: Choosing OP-ED
Dream” Speech Screencast- writers build their argument Shorten Period: Students
O-Matic within an opinionated article. have to register for classes
during their English period
Bason 15

Instructional Activities: Instructional Activities: Instructional Activities:

1. (60mins): Independent 1. (10-12mins): Warm-up: 1. (10-12mins)

Work: Students will Students will read: Teacher-Led: The
work on completing “Twitter is sick. The teacher will show
their Screencast-O- prognosis is grim” by students how to
Matic assignment. Christine Emba. After locate the OP-ED
reading the article, section on popular
2. (10-12mins): Group students will explain the websites such as:
Work: Students will author’s argument in 2-3 The Baltimore Sun,
show their pre- sentences. The New York Times,
assigned partners what and The Washington
they have so far for 2. (5mins) Teacher-Led: Post.
their Screencast-O- The teacher will remind
Matic. Students may students about the 2. (12-15mins)
take this time to ask following techniques of Independent Work:
classmates for to give writing an argument they Students will use the
advice on where they have discussed (evidence, provided devices to
currently are in their audience, references, search popular
project. imagery, etc.) before newspaper websites
assigning them their task for an OP-ED piece
3. (10mins) Independent for the day. that intrigues them.
Work: Students will
return to work 3. (15mins) Group Work: 3. (20mins)
independently and Students will dissect the Independent Work:
may choose to OP-ED and look for Students will spend
incorporate examples of that the allotted time free
corrections provided correspond with what writing about
by partner. they have learned thus far whether or not they
about argument. agree with the
4. (8mins): Review with author’s argument in
students the 4. (30mins) Teacher-led their chosen OP-ED.
expectations for Lecture: The teacher will
completing the discuss the importance 4. (6-10mins) Group
project, and how they and difference of claims Sharing: Students
should submit it. and counterclaims. She will gather in their
will have students pre-assigned groups
examine various types of to discuss their
evidence and its effect on chosen OP-ED and
the piece. why they either
agree or disagree
5. (10-12mins) Independent with the author’s
Work: Students will argument.
reread the OP-ED from
warm-up and underline 5. (3mins) Teacher-
claims the author is led: Teacher will
Bason 16

making and highlight remind students that

counterarguments they should bring art
present. supplies to class on
6. (15-16mins) Whole-Class
Discussion: The teacher
will facilitate a class
discussion in which
students’ talk about what
they underlined and
highlighted, and its effect
on the OP-ED. (The first
2-3 minutes will be
students gathering their
Bason 17

HW: Students will need to HW: (none) HW: Bring art supplies to next
email Ms. Bason their class
finished Screencast by
11:59pm on Thursday.

Week Four

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Monday (90 minutes) Tuesday ( 90 minutes) Thursday (90 minutes)
LTs: Writing, Grammar, & LTs: Writing, Grammar, & LTs: Writing, Grammar, &
Digital Digital Digital
Focus: Introduction of Focus: In-class Public Service Focus: Peer Review
Summative Assessment: Announcement Workshop Workshop
Public Service
Announcement; In-class
Public Service Announcement
Instructional Activities: Instructional Activities: Instructional Activities:

1. (10mins): Warm-up: 1. (90mins): Students 1. (10mins) Warm-up:

Students will read will use the entire Students will complete
through the PSA period in order to a worksheet in which
assignment project complete their PSA they explain their PSA
sheet. project. The teacher assignment and
will roam around the pinpoint what areas
2. (10mins): Teacher- classroom in order to they still need
Led: Teacher will ensure students are assistance with.
review project sheet staying on task.
with students in Students will be 2. (45mins): Group
order to ensure that reminded that by next Work: Students will
they understand class they should work in their pre-
expectations. have a full rough assigned groups in
draft to review with order to review and
3. (60mins): their partner. make suggestions
Independent Work: about classmates’
Students will spend projects.
the remainder of the
period working on 3. (20-25mins)
their PSA project. Independent Work:
Students will use this
4. (10mins): Students allotted time in order
will sign-up for a to incorporate
presentation slot suggestions from the
using the distributed peer review workshop.
handout. On the
Bason 18

handout students 4. (5mins): Teacher-led:

will need to write Teacher will review
the name of their what must be turned in
article as well. prior to next class, and
ask if students have
any questions.

5. (5mins): Students will

clean-up their work
areas and ensure all
devices are placed
back into their
appropriate locations.

HW: Bring needed supplies to HW: Bring a completed draft HW: Email all required
work on PSA in class of project to class tomorrow; if material to Ms. Bason by
visual aid includes gluing, 11:59pm. If your PSA is a
pasting, etc. of items then you poster board or file that cannot
may just bring in items and be attached, you must email a
layout how your presentation picture of your completed
should look project to Ms. Bason by
11:59pm on Sunday.
Bason 19

Week Five

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Monday (90 minutes) Tuesday ( 90 minutes) Thursday (90 minutes)
LTs: Writing, Grammar, & LTs: Writing, Grammar, & LTs:
Digital Digital
Focus: Public Service Focus: Public Service Focus: Start of Spring Break
Announcement Presentation Announcement Presentation

Instructional Activities: Instructional Activities: Instructional Activities:

1. (90mins): 1. 1. (90mins):
Presentations: Presentations: During
During the the presentations,
presentations, students will be
students will be taking notes about the
taking notes about effectiveness of each
the effectiveness of PSA announcement.
each PSA At the end of each
announcement. At presentation, students
the end of each will write “yes” if
presentation, they were persuaded,
students will write and “no” if they were
“yes” if they were not persuaded.
persuaded, and “no”
if they were not
Bason 20

HW: (none) HW: (none) HW: (none)

Bason 21

VI. Resources and Acknowledgments

Works Cited

Emba, Christine. “Twitter is sick. The prognosis is grim.” The Washington Post, 2 Mar. 2018,



“I Have A Dream…”, n.d.,


Kallaugher, Kevin. “Nature Conservancy.” KAL, n.d.,

“Letters from Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.].” African Studies Center—University of Pennsylvania,


“Types of Evidence in Persuasive/Argument Papers.” Communications Student Support Center,



Special Thanks:

I would like to thank my SCED 357 professor and classmates for helping me with the

brainstorming and editing of this unit plan.

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