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5/18/2018 6 Benefits of Legal Case Management Software – Stevens-Koenig Court Reporting & Stenographers

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6 Bene ts of Legal Case


Management Software

6 Bene ts of Legal Case Management Software


Case management software (CMS) can help a law rm manage cases, clients and rm matters. W
around for some time, many law rms still are not yet using this tool.  The trend continues that m
are nally implementing this useful organization management software to better run their cases a
Choosing this type of software can be a complicated process.

If your law rm has decided to make the move to a CMS, here are some questions you may have a

What is Case Management Software?

The de nition of case management software is confusing because it can encompass so many di
CMS system may cover.  Any one or a combination of these features are considered a CMS system

Case database
Time tracking
Document assembly
Contact management
Calendaring and docketing
Time and billing

What Will a Case Management System Do For M

The question that needs to be answered before you begin looking for a CMS is “Do we really want
added value you get from a case management system. Here are a few of the bene ts you might r 1/4
5/18/2018 6 Benefits of Legal Case Management Software – Stevens-Koenig Court Reporting & Stenographers

What are the Bene ts of Case Management

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1. Case management software can manage deadlines

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deadlines so you never miss an important date. Many of the software options will allow you to ent

2. Organize Client Files

All of the information relating to a client can easily be kept in one area with a CMS. You can enter
participants, notes on the case, task lists  related to each case and much more. You typically have
you to quickly and easily access this information.

3. Automated Time and Billing Entries

Most software will have the ability to take a calendared event and, with a few clicks, record it as b
be entered into a billing system every month.  This type of automation can save a lot of time that

4. Coordinates Communication

Because you’ll have all of the contacts of participating parties in one place, it now becomes much
spent several minutes looking for an old email in order to get someone’s address, you know how m
retrieve exactly the address you want, when you want it.

5. Document Retrieval

When it’s time to organize a case, currently you have to pull information from many di erent sour
a stack on a shelf, email messages are in your email system.  With case management software, al
it’s time to organize a case, much of the work will have already been done for you.

6. Work From Anywhere

Many of the software options are currently available online. This means you can access them from
website, sign on, and continue working. You can work from home or any other remote location.  T
better use your down time to stay productive.

Which software should you buy?

Once you have decided to purchase a CMS, where do you begin?  Here is a list of some of the cas

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There is a lot of variation in these software options. Some will include more of the areas of case a
tasks very well.  It’s important to compare the software options to see which has the features you

Because there are so many to choose from, you may feel overwhelmed by the task of beginning t
“Practice/Case Management Software Comparison Chart for Solo/Small Firms.”  This chart compa
doesn’t tell you everything you need to know about the case management software options, it’s a

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