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„Sport as a tool for education and inclusion“

Time / day 24/sep 25/sep 26/sep 27/sep 28/sep 29/sep

Games from Disabilty sport area
Introduction to the programme.
Selfawareness activity: How Lab-phase: "Changing games to like "bosseln",
09.30 -11.30 Arrivals Expectations and motivations.
does it feel? Blind or wheelchair include everyone" whellchairbasketball or
Group building.
11:30-12:00 Break Break Break Break Break
Official welcome by the
Networking: ideas for future and
representatives of regional
12:00 – follow up activities 1
Arrivals government and NA Study Visit Lab-phase: Creating new tools 1
Time for self-reflection and

Travelling back home

Introduction to Youthpass
13:30-15:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

Common grounds: What do we

15:00 – Participants exchange of good Networking: ideas for future and
16:00 - Welcome in the hostel. understand by Sport? Inclusion? Practising the new tools
practices follow up activities 2
16:30-17:00 Break Break Break Break Break
Who is who? NGO fair and
17:00 – Presentation and Feedback of Evaluation, Youthpass
Getting to know each other preparation of Intercultural
Cultural Activity in the city ideas ceremony, farewell activity
18:30-19:00 Family reflection Family reflection
20:30-21:30 Dinner Dinner Dinner Out Dinner Dinner
After 21:30
Welcome night. Names and
Intercultural night Free evening Self-organised night Free evening

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