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Update log:

ver 0.0.82 -- "revive and polish" release (5 Jun 2016) [additional notes]
1- fixed many bugs & polished various things & hi-res (4K screen) compatibility
2- option to use auto-computed tangent dirs to preview bumpmap, when they are
missing (mimicking what the game does)
3- skeleton re-size tool (also affects hitboxes)
0- re-coded 0.0.81 upgrade anew (source was lost)
(0.0.82b: fix 4K screen. 0.0.82c: complete Spanish translation)

ver 0.0.81 -- "materials and usability" (21 Jun 2013) [additional notes]
1- more faithful renderings, i.e. more material settings will cause OpenBRF to do
what the game does!
This is the list of material features which should be correctly previewed on
(*) "render order" and "render 1st" flag
(*) transparency mode
(*) "uniform lighting" flag
(*) "no depth test", "no z-write" flag
2- more flags documented, (plus errors corrected)
3- usability improvements
(*) after starting OpenBRF, hitting ctrl+R [R]eloads last loaded file
(*) when visualizing stuff in several sub-windows, double clicking on any of
selects the corresponding objects
(*) double click on an object in the list selects all its components
4- the usual fixes and minor improvements
(0.0.81b: small hotfix)

ver 0.0.80(+e) -- "long time no see" release (10 Jun 2013) [additional notes]
Small things. Probably incomplete list:
1- new tool to construct vertex animation from rigged meshes
2- added an (optional) shadow when visualizing skinned animations
3- new tool to export string for module's scene-prop python code (for all objects
in a brf file)
4- ability to save vertex animations as sequences of obj files
5- module "navigation" (shift+left / shift+right) also goes from mesh to its
collision object, if present
6- a few fixes and ameliorations (maybe)
(note: hotfix 0.0.80d fixes bad bugs present in versions 0.0.80, 0.0.80b, and

ver 0.0.79 -- "revamp-skin" release (01 Aug 2012) [additional notes]

1- added an option to place items at game-predefined "carry-positions" (e.g. swords
carried on belts).
It's inside the [mount on one bone] mesh tool.
2- new group-view mode, [auto], to see all subparts of the same object combined
(but separated from the rest)
(e.g. "castle.1" and "castle.2").
3- now [alt]+clicks selects all subparts of a given objects
4- direct visualization of materials a bit improved
5- new tool [discard]=>[rigging (unmount from bone)], which positions objects back
into origin.
6- bug-fixes and several polishes
7- translation update (German, by [Roemerboy] this time!)

ver 0.0.78 -- "un-re-do" release (06 Jul 2012) [additional notes]

1- undo/redo added
2- ambient occlusion computation now considers "up" direction correctly for...
3- fixed tab orderings
4- bug-fixes
5- translation update (Spanish, by [swyter])

ver 0.0.77b -- small-update (28 Jun 2012) [additional notes]

1- new "reimport" tool, to quickly re-import updated models
2- now alpha is editable in "recolor mesh with uniform color", and hex code
editable there
3- option to multiply existing colors with new colors, instead of replacing them
(keep Shift pressed to activate this mode -- works with all tools which compute
new vertex colors -- see notes)
4- bugfixes and minor improvements -- "b" version (hotfix): recovered Spanish
language translation.

ver 0.0.76 -- mini-update (2 Mar 2012) [additional notes]

1- added a tool to [Copy colors from texture], which gets texture colors and
assigns them to texture.
2- maybe a bit more robust to sporadic crashes?

ver 0.0.75 -- mini-update (1 Mar 2012) [additional notes]

1- Added [tool] => [Measure with floating probe], to know the XYZ position of any
point on/near the mesh
2- a few fixes...

ver 0.0.74 -- (2 Feb 2012) [additional notes]

1- A [reskeletonize] tool, to adapt animations to skeletons with a different number
(or scrambled) bones
2- A [Transform UV] tool, to scale/translate all UV coordrinates. Useful for when
you unify textures in one sheet
3- New mechanism: now OpenBRF will optionally use Module-specific reference file.
See info (in a sec).

ver 0.0.73c -- (27 Jan 2012) [additional notes]

1- New [Paste in mesh] command (matching LODs) under [edit] (see notes)
2- Now displays/edits "for_ragdolls_only" flag in hit-boxes
3- Can now "Copy rigging" into a mesh from a skeleton too (not only from a rigged
4- Minor upgrades and fixes. +b and +c versions: hot-fixes.

ver 0.0.72 -- "hitbox galore" release (25 Jan 2012) [additional notes]
1- Lotsa new tools to ease manipulation of hitboxes -- see [tutorial]
1.a Copy/Paste of hit-boxes (from/to Skeletons -- but also from/to Collision-
1.b Built-in direct editor of hit-boxes
1.c Saving of hitboxes in .xml file
1.d Stripping of hitboxes from a skeleton, and more
2- "Roto-translate-scale" tool can now be used to also auto-center/align meshes
3- When visualizing collision-mesh for an object X, can now overlay object X
5- Now lists bone names in skeleton Data box
6- Option to [Open Module folder] (in file explorer), under [Module]
7- Fixes

ver 0.0.71b -- (19 Jan 2012) [additional notes]

1- hitboxes (linked to skeletons) extracted from data/skeletion_bodies.xml and
visualized on request.
(doens't show them? see notes!)
2- visualization of texture animations (when looking at textures objects, NOT
materials objects)
3- interface polishing (mainly, added dots "..." where they belonged).

ver 0.0.70 -- (10 Jan 2012) [additional notes]

1- now armor-feminizer freely customizable by users. See under [Settings]=>[On
armour autofeminization] (and see notes)
2- now remembers recently opened modules (see under [Module])
3- ctrl+left and ctrl+right opens next/prev brf file in module
4- module un-referenced textures can now be moved in "_unused" folder, see
[Module]=>[Show unreferenced texture files]
5- GUI: added [selected] menu, it replcates the context-menu accessible by right
clicking on selected objects
6- fixes

ver 0.0.69b -- "many suggestions" release (3 Jan 2012) [additional notes]

(b is a hot-fix)
1- You can now ask for the bounding box of currently selected mesh(es)
2- Minor: mesh resizing can now take non integer percentages
3- Fix in LODding: occasional unused vertices produced are now automatically
4- "Unify vertices" now become "Clean redundant vert/pos", which also removes
unused vertices
5- "Discard->Normals" tool, to merge more vertex disregarding differences in
normals (for when you don't need them)
6- Custom User-defined shader can now be used (see thread)
7- [invert selection] command, under [tools] (or Ctrl+I)

ver 0.0.68 -- the "TLD-release" release (22 Nov 2011) [additional notes]
1- Added a "paste vertex colors" tool (under "edit") to transfer vertex colors
from a mesh to another.
2- Added a "paste vertex animations" tool (under "edit") to transfer vertex
animations from a mesh to another.
Don't expect miracles, it is very crude.
It is based on similarity of UV coords between the mesh you copy from and the
mesh you paste to.
It works decently with some face morphs, if UV coords are coherent. Might work
for other things too.
3- Added a pair of tools to make rigging "smoother", or "stiffer". Can be used to
tune rigging a bit, especially
after transferring rigging from another mesh. Again, use at own risk (save
first, and keep results only if you like it).
4- Now the roto-translate-rotate tool can be optionally set to affect only the last
selected object in a sequence of objects.
Other objects are visible but stay fixed. Useful to align objects to each other

(make sure to select the one which should be moving as last).

5- flags meanings added for the shaders and their requirements (thanks to
[cmpxchg8b] for all the info again).
6- group export of collision body (multiple-select, right click).
7- various fixes

ver. 0.0.67 (5 Aug 2011) [additional notes]

- "mirror" tool for animations: flips an animation Left-Right
- fixes

ver. 0.0.66 (15 July 2011) [additional notes]

- "paste texture coordinates" tool
- "paste lower part of animation" tool
- fixes
ver. 0.0.65 (9 July 2011) -- lots of small stuff [additional notes]
- new tool to split a mesh into connected components
- new tool to autofix small rigid parts of rigged objects
- small upgrades in interface: shift+mouse controls zoom. In scene mode, R-F
controls height.
- rendering tunings: reflections brightness + clip plane .
- a few fixes, including important ones
- upgraded library to QT v.4.7: possible interface-look improvements. Possible
shader fixes.
- (b version): added a bit of diagnostic for broken preview-shaders: under
[Settings]=>[Shader Diagnostics]
- (c+d versions): attempting to fix that shader bug
If upgrading, this time you need to overwrite DLLs of old version with the new

ver. 0.0.64 (9 Jun 2011) -- bit-flags revamp [additional notes]

- flags for meshes, textures, materials partly explained and revamped
- option to freeze a rigged mesh in a given (skeletal) pose
- minor updates and fixes

ver. 0.0.63 (30 May 2011) -- tangent dirs revamp [additional notes]
- significantly better tangent field comptuation, handling, and normal-map previews
(see notes)
- preliminary meaning associated to mesh flags
- minor fixes and updates

ver. 0.0.62 (29 May 2011) (somewhat important clean-ups) [additional notes]
- now clearly shows whether a mesh has: rigging / vertex ani / colors / tangent
dirs. (in data panel)
- auto settings of mesh flags for "warband version" or "tangent dirs present"
IMPORTANT CONSEQUENCE: now automatically stores tangent fields whenever they
are present
(before, flags had to be manually set mesh flags to 0x30000 to do that!).
- now warns you if you attempt to save meshes with tangent dirs on them in M&B
1.011 format
(which cannot do that)
- new [discard]=>[tangent directions] command.
- minor: new command line option to enable a new specific requested option, which
been otherwise hidden because it is useless and probably confusing for most
See notes for detail.

ver. 0.0.61 (25 May 2011) (minor polishings) [additional notes]

- support for "green" bumpmaps
- "copy complete" and "cut complete" commands, which take selected objects and all
stuff they use
(e.g. when you "copy complete" a mesh, they also copy the
materials/textures/shaders it use)
- slightly imporved normal re-computations (angle weighting)
- now newly computed lods overwrite existing lods (or, not. Choose under
- default reference horse animation cleared of bad segments
- bugfixes (e.g. color-shift in lods, and others)

ver. 0.0.60 (27 Apr 2011) (mini update)

- added a slower but sometimes better way to compute AO (choose it under
ver. 0.0.59 (27 Apr 2011) [notes on pag 93]
- improved error detection (now scans and checks "scenes.txt" too)
- flags explained for collision objects of type: capsule (i.e. cylinder) or sphere
- fixes (lods computation on multiple objects)

ver. 0.0.58 (19 Apr 2011) [notes on pag 90]

- added an option to use or not use OpenGL 2.0, so that it does not crash if your
card doesn't support it (hopefully)
- added rendering of specular maps if present
- added a command to recompute tangent directions for meshes
- - - (needed by game for for correct bumpmapping) (they can be saved only in WB)
- added a option to change background color (under settings)
- added an option to change which LODs are produced (under settings)
- fixed LOD names for submeshes (e.g. "castle.lod1.2", not "caste.2.lod1")

ver. 0.0.57 (16 Apr 2011) [notes on pag 86]

- added rendering of normal-maps
- added a tool to automatically produce a LOD pyramid.

ver. 0.0.56b (14 Apr 2011) [notes on pag 85]

- new command to auto-produce the feminine version(s) of a given armor(s)!!! (in
0.0.56"b": proper frame-timings added)
- Ambient Occlusion can now be computed (on multiple-selected meshes) separately,
as well as combined
- added "repeat last command" command (under "tools", or ctrl+r)
- several bugfixes

ver. 0.0.55 (8 Apr 2011) (minor update) [notes on pag 83]

- you can now select (in settings) whether when computing Ambient Occlusion
light should be supposed to come mostly from above, or from all directions

ver. 0.0.54b (8 Apr 2011) [notes on pag 82]

- command prompt option: you can make openBRF load all the brf in the module
and dump all found names into a text file, without opening the GUI (intended for
devs of Mod tools)
See under "module support" features above for more info!
- buxfixes (ver 0.0.54b)

ver. 0.0.53 (7 Apr 2011) [notes on pag 82]

- command to compute Ambient Occlusion!!! (and store it in vertex colors)
-- under "settings" there is now an option to tune how light/dark it is.
- command to tune colors of selected mesh(es) (contrast, hue, saturation,

ver. 0.0.52 (5 Apr 2011): [notes on pag 81]

- can now Cut-and-Paste stuff from one instance to another of OpenBrf
-- (btw did you know that you can also Copy any object from OpenBRF
and then Paste its name in any text editor? useful for e.g. editing py
- can now drag and drop .dds files to add textures
- minor fixes

ver 0.0.51, (1 Nov 2010): [notes on pag 73]

- improved "open module BRF" dialog (F7)
-- now reporting line number of each brf file (inside module.ini)
-- added "edit module.ini" option
- improved texture "data" box
-- added "origin" box (i.e. module texture folder, or common texture folder)
-- added a button to show the DDS file in file explorer
- new skeletal animation command
-- merge two animations
-- remove a time interval from an animation
-- extract an animation from another, given a time interval
- improved stability with opengl/glew
-- in attempt to solve the reported (rare?) compatibility issues
- bugfixes

ver 0.0.50, (up to 21 Oct 2010):

- more robust with older openGL versions (hopefully)
Just disable shaders by: [Settings] -> [On mesh rendering] -> [Always use default
- now autosets mesh flags as needed by warband if you save in wb format.
- added an option to color a mesh with uniform color (per vertex)
- added German translation [by Vlejundo!]

ver 0.0.49b, c, and d (up to 10 Oct 2010):

- fixes... details in repository page

ver 0.0.49 (28 Sept 2010): [notes on pag 68]

- added command to turn mesh (or mesh groups) into collision objects
- fixes

ver 0.0.48 (27 Sept 2010): (micro update) [notes on pag 67]
- added reflections in mesh preview, for some materials

ver 0.0.47 (26 Sept 2010): (micro update)

- added a command to change current module (under "Module" menu)

ver 0.0.46 (26 Sept 2010): [notes on pag 66]

- fixed item_kinds1.txt scanning for latest WarBand
- using alpha transparency during mesh rendering (according to used material flags)
-- (this can be disabled in Settings)

ver 0.0.45 (24 Sept 2010): [notes on pag 66] (substantial Module-management
- scan the entire module .TXTs (some ten of them) to find out what is actually used
in the module (both WB and M&B)
- added "used By" submenu , to navigate from an object (meshes, materials...) to
any objects using it
(e.g. from a material to any mesh using it, etc). Find it by right clicking on
any object.
- in the same submenu, you can see what TXT file, if any, is using that object
(directly or indirectly)
- highlight objects (meshes, materials, ...) which are actually used by the module
(F3, or look in Module menu)
(also if an object can be safety removed -- not used by other ob, is lightened)
- warning given when saving common-res files
- Module Menu revamp:
-- command to choose a Brf inside current module (including ones non included in
(also shows how many used/unused objects they contain)
-- command to list unreferenced texture-files (.DDS, .TIFF, etc) uselessly sitting
on disk
-- command to show module statistics
-- added .txt related errors to Error reported by "scan module for errors"

ver 0.0.44 (21 Sept 2010): [notes on pag 64] (mini update)
- added a command to merge several Body Collision meshes into one
- fixes

ver 0.0.43 (20 Sept 2010): [notes on pag 64]

- added a command to quickly add backdrops for menus (under "import")

ver 0.0.42 (19 Sept 2010): [notes on pag 63]

- added Spanish translation [by Swyter!]
- added a tool to auto-optimize Collision Objects from triangle-meshes to quad-

ver 0.0.41 (18 Sept 2010): [notes on pag 63]

- added support for non ascii paths (e.g. with Chinese characters in them)
- "Find in Module" and "Scan for Errors" searches are much, much faster (after
first time)
- new "Add to Clipboard" command (under "Edit") to cumulate objects in clipboard
e.g. you can copy (ctrl+C) an object, then "add to clipboard" a 2nd object, and
then paste them both (ctrl+v)
- new "Paste Timings" command (under "Edit") to transfer timings from an animation
to another (vertex or skeletal alike)
- new option to test your new translation files (*.qm - from QT-Linguist) (under
- fixes

ver 0.0.40 (17 Sept 2010): [notes on pag 63]

- fixed translations support [by Foxyman!]
- added Chinese translations [by Foxyman!]

ver 0.0.39 + b (7 Aug 2010): [notes on pag 60]

- added possibility to keep or ignore texture seams when recomputing mesh normals
- added possibility to import the latest WarBand BRF format too (few native files
use it)
- ameliorated quality loss of MD3 vertex animation export (due to position
quantization, by rescaling them)
- better import of SMD rigged meshes (if too many bones x vert gives warning, no

ver 0.0.38 (6 Aug 2010): [notes on pag 59]

- added import/export of vertex animations as MD3 files ("Quake" files)

ver 0.0.37 + 0.0.37b (10 March 2010): (micro update)

- fixes (>500 objects in a file)
- added command to export all selected mesh at once, in separate files

ver 0.0.36 (2 Jan 2010): [notes on pag 46]

- more robust frame combination when stacking frames in vertex animations
- new frame stacking mode for making "quiver" animations
- tool to sort objects in alphabetical order
- fixes

ver 0.0.35 (23 Nov 2009): [notes on pag 42]

- added an option to "paste modifications"
- fixes

ver 0.0.34 (20 Nov 2009): (minor update)

- added options to discard rigging, color or vertex animations from a mesh
- minor fixes

ver 0.0.33: (11 Nov 2009): [notes on pag 40]

- Added a view-mode to view many objects at once side to side (select multiple
objects to make view mode available).
This is defaulted when selecting multiple materials/textures.
- Added an option (under "options") to autocenter-and-zoom objects according to all
content of BRF file,
instead of current selection only (useful to compare absolute sizes)
- Can now change name of multiple objects starting with a common prefix (e.g. all
xyz.LOD0, xyz.LOD1 ...).
Just make a multiple selection and "rename" (F2)
- Nice icon by Amade (thanks, to swyter too!)
- Fixed: blender ply imports, false "not in module.ini" warnings...
- Minor gui improvments (more readable numbers, search windows now remembers

ver 0.0.32: (06 Nov 2009): [notes on pag 39]

- Correctly imports ply meshes from blender (useful for meshes with vertex-per-
- Backfacing faces removal/addition (useful for beard meshes, fur, etc)
- Preliminary export/import of rigged-meshes/skeletons from Maya .ma files
- Minor interface upgrades (tab order, removal of redundant options)
- Minor bug fixes (rigging with >4 bones, stability...)

ver 0.0.31: (25 Oct 2009): [notes on pag 37]

- Doesn't crash anymore on finding an invalid or corrupt brf when scanning
(it just reports this in module error report when requested)
- Added "combine mesh" tool (combines multiple meshes into one. Also works with
rigged or animated meshes)
- Added a mesh tool to attach and rig a mesh to a single skeleton bone (useful e.g.
for boots)
- Minors: "del" deletes selection, multiple textures selectable, left-right arrows
change tab,
[F3] [F2] rename object (like in windows file system).

ver 0.0.30: (19 Oct):

- Multiple file import for almost everything (meshes, rigged meshes, mesh animation
frames, materials, textures...)
[suggested by Dian IronFoot and killkhergit]
- Import from another BRF (everything inside it) (but consider copy and pasting
stuff from a BRF into another, instead)
- Patch of another bug on paste-rigging/transfer-rigging method.

ver 0.0.29: (18 Oct):

- Fixed ply format import/export for static meshes (should now import/export colors
-- tested with MeshLab)
- Minor big fixes (paste rigging method).

ver 0.0.28: (16 Oct):

- Search in module now has options [suggested by amade]
- Custom viewing modes for helmets (puts them in vertical)
and scenes (like interiors, uses wasd navigation)
- Ini-file navigation (e.g. mesh-to-material or material-to-texture) is now also
accessible with easily found links
- OpenBRF will now actually work if set as predefined appl for brf files (you must
set it manually)
- Tips in status bar for practically all options and tools
- New "paste rigging" option (under "edit") to transfer
rigging from (optionally multiple) exemplar meshes (already rigged)
to (optionally multiple) target meshes (non rigged or with wrong rigging)
- Color per vertex bug fixed (used RGB instead of BRG)

ver 0.0.27: (7 Oct):

- Export/import support for multiple material/mesh OBJ
- Optional crease angles computation when recomputing normals
- Minor: collision-manifold import orientation bug fixed. Minor2: now cut and paste
works with group of objects too.

ver 0.0.26: (22 Sept):

- Added "Shift animation" tool, to shift an animation timing forward/backward
- A little bit of polishing...
-- it now updates textures too on refresh command ("F5")
-- it displays size, format etc in texture "data" box
-- texture aspect ratio is now preserved in rectangular texture/material viewing
-- time for loading of first brf of a large module strongly decreased

ver 0.0.25: (18 Sept):

- added rotation/translation tool (for meshes and collision objects)
- skeletal animation frame times now can be viewed and edited
- now searches "<currentDir>/../textures" dir too for out-of-module textures

ver 0.0.24: (16 Sept): (minor release)

- now finds texture even if material fields wrongly include .dds extensions
- plus, added an option to autofix dds file headers.

Ver 0.0.23 (14 Sept):

- added a tool to find objects with a given name in module (in the module menu).
- added a rescale mesh option (right click on mesh name)
- minor bug fixes

Ver 0.0.22 (12 Sept):

- added a tool to scan the entire module for errors and inconsistencies (in the
module menu).

Ver 0.0.21 (3 Sept):

- added transfer rigging tool

Ver 0.0.20 (3 Sept):

- mini update: if it does not find a texture (white/blue pattern shown instead),
you can look for a bit of diagnostics in "settings" menu

Ver 0.0.19 (3 Sept):

- added "forward compatibility" with warband files! (both saving loading them; to
change brf version, "save as" and select format).
- added a mirror (flip) tool for meshes and collision.
- improvements on stability

Ver 0.0.18 (1 Sept):

- minor update: "missing textures in game" bug fixed; "obj import text coord
misalign" bug fixed; now v. animation frames are appended after current one; not it
uses current brf to locate materials too; ruler made longer...

Ver 0.0.17 (30 Aug):

- added support for vertex animations (see above)

Ver 0.0.16 (29 Aug):

- added ruler tool (to determine reach of weapons, like in BrfEdit)

Ver 0.0.15 (29 Aug):

- special fast load of all resources in the module.ini file
- auto-completions of stuff (texture, material, shader names).
- navigation of a dataset (see above)
- correct and complete texture-material in a mod. Now it should always locate the
texture to be used for a given material (in mesh previews). (but, possible DXT1
texture problems?)
- now possible to edit data for multiple materials at once, including flags (and to
edit "used material" for multiple meshes).
- minor: when you copy (ctrl-c) a texture/material/shader, you can paste (ctrl-v)
its name in any appropriate box (e.g. in the "used material" box of a mesh).
- fixed bug with recompute-normals/vertex-unification of SMD files (used to cure
"flat shading" effect).

ver 0.0.13 (18 Aug):

- materials flag with meaning and checkable separately (and "render order" as a
separate field)
- import of collision object as obj (notes on usage: see this info)

ver 0.0.12 (17 Aug):

- display and direct editing of material/texture/shader/collision attributes
- creation of material/texture/shaders object
- rendering of textures (and materials, as textures)
- export of collision meshes as multi/object obj. (import still missing).
- mesh tools added: recompute normal, unify position/vertices (see "other
features" above).
- flags are still numbers, but at least they are shown/edited in hexadecimal

ver 0.0.11 (14 Aug):

- this time blender and 3DS should like exported skeletons/rigged meshes
(important: openBRF won't understand SMD exported by prev version... again.
Last time, hopefully)
- bug fixes (as ever), including mirroring of everything (big deal) and addition
of non-rigged meshes to skins
- skeleton-modification trough meshes (see "other features" above)
- reskeletonization of rigged meshes (see "other features" above)
- better handling of multiple skeletons (but it is up to the user to use the
correct skeleton)
- minor interface improvements

ver 0.0.10 (13 Aug):

- considerable internal changes. Hopefully now SMD exports are blender-
compatible too.
- bug fixes
- a few cosmetic changes

ver 0.0.8 (12 Aug):

Added back compatibility with M&B 0.808 materials and skeletons.
Export/import of rigged meshes (SMD):
- added a x10/x0.1 scale factor for coherency with what old BrfEdit
- (also, now if a vertex is connected to >4 bones it tries to fix it,
instead of complain and die.)
Export of animations (SMD):
- changed stuff a bit, to see if now 3DSMax likes them better.
- added a file format option to correctly import SMD files that were
originally produced by old BrfEdit (or their derivatives)
Fixes, GUI improvements...
ver 0.0.7 (11 Aug 2009):
Export/import of rigged meshes, animation and skeletons as SMD.
Better handling (visualization) of {vertex animated}-meshes, and of {vertex-
animated}+{rigged} meshes
Collision objects BRF reverse-eng minor fix (does it undersrtand all of them

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