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For other uses, see Gravity (disambiguation). that all bodies (with mass) in the universe are drawn to
“Gravitation” and “Law of Gravity” redirect here. For each other no matter how far they are apart.
other uses, see Gravitation (disambiguation) and Law of
Gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental interac-
Gravity (disambiguation). tions of nature. The gravitational attraction is approxi-
Gravity or gravitation is a natural phenomenon by
mately 10−38 times the strength of the strong force (i.e.
gravity is 38 orders of magnitude weaker), 10−36 times
the strength of the electromagnetic force, and 10−29 times
the strength of the weak force. As a consequence, gravity
has a negligible influence on the behavior of sub-atomic
particles, and plays no role in determining the internal
properties of everyday matter (but see quantum grav-
ity). On the other hand, gravity is the dominant force
at the macroscopic scale, that is the cause of the forma-
tion, shape, and trajectory (orbit) of astronomical bod-
ies, including those of asteroids, comets, planets, stars,
and galaxies. It is responsible for causing the Earth and
the other planets to orbit the Sun; for causing the Moon
to orbit the Earth; for the formation of tides; for natural
convection, by which fluid flow occurs under the influence
of a density gradient and gravity; for heating the interiors
Hammer and feather drop: Apollo 15 astronaut David Scott on of forming stars and planets to very high temperatures;
the Moon enacting the legend of Galileo’s gravity experiment. for solar system, galaxy, stellar formation and evolution;
(1.38 MB, ogg/Theora format).
and for various other phenomena observed on Earth and
throughout the universe.
which all things with mass are brought towards (or 'gravi-
tate' towards) one another including stars, planets, galax- In pursuit of a theory of everything, the merging of gen-
ies and even light and sub-atomic particles. Gravity is eral relativity and quantum mechanics (or quantum field
responsible for the complexity in the universe, by creat- theory) into a more general theory of quantum gravity has
ing spheres of hydrogen — where hydrogen fuses under become an area of research.
pressure to form stars — and grouping them into galax-
ies. Without gravity, the universe would be an uncompli-
cated one, existing without thermal energy and composed 1 History of gravitational theory
only of equally spaced particles. On Earth, gravity gives
weight to physical objects and causes the tides. Gravity
Main article: History of gravitational theory
has an infinite range, and it cannot be absorbed, trans-
formed, or shielded against.
Gravity is most accurately described by the general theory
of relativity (proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915) which 1.1 Scientific revolution
describes gravity, not as a force, but as a consequence of
the curvature of spacetime caused by the uneven distribu- Modern work on gravitational theory began with the work
tion of mass/energy; and resulting in time dilation, where of Galileo Galilei in the late 16th and early 17th cen-
time lapses more slowly in strong gravitation. However, turies. In his famous (though possibly apocryphal[1] ) ex-
for most applications, gravity is well approximated by periment dropping balls from the Tower of Pisa, and later
Newton’s law of universal gravitation, which postulates with careful measurements of balls rolling down inclines,
that gravity is a force where two bodies of mass are di- Galileo showed that gravity accelerates all objects at the
rectly drawn (or 'attracted') to each other according to a same rate. This was a major departure from Aristotle's
mathematical relationship, where the attractive force is belief that heavier objects accelerate faster.[2] Galileo
proportional to the product of their masses and inversely postulated air resistance as the reason that lighter objects
proportional to the square of the distance between them. may fall more slowly in an atmosphere. Galileo’s work
This is considered to occur over an infinite range, such set the stage for the formulation of Newton’s theory of


gravity. not be accounted for entirely under Newton’s theory, but

all searches for another perturbing body (such as a planet
orbiting the Sun even closer than Mercury) had been fruit-
1.2 Newton’s theory of gravitation less. The issue was resolved in 1915 by Albert Einstein's
new theory of general relativity, which accounted for the
Main article: Newton’s law of universal gravitation small discrepancy in Mercury’s orbit.
In 1687, English mathematician Sir Isaac Newton pub-
Although Newton’s theory has been superseded by the
Einstein's general relativity, most modern non-relativistic
gravitational calculations are still made using the New-
ton’s theory because it is simpler to work with and it gives
sufficiently accurate results for most applications involv-
ing sufficiently small masses, speeds and energies.

1.3 Equivalence principle

The equivalence principle, explored by a succession of re-
searchers including Galileo, Loránd Eötvös, and Einstein,
expresses the idea that all objects fall in the same way.
The simplest way to test the weak equivalence principle is
to drop two objects of different masses or compositions
in a vacuum and see whether they hit the ground at the
same time. Such experiments demonstrate that all objects
fall at the same rate when other forces (such as air resis-
tance and electromagnetic effects) are negligible. More
sophisticated tests use a torsion balance of a type invented
by Eötvös. Satellite experiments, for example STEP, are
planned for more accurate experiments in space.[4]
Formulations of the equivalence principle include:
Sir Isaac Newton, an English physicist who lived from 1642 to
1727 • The weak equivalence principle: The trajectory of a
point mass in a gravitational field depends only on its
lished Principia, which hypothesizes the inverse-square initial position and velocity, and is independent of its
law of universal gravitation. In his own words, “I deduced composition.[5]
that the forces which keep the planets in their orbs must
[be] reciprocally as the squares of their distances from • The Einsteinian equivalence principle: The outcome
the centers about which they revolve: and thereby com- of any local non-gravitational experiment in a freely
pared the force requisite to keep the Moon in her Orb falling laboratory is independent of the velocity of
with the force of gravity at the surface of the Earth; and the laboratory and its location in spacetime.[6]
found them answer pretty nearly.”[3] The equation is the
• The strong equivalence principle requiring both of
the above.
F = G mr1 m

Where F is the force, m1 and m2 are the masses of the

1.4 General relativity
objects interacting, r is the distance between the centers
of the masses and G is the gravitational constant. See also: Introduction to general relativity
Newton’s theory enjoyed its greatest success when it was In general relativity, the effects of gravitation are ascribed
used to predict the existence of Neptune based on mo- to spacetime curvature instead of a force. The starting
tions of Uranus that could not be accounted for by the point for general relativity is the equivalence principle,
actions of the other planets. Calculations by both John which equates free fall with inertial motion and describes
Couch Adams and Urbain Le Verrier predicted the gen- free-falling inertial objects as being accelerated relative to
eral position of the planet, and Le Verrier’s calculations non-inertial observers on the ground.[7][8] In Newtonian
are what led Johann Gottfried Galle to the discovery of physics, however, no such acceleration can occur unless
Neptune. at least one of the objects is being operated on by a force.
A discrepancy in Mercury's orbit pointed out flaws in Einstein proposed that spacetime is curved by matter, and
Newton’s theory. By the end of the 19th century, it was that free-falling objects are moving along locally straight
known that its orbit showed slight perturbations that could paths in curved spacetime. These straight paths are called
1.4 General relativity 3

event horizons.

• The Kerr-Newman solution for charged, rotating

massive objects. This solution also produces black
holes with multiple event horizons.

• The cosmological Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-

Walker solution, which predicts the expansion of the

The tests of general relativity included the following:[9]

• General relativity accounts for the anomalous

perihelion precession of Mercury.[10]
Two-dimensional analogy of spacetime distortion generated by
• The prediction that time runs slower at lower poten-
the mass of an object. Matter changes the geometry of spacetime,
this (curved) geometry being interpreted as gravity. White lines
tials has been confirmed by the Pound–Rebka ex-
do not represent the curvature of space but instead represent the periment, the Hafele–Keating experiment, and the
coordinate system imposed on the curved spacetime, which would GPS.
be rectilinear in a flat spacetime.
• The prediction of the deflection of light was first
confirmed by Arthur Stanley Eddington from his
geodesics. Like Newton’s first law of motion, Einstein’s observations during the Solar eclipse of May 29,
theory states that if a force is applied on an object, it 1919.[11][12] Eddington measured starlight deflec-
would deviate from a geodesic. For instance, we are tions twice those predicted by Newtonian corpus-
no longer following geodesics while standing because the cular theory, in accordance with the predictions of
mechanical resistance of the Earth exerts an upward force general relativity. However, his interpretation of the
on us, and we are non-inertial on the ground as a result. results was later disputed.[13] More recent tests us-
This explains why moving along the geodesics in space- ing radio interferometric measurements of quasars
time is considered inertial. passing behind the Sun have more accurately and
consistently confirmed the deflection of light to the
Einstein discovered the field equations of general relativ-
degree predicted by general relativity.[14] See also
ity, which relate the presence of matter and the curva-
gravitational lens.
ture of spacetime and are named after him. The Einstein
field equations are a set of 10 simultaneous, non-linear, • The time delay of light passing close to a massive
differential equations. The solutions of the field equations object was first identified by Irwin I. Shapiro in 1964
are the components of the metric tensor of spacetime. A in interplanetary spacecraft signals.
metric tensor describes a geometry of spacetime. The
geodesic paths for a spacetime are calculated from the • Gravitational radiation has been indirectly con-
metric tensor. firmed through studies of binary pulsars.
Notable solutions of the Einstein field equations include: • Alexander Friedmann in 1922 found that Einstein
equations have non-stationary solutions (even in the
• The Schwarzschild solution, which describes space- presence of the cosmological constant). In 1927
time surrounding a spherically symmetric non- Georges Lemaître showed that static solutions of the
rotating uncharged massive object. For compact Einstein equations, which are possible in the pres-
enough objects, this solution generated a black hole ence of the cosmological constant, are unstable, and
with a central singularity. For radial distances therefore the static universe envisioned by Einstein
from the center which are much greater than the could not exist. Later, in 1931, Einstein himself
Schwarzschild radius, the accelerations predicted by agreed with the results of Friedmann and Lemaître.
the Schwarzschild solution are practically identical Thus general relativity predicted that the Universe
to those predicted by Newton’s theory of gravity. had to be non-static—it had to either expand or con-
tract. The expansion of the universe discovered by
• The Reissner-Nordström solution, in which the cen- Edwin Hubble in 1929 confirmed this prediction.[15]
tral object has an electrical charge. For charges with
a geometrized length which are less than the ge- • The theory’s prediction of frame dragging was con-
ometrized length of the mass of the object, this so- sistent with the recent Gravity Probe B results.[16]
lution produces black holes with two event horizons.
• General relativity predicts that light should lose its
• The Kerr solution for rotating massive objects. This energy when travelling away from the massive bod-
solution also produces black holes with multiple ies. The group of Radek Wojtak of the Niels Bohr

Institute at the University of Copenhagen collected tude even though it applies more precisely to latitude of
data from 8000 galaxy clusters and found that the 45°32'33”.[25]
light coming from the cluster centers tended to be Assuming the standardized value for g and ignoring air
red-shifted compared to the cluster edges, confirm- resistance, this means that an object falling freely near
ing the energy loss due to gravity.[17] the Earth’s surface increases its velocity by 9.80665 m/s
(32.1740 ft/s or 22 mph) for each second of its descent.
1.5 Gravity and quantum mechanics Thus, an object starting from rest will attain a velocity
of 9.80665 m/s (32.1740 ft/s) after one second, approx-
Main articles: Graviton and Quantum gravity imately 19.62 m/s (64.4 ft/s) after two seconds, and so
on, adding 9.80665 m/s (32.1740 ft/s) to each resulting
velocity. Also, again ignoring air resistance, any and all
In the decades after the discovery of general relativity, it objects, when dropped from the same height, will hit the
was realized that general relativity is incompatible with ground at the same time.
quantum mechanics.[18] It is possible to describe gravity
in the framework of quantum field theory like the other
fundamental forces, such that the attractive force of grav-
ity arises due to exchange of virtual gravitons, in the same
way as the electromagnetic force arises from exchange of
virtual photons.[19][20] This reproduces general relativity
in the classical limit. However, this approach fails at short
distances of the order of the Planck length,[18] where a If an object with comparable mass to that of the Earth were to
more complete theory of quantum gravity (or a new ap- fall towards it, then the corresponding acceleration of the Earth
proach to quantum mechanics) is required. would be observable.

According to Newton’s 3rd Law, the Earth itself experi-

ences a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction
2 Specifics to that which it exerts on a falling object. This means that
the Earth also accelerates towards the object until they
2.1 Earth’s gravity collide. Because the mass of the Earth is huge, however,
the acceleration imparted to the Earth by this opposite
Main article: Earth’s gravity force is negligible in comparison to the object’s. If the
object doesn't bounce after it has collided with the Earth,
each of them then exerts a repulsive contact force on the
Every planetary body (including the Earth) is surrounded
other which effectively balances the attractive force of
by its own gravitational field, which can be conceptu-
gravity and prevents further acceleration.
alized with Newtonian physics as exerting an attractive
force on all objects. Assuming a spherically symmetrical The force of gravity on Earth is the resultant (vector sum)
planet, the strength of this field at any given point above of two forces: (a) The gravitational attraction in accor-
the surface is proportional to the planetary body’s mass dance with Newton’s universal law of gravitation, and (b)
and inversely proportional to the square of the distance the centrifugal force, which results from the choice of an
from the center of the body. earthbound, rotating frame of reference. At the equator,
the force of gravity is the weakest due to the centrifugal
The strength of the gravitational field is numerically equal
force caused by the Earth’s rotation. The force of gravity
to the acceleration of objects under its influence. The rate
varies with latitude and increases from about 9.780 m/s2
of acceleration of falling objects near the Earth’s surface
at the Equator to about 9.832 m/s2 at the poles.
varies very slightly depending on latitude, surface features
such as mountains and ridges, and perhaps unusually high
or low sub-surface densities.[21] For purposes of weights 2.2 Equations for a falling body near the
and measures, a standard gravity value is defined by the
surface of the Earth
International Bureau of Weights and Measures, under the
International System of Units (SI). Main article: Equations for a falling body
That value, denoted g, is g = 9.80665 m/s2 (32.1740
ft/s2 ).[22][23] Under an assumption of constant gravitational attraction,
The standard value of 9.80665 m/s2 is the one origi- Newton’s law of universal gravitation simplifies to F = mg,
nally adopted by the International Committee on Weights where m is the mass of the body and g is a constant vector
and Measures in 1901 for 45° latitude, even though it with an average magnitude of 9.81 m/s2 on Earth. This
has been shown to be too high by about five parts in ten resulting force is the object’s weight. The acceleration
thousand.[24] This value has persisted in meteorology and due to gravity is equal to this g. An initially stationary
in some standard atmospheres as the value for 45° lati- object which is allowed to fall freely under gravity drops a
2.5 Speed of gravity 5

distance which is proportional to the square of the elapsed 2.5 Speed of gravity
time. The image on the right, spanning half a second,
was captured with a stroboscopic flash at 20 flashes per Main article: Speed of gravity
second. During the first 1 ⁄20 of a second the ball drops
one unit of distance (here, a unit is about 12 mm); by 2 ⁄20
In December 2012, a research team in China announced
it has dropped at total of 4 units; by 3 ⁄20 , 9 units and so
that it had produced measurements of the phase lag of
Earth tides during full and new moons which seem to
Under the same constant gravity assumptions, the prove that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of
potential energy, Ep, of a body at height h is given by Ep = light.[27] This means that if the Sun suddenly disappeared,
mgh (or Ep = Wh, with W meaning weight). This expres- the Earth would keep orbiting it normally for 8 minutes,
sion is valid only over small distances h from the surface which is the time light takes to travel that distance. The
of the Earth. Similarly, the expression h = v2g for the team’s findings were released in the Chinese Science Bul-
maximum height reached by a vertically projected body letin in February 2013.[28]
with initial velocity v is useful for small heights and small
initial velocities only.
3 Anomalies and discrepancies
There are some observations that are not adequately ac-
2.3 Gravity and astronomy counted for, which may point to the need for better theo-
ries of gravity or perhaps be explained in other ways.
The application of Newton’s law of gravity has enabled
the acquisition of much of the detailed information we • Extra-fast stars: Stars in galaxies follow a
have about the planets in the Solar System, the mass of distribution of velocities where stars on the outskirts
the Sun, and details of quasars; even the existence of are moving faster than they should according to the
dark matter is inferred using Newton’s law of gravity. observed distributions of normal matter. Galaxies
Although we have not traveled to all the planets nor to within galaxy clusters show a similar pattern. Dark
the Sun, we know their masses. These masses are ob- matter, which would interact gravitationally but not
tained by applying the laws of gravity to the measured electromagnetically, would account for the discrep-
characteristics of the orbit. In space an object maintains ancy. Various modifications to Newtonian dynamics
its orbit because of the force of gravity acting upon it. have also been proposed.
Planets orbit stars, stars orbit galactic centers, galaxies
orbit a center of mass in clusters, and clusters orbit in • Flyby anomaly: Various spacecraft have expe-
superclusters. The force of gravity exerted on one object rienced greater acceleration than expected during
by another is directly proportional to the product of those gravity assist maneuvers.
objects’ masses and inversely proportional to the square
of the distance between them. • Accelerating expansion: The metric expansion of
space seems to be speeding up. Dark energy has
been proposed to explain this. A recent alterna-
tive explanation is that the geometry of space is not
homogeneous (due to clusters of galaxies) and that
2.4 Gravitational radiation when the data are reinterpreted to take this into ac-
count, the expansion is not speeding up after all,[29]
Main article: Gravitational wave however this conclusion is disputed.[30]

• Anomalous increase of the astronomical unit:

In general relativity, gravitational radiation is generated Recent measurements indicate that planetary orbits
in situations where the curvature of spacetime is oscil- are widening faster than if this were solely through
lating, such as is the case with co-orbiting objects. The the Sun losing mass by radiating energy.
gravitational radiation emitted by the Solar System is far
too small to measure. However, gravitational radiation • Extra energetic photons: Photons travelling
has been indirectly observed as an energy loss over time through galaxy clusters should gain energy and then
in binary pulsar systems such as PSR B1913+16. It is be- lose it again on the way out. The accelerating expan-
lieved that neutron star mergers and black hole formation sion of the universe should stop the photons return-
may create detectable amounts of gravitational radiation. ing all the energy, but even taking this into account
Gravitational radiation observatories such as the Laser photons from the cosmic microwave background ra-
Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) diation gain twice as much energy as expected. This
have been created to study the problem. No confirmed may indicate that gravity falls off faster than inverse-
detections have been made of this hypothetical radiation. squared at certain distance scales.[31]

• Extra massive hydrogen clouds: The spectral lines • Loop quantum gravity (1988) by Carlo Rovelli, Lee
of the Lyman-alpha forest suggest that hydrogen Smolin, and Abhay Ashtekar
clouds are more clumped together at certain scales
than expected and, like dark flow, may indicate that • Nonsymmetric gravitational theory (NGT) (1994)
gravity falls off slower than inverse-squared at cer- by John Moffat
tain distance scales.[31] • Conformal gravity[36]
• Power: Proposed extra dimensions could explain • Tensor–vector–scalar gravity (TeVeS) (2004), a rel-
why the gravity force is so weak.[32] ativistic modification of MOND by Jacob Beken-

4 Alternative theories • Gravity as an entropic force, gravity arising as

an emergent phenomenon from the thermodynamic
Main article: Alternatives to general relativity concept of entropy.

• In the superfluid vacuum theory the gravity and

curved space-time arise as a collective excitation
mode of non-relativistic background superfluid.
4.1 Historical alternative theories
• Chameleon theory (2004) by Justin Khoury and
• Aristotelian theory of gravity Amanda Weltman.
• Le Sage’s theory of gravitation (1784) also called • Pressuron theory (2013) by Olivier Minazzoli and
LeSage gravity, proposed by Georges-Louis Le Aurélien Hees.
Sage, based on a fluid-based explanation where a
light gas fills the entire universe.
• Ritz’s theory of gravitation, Ann. Chem. Phys. 13, 5 See also
145, (1908) pp. 267–271, Weber-Gauss electrody-
namics applied to gravitation. Classical advance- • Angular momentum
ment of perihelia.
• Anti-gravity, the idea of neutralizing or repelling
• Nordström’s theory of gravitation (1912, 1913), an gravity
early competitor of general relativity.
• Artificial gravity
• Kaluza Klein theory (1921)
• Birkeland current
• Whitehead’s theory of gravitation (1922), another
early competitor of general relativity. • Gravitational wave

• Gravitational wave background

4.2 Modern alternative theories
• Cosmic gravitational wave background
• Brans–Dicke theory of gravity (1961) [33]
• Einstein–Infeld–Hoffmann equations
• Induced gravity (1967), a proposal by Andrei
• Escape velocity, the minimum velocity needed to
Sakharov according to which general relativity
escape from a gravity well
might arise from quantum field theories of matter
• ƒ(R) gravity (1970) • g-force, a measure of acceleration

• Horndeski theory (1974) [34] • Gauge gravitation theory

• Supergravity (1976) • Gauss’s law for gravity

• String theory • Gravitational binding energy

• In the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) • Gravity assist

(1981), Mordehai Milgrom proposes a modification
of Newton’s Second Law of motion for small accel- • Gravity gradiometry
erations [35] • Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
• The self-creation cosmology theory of gravity • Gravity Research Foundation
(1982) by G.A. Barber in which the Brans-Dicke
theory is modified to allow mass creation • Jovian–Plutonian gravitational effect

• Kepler’s third law of planetary motion [8] Dmitri Pogosyan. “Lecture 20: Black Holes—The Ein-
stein Equivalence Principle”. University of Alberta. Re-
• Lagrangian point trieved 2011-10-14.
• Micro-g environment, also called microgravity [9] Pauli, Wolfgang Ernst (1958). “Part IV. General Theory
of Relativity”. Theory of Relativity. Courier Dover Pub-
• Mixmaster dynamics lications. ISBN 978-0-486-64152-2.
• n-body problem [10] Max Born (1924), Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (The
1962 Dover edition, page 348 lists a table documenting
• Newton’s laws of motion
the observed and calculated values for the precession of
• Pioneer anomaly the perihelion of Mercury, Venus, and Earth.)

• Scalar theories of gravitation [11] Dyson, F.W.; Eddington, A.S.; Davidson, C.R. (1920).
“A Determination of the Deflection of Light by the Sun’s
• Speed of gravity Gravitational Field, from Observations Made at the Total
Eclipse of May 29, 1919”. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 220
• Standard gravitational parameter (571–581): 291–333. Bibcode:1920RSPTA.220..291D.
doi:10.1098/rsta.1920.0009.. Quote, p. 332: “Thus the
• Standard gravity results of the expeditions to Sobral and Principe can leave
little doubt that a deflection of light takes place in the
• Weightlessness
neighbourhood of the sun and that it is of the amount de-
manded by Einstein’s generalised theory of relativity, as
attributable to the sun’s gravitational field.”
6 Footnotes
[12] Weinberg, Steven (1972). Gravitation and cosmology.
John Wiley & Sons.. Quote, p. 192: “About a dozen
[1] Ball, Phil (June 2005). “Tall Tales”. Nature News.
stars in all were studied, and yielded values 1.98 ± 0.11”
and 1.61 ± 0.31”, in substantial agreement with Einstein’s
[2] Galileo (1638), Two New Sciences, First Day Salviati prediction θ☉ = 1.75”."
speaks: “If this were what Aristotle meant you would bur-
[13] Earman, John; Glymour, Clark (1980). “Relativity and
den him with another error which would amount to a false-
Eclipses: The British eclipse expeditions of 1919 and their
hood; because, since there is no such sheer height available
predecessors”. Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences
on earth, it is clear that Aristotle could not have made the
11: 49–85. doi:10.2307/27757471.
experiment; yet he wishes to give us the impression of his
having performed it when he speaks of such an effect as [14] Weinberg, Steven (1972). Gravitation and cosmology.
one which we see.” John Wiley & Sons. p. 194.
[3] • Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan (2003). Newton’s [15] See W.Pauli, 1958, pp.219–220
Principia for the common reader. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. (pp.1–2). The quotation comes [16] “NASA’s Gravity Probe B Confirms Two Einstein Space-
from a memorandum thought to have been written Time Theories”. Retrieved 2013-07-23.
about 1714. As early as 1645 Ismaël Bullialdus had
argued that any force exerted by the Sun on distant [17] Bhattacharjee, Yudhijit. “Galaxy Clusters Validate Ein-
objects would have to follow an inverse-square law. stein’s Theory”. Retrieved 2013-
However, he also dismissed the idea that any such 07-23.
force did exist. See, for example, [18] Randall, Lisa (2005). Warped Passages: Unraveling
Linton, Christopher M. (2004). From Eudoxus to the Universe’s Hidden Dimensions. Ecco. ISBN 0-06-
Einstein—A History of Mathematical Astronomy. Cam- 053108-8.
bridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 225. ISBN 978-
0-521-82750-8. [19] Feynman, R. P.; Morinigo, F. B.; Wagner, W. G.;
Hatfield, B. (1995). Feynman lectures on gravitation.
[4] M.C.W.Sandford (2008). “STEP: Satellite Test of the Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-62734-5.
Equivalence Principle”. Rutherford Appleton Labora-
tory. Retrieved 2011-10-14. [20] Zee, A. (2003). Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell.
Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-01019-6.
[5] Paul S Wesson (2006). Five-dimensional Physics. World
Scientific. p. 82. ISBN 981-256-661-9. [21] “Astronomy Picture of the Day”.

[6] Haugen, Mark P.; C. Lämmerzahl (2001). Principles of [22] Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (2006). “The
Equivalence: Their Role in Gravitation Physics and Exper- International System of Units (SI)" (PDF) (8th ed.): 131.
iments that Test Them. Springer. arXiv:gr-qc/0103067. Retrieved 2009-11-25. Unit names are normally printed
ISBN 978-3-540-41236-6. in Roman (upright) type ... Symbols for quantities are
generally single letters set in an italic font, although they
[7] “Gravity and Warped Spacetime”. Re- may be qualified by further information in subscripts or
trieved 2010-10-16. superscripts or in brackets.

[23] “SI Unit rules and style conventions”. National Institute • Tipler, Paul (2004). Physics for Scientists and Engi-
For Standards and Technology (USA). September 2004. neers: Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves, Thermo-
Retrieved 2009-11-25. Variables and quantity symbols dynamics (5th ed.). W. H. Freeman. ISBN 0-7167-
are in italic type. Unit symbols are in Roman type. 0809-4.
[24] List, R. J. editor, 1968, Acceleration of Gravity, Smithso-
nian Meteorological Tables, Sixth Ed. Smithsonian Insti-
tution, Washington, D.C., p. 68. 8 Further reading
[25] U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1976. (Linked file is • Thorne, Kip S.; Misner, Charles W.; Wheeler, John
very large.) Archibald (1973). Gravitation. W.H. Freeman.
ISBN 0-7167-0344-0.
[26] “Milky Way Emerges as Sun Sets over Paranal”. www. European Southern Obseevatory. Retrieved 29
April 2015.
9 External links
[27] Chinese scientists find evidence for speed of gravity, as-, 12/28/12.
• Hazewinkel, Michiel, ed. (2001), “Gravitation”,
[28] TANG, Ke Yun; HUA ChangCai; WEN Wu; CHI Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer, ISBN 978-
ShunLiang; YOU QingYu; YU Dan (February 2013). 1-55608-010-4
“Observational evidences for the speed of the gravity
based on the Earth tide” (PDF). Chinese Science Bul- • Hazewinkel, Michiel, ed. (2001), “Gravitation, the-
letin 58 (4-5): 474–477. doi:10.1007/s11434-012-5603- ory of”, Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer,
3. Retrieved 12 June 2013. ISBN 978-1-55608-010-4
[29] Dark energy may just be a cosmic illusion, New Scientist,
issue 2646, 7 March 2008.

[30] Swiss-cheese model of the cosmos is full of holes, New

Scientist, issue 2678, 18 October 2008.

[31] Chown, Marcus (16 March 2009). “Gravity may venture

where matter fears to tread”. New Scientist. Retrieved 4
August 2013.

[32] CERN (20 January 2012). “Extra dimensions, gravitons,

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7 References
• Halliday, David; Robert Resnick; Kenneth S. Krane
(2001). Physics v. 1. New York: John Wiley &
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Gravity acts on stars that conform our Milky Way.[26]



Rotation curve of a typical spiral galaxy: predicted (A) and ob-

served (B). The discrepancy between the curves is attributed to
dark matter.

Ball falling freely under gravity. See text for description.

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