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Ankle: Radiographs

See also Plates 506, 513, 514

Lateral view

Trochlea of talus

Posterior process of talus

Head of talus

Navicular Sustentaculum tali of calcaneus

Lateral cuneiform Calcaneus

Cuboid Tuberosity of calcaneus

Tuberosity of Medial calcaneal tubercle

5th metatarsal

Anterior view

Tibia Fibula

Medial malleolus

Lateral malleolus

Plate 531  Regional Scans

Muscle Tables 7
Medial and lateral
Medial-lateral plantar
tubercles of
Lateral side of base artery, plantar
tuberosity of
Abductor digiti of proximal Lateral plantar Abducts and flexes 5th metatarsal and
calcaneus, plantar Foot
minimi phalanx of 5th nerve digit plantar digital
aponeurosis, and
digit arteries to 5th
Medial tubercle of
Medial side of base Medial plantar and
tuberosity of
of proximal Medial plantar Abducts and flexes 1st 1st plantar
Abductor hallucis calcaneus, flexor Foot
phalanx of 1st nerve digit metatarsal
retinaculum, and
digit arteries
plantar aponeurosis
Profunda femoris,
Pectineal line and medial
Body and inferior pubic proximal part of Adducts thigh at hip, circumflex
Adductor brevis Obturator nerve Medial thigh
ramus linea aspera of weak hip flexor femoral, and
femur obturator
Oblique head: bases of
2nd through 4th Tendons of both Medial and lateral
metatarsals heads lateral plantar arteries
Deep branch of Adducts 1st digit,
to side of base and plantar
Adductor hallucis lateral plantar maintains transverse Foot
Transverse head: of proximal arch, plantar
nerve arch of foot
ligaments of phalanx of 1st metatarsal
metatarsophalangeal digit arteries
joints of digits 3-5
Profunda femoris
Obturator nerve
Body of pubis inferior to Middle third of linea and medial
Adductor longus (anterior Adducts thigh at hip Medial thigh
pubic crest aspera of femur circumflex
femoral arteries
Gluteal tuberosity,
linea aspera, Adductor part:
medial obturator
Inferior pubic ramus, Adductor part: adducts
supracondylar nerve Femoral, profunda
ramus of ischium and flexes thigh
line femoris, and
Adductor magnus Medial thigh
Hamstring part: obturator
Hamstring part: sciatic Hamstring part: extends
Hamstring part: sciatic nerve arteries
nerve (tibial division) thigh
adductor (tibial
tubercle of division)
Pulls suprapatellar bursa
Distal femur on anterior
Articularis genus Suprapatellar bursa Femoral nerve superiorly with Femoral artery Anterior thigh
extension of knee
Long head:
sciatic nerve
Long head: ischial (tibial Perforating branches
tuberosity division) of profunda
(L5–S2) Flexes and laterally femoris, inferior
Lateral side of head
Biceps femoris Short head: Linea aspera rotates leg, extends gluteal, and Posterior thigh
of fibula
and lateral Short head: thigh at hip medial
supracondylar line of sciatic nerve circumflex
femur (common femoral arteries
1st: medial side of
phalanx of 2nd Abduct 2nd through 4th Arcuate artery,
Adjacent sides of 1st toes, flex dorsal and
Dorsal interossei digit Lateral plantar
through 5th metatarsophalangeal plantar Foot
(four muscles) nerve
metatarsals joints, and extend metatarsal
2nd through 4th:
phalanges arteries
lateral sides of
digits 2–4
First tendon into
dorsal surface of
base of proximal Aids the extensor
Superolateral surface of phalanx of great digitorum longus in
Extensor digitorum Dorsalis pedis,
calcaneus, lateral toe; other 3 extending of 4
brevis and Deep fibular lateral tarsal,
talocalcaneal tendons into medial digits at the Anterior thigh
extensor nerve arcuate, and
ligament, cruciate lateral sides of metatarsophalangeal
hallucis brevis fibular arteries
crural ligament tendons of and interphalangeal
extensor joints
digitorum longus
to digits 2-4
Variations in spinal nerve contributions to the innervation of muscles, their arterial supply, their attachments, and their actions are common themes in human
anatomy. Therefore, expect differences between texts and realize that anatomical variation is normal.

Muscle Tables Table 7-1 

Muscle Tables
Lateral condyle of tibia,
Extends lateral four
proximal 3/4 of Middle and distal
Extensor digitorum digits and
anterior surface of phalanges of Deep fibular nerve Anterior tibial artery Anterior leg
longus dorsiflexes foot
interosseous lateral four digits
at ankle
membrane and fibula
Middle part of anterior Dorsal aspect of
Extends great toe,
Extensor hallucis surface of fibula and base of distal
Deep fibular nerve dorsiflexes foot Anterior tibial artery Anterior leg
longus interosseous phalanx of great
at ankle
membrane toe
Dorsal surface of Everts foot and
Fibularis peroneus Distal 2/3 of lateral surface tuberosity on Superficial fibular weakly Anterior tibial and
Lateral leg
brevis of fibula lateral side of nerve plantarflexes fibular arteries
5th metatarsal foot at ankle
Plantar base of 1st Everts foot and
Fibularis peroneus Head and proximal 2/3 of metatarsal and Superficial fibular weakly Anterior tibial and
Lateral leg
longus lateral fibula medial nerve plantarflexes fibular arteries
cuneiform foot at ankle
Distal third of anterior Dorsiflexes foot at
Fibularis peroneus surface of fibula and Dorsum of base of ankle and aids
Deep fibular nerve Anterior tibial artery Anterior leg
tertius interosseous 5th metatarsal in eversion of
membrane foot
Lateral plantar
Lateral base of
Superficial branch of Flexes proximal artery, plantar
Flexor digiti minimi proximal
Base of 5th metatarsal lateral plantar phalanx of 5th digital artery to Foot
brevis phalanx of 5th
nerve digit 5th digit,
arcuate artery
Medial and lateral
Medial tubercle of plantar arteries
tuberosity of Both sides of middle and plantar
Flexor digitorum Flexes 2nd through
calcaneus, plantar phalanges of Medial plantar nerve arch, plantar Foot
brevis 5th digits
aponeurosis, and lateral four digits metatarsal and
intermuscular septum plantar digital
Flexes lateral four
digits and
Plantar bases of
Medial part of posterior plantarflexes
Flexor digitorum distal phalanges
tibia inferior to soleal Tibial nerve foot at ankle; Posterior tibial artery Posterior leg
longus of lateral four
line supports
arches of foot
Both sides of base Medial plantar
Flexes proximal
Flexor hallucis Plantar surfaces of cuboid of proximal artery, first
Medial plantar nerve phalanx of 1st Foot
brevis and lateral cuneiform phalanx of 1st plantar
digit metatarsal artery
Flexes all joints of
Distal 2/3 of posterior
Base of distal great toe,
Flexor hallucis fibula and
phalanx of great Tibial nerve weakly Fibular artery Posterior leg
longus interosseous
toe (hallux) plantarflexes
foot at ankle
Lateral head: lateral aspect
of lateral condyle of Plantarflexes foot at
femur Posterior aspect of ankle joint,
Popliteal and
calcaneus via assists in flexion
Gastrocnemius Tibial nerve posterior tibial Posterior leg
calcaneal of knee joint,
Medial head: popliteal arteries
tendon raises heel
surface above medial during walking
condyle of femur
Most fibers end in
iliotibial tract
Ilium posterior to posterior that inserts into Inferior gluteal
Extends flexed thigh,
gluteal line, dorsal lateral condyle arteries mainly,
assists in lateral
Gluteus maximus surface of sacrum and of tibia; some Inferior gluteal nerve and superior Gluteal region
rotation, and
coccyx, sacrotuberous fibers insert into gluteal arteries
abducts thigh
ligament gluteal occasionally
tuberosity of

Table 7-2  Muscle Tables

Muscle Tables 7
Abducts and medially
Lateral surface of ilium Lateral surface of
rotates thigh at hips;
between anterior greater Superior gluteal Superior gluteal
Gluteus medius steadies pelvis on Gluteal region
and posterior gluteal trochanter of nerve artery
leg when opposite
lines femur
leg is raised
Abducts and medially
Lateral surface of ilium Anterior surface Main trunk and deep
rotates thigh at hips;
between anterior of greater Superior gluteal branch of
Gluteus minimus steadies pelvis on Gluteal region
and inferior gluteal trochanter of nerve superior gluteal
leg when opposite
lines femur artery
leg is raised
Profunda femoris
Superior part of
Body and inferior ramus Adducts thigh, flexes and artery, medial
Gracilis medial surface Obturator nerve Medial thigh
of pubis medially rotates leg circumflex
of tibia
femoral artery
Lesser trochanter of
Superior 2/3 of iliac Flexes thigh at hips and
femur and shaft
fossa, iliac crest, ala stabilizes hip joint, Iliac branches of
Iliacus (Iliopsoas) inferior to it, to Femoral nerve Anterior thigh
of sacrum, anterior acts with psoas iliolumbar artery
psoas major
sacro-iliac ligaments major
Medial surface of
Laterally rotates
greater Nerve to quadratus Medial circumflex
Inferior gamellus Ischial tuberosity extended thigh at the Gluteal region
trochanter of femoris femoral artery
Medial one: medial Flexes proximal
Medial side of plantar nerve Lateral plantar artery
phalanges at MTP
Tendons of flexor dorsal digital and plantar
Lumbricals joint, extends Foot
digitorum longus expansions of metatarsal
Lateral three: lateral phalanges at PIP
lateral 4 digits arteries
plantar nerve and DIP joints

Margins of obturator Laterally rotates thigh, Medial circumflex

Obturator Trochanteric fossa
foramen, obturator Obturator nerve stabilizes head of femoral artery, Medial thigh
externus of femur
membrane femur in acetabulum obturator artery
Pelvic surface of Medial surface of Laterally rotates
Internal pudendal
Obturator obturator membrane greater Nerve to obturator extended thigh,
and obturator Gluteal region
internus and surrounding trochanter of internus abducts flexed thigh
bone femur at hip
Femoral nerve and Medial circumflex
Pectineal line of Adducts and flexes thigh
Pectineus Superior ramus of pubis sometimes femoral artery, Medial thigh
femur at hip
obturator nerve obturator artery
Anterior surface of sacral Superior border of Laterally rotates Superior and inferior
segments 2–4, greater Ventral rami of L5, extended thigh, gluteal arteries,
Piriformis Gluteal region
sacrotuberous trochanter of S1, S2 abducts flexed thigh internal
ligament femur at hip pudendal artery
Medial sides of Lateral plantar artery
Adduct digits (2–4)
Plantar bases of and plantar
Bases and medial sides and flex
interossei proximal arch, plantar
of 3rd through 5th Lateral plantar nerve metatarsophalangeal Foot
(three phalanges of metatarsal and
metatarsals joint and extend
muscles) 3rd through 5th plantar digital
digits arteries
Inferior end of lateral Posterior aspect of
supracondylar line of calcaneus via Weakly assists
Plantaris Tibial nerve Popliteal artery Posterior leg
femur and oblique calcaneal gastrocnemius
popliteal ligament tendon
Lateral aspect of lateral Posterior tibia Weakly flexes knee and Inferior medial and
Popliteus condyle of femur, superior to Tibial nerve (L4–S1) unlocks it by rotating lateral genicular Posterior leg
lateral meniscus soleal line femur on fixed tibia arteries
Acting superiorly with
iliacus, flexes hip;
Transverse processes of acting inferiorly,
lumbar vertebrae, flexes vertebral
Psoas major sides of bodies of Lesser trochanter of Ventral rami of first column laterally; Lumbar branches of
Anterior thigh
(Iliopsoas) T12–L5 vertebrae, femur lumbar nerve used to balance iliolumbar artery
intervening trunk in sitting
intervertebral discs position; acting
inferiorly with iliacus,
flexes trunk
Quadrate tubercle
Quadratus Lateral margin of ischial on Nerve to quadratus Laterally rotates thigh at Medial circumflex
Gluteal region
femoris tuberosity intertrochanteric femoris hip femoral artery
crest of femur

Muscle Tables Table 7-3 

Muscle Tables
Corrects for oblique
Medial and lateral
Posterolateral edge pull of flexor
Medial and lateral sides of plantar arteries
of flexor digitorum longus
Quadratus plantae plantar surface of Lateral plantar nerve and deep Foot
digitorum longus tendon, thus
calcaneus plantar arterial
tendon assists in flexion
of toes
Base of patella and Profunda femoris
Anterior inferior iliac spine Extends leg at knee
Rectus femoris to tibial and lateral
and ilium superior to Femoral nerve joint and flexes Anterior thigh
(quadriceps) tuberosity via circumflex
acetabulum thigh at hip joint
patellar ligament femoral arteries
Abducts, laterally
Anterior superior iliac Superior part of
rotates, and
Sartorius spine and superior medial surface Femoral nerve Femoral artery Anterior thigh
flexes thigh;
part of notch below it of tibia
flexes knee joint
Perforating branch
of profunda
Posterior part of
Sciatic nerve (tibial Flexes leg, extends femoris and
Semimembranosus Ischial tuberosity medial condyle Posterior thigh
division) thigh medial
of tibia
femoral arteries
Perforating branch
of profunda
Superior part of
Sciatic nerve (tibial Flexes leg, extends femoris and
Semitendinosus Ischial tuberosity medial surface Posterior thigh
division) thigh medial
of tibia
femoral arteries
Posterior aspect of head
Posterior aspect of
of fibula, proximal 1/4 Plantarflexes foot at Popliteal, posterior
calcaneus via
Soleus of posterior surface of Tibial nerve ankle, stabilizes tibial, and fibular Posterior leg
fibula, soleal line of leg over foot arteries
Medial surface of Inferior gluteal and
Laterally rotates
Outer surface of ischial greater Nerve to obturator internal
Superior gemellus extended thigh Gluteal region
spine trochanter of internus pudendal
at the hip
femur arteries
Abducts, medially
Iliotibial tract that rotates, and Ascending branch
Anterior superior iliac
Tensor fasciae attaches to Superior gluteal flexes thigh at of lateral
spine and anterior part Gluteal region
latae lateral condyle nerve hip; helps to circumflex
of iliac crest
of tibia keep knee femoral artery
Medial plantar
Lateral condyle, proximal surfaces of
Dorsiflexes foot at
half of lateral tibia, medial
Tibialis anterior Deep fibular nerve ankle and Anterior tibial artery Anterior leg
interosseous cuneiform and
inverts foot
membrane base of 1st
Tuberosity of
navicular bone,
Posterior tibia below soleal
all cuneiforms, Plantarflexes foot at
line, interosseous
Tibialis posterior cuboid, and Tibial nerve ankle and Fibular artery Posterior leg
membrane, proximal
bases of 2nd inverts foot
half of posterior fibula
through 4th
Base of patella and Lateral circumflex
Anterior and lateral
Vastus intermedius to tibial Extends leg at knee femoral and
surfaces of body of Femoral nerve Anterior thigh
(quadriceps) tuberosity via joint profunda
patellar ligament femoris arteries
Base of patella and Lateral circumflex
Greater trochanter, lateral
Vastus lateralis to tibial Extends leg at knee femoral and
lip of linea aspera of Femoral nerve Anterior thigh
(quadriceps) tuberosity via joint profunda
patellar ligament femoris arteries
Base of patella and
Intertrochanteric line, Femoral and
Vastus medialis to tibial Extends leg at knee
medial lip of linea Femoral nerve profunda Anterior thigh
(quadriceps) tuberosity via joint
aspera of femur femoris arteries
patellar ligament

Table 7-4  Muscle Tables


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Atlas of Human Anatomy

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