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The site investigation is the one thing that must be done before starting the
construction of the building. This is because the soil condition at the site need to be
identifies to determine the suitable foundation use for the building and soil play a
main role to support the load that come from the building and the building need a
suitable foundation to transfer the load to the ground. Therefore, the investigation of
soil need to be done to identify the type of soil to ensure the soil can carry the load.

 Mackintosh/JKR probe test

This is a dynamic penetrometer test used to check the consistency of the subsoil.
Mackintosh probe which has 30° cone penetrometer while JKR probes has 60° cone
penetrometer. This is a light dynamic test and the cone is driven directly into the soil
by driving a hammer 5 kg. Weight dropping through a free height of 280mm. The
probe is unable to penetrate into medium strength soil and gravelly ground.


•Collecting a disturbed soil sample for grain-size analysis and soil classification
•Determine sub-surface stratigraphy and identity materials present
•Evaluate soil density and in-situ stress conditions
•Estimate geotechnical parameters
3.0 THEORY :
The main purpose of the test is to provide an indication of the relative density
of granular deposit, such as sands and gravels from which it is virtually impossible to obtain
undisturbed samples. The great merit of the test and the main reason for its
widespread use is that it is simple and inexpensive. The soil strength parameters
which can be inferred are approximate, but may give a useful guide in ground
conditions where it may not be possible to obtain borehole samples of adequate quality like
gravels, sands, silts, clay containing sand or gravel and weak rock. The usefulness of
SPT results depends on the soil type, with fine-grained sands giving the most useful results,
with coarser sands and silty sands giving reasonably useful results, and clay and gravelly
soils yielding results which may be very poorly representative of the true
soil conditions. This test method provides a disturbed soil sample for moisture content
determination, for identification and classification purposes, and for laboratory tests
appropriate for soil obtained from a sampler that will produce a large shear strain
disturbance in the sample. Soil deposits contained gravels, cobbles or boulders
typically result in penetration refusal and damage to equipment. This test method is
used extensively in a great variety of geotechnical exploration projects. Many local
correlations and widely published correlation which relate blow count, or N-value,
and the engineering behavior of earthworks and foundations are available.

No. picture Name of apparatus

1. Boring Rods

2. Rod Couplings

3. Lifting tools

4. Penetration Cone

5. Hammer
6. Wrench

7. Ruler

8. Marking tools

1. Equipment for the test are assembled.

2. The boring rods and hammer are joint using the rod coupling. Grease is sweep up
for an easy dissembles later.
3. Distance of 0.3 m is measured and marked on the rod start from the tip
of the cone.
4. The equipment is set up on the ground.
5. The hammer is pulled until it reached the maximum. The hammer is dropped
freely to driven the cone into the soils.
6. The sum of the number of blows for penetration of 0.3 m is recorded in the data
7. The hammer is taken off on the last 0.3 m of each rod and joined the existing rod
with another rod and lastly the hammer. The blow is continued and stopped when:
• The blow is more than 400 for 0.3 m penetration
• The depth reached 15 m8.Pull the rods using lifting tools after
the penetration reached the requirement.9.The equipment is dissembled
and cleaned before storing.
6.0 RESULT :

Table 1: No. of blows versus no. of depth and depth

Figure 2 : (a) Graph of no. of blows versus depth number

(b) Graph of cumulative no. of blows versus depth number.

1. The test is carried out first before the tests other sites before a construction project
initiated to ensure the land in accordance with the construction project or not. In
addition, the small size and lightweight device that causes the work easy to handle
and quick.

 The size of a small, lightweight device causing easily handled and speed work.
 Tests performed earlier than tests of other sites before a project underway.
 Information and data were obtained more quickly, easily and save time.
 The cost of handling, equipment and the use of relatively cheap.

 Use limited in terms of the impact energy is too limited.
 Bearing capacity of soil foundation design is a development known only

3. The probe testing hole to ensure the project is determined on-site project is located
right in the building. Also, make sure that the test holes are free of tree roots that can
prevent devices from getting into the ground.4. The way to stamp the weight member
to the weight and pressure will affect the number of entries into the ground rod. In
addition, the possibility to be bent rod may also occur due to excessive load during
stamping. Number of shock should also be the same as during the test run and
the counter weight should also be taken at the proper height.

When we do this experiment, we managed to complete in 2 hour. When the

experiment is conducted, we learn how the probe mackintosh is conduct when the
penetration of the boring rod penetrate to the ground. There were 4 boring rod used in
this experiment. This experiment is conducted similar to piling work at construction
site .We get the data and tabulate it into form. From that we learn how to calculate the
data that we got. After the calculation is done, we plotted the graph from the
calculation. Probe has a knocker that will be passed to suppress the cone into the soil
to be tested. Total amount of knock every one foot or 300mm will be recorded. Into
the test is limited to a maximum of 60 feet. Test results interpreted in the form of soil
bearing strength. This value can be used in basic research as well as building other
studies on soil strength. Probe is also often used to complement the data about the
strength of the soil layer between the bore holes. This test is usually carried out at a
distance of 30-50 feet. Interpretation of the bearing strength is made using a specified
formula or using the graph.

•If the value of knocking on 10, meaning very poor soil.

•if knock between 10 to 40, sediment testing needs to be done.
•Knocking over 40 marked the land is quite strong for the base building or other

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