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Arta contemporană şi noile medii


Argan, Giulio Carlo, Cădere şi salvare în arta modernă, Bucureşti, 1970

Barr, A.H. (edit.), Masters of Modern Art, New York, 1957
Bazin, Germaine, Histoire de la peinture moderne, Paris, 1950
Bullock, Alan (edit.), The Twentieth Century, Londra, 1971
Cassou, Jean, Panorama artelor plastice contemporane, 2 vol., Bucureşti, 1971
Cassou, Jean, Langui, E., Pevsner, N., Les sources du XXe siecle, Paris, 1961
Celant, Germano, Ambiente – Arte dall’ Futurismo alla Body Art, Veneţia, 1977
Coffinet, Julien, Metamorphoses de la tapiserie, Geneva, 1977
Delevoy, Robert, Dimensions du XXe siecle, 1900-1945, Geneva, 1965
Dorfles, Gillo, Il divenire delle arti, Torino, 1959
Fiedler, C., On Judging Works of Visual Art, Berkeley, Los Angeles, 1949
Focillon, Henri, Viaţa formelor, Bucureşti, 1977
Frascina, Francois, Pollock and After. The Critical Debate, New York, 1985
Giedion, S., Space, Time and Architecture, Londra, 1962
Giedion-Welcker, Carola, Contemporary Sculpture: An Evolution in Volume and Space, Londra, 1961
Goldberg, Roselee, Performance Art, from Futurism to the Present, Londra, 1979
Goldwater, R., Primitivismul în arta modernă, Bucureşti, 1974
Gray, Camilla, The Great Experiment:Russian Art 1863-1922, Londra, 1962
Grosenick, Uta, Riemschneider, Burkard (edit.), Art Now, Koln, 2002
Hal, Foster The Return of the Real. The Avant-garde at the End of the Century, The MIT Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1996.
Hatje, Gerd (edit.), Lexicon ilustrat de arhitectură modernă, Bucureşti, 1972
Hofmann, Werner, Fundamentele artei moderne, 2 vol., Bucureşti, 1977
Honef, Klaus, Contemporary Art, Koln, 1990
Hughe, René, Rudel, Jean, L’Art et le monde moderne, 2 vol., Paris, 1969 – in limba romana
Hunter, Sam (şi alţii), New Art around the World (Painting and Sculpture), New York, 1959
Johnson, Ellen H., Modern Art and the Object, Londra, 1976
Kepes, G., Sign, Image, Symbol, New York, 1966
Maillard, Robert (edit.), Nouveau Dictionnaire de la Sculpture Moderne, Paris, 1970
Maillard, Robert (edit.), Dictionnaire Universel de la Peinture, 6 vol., Paris, 1975
Marchiori, Giuseppe, Pittura moderna in Europa, Veneţia, 1950
Micheli, Mario de, Avangarda artistică a secolului XX, Bucureşti, 1968
Muller, Gregoire, The New Avant-Garde, Veneţia, Londra, 1972
Passuth, Krisztina, Les Avant-gardes d’Europe Centrale, Paris, 1988
Pevsner, N., Pioneers of Modern Design, Baltimore, 1966
Pintilie, Ileana Actionism in Romania During the Communist Era, Idea Design & Print, Cluj, 2002.
Ragon, Michel, Naisance d’un art nouveau, Paris, 1972
Read, Herbert, A Concise History of Modern Painting, Londra, 1972
Read, Herbert, A Concise History of Modern Sculpture, Londra, 1968
Restagny, Pierre, Le Nouveau Réalisme, Paris, 1978
Riemschneider, Burkard, Grosenick, Uta (edit.), Art at the Turn of the Millennium, Koln, 2000
Rorimer, Anne, New Art in the 60s and 70s. Redefining Reality, Thames and Hudson, London, 2004
Rosenberg, Harold, Art & Other Serious Matters, Chicago, 1985
Rosenberg, Harold, Tradition of the New, New York, 1959
Rush, Michael, New Media in Late 20th Century Art, Londra, 1999
Seuphor, Michel, Dictionnaire de l’art abstrait, Paris, 1967
Seuphor, Michel, La sculpture de ce siècle, Paris, 1959
Sweeney, J.J., Before Picasso, After Miro, New York, 1960
Vanci-Perahim, Marina, Concept de modernisme et d’avant-garde dans l’art roumain entre les deux guerre
(thèse de doctorat, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes), Paris, 1972
Venturi, Lionello, Pittura contemporanea, Milano, 1947
Waller, Irene, Textile Sculptures, Londra, 1977
Zahar, Marcel, Arta timpului nostru, Bucureşti, 1973
Experimentul în arta românească după 1960, catalog de expoziţie, Idea, Cluj, 1997.


Ruhrenberg. Schneckenburger. Fricke. Honnef, Art of the 20th Century – Painting, New Media,
Photography (vol I si II), Taschen, 2005

Thierry de Duve, Kant după Duchamp, Editura Idea, Cluj, 2003

Ileana Pintilie, Acţionismul în Romania în timpul comunismului, Editura Idea, Cluj, 2003

Suzi Gablik, A esuat modernismul?, Editura Curtea Veche, Bucureşti, 2008

Florance de Meredieu, Arta si Noile Tehnologii. Arta video. Arta digitală, Editura Rao, 2005

Edwart A. Shanken, Art end electronic media, Editura Phaidon, 2010

Hannes Bohringer, In căutarea simplităţii: O poetică, Editura Idea, Cluj, 2001

Anthony Julius, Transgresiuni. Ofensele artei, Editura Vellant, 2008

Susan Sontag, Despre fotografie, Editura Vellant, 2014

Charlote Cotton, The photograph as contemporary art, Thames & Hudson world of art, 2002

Edited by Gill Perry and Paul Wood, Themes in contemporary Art, Yale University Press, London

Roland Barthes, Camera Luminoasă. Însemnări despre fotografie, Editura Idea, Cluj, 2009

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