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ADAPTED FROM THE TEXT: Empowered by the Spirit, Confirmation Year 6. (Catechism of the Catholic Church., 1994).

THEME: Celebrating the second step of the initiation into the Catholic Church, the community of Jesus disciples. A large pile of
stones, (one per person), a rage candle and a Crucifix will be needed.


“Today we gather to celebrate the strength and courage given by the only Spirit to Saints and blessed and heroic
Christians men and women. We will listen to the story of Jesus who gives us the Spirit of truth, leading us to all truth in
John 16:5-17.”


“As people who put their faith in our Lord Jesus, we are strengthened by the Holy Spirit, which I receive in the initiation
Sacrament of Confirmation. Jesus calls his followers to open themselves to the Spirit within, by living out the
Beatitudes. The word ‘beatitude’ mean’s a special kind of happiness, a happiness in like of being with God, the
happiness of Heaven.” (Catechism of the Catholic, 1994).

SONG: ‘For All the Saints’ by Ralph Williams and William How.


“For all the Saints, who from their labours rest…”

CROSS: “Lord Jesus, you promised to be with us always.”

“Lord, have mercy”.

“Lord Jesus, you send us your Spirit.”

“Christ, have mercy.”

“Lord Jesus, you renew all people in love.”

“Lord, have mercy.”

(Celebrating the Children, 2012., p.155).

OPENING PRAYER: “God of love, you send us your Son Jesus, who showed us his great inner spiritual strength. Bess us ad help us
develop our own spiritual strength by trying to love as Jesus taught.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

FIRST READING: Based on the ‘Acts of the Apostles [6:8-7:60].’

READER 1: “Stephan was one of the members of the early Church. Stephan has great faith. He worked miracles in
Jesus’ name. he healed the sick he spoke to the crowds about Jesus’ teachings and his love for Jesus.” (Catechism of
the Catholic, 1994., p.83)

READER 2: “The leaders became very angry and were jealous because lots of people were listening to Stephen and
his message about Jesus. They made up lies about Stephan. They arrested him fro something he did not do. Stephen
was not afraid of them, but spoke of his love for God with great courage and joy. He wanted the people to believe in
Jesus. This made the leaders even angrier with Stephen. (Catechism of the Catholic, 1994., p.83)

READER 3: “Because he was filled with the Holy Spirit, Stephan was happy and not afraid. He looked up ‘Look’ he
cried out, ‘The heavens are opened and I can see Jesus standing with God’. The leaders could to bear to hear this
talk. They put their fingers in their ears. They grabbed Stephen, dragged him outside the city and threw stones at him.
Before he died, Stephen prayers to Jesus, ‘Lord, receive my spirit, and forgive these people for their sins’. This is the
word of the Lord…” (Catechism of the Catholic, 1994., p.84).

RESPONSORIAL ‘Spirit Come’ from As One Voice by Willow Connection.



“Alleluia, alleluia!”

“Happy the poor in spirit; The kingdom of heaven is theirs!”


(Catechism of the Catholic, 1994., p.84).

GOSPEL: John 16:5-7

PRAYER: READER 1: “We pray fro our Pope. May he continue to remind is how we should always reflect our God who is good.
We pray…” (Catechism of the Catholic, 1994., p.84).

READER 2: “We pray for our Archbishop, our priests and al in religious life. May they continue to show strength and
courage, being good models for how we should live the Beatitudes. We pray…” (Catechism of the Catholic, 1994.,

READER 3: “We pray for the sick and dying known by members of our school community. May all be strengthened by
the Holy Spirit and continue to be courageous. We pray…” (Catechism of the Catholic, 1994., p.84).

READER 4: “We pray for all those present. Sometimes it is hard to choose between right and wrong. At times we
become afraid and lack courage because of what others might thin of us. May the Holy Spirit deepen our inner strength
and hep us to stand up for others who are treated unjustly. We pray…” (Catechism of the Catholic, 1994., p.84).

REFLECTION: Some time is provided for all to reflect on the their personal experiences with the Spirit which gives them the strength
to do what is right. In their own time encourage them to come up to the prayer table and select a stone, this they can
keep as a reminder to do what is right.

SONG: ‘Only in God’ by John Talbot.


“Only in God is my soul at rest…”

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