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Assalammu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all, let’s pray’s and gratitude to Allah Swt, because of his blessing we can gather here on
this event. Shalawat and greeting to prophet Muhammad SAW. The honorable for Mr. And Mrs. Jury
and good morning everybody. Hello... Let me introduce my self to you, my name is Delnizar El Ghaffar.
But you can call mee Yesar. I’m from elementary school of Muhammadiyah Leuwiliang. At here, I will
story telling about The Generousity “Utsman Bin Affan”.

He is a great man, he has a great name in the history of the world. He is Utsman ibn Affan
Radiallahu Anhu. The 4th man who received the da'wah of Islam. Utsman bin Affan was born from the
Ummayah clan, the rich of the Quraish tribe. It has a high social and economic status. However, Utsman
was a simple and humble man.
He was very rich man and have much money, I think everyone like the money (money, money,
money), but he was a very kind and philantropic person. He doesn’t hesitate to spend his wealth for
Muslims people.
One of the generosity of Uthman ibn Affan that when the Muslims migrated to Medina, they had
problems of water. Though they were very thirsty, they tried to find some water, “Water … Water ..”
but there was no water. "Thirsty ... thirsty ... Oh Allah, help us please, we were very thirsty."
And there was only one of well belong the Jewish man who was arrogant and stingy. The
Jewish man said "Haha ... I would not give you a drop of water if you not give me the money."
Then, the Prophet Muhammad motivated the Muslims to buy that well. Then donate it to the
Muslims people.
Without thinking, Utsman bin Affan came forward and bought that well. Usman bin Affan said
:“Hay The Stingy Jewish man, I would buy your well, regardless of price”.
After that, the Jewish man answer “Oh Okay, I’m agree with you Usman” .
Utsman also gave the water for everyone with no price it’s mean free.
Muslims people said. “Alhamdulillah ... thank you Utsman bin Affan. Thank you Allah, You were
created a generous man. He is Utsman bin Affan.”
Actually, there is still a lot of generous of Utsman ibn Affan that becomes a blessing for Muslims
in the difficult times. Until Rasulallah said:

‫ض َّر ابْنَ َعفَّانَ َما َع ِم َل بَ ْع َد ْاليَ ْوم‬

َ ‫َما‬
"No harm to Utsman what he did after today." He repeated it again and over again. (HR Ahmad).

OK friends... If we have more of wealth. Don’t hesitate to give some of our wealth, because Allah
has promised to replace with better and more.
From the story of generosity Utsman ibn Affan can be taken wisdom.
So, that was story of Utsman ibn Affan from Me. Sorry if there is an mistake. May be useful.

Wassalammu'alaikum Wr Wb.

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