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Day: 7
​   Teacher Materials: ​problem set, Math Properties Anchor Chart 
​ WBAT Name 4
Standard/Objective: ​ Student Materials: p
​ roblem set, exit ticket 
Other Prep:  
main math properties (for addition
and multiplication). Match
equivalent expressions to property



DO NOW  Do Now  How will you lead the Do Now?   How will students behave and participate during 
  ❏ Plan a Do Now that reviews  Describe what you will do:   the Do Now?  
5 min  a previously taught skill  Describe what they will do:  
needed for today’s lesson or   
activates prior knowledge  Do Now on:   
related to today’s objective.  1. Commutative property  Students work on Do Now at a level 0 
2. In both addition and 
Teacher made  3. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt 

OPENING  Hook  How will you lead the hook?   How will students interact during the hook?  
  ❏ Teacher leads a hook to  Describe what you will do:   Describe what they will do:  
1 min  excite and engage students 
in the upcoming lesson. 
Connect the lesson to their 
real life. 
❏ Plan a chant, video, visual, 
or other hook.  

Teacher created 

*Derived from Uncommon Schools & Rocketship School Network Resources

INTRODUC Objective Focus -  How will you present today’s objective  How will students participate during the 
TION  and activate prior knowledge? What  introduction?  
Background Knowledge   Pre-scripted questions will you ask to  Describe what they will do:  
❏ Pre-write objective on an 
2 min  access prior knowledge.?  
anchor chart/board 
Describe what you will do:  
❏ Engage students using 
chants, poems, hand 
movements, images, or 
Introduce the four properties, review 
props, etc to name the 
PEMDAS if needed 
objective. (Whole-Brain 
Teaching Strategies) 
❏ Ask key questions to access 
prior knowledge of the 

Introduce New Content How will you model the skills for today’s  How will students actively follow along while you 
❏ Teacher introduces the skill  objective? What does your model need to  model, what materials will they need to follow 
and the key points of the  include? How will you scaffold the model  along? How will they interact with you and each 
I DO  lesson using a visual,  in the most clear and direct list of steps  other? How will they interact with the problems? 
  graphic organizer, poster  or ways to solve? How will you lead  What are exemplar answers you will be looking 
10 min  and/or selected examples. .  student engagement during your model?  for during the model?  
❏ Teacher models how to  What will you do to CFU at the end of the  Describe what they will do:  
solve selected examples in a  model?    
clear, direct, and scaffolded  Describe what you will do:    
❏ Model your thinking while to 
solve the problems and use 
corresponding resources  Describe each property with a phrase 
(posters, charts, graphs, etc)  or picture or so that they can 
to make your thinking  remember. 
❏ As applicable, name the  Commutative: 
steps to solve.  Addition: 5+4=4+5 
❏ Plan engagement through  Multiplication: 5*4=4*5 
turn/talks, choral response,  -commuting, taking the bus two 
and “When I write, you  different ways but you still get to 
write” expectations, etc.  the same destination. 
❏ Plan a CFU at end of model 
to assess what you will need  Associative: 
to focus on moving into the  Addition: 2*(4*3)=(2*4)*3 
guided practice.   Multiplication: 2+(4+3)=(2+4)+3 
Key Points:   Identity: 
● As we’ve been  Addition: 
workign with 
negative numbers 
and fractions, we’ve 
actually been 
following some rules 
that apply to all 
expressions. These 
rules in math are 
called “properties”.  
● There are 4 main 

*Derived from Uncommon Schools & Rocketship School Network Resources

Associative, Identity, 
and Distributive. 
They apply to 
addition and 
multiplication (and 
the opposites 
subtraction and 
division). (model 
with anchor chart).  
● We can name each 
property when we 
see it. (Name 
examples of each).  
● We can apply each 
property to 
expressions (model 
each property).  
● Knowing these 
properties will help 
us solve more and 
more challenging 
algebraic equations.  
● Math properties 
Anchor Chart  
● Pre-planned 
problems set to 
● Other pics or 
models to help 

Guided Practice How will you lead students through a  What activity will students do to practice the 
❏ Teacher provides students  practice of the same skills you modeled  same skills you modeled in the I do? HOw will 
with practice and repetition  in the I Do? How will you CFU periodically  they practice these skills? What key questions will 
WE DO  objective skills.  during this practice? What are key  they answer to show their progress toward 
  ❏ Teacher provides materials  questions you can ask to assess students’  mastery of the objective.? Will they do 
15 min  for objective practice.  progress toward the objective? How will  independent, partner, and/or small group work?  
(graphic organizers,  you plan this time so that the heavy  Describe what they will do:  
whiteboards, prepared  lifting is gradually released onto   
practice sheets, ,foldables,  students? Describe what you will do:  
interactive notebook 
templates, steps to solve, 
flash cards, other) Play fly swatter game with students, 
  having them select the correct  
Resources:   How will you CFU? 

*Derived from Uncommon Schools & Rocketship School Network Resources

  Key Questions:  
  1)​Students hit the correct  

YOU DO Independent Practice  What will students to do practice the skill  What activity will students do to practice the skill 
❏ Students independently  independently? How will you monitor  independently?  
practice comprehension  students progress toward mastery of the  Describe what they will do:  
10 min
skill in text.  objective at this time? How will you CFU?   
❏ As appropriate, teacher  Describe what you will do:    
provides students   
opportunity to demonstrate  Work on worksheet at a level 0. 
their comprehension  Hand out worksheet for students to 
through writing.  work on. 
❏ Teacher provides materials 
for students to do this 
practice (prepared practice 
questions, graphic 
organizers, writing prompt, 
annotating text, other).  

Assessment How will you lead the Exit Ticket or Oral  How will students complete the final assessment? 
assessment? What final question can you  How will they respond to the closing of the 
CLOSING  ❏ Students complete high 
ask to close the lesson and synthesize  lesson?  
  quality independent 
student understanding of the objective?   Describe what they will do:  
1-5 min  practice that aligns with the 
Describe what you will do:    
lesson focus. (Pre-writers 
complete an oral 
assessment, writers 
Students work on exit ticket at a level 0 
complete an Exit Ticket)
Hand out Exit Ticket 
❏ Final objective-aligned 
question/review/chant to 
close lesson. 
❏ Give Lifework or other tasks.  
Resources: ​Exit 

*Derived from Uncommon Schools & Rocketship School Network Resources

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