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Write the statements into Indirect Speech

1.- “My mother is going to paint the house” Sally

said ……………………………………………………………………………

2.- “I like the new teacher, he is intelligent”.

Patrick said ……………………………………………………………

3.- Tomorrow we are going to visit the museum” Alice

Write the questions into
said ………………………………………………………………….
Indirect speech.
4.-This week we are having some new friends at home”
1.- “Mary, Can you help me?”
Barbara said ………………………………………………
He ……………………………………
5.-“Don’t stop, we can win the race” Philip told his
friend ……………………………………………………………………….. 2.-“Lucy, where are you now?

6.-“I think it’s going to rain today” Julia said She …………………………………….
3.-“How old are you, Fiona?
7.-“I will buy some more fruit to lunch” Paul said
The teacher …………………..
4.-“Do you like my new haircut,
8.- “You mustn’t be late for work” David told his
Eric? She …………………………….
5.- “Are you hungry” Anne asked
9.-“Smile, please”, The photographer told
him …………………………….
6.- “Would you like some tea”
10.- “Charles phoned me yesterday” Thomas said
Sarah asked me …………………..
7.- “Will you go with me to the
11.-“Read the poem, again” The teacher told
cinema next Saturday?” Henry
asked her ……………………………….
12.-“Call the doctor, now” Ricky told me
8.-“Did Carol break it? Marina
asked ………………………………………..
13.- “I don’t want to eat more food” Marina said

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