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Clive Staples Lewis, the author of The Four Lives, says the affection is humble, does not
surrender, like Graieste and St. Apostle Paul, in the hymn of love (I Corinthians 13: 1-8): 1. As
languages people and angels, and I do not have love, I have made my brass bramble and a ragged
cymbal. 2. And if I had the gift of prophecy and the mysteries I would know all the science, and I
would have faith so much that I could move the mountains, and love I have, I am nothing. 3. And
if I divide all my wealth and give my body to be burned, and love I have, nothing uses me. 4.
Love long lasting; love is benevolent, love does not enchant, does not boast, does not arrogate. 5.
Love does not behave imprudently, does not seek its own, does not ignite the mania, does not
think evil. 6. Do not enjoy injustice, but enjoy the truth. 7. They all suffer, they all believe them,
they all hope, they all take it. 8. Love never falls. The affection, as a side of love, is specific to
humans, but also to animals. The affection can be found most clearly in the mother's image with
her children, which she cares for as only a mother knows. The author shows us that the "target"
of the affection can be anyone, even the nasty, the stupid or the unfortunate. The affection is one
of the four loves described in his book by C.S. Lewis.

People generally expect from our affection, but the truth is, "If you want to be loved, be worthy
of being loved," says Ovidiu.
The idea that "we can say anything between us," does not denote an authentic affection, but a
false one.
In some situations of affection, jealousy can also intervene, which can be expressed by ridicule in
case of religious conversion. In the beginning, jealousy has as its object the "object" of man's
transformation, such as music, science (of any kind), or even God, and then the target becomes
the "converted" man. The affection is the most instinctive of the four loves, and its jealousy is
vehement. Basically, it is a case of theft in the eyes of the jealous, and his universe has fallen
apart. The jealousy, however, has an explanation: "All these are an absurdity" in the eyes of the
The condition can have good consequences, but it can also have bad consequences, depending on
the one that offers the affection and the way it does. Man can become addicted to family
members or even to an animal, and to make gestures or actions from a poor condition or in other
words - from a passionate love that does more harm than good.
Affection produces happiness if and only if there is sense, reciprocity and "decentness", so reason
is needed.
If we try to live exclusively on the affection, the affection will avenge us.
In the cocoon, if the affection is elevated to the absolute sovereign of a human life, the seeds will
grow. Love, if it becomes a god, becomes a demon.

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