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Grammar and vocabulary unit 1

have got Demonstrative pronouns

1 Complete the table. Write have got or has got. 5 Choose the correct words.
I have got a book. this / these shelves

You (1) _________________ a pen. (1) that / this girl

He (2) _________________ a bag. (2) these / those students

She (3) _________________ a laptop. (3) that / this laptop

It (4) _________________ a CD. (4) that / this boy

We (5) _________________ a notebook. there (5) that / those book

They (6) _________________ a DVD. (6) these / those dogs

2 Choose the correct words. Free time

Has / Have you got a notebook?
1 He hasn’t / haven’t got a red pen. 6 Complete the crossword with interests.
2 Has / Have I got this book? A
1 R T
3 This classroom hasn’t / haven’t got a CD player.
4 Yes, she has / have. 2 C
5 Has / Have we got a lesson now? Y
6 No, we have / haven’t.
3 M S
Prepositions: about, of, by 4

3 Match 1–3 with a–d to make sentences.

5 B O S
This is a book a by Rihanna.
1 This is a poster b about animals. G
2 This is a photo c of my mum and dad.
3 This is a CD d of my favourite band.
7 Match 1–4 to a–e to complete the interests.
Interrogative pronouns watching a on the internet
1 chatting b games
4 Write the question words.
2 martial c friends
W ___
___ h ___
o (owh) is that woman? 3 meeting d TV
1 ___ ___ ___ ___ (wtah) music do you like? 4 computer e arts
2 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (woh ldo) is your
sister? Interests: word groups
3 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (heewr) are you from?
8 Find the word that doesn’t match.
4 ___ ___ ___ ___ (ewhn) is your birthday?
mouse cinema internet email
5 ___ ___ ___ (ohw) is your favourite actor?
1 match drummer team sport
6 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___(hwo amyn) pets 2 reggae programme film DVD
have you got? 3 heavy metal group drummer website
4 mouse film soap opera horror
5 cricket handball actor referee
6 computer hip hop website printer


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