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The more you are motivated by love,

the more fearless and free your actions will be.
~ Dalai Lama


How this Challenge Works
Welcome! I’m so happy that you’re here! Let's get started together!

Here’s how this challenge works: We have 4 weeks together! Big things can happen in that
time - but remember, this is a start. For example, Gut Health is so central to overall health, but it’s
just one of 5 Root Causes that can be having a big impact on you. We’re going to start there. The
others I cover in my book The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution.

All material is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided
by your healthcare professional or physician © All rights reserved to Aviva Romm 2016

The first 3 days of this program is prep - you need time to get your kitchen set up, your
pantry cleaned out, and some shopping done. Today I’ll also get you started on the information you
need to know about your own gut patterns so you can decide whether to order supplements, which
we’ll talk about in the first Facebook Live and in tomorrow’s email. I know you’re eager for change.
Patience is the name of the game here. It’s going to get you better, with more sustainable results,
and it’s better for your adrenals, too, which have a big impact on your gut health (see my blog at for more information on gut-adrenal and gut-thyroid health, and of course, that’s
what The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution is all about).

Every day for the whole 28 days, you’re going to get an email from me, with a download like
this one (don't worry, they won’t all be this long - this one gets you started so there’s a lot here -
but I do provide a lot of content!). I’m actually going to start sending out the email for the next day
the night before so you know what’s coming next. Tonight’s will be a little late since we have the FB
Live, but expect them generally by about 8 pm EST. Thanks for your patience as I figure out the best
way to do this - it’s the first time I’ve offered a Challenge and I’m trying to make it the best I can for
you - which might mean some tweaks along the way. Your suggestions are most welcome!

Thursday will be the start of each week, since that’s the day of the week we started, and I’ll
send you a weekly overview of the food changes you’ll be making that week, the recipes, and any
shopping tips, so you have time to Prep and Think Ahead (which is what it will be called when I send
the overview).

At the beginning of each week we’ll have a FB Live event to review big concepts, and for Live
Q&A Time with Dr. Aviva (me). You can post questions under the FB Live all week for me and my
team to answer. We do our best to answer all that we can but can’t promise to get to every one.

The daily emails will include:
• The Day # and topic at the top for easy reference
• An inspirational quote - specifically selected for you
• An intro/overview for the day
• A gut healing principle, instruction, or tip

• The food plan for the day - meaning what you’ll be adding, removing, observing, etc.
regarding food and how you’re feeling + recipes at the beginning of each week
• The mind-body activity for the day, specifically selected to help you overcome the inevitable
obstacles life hands you, or you hand yourself, and designed to sabotage your plans
• Any important reminders, for example, about Facebook live or Facebook posts

Each day on FB I’ll also post one of the day’s challenges or mind-body exercises for us to chat
about with each other. Your work is to follow along, doing the activities and making the changes as
they come along in the program.


For this week, I am going to give you another prep and think ahead on Saturday, because the first
few days you’ll just be cleaning out your pantry in The Great Kitchen Makeover I describe below. On
Saturday we’re going to dive in, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, and Sugar Free. Don’t worry, we’ll make it
as easy as possible and we’ll all be doing it together! If you’re already GF-DF-SF, don’t despair, keep
going, there will be a lot more coming that’s going to transform your gut health and help to
replenish you.

To get you ready for the GF-DF-SF days, I’ve provided 3 sets of breakfast, lunch, and dinner options,
and a Replenish Shopping List at the end of this download.

Week 1: Lighten Up

What We’ll Be Doing for Your Gut
• The Gut Health Questionnaire
• Understanding Gut Imbalances
• Supplements: Whether and Which for You

The Food Plan
Days 1-3 you’ll get your kitchen prepped
Starting Day 3 (or sooner if you’d prefer) you’ll remove:
• Gluten
• Dairy
• Sugar
• + All Processed foods

• On Day 2 You’ll get a list of YES and NO Foods for the Reset and more food guidance on Saturday (Day

• Find your why and don’t quit on yourself

28-Day Gut Reset and Replenish YOU Challenge Overview
Here’s the overview for the whole Reset: you’ll get all details as we go along!
The Week What We’ll Be Doing for Your Gut The Foods You’ll Remove The Healthy YES Foods
Week 1: Prepare Days 1-3 you’ll get your kitchen On Day 2 You’ll get a list of YES and NO
prepped Foods, which will vary very slightly
according to your personal needs, as well
as the specific instructions for each
Lighten Up Starting Day 3 (or sooner if you’d week/phase.
Processed foods
Week 2: Eliminate, Replace, and Restore Coffee, Grains and Legumes for All Reset YES foods with exceptions in left
the first 7 days (with exceptions if hand column.
you’re vegan)
Avoid any food items you
personally don't tolerate, or you’re
unsure of, i.e., nightshades if you
have joint pain, fruit if you have a
lot of gas and bloating when you
eat it).
Week 3: Eliminate & Repair Continue as above + grains and As above.
Recharge legumes added back in if tolerated
your Energy

Week 4 Reintroduce & Continue Repair Continue as above, adding in challenge foods that you’ve taken out if
+ appropriate
Going forward How to take this into the holidays –and the rest of your life!

An Important “Core Principle” in the Reset Challenge
This program is motivated by an important core principle: self-love. Does that sound woo-
woo to you? I can see how it might. If I joined this program, like you have, and I read that, I might
think, “What? I thought this was a gut-healing program! Why is she talking about self-love?”

Well, the bottom line is that this principle is based on important hard science. You see, as
you’ll learn about more in detail in this course, there’s no separation between what goes on in your

gut and what goes on in your brain. So if you’re beating yourself up for having gained those extra
five, fifteen, or fifty pounds, if you’re blaming yourself for your sugar addiction or cookie binges, if
you’re blaming your body for failing you completely and now leaving you with aches, pains, brain
fog, fatigue, hormone problems, or an autoimmune disease, you’re not helping yourself to heal. In
fact, this kind of thinking triggers the release of a whole series of stress chemicals released that
impact your gut.

But wait, you say, I can’t help but think those thoughts. They happen automatically. And I
can’t help the sugar binge, either. Well, here’s an amazing fact: both of those realities could stem
from problems in your gut - problems that can trigger cravings and stressed out thoughts. That’s
right. It goes both ways.

And it’s why we’re not just doing the gut healing here together, we’re doing the replenishing.
We all need a little (or a lot) of that these days, what with the amount of work we all have to do to
keep up, on top of the stresses in the world. And what better place to start than with a little dose of
self-love. And being your own best friend. If that’s hard, no worries, we’re gonna’ help you get there
- together.

But one of the most common root causes I see almost universally in my medical practice is
gut problems. These include problem called Leaky Gut, SIBO, dysbiosis, chronic constipation, IBS,
and others, directly, or indirectly as a result of medical treatments for them, can be at the heart of a
long list of symptoms and even medical problems, including:
• Acne
• Allergies, eczema, hives
• Anxiety
• Autoimmune conditions
• Being overweight and having trouble losing weight
• Bloating
• Constipation
• Depression
• Fertility challenges
• Food intolerances
• Headaches and Migraines

• Hormonal imbalances
• Sleep problems
• Thyroid problems
I’ve seen gut healing lead to improvements in these just a matter of weeks, sometimes less.
Women commonly tell me that they experience:
• Reduced inflammation, aches, and pains
• Improved immunity
• Much better sleep
• Calmer mood and more peace of mind
• Mental clarity
• Weight – and pants sizes – dropped
• Fewer menstrual and women’s health problems, for example, cycle breast pain, yeast
infections, and PMS clear up
• Eczema and allergies clearing up
• An end to chronic headaches
• Improved digestion, relieved constipation and IBS
• Getting pregnant after struggling with fertility issues – for years!

And so much more!

Is everyone going to get all of these results, and in just 4 weeks? No. Because not everyone’s
sole root problem is gut imbalances. Most women have not just one root cause, gut problems, but
two, three, four, or five root causes going on at once, so you might not get every result you hope for
in 4 weeks. That’s why I wrote my book The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution, to address all of the root

But can you get substantial improvements? YES! Many women will get big changes in just 4
weeks. And most will want to continue on past the 4 weeks, to get even more, and with my book
and also the program to follow that in early 2017, you’ll be able to take an even deeper dive into
gut healing and all of the other root causes.

But you don’t have to wait to start. This program is literally the first 4 weeks of what I do for
gut healing and mind-body replenishing in my medical practice, and it can yield results, sometimes

big ones that can make you marvel at the power of your body to heal. It also makes me marvel for
all of the women who were told that there symptoms were just in there heads, that they just got
genetic bad luck, or they were just tired from being new moms, or getting older.

Can all symptoms and medical problems be improved by healing your gut, of even the plan in
my next book? No. Sometimes we do need medications, even surgery. But according to data in the
New England Journal of Medicine, at least 80% of chronic health problems can be improved by
simple changes, especially in our diets and lifestyle (in addition to quitting smoking and getting
some exercise). But how we eat may be the biggest factor, and where does that influence us most?
Our guts and in turn, our inflammatory responses.

So let’s get started. Together. Yes!



Gut health is central to nutrition absorption, immune system regulation, and detoxification.
Inflammation in your gut, as you’ve learned, is also a major root cause of general systemic inflammation,
weight gain, insulin resistance, brain fog, depression, and anxiety. Gut dysbiosis, celiac disease, and gluten
intolerance are also associated with higher levels of Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune diseases, and
determine the reactivity of your Stress Response. Hashimoto’s, in turn, leads to decreased peristalsis, and as a
result, constipation, which can then lead to gas, bloating, and bacterial overgrowth that may result in diarrhea.

The lining of your digestive system forms an interior protective barrier, much as your skin
does externally. From tip to tail, your digestive system is lined with cells that produce a variety of
enzymes that break down your food, stomach acid that creates a pH inhospitable to harmful
organisms you can pick up from food and your environment, ad collections of immune cells and
nerves that communicate with your entire body including your brain.

A healthy digestive system extracts and synthesizes the nutrients you need from your food, is
a protective immune system barrier between your external and internal world, and detoxifies and

eliminates waste. When these essential functions are disrupted, imbalanced, and impaired, you can
end up with a number of localize problems, the big ones that we’ll discuss in this course being Leaky
Gut, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, Dysbiosis, chronic constipation, and stomach and
digestive secretion problems, all of which can – and for most people do – lead to the systemic
problems that cause all of the symptoms and conditions associated with gut imbalances.

Tonight’s Facebook Live, which is FB Live Event 1 of 4, for a total of 6 hours of live time
together for this program, is called Gut Health 101, and it’s going to give you the basics on your
digestive system, “tip to tail” as well as go over these main patterns of disruption that happen in the
gut, and what these can mean for your health. And I’m going to introduce you to the heart of the
gut healing program, The 4R Plan, which I outline here for you, and which we’re going to actually
get started on today, by removing obstacles in your kitchen.

1. Remove

4. Gut 2. Replace

3. Repair

So let’s not wait until tonight to start making changes that move you toward your goals. Here
is your first Gut Reset “project.”

The first thing to do is to identify your core gut patterns. To do this, I’ve created the
questionnaire you’ll find below. This questionnaire is one of two you’ll be asked to complete; this

one is for your use and purposes only, though of course, feel free to discuss it and compare notes
with other on the Facebook page.

To complete it, fill out each section, with the instructions provided, then sum up each total
and put it in the GUT IMBALANCE PATTERN TOTALS chart to see where you score most out of
balance. Remember, this is not a substitute for medical evaluation; symptoms in these pattern
charts can also mean more serious or other conditions; all symptoms should be evaluated by a
licensed medical provider.


This questionnaire helps you to identify whether your symptoms primarily fit into any of the
key areas of gut health imbalances. The purpose of this questionnaire is to help you begin to
understand your symptoms better, and also to help you target whether and which supplements
might be most appropriate for you. In Gut Health 101, in the first Facebook Live Event, and also in
writing on Day 2 you’ll get an overview of what these different patterns mean (I know you’re
curious!), and on Day 2, you’ll receive complete supplement information and instructions on how to
order them, and the pros and cons, so you can begin them in Week 2 should you decide to.

Check the box next to any symptoms you relate to. Each check equals one point.
I get constipated; I have a bowel movement less than once a day; my bowels are
I take medications for reflux or acid indigestion, or have to take digestive
enzymes or other supplements to digest my food
I’m tired often, or feel “drunk” or “drugged,” and especially after eating
I have food sensitivities
I get migraine headaches
I have insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, or diabetes
I often get loose stools
I notice that I sometimes have undigested food in my stool
I crave sweets but have an energy crash a few hours after I eat them)

I’m often constipated, get loose stools after eating, or have IBS
I get hives or have eczema, allergies, or asthma
My heart sometimes races after I eat certain foods
I get cracks at the corners of my mouth

Check the box next to any symptoms you relate to. Each check equals one point.
I crave bread, sugar, or alcohol
I’ve been told I have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
I have yeast overgrowth (Candida)
I get anal itching
I have chronic vaginal yeast infections
I had Group B Strep (GBS) infection during pregnancy
I get indigestion when I eat fatty foods
I’ve been told I have leaky gut (intestinal hyperpermeability)
I have incomplete bowel movements
I’ve taken antibiotics more than once in the past three years
I frequently had antibiotics as a child, in my teens, 20s, or more recently
My SOS or Hashimoto’s symptoms started after a bout of food poisoning or
travel diarrhea
I’ve had food poisoning or travel diarrhea in the past 5 years
I often get loose stools
I feel “drunk,” drugged, or tired after eating
I notice that I sometimes have undigested food in my stool
I get full very quickly when I eat; I can only eat a very small amount at a sitting
I get nauseated after I eat
I regularly need antacids
I have food sensitivities
I get symptoms when I eat gluten or dairy
I have seasonal allergies, food allergies, asthma, or eczema

I feel down, irritable, moody, or weepy after I eat certain foods
I get a skin rash, hives, or eczema after I eat certain foods
I have Hashimoto’s, Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, or another autoimmune
I get constipated; I have a bowel movement less than once a day; my bowels are
I take medications for reflux or acid indigestion, or have to take digestive
enzymes or other supplements to digest my food

Check the box next to any symptoms you relate to. Each check equals one point.
Immediately after eating, I start sneezing or develop congestion
I’ve been told I have leaky gut (intestinal hyperpermeability)
I’ve taken antibiotics more than once in the past three years
I frequently had antibiotics as a child, in my teens, 20s, or more recently
My SOS or Hashimoto’s symptoms started after a bout of food poisoning or
travel diarrhea
I take Ibuprofen (or other NSAID drugs) or Tylenol regularly (weekly or more
I’ve had food poisoning or travel diarrhea in the past 5 years
I have food sensitivities
I get symptoms when I eat gluten or dairy
I have seasonal allergies, food allergies, asthma, or eczema
I regularly get canker sores
I feel down, irritable, moody, or weepy after I eat certain foods
I get a skin rash, hives, or eczema after I eat certain foods
have Hashimoto’s, Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, or another autoimmune
I take medications for reflux or acid indigestion, or have to take digestive

enzymes or other supplements to digest my food

SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) PATTERN
Check the box next to any symptoms you relate to. Each check equals one point.
I have previously been diagnosed with SIBO by an MD, or on a SIBO breath test
I get full very quickly when I eat; I can only eat a very small amount at a sitting
I get nauseated after I eat or easily at other times
I get bloated easily, I get abdominal distention, or gas
I take medications for reflux or acid indigestion, or have to take digestive
enzymes or other supplements to digest my food
I feel like I have a bicycle inner tube under my ribs after I eat
• After I eat I experience bloating, especially in my upper digestive area

Check the box next to any symptoms you relate to. Each check equals one point.
Reflux Symptoms CHECK IF YES
I have heartburn (GERD, reflux, acid indigestion)
I regularly need antacids
A burning sensation in your chest (heartburn), sometimes spreading to your
throat, along with a sour taste in your mouth
Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
Dry cough
Hoarseness or sore throat
Regurgitation of food or sour liquid (acid reflux)
Sensation of a lump in your throat
Chest pain

Check the box next to any symptoms you relate to. Each check equals one point.
Low Digestive Enzymes or Low Stomach Acid CHECK IF YES
I get a skin rash, hives, or eczema after I eat certain foods
I have Hashimoto’s
I take medications for reflux or acid indigestion, or have to take digestive
enzymes or other supplements to digest my food

Food Triggers
Leaky Gut
Low Enzymes or Low HCL

Note where you score, from highest to lowest, and those are your biggest “trouble” spots.


Identifying and getting to know the foods that are hard on the gut and understanding which
foods to replace them with is a big part of what we’re going to do together these next few weeks. It
all starts with removing the triggers (Weeks 1 and 2), keeping them out (Weeks 1-3), and then doing
a challenge to replace them and see what happens (Week 4), which will allow you to make some

longer term dietary decisions. But first you’ve got to get set up for success, and that starts with The
Great Kitchen Makeover!

Reset Days 1-3: Take Back Your Kitchen

Taking back your kitchen is a powerful vote in favor of your health. Cooking at home dramatically

improves weight loss and health, doesn’t have to cost more, and can be done creatively so that you learn to

save time. Home cooking or access to healthy food if you’re often on the road is practically essential for a

successful program because restaurant and fast food is almost always loaded with sugar, salt, and a ton of

hidden food triggers. Getting your kitchen set up doesn’t have to cost a fortune, and you don’t need much, but

you will need some healthy cooking basics (pots, cutting boards, vegetables knives, measuring cups and

spoons, for example), especially stainless steel pots and glass storage containers.

Recycle or toss and replace these kitchen items that can leach toxins into your food:

• Plastic food storage containers

• Plastic water and other beverage containers

• Teflon (or other non-stick) cookware

• Non-stick and spray oils

• Antibacterial kitchen soap

At my website, you’ll find a list of common cooking supply basics if your kitchen

is not set up for for prep and suggestions for where to purchase them affordably.

Clear Out “Hidden Food Triggers – and TODAY Stop Eating Them!

Now it’s time to clean out your kitchen to make it hard to do the “wrong thing.” Toss:

• Sugar in all forms, including high-fructose corn syrup, sugar substitutes and Artificial sweeteners and
sugar substitutes (Equal, NutraSweet, etc.)
• Fruit juice and soda
• Processed flours

• Processed ”junk” foods
• Artificial ingredients (if you can’t pronounce it, it’s probably not natural) , anything with artificial colors
and flavors , food coloring and dyes, food additives
• And food preservatives

• All processed fats and oils (more on this tomorrow), Fat substitutes (margarine, Olestra, etc.)
• Alcohol (wine, beer, mixed drinks, etc.) – it’s a major hidden source of sugar that the bad gut bugs love!
• Processed meats
• Fake dairy substitutes (“creamers”)

Stock Up

Now it’s time to stock your pantry and fridge with the real foods and ingredients you’ll want
to have on hand as you go through the Reset. Select the recipes you’ll follow for this week and use
the Shopping List after the recipes below as a checklist to take to the store. To help you get

started, I’ve provided 3 gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, absolutely scrumptious each

for breakfasts, lunches, and dinners this week, along with a long list of websites you an
go to for additional ideas.

3 Days of Recipes to Get You Started
After the Questionnaires below you’ll find 3 days of recipes to get your started in week one if
you don’t know what to eat or feed your family now that you’ve cleaned out your pantry. These
recipes are gluten free, dairy free, and sugar free, which we’ll be taking the next steps together on

Foodie Websites We Love
My team collaborated on a list of our favorite foodie websites. Here are places to search for
recipes that are gluten free, dairy free, and sugar free to meet this week’s core food challenge:
• Nourishing Meals
• The Healthy Apple
• Rebecca Katz
• The Healthy Home Economist
• Balanced Bites
• Against All Grain

• Nom Nom Paleo
• Simply Sugar and Gluten Free
• Love and Lemons
• Sprouted Kitchen
• This is paleo but vegans will find recipes, too:
• Healthier Halloween fun:


It’s so easy to start and stop new plans, and never follow through with them. In fact, we
actually get a “high” or “rush” every time we start a new plan. That lasts for a few days, sort of the
that good feeling you get when you buy something new for yourself. But after a few days you’re
feeling “Meh, this isn’t so exciting anymore.” So you quit it, beat yourself up a bit, and then move
on, only to start the next challenge.

If that sounds like you how can you break that cycle? How can you set yourself up for and
finally-finally-finally stick with a whole program and get results? That’s what all the mind-body
support in this program is going to help you do.

The first tip I can give you that I see really has results is to find your WHY. That worked really
well for a patient of mine recently who lost over 20 pounds in a few short months. Her WHY? To
look really great at her 10 year college reunion. She wanted to drop the baby weight and look and
feel fabulous. And she did it. For some women, the motivation is that they don’t want to end up on
5 medications like their mother and grandmother, for everything from heart disease and diabetes,
to thyroid and depression.

What is your WHY? Connect to the reason that you want to make these changes and not only
write it down in the space I’ve provided here for you (or in your journal if you keep one, which I
highly encourage and will talk about more in days to come) put reminders in significant places.

Stickies on your mirror, dashboard, keyboard or computer are a great reminder, or find other
creative ways to get your brain thinking in a WHY way.

WHAT IS YOUR WHY? Take 5 minutes (Don’t skip this activity!) to reflect on why getting your
health back and feeling like yourself again is important to you:





If you feel inspired, share your WHY in the space provided over on our special Facebook page.
I know other women will love to hear yours and you might be inspired by theirs, too.


As I said, starting and quitting and starting again is a vicious, and literally, physically and
mentally addictive pattern. One of the most common ways we quit things is by “chickening out.” We
talk ourselves out of it from the start. We sabotage on Day 1. We tell ourselves, “Oh, this isn’t right
for me,” or “I really don’t have time for this,” or “ I really don’t understand this and it’s too hard
anyway,” or “I can’t afford to eat right and make these changes.”

I’m calling your bluff on all of it. My grandma used to take me clothes shopping when I was a
girl and she’d say, “You don’t know if it’s right for you until you try it on and walk around in it.” She
was totally right - and it’s why I end up giving my daughters the things they see me trying on – they

think they don’t like something until they try it on and then they realize it was perfect for them. You
do have time. Believe me, if I have time to sit here and create this, you have time to do it. And I live
this way – I’m not telling you anything I don’t 100% do – and I’ve got 4 kids, 2 grandkids, a medical
practice and 3 businesses I manage. And I was raised by a single mom. I know what women can do
when we put our minds to it. So “too busy” doesn’t give you a pass. Yes, there are moments where
it’s going to be hard, you might have to increase your food budget for veggies and good quality
ingredients, and you’ll have to learn some new things. But I promise you, it’s a pay now or pay later
situation – and later you pay with your health and that ain’t always pretty. And it’s way harder than
any of these changes. And if there’s anything you don’t understand. Let me know. We’re always
working to clarify, simplify, and improve programs. Email us at, or post up
on a Facebook thread for that day saying” I have no freakin’ idea what this means or what to do or
what you’re talking about, Dr. Aviva.” I’ll hear you!

• Tonight’s Facebook Live is at 7:30 pm EST
• Get started clearing out your pantry and making over your kitchen. You’ll want to have that
done, ideally, by Saturday afternoon.
• Complete your gut health questionnaires for tomorrow.


Oh Mama Omega Berry Brain Power from The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution
• 1 serving of plant based protein powder
• 2 Tbsp. Almond Butter
• 1 cup of Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries)
• 1 Cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk
• 1 TBS of pre-soaked chia seeds, 1 tsp of hemp seeds or 1 tsp of flax seeds

Place all ingredients in the blender, whiz until smooth and enjoy!
Makes 1 smoothie.

Paleo Frittata from The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution
• 10 free range eggs
• 2 chopped onions
• 1 diced red bell pepper
• 1 bunch asparagus use the top 2/3rd of the bunch, cutting stalks horizontally into pieces
• 1/2 lb. feta cheese optional
• 1/4 tsp. sea salt
• 1/8 tsp. black pepper
• a few dashes red pepper flakes
• 1 Tbsp. olive oil

Preheat over to 400. Saute all of the vegetables in olive oil for 3-5 minutes, until glistening and just
on the edge of tender and turn off the heat. I do mine in a large cast iron skillet and bake the whole
thing in the same skillet. If you don’t have a cast iron pan, sauté in your usual sauté pan, then bake
the whole thing in a casserole dish. In a bowl crack the eggs and mix in your seasonings. Beat lightly

for 30 seconds. If you are making this dish in the cast iron skillet, crumble your feta over the
vegetables if you are including it. Then, feta or not, simply pour the egg mix over the vegetables. If
you are using a casserole pan, mix the veggies, eggs, and feta (optional) in a bowl and pour into a
lightly oiled casserole dish. Pop the skillet or casserole dish into the oven and bake 20-30 minutes,
until browned to your liking. I like mine firm and quite brown as you can see in the picture.

Serve plain or with some of your favorite hot sauce!
Servings: 6-10 people
Prep Time: 5-10 minutes
Cook Time: 20-30 minutes

Simple Braised Greens Topped with A Fried Egg or Scrambled Tofu for One
First braise the greens according to instructions below. Add to a bowl and top with the fried egg or
tofu scramble (instructions below)

Simple Braised Greens From Elana’s Pantry
• 1 Tbsp. olive oil
• 4 ounces mixed greens (kale, collard, mustard, or greens of your choice) about 3-4 cups
chopped and well packed
• 1 clove garlic, minced
• ⅛ tsp. Celtic sea salt
• ¼ tsp. red pepper flakes

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add greens stirring to coat with oil. Stir until
greens are barely wilted. Add garlic, salt and pepper flakes. Continue stirring until greens are tender

Simple Tofu Scramble
• 15 oz. organic sprouted tofu, firm
• ½ tsp. onion powder
• ½ tsp. garlic powder

• ¼ tsp. sea salt
• ¼ tsp. turmeric powder
• 3 Tbsp. vegetable broth

Drain the tofu from the water. Heat a medium nonstick skillet (if you don't have a nonstick skillet,
please make sure your pan is well-greased) over medium-high heat. Add 1/2 tsp. of coconut or olive
oil to the pan Add tofu and spices together. Using a spatula, cut up the tofu in the pan to look like
scrambled eggs. Once incorporated, add the vegetable broth (1Tbsp. at a time) bringing the broth to
a boil and allowing to fully absorb into the tofu each time. Remove from heat and season with sea
salt and pepper as desired.

Author: Fork & Beans


Sweet Potato-Black Bean-Collard Wraps
This healthy burrito is filled with flavorful sweet potatoes, black beans, and avocado to keep you full
for hours. You can also add turkey or chicken if you want animal protein instead of beans .

For the collard leaves: 4 collard leaves
For the sweet potatoes
• 2 medium sweet potatoes
• 2 Tbsp. olive oil
• 1 tsp. sea salt
• ¼ tsp. cayenne
• ¼ tsp. paprika
• ⅛ tsp. white pepper
For the Beans
• 1 can of black beans, drained
• ½ tsp. sea salt

• ¼ tsp. garlic powder
For the mashed avocado
• 1 avocado
• pinch of sea salt
• pinch of black pepper
• 1 red onion
• cilantro (optional)

Thoroughly rinse 4 collard leaves and set aside. Preheat oven to 415º and line a baking sheet, or two
if necessary, with parchment. Peel and chop sweet potatoes into ½" chunks. In a large bowl, toss
with olive oil and seasonings. Arrange on baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes, tossing
occasionally. They are done when they're fork tender. Drain beans and mix with salt and garlic
powder. Mash avocado and mix in salt and pepper. Chop red pepper into thin slices or dice it, if you
prefer. Use the back of a spoon to spread mashed avocado on the leaf, then spoon beans and sweet
potatoes on top. Add onion and cilantro and wrap it all up!


Robust Chicken Soup from Rebecca Katz
Can be made vegan by using veggie broth and omitting the chicken and adding 1 cup of extra beans

• 2 cups cooked cannellini beans, or 1 (15-ounce) can, rinsed
• Freshly squeezed lemon juice
• Sea salt
• 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
• 1 yellow onion, finely diced
• 2 fennel bulbs, finely diced
• 2 large carrots, peeled and finely diced
• 4 stalks celery, finely chopped
• 2 cloves garlic, minced

• 3/4 tsp. chopped fresh sage, or 1/4 tsp. dried
• 1 Tbsp. fresh thyme leaves, or 1/4 tsp. dried
• 6 cups Old-Fashioned Chicken Stock or Magic Mineral Broth, or store-bought organic stock
• 2 cups sliced cooked organic chicken
• 1 tsp. lemon zest
• 1 cup kale leaves + 1 cup of chopped collard greens
• 2 Tbsp. finely chopped parsley
• 2 Tbsp. finely chopped basil

In a bowl, stir together the beans with a spritz of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Set aside. Heat the
olive oil in a soup pot over medium heat, then add the onion, fennel, carrots, celery, and 1/4 tsp. of
salt, and sauté until golden, about 15 minutes. Stir in the garlic, sage, and thyme and cook for
another minute. Pour in 1/2 cup of the stock to deglaze the pot, stirring to loosen any bits stuck to
the pot, and cook until the liquid is reduced by half. Add the remaining 5 1/2 cups of stock, the
beans, bring to a boil over medium heat, then lower the heat and simmer until the vegetables are
tender, about 8 minutes. Stir in the cooked chicken, zest, 1 Tbsp. of lemon juice, arugula, parsley,
basil, and another 1/4 tsp. of salt, and serve right away.


Chopped salad

• 2 ripe Hass avocados, cut in half, pit removed, meat scooped out and cut into bite-sized
• 1 1/3 cups drained, rinsed and sliced artichoke hearts or hearts of palm, about 14 ounces
• 1 cup pitted kalamata olives
• 6 cups of chopped greens (romaine hearts, mixed greens,
• 1 Tbsp. chopped red onion
• 3 Tbsp. raw and hulled pumpkin seeds, lightly toasted
• 1-2 cups left over chicken or 1 cup of garbanzo beans

Additional goodies you can add in:
• blanched asparagus
• thinly sliced radishes
• chopped red and green peppers

Make the lemony vinaigrette (see instructions below). Toast the pumpkin seeds. To toast the seeds,
toss them into a pre-heated saucepan (I use my small cast iron skillet) set to medium heat. Stir
frequently for about 4 minutes. Once you hear them pop and they are a nice tan color, you know
they are done! Remove from heat and set aside. In a large bowl, gently mix the avocado chunks,
green, artichoke hearts, olives, chicken (or Garbanzo beans), red onions, and any other goodies you
decided to add with 3-4 Tbsp. of the vinaigrette. Sprinkle with the toasted pumpkin seeds and serve.

Source: I made this one up so you can just say it’s yours!

Lemony balsamic vinaigrette From Rebecca Katz
• 2 Tbsp. Balsamic Vinegar
• 2 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
• ½ tsp. lemon zest
• ½ tsp. sea salt
• ½ tsp. black pepper
• ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

Combine all of the ingredients in the order in which they are written. Whisk until thoroughly
blended. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.



Rosemary Roasted Root Vegetables
• About 6 cups of a variety of root vegetables - choose from sweet potatoes, parsnip, carrots,
small potatoes, beets + a red and yellow onion.
• Olive oil
• Salt
• Rosemary - fresh or dried
• Salt and black pepper + optional red pepper flakes for some extra zing)

Cut your veggies into 1 inch-ish cubes. Toss in a bowl with the olive oil, salt, and seasonings. Put
into a baking tray and bake at 400 for 45 minutes. I start by covering the tray for 30 minutes, then
bake uncovered for the remaining time. The veggies should be tender but not mushy. For slightly
drier veggies, spread the mixture over 2 baking trays rather than one.

Aviva’s Mediterranean Cilantro Chicken
• 1 Tbsp. olive oil
• 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (about 1 1/2 to 2 pounds)
• 1 large yellow onion, thinly sliced
• 1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved or whole
• 1/3 cup pitted green olives, halved (optional)
• Juice of 1 fresh lime juice
• 1 cup packed fresh cilantro, chopped with any extra stem removed
• Salt and pepper to taste

Season the chicken with salt and pepper on both sides, heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-
low heat, and cook until lightly browned and just cooked through – turning once. It should take 10
to 15 minutes. Transfer chicken to a plate. Raise the heat to medium and cook onion – 5 to 7

minutes – until softened. Add tomatoes (and olives), and cook until the tomatoes soften and release
their juices, about 1 to 2 minutes. Put the chicken back into the pan, and layer the vegetables over
it. Add the cilantro and lime juice, salt and pepper, and gently toss into the vegetables. Transfer all
to a platter and serve.

Aviva’s Autumn Steamed Kale and Walnuts
• 2 bunches of kale, washed an chopped into small pieces ( get organic kale since it’s on
the “Dirty Dozen” list)
• 1/2 cup of chopped toasted walnuts
• 2 TBS chopped red onion
• Salt or tamari (soy sauce) to taste

Steam the washed chopped kale for about 10 minutes, until the leaves are soft and bright green. Put
into a serving bowl. Sprinkle the finely chopped toasted walnuts and red onion on top, season with
salt or tamari, toss and serve. It’s that simple. Serves 4-6 people, depending on how much they love

The Big Vegan Bowl
Vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, refined sugar-free, soy-free. Yields: 2 large bowls

• 1 large sweet potato, chopped into 3/4-inch cubes
• 1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed (about 1.5 cups)
• 1 large carrot, peeled & julienned
• purple cabbage or vegetable of choice, shredded
• couple handfuls of greens for the base
• lots of hummus
• sliced avocado
• hulled hemp seeds, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds

Preheat oven to 400F and line two large baking sheets with parchment paper. Spread out the
chopped sweet potato on one sheet. Drizzle with 1/2 Tbsp. of oil or so and toss the potatoes until
coated. Sprinkle with fine grain sea salt.

For the roasted chickpeas: Drain and rinse the chickpeas and then place on a large tea towel and pat
until completely dry. Discard any skins that fall off. Transfer the chickpeas to the baking sheet and
drizzle with 1/2 tsp. oil. Rub them around with your hands until lightly coated. Generously sprinkle
with fine grain sea salt and your favorite spices. I like to use garlic powder, chili powder, cumin,
cayenne, and salt. Toss gently to combine.

Place both the sweet potato and chickpeas into the preheated oven. Roast for 15 minutes at 400F
and then remove both. Flip the sweet potatoes and gently roll around the chickpeas. Place back in
the oven for another 15 minutes or so, watching closely during the last 5 minutes. When the
chickpeas are golden and the sweet potatoes are lightly browned on the bottom and fork tender,
they are ready to come out.

Assemble the bowl: Add a couple handfuls of greens into a large shallow bowl. I had some leftover
kale salad so I used that for my base. When the roasted veggies and chickpeas are done, allow the
chickpeas to cool for 5 minutes and then add them on the salad followed by the sliced avocado,
hummus, shredded veggies, and hemp seeds. See picture for how I plated it.

Serve immediately and enjoy! You can use dressing if you'd like, but I don't usually bother. If you
have leftover sweet potato and roasted chickpeas, you can place them in the fridge. Reheat in the
oven at 400F for about 5-10 minutes. If you have left over veggies, store the chickpeas and sweet
potatoes in a separate container and assemble bowl number two for tomorrows lunch!
Recipe Source:

The Replenish Shopping List

This is a comprehensive list for stocking your pantry. You do not need to purchase everything on this list.

Rather, print a copy for each week, and check off any ingredients you’ll need for to create your menus for the

week you’re on, and take the list shopping with you. You can jot in the amounts next to the item.

Red Meat, Poultry, and Fish (organic, grass fed/finished preferred)

! Beef ! Mackerel
! Lamb ! Atlantic Mussels, farmed blue
! Chicken, skinless white breast ! Oysters, farmed Eastern European,
! Cornish hen ! Pacific Sablefish (black cod, Alaskan)
! Turkey, skinless white breast ! Salmon
! Anchovies ! Wild Alaskan Sardines
! Arctic char ! Scallops
! U.S. farmed Clams ! Farmed Bay Shrimp
! Halibut, Alaskan, small ! Tilapia, U.S. farmed
! Herring, Atlantic sea herring

! Black beans ! Navy beans
! Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) ! Pinto beans
! Great Northern beans ! Refried beans, vegetarian
! Kidney beans (red and white) ! Split peas
! Lentils ! White beans (cannellini or Northern)
! Lima beans

! Artichokes ! Green beans (fresh or frozen)
! Arugula ! Kale
! Asparagus ! Leeks
! Beets ! Lettuce (all varieties)
! Bell pepper (all colors) ! Mushrooms (all varieties)
! Bok choy ! Mustard greens
! Broccoli (fresh or frozen) ! Olives, black and green
! Broccoli rabe (rapini) ! Onions
! Brussels sprouts ! Parsnips
! Cabbage (all varieties) ! Peas
! Carrots ! Peppers
! Cauliflower (fresh or frozen) ! Potatoes
! Celery ! Pumpkin
! Celery root (celeriac) ! Radish
! Chard (all colors) ! Rutabaga
! Chile peppers ! Sea vegetables (all varieties)
! Chives ! Snow peas (fresh or frozen)
! Collard greens ! Spinach
! Cucumber ! Sprouts
! Daikon radish and leaves ! Squash (summer and winter varieties)
! Dandelion greens ! Sweet potatoes
! Endive ! Tomato
! Eggplant ! Turnips & greens
! Escarole ! Watercress
! Fennel ! Zucchini
! Garlic
! Ginger, fresh

Grains (gluten-free)
! Buckwheat groats (kasha) ! Millet
! Brown rice ! Quinoa
! Corn corn tortillas (sprouted) ! Wild rice
! Oats (rolled and steel-cut)

Nuts and Seeds
! Almonds ! Pumpkin seeds
! Brazil nuts ! Sesame seeds
! Cashews ! Sunflower seeds
! Chia seeds ! Tahini (sesame seed paste)
! Flaxseeds ! Walnuts
! Pecans ! Natural nut and seed butters
! Pine nuts

! Apple (all varieties) ! Lemons
! Apricots ! Limes
! Avocados ! Mangos (fresh or frozen)
! Bananas (fresh or frozen) ! Nectarines
! Blackberries (fresh or frozen) ! Oranges
! Blueberries (fresh or frozen) ! Peaches (fresh or frozen)
! Cherries (fresh or frozen) ! Pears
! Coconut ! Pomegranates
! Cranberries ! Plums
! Figs, fresh ! Raisins
! Grapefruits ! Raspberries (fresh or frozen)
! Grapes ! Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
! Kiwis ! Tangerines

Fats and Oils
! Almond oil ! Olive oil (extra virgin)
! Avocado oil ! Sesame seed oil (plain and toasted)
! Coconut butter and oil ! Walnut oil
! Ghee (or organic butter)

! Herbal teas
! Green tea

Fresh and dried whole or ground herbs and spices
! Bay Leaves ! Cumin
! Black Pepper ! Curry power
! Broths, low-sodium organic (vegetable and chicken) ! Paprika
! Cayenne ! Red Chili Flakes
! Chili Powder ! Sea salt
! Chocolate, dark, minimum 70% cocoa ! Thyme
! Cinnamon ! Turmeric
! Cocoa powder

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