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Theoritical Study of Formulation for Metal-Insulator Trantition due to

Electron-Phonon Coupling
Muhammad Aziz Majidi, Ardani Dahiyu Munaqi, Dept, of Physics, FMIPA UI
Submitted to register as a participant of SEMIRATA conference

This research proposes a formulation to model the phenomenon of metal-insulator transition in manganite
materials. To explain such phenomenon, this model takes into account the effects of phonon interactions,
electron-phonon interactions, and the interactions between electron spin of ions. We apply Jahn-Teller phonon
model that specifically describes lattice vibrations after the Jahn-Teller distortion effect in eg orbital. This model
is then operated with the Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT) framework to obtain the Density of States
(DoS). By obtaining DoS, we can see the process of metal-insulator transition qualitatively.

Keywords: metal-insulator transition, electron-phonon coupling, Jahn-Teller phonon, dynamical mean field
theory (DMFT), density of states (DoS)

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