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1000 Best War Quotes

War is the continuation of politics by other means. Carl von Clausewitz

In war the heroes always outnumber the soldiers ten to one. H. L. Mencken

We... our war began September the 3rd 1939, with the invasion of Poland by Germany, and
thereafter the great state of danger in England at that time, with the bombings, necessitated the
evacuation of children. Peter Shaffer

The Berlin Wall wasn't the only barrier to fall after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end
of the Cold War. Traditional barriers to the flow of money, trade, people and ideas also fell.
Fareed Zakaria

I will not play tug o' war. I'd rather play hug o' war. Where everyone hugs instead of tugs, Where
everyone giggles and rolls on the rug, Where everyone kisses, and everyone grins, and everyone
cuddles, and everyone wins. Shel Silverstein

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. Leo Tolstoy

Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption,
or both. John F. Kennedy

The real trouble with war (modern war) is that it gives no one a chance to kill the right people.
Ezra Pound

The White House isn't the place to learn how to deal with international crisis, the balance of
power, war and peace, and the economic future of the next generation. Joe Biden

We really need a public-interest government that is not taking marching orders from the fossil-
fuel industry and the banks and the war profiteers. We really need a government that is acting on
our behalf. Jill Stein

War may make us great, but let it never be forgotten that peace only can make us both great and
free. John C. Calhoun

War kills men, and men deplore the loss; but war also crushes bad principles and tyrants, and so
saves societies. Charles Caleb Colton

President Johnson did not want the Vietnam War to broaden. He wanted the North Vietnamese to
leave their brothers in the South alone. William Westmoreland

No one will deny that the excessive use of alcohol and alcoholic beverages would do more than
any other single factor to make impossible a total war effort. William Lyon Mackenzie King
War is not only a matter of equipment, artillery, group troops or air force; it is largely a matter of
spirit, or morale. Chiang Kai-shek

The government of the United States doesn't want peace. It wants to exploit its system of
exploitation, of pillage, of hegemony through war. It wants peace, but what's happening in Iraq?
What happened in Lebanon? Palestine? What's happening? What's happened over the last
hundred years in Latin America and in the world? Hugo Chavez

We defended our allies in Europe for 40 years during the worst days of the Cold War - very
threatening days of the Cold War - and nothing happened. So deterrence does work. Zbigniew

I'd been to a number of war zones before in my life, but I had never been in one as terrifying as
Chechnya. Scott Anderson

War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each
other but don't massacre each other. Paul Valery

If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we
shall have to begin with the children. Mahatma Gandhi

All of Koons's best art - the encased vacuum cleaners, the stainless-steel Rabbit (the late-
twentieth century's signature work of Simulationist sculpture), the amazing gleaming Balloon
Dog, and the cast-iron re-creation of a Civil War mortar exhibited last month at the Armory - has
simultaneously flaunted extreme realism, idealism, and fantasy. Jerry Saltz

I always found the extraordinary loss of life in the First World War very moving. I remember
learning about it as a very young child, as an eight- or nine-year-old, asking my teachers what
poppies were for. Every year the teachers would suddenly wear these red paper flowers in their
lapels, and I would say 'What does that mean?' Tom Hiddleston

The Canadian government continues to say they will not help us if we go to war with Iraq.
However, the prime minister of Canada said he'd like to help, but he's pretty sure that last time he
checked, Canada had no army. Conan O'Brien

Wars are not paid for in wartime, the bill comes later. Benjamin Franklin

Those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace and those who could make a good
peace would never have won the war. Winston Churchill

In most communities it is illegal to cry 'fire' in a crowded assembly. Should it not be considered
serious international misconduct to manufacture a general war scare in an effort to achieve local
political aims? Dwight D. Eisenhower

American soldiers wore khaki uniforms during World War II. Men's khaki trousers became
fashionable after the war, as homecoming GI's decided to continue wearing the soft, comfortable
pants in their civilian capacities. Roger Stone

What shall I say further? Shall I not stop short and leave to your imaginations to portray the
tragic deeds of war? Is it not enough that I here leave it even to unexperience to fancy the
hardships, the anxieties, the dangers, even of the best life of a soldier? Deborah Sampson

War - hard apprenticeship of freedom. Edward Everett Hale

The effort to blur the lines between Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib reflects a deep
misunderstanding about the different legal regimes that apply to Iraq and the war against al
Qaeda. John Yoo

Thus, it was to seek true civilization and true justice for all the peoples of the world, and to view
this as the destruction of personal freedom and respect is to be assailed by the hatred and
emotion of war, and to make hasty judgments. Hideki Tojo

The Great Depression of the 1930s saw more American unmarried women working from nine to
five, mostly in repetitive, boring, subordinate, dead-end jobs. But the number of working women
doubled between 1870 and 1940. During World War II it doubled once again. Helen Fisher

With soldiers, their wives are so fundamental in their relationships, and yet there's this kind of
other war happening back in the States, where wives of soldiers don't quite understand what their
husbands have been through, because their husbands won't really talk about it, and that's really
the hidden war. Tim Hetherington

Everybody has a job to do. There are people in Iraq on both sides of this war who do what they
do for religious reasons, and they feel with God on their side. Some people are good at
annihilating people. Maybe that's their gift. Denzel Washington

I did a production of 'Journey's End,' an RC Sherriff play about World War I, at the Edinburgh
Festival. I was 18 and it was the first time that people I knew and loved and respected came up to
me after the show and said, 'You know, you could really do this if you wanted to.' Tom

It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it. Douglas MacArthur

That man will fight us every day and every hour till the end of the war. James Longstreet

The real peril of war lies not in military defeat. It lies in war itself, whether we win or lose. John
T. Flynn

In war, events of importance are the result of trivial causes. Julius Caesar

Western civilization, Christianity, decency are struggling for their very lives. In this worldwide
civil war, race prejudice is our most dangerous enemy, for it is a disease at the very root of our
democratic life. Mordecai Wyatt Johnson

It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder. Albert

I believe that democracies do not go to war; that's the lesson of history, and I think that a
democratic Pakistan is the world community's best guarantee of stability in Asia. Benazir Bhutto

Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. Ernest

As to war, I am and always was a great enemy, at the same time a warrior the greater part of my
life and were I young again, should still be a warrior while ever this country should be invaded
and I lived. Daniel Morgan

The price of gold was fixed at $35 an ounce in 1934, but by the time the U.S. got through the
Korean War, the Vietnam war, with all the associated secular inflation, the price level had gone
up nearly three times. Robert Mundell

In an era in which war and terrorism - at home and abroad - are often based on racial, religious
and ethnic differences, rediscovering the wisdom of love and compassion may help us increase
our survival at a time when an increasingly divided country and world so badly need it. Dean

Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn't every war fought between men,
between brothers? Victor Hugo

In 1940, then-Senator Harry Truman headed up a Senate Special Committee to Investigate the
National Defense Program. In the course of World War II, more than $15 billion in unnecessary
and fraudulent defense spending was identified. Bernie Sanders

Morality binds people into groups. It gives us tribalism, it gives us genocide, war, and politics.
But it also gives us heroism, altruism, and sainthood. Jonathan Haidt

War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of
the way till you can. Winston Churchill

A Syrian war would consume Trump's presidency. Pat Buchanan

I'd say my mother made more of a difference to me than anyone else did. I know that's a
conventional and perhaps mundane answer, but my family was blown apart at the start of World
War II. Herb Kelleher

If I liken the Pacific War to a football match, I can say to you that the first half is over, we have
kicked off after the interval, and we are going to carry the ball into enemy territory for a
smashing victory. John Curtin
The workers have nothing to gain from this war, but they stand to lose everything that is dear to
them. Clara Zetkin

There was a time when liberalism was identified with anti-Communism. But the Vietnam War
led liberals into the arms of the Left, which had been morally confused about Communism since
its inception and had become essentially pacifist following the carnage of World War I. Dennis

Love has its place, as does hate. Peace has its place, as does war. Mercy has its place, as do
cruelty and revenge. Meir Kahane

My father was an immigrant who literally walked across Europe to get out of Russia. He fought
in World War I. He was wounded in action. My father was a great success even though he never
had money. He was a very determined man, a great role model. Arlen Specter

The inspections started in 1991, right after the Gulf War. One of the conditions for the ceasefire
was that Iraq had to do away with all of its weapons of mass destruction - biological, chemical
and nuclear weapons and long-range missiles. Hans Blix

We've committed many war crimes in Vietnam - but I'll tell you something interesting about that.
We were committing war crimes in World War II, before the Nuremberg trials were held and the
principle of war crimes was stated. George Wald

Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. Euripides

The final outcome of a war is often determined by the degree of initiative shown on each side.
Chiang Kai-shek

We have war when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants
peace. Jeane Kirkpatrick

Domestic terrorism has opened new war zones, operating off the assumption that all Americans
are potential terrorists. Henry Giroux

Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism. Noam Chomsky

In particular, Kissinger was a key player during a transformative period of the imperial
presidency, in the 1960s and '70s, when the Vietnam War undermined the traditional foundations
on which it had stood since the early years of the Cold War: elite planning, bipartisan consensus,
and public support. Greg Grandin

Strike against war, for without you no battles can be fought! Helen Keller

This was not an act of terrorism, but it was an act of war. George W. Bush

I'm not terribly well read. My wife forces books into my hands and insists I read them, which I'm
grateful to her for. She made me read 'War and Peace.' The whole thing. It was amazing, but I
had to hide it. You can't walk round reading 'War and Peace' - it's like you're in a comedy sketch
and you think you're smart. Peter Capaldi

The day after high school, I was off to basic training at the Great Lakes Naval Station. You gotta
understand, we didn't care about sports. We wanted to win the war. We wanted to win the war!
And at the time, we didn't know if we would. Bud Grant

I can not believe that war is the best solution. No one won the last war, and no one will win the
next war. Eleanor Roosevelt

But to the fighting soldier that phase of the war is behind. It was left behind after his first battle.
His blood is up. He is fighting for his life, and killing now for him is as much a profession as
writing is for me. Ernie Pyle

War would end if the dead could return. Stanley Baldwin

If we are to have a war with America, we will have no hope of winning unless the U.S. fleet in
Hawaiian waters can be destroyed. Isoroku Yamamoto

Sweat saves blood. Erwin Rommel

I considered myself engaged in a war from Day One. And my objective was to force the federal
government - the Kennedy administration at that time - into a position where they would have to
use the United States military force to enforce my rights as a citizen. James Meredith

There is nothing that war has ever achieved that we could not better achieve without it. Havelock

If the people raise a great howl against my barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war,
and not popularity seeking. William Tecumseh Sherman

There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough
and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter. Ernest Hemingway

Every attempt to make war easy and safe will result in humiliation and disaster. William
Tecumseh Sherman

Making peace, I have found, is much harder than making war. Gerry Adams

The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war. Norman Schwarzkopf

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought
with sticks and stones. Albert Einstein

The sinking of the Lusitania wasn't the proximal cause for the U.S. entering WWI. It was almost
two years between the sinking and the war declaration, and President Wilson's request for war
never mentions the Lusitania. Erik Larson

Only the dead have seen the end of the war. George Santayana

I actually have videos on my phone of me interviewing people and asking them what they
thought of the new Spider-Man in 'Civil War.' They were like, 'Oh he's great. I love him,' and
then some people were like, 'Nah, I don't love him. he's not great' - and I was standing right in
front of them! Tom Holland

Changing the DNA of a large, multilateral organization such as the United Nations to deal
effectively with modern threats is not easy. Indeed, when the United Nations was created in the
wake of World War II, threats came almost exclusively from one state carrying out acts of
aggression against another. Samantha Power

From Matthew Brady and the Civil War through, say, Robert Capa in World War II to people
like Malcolm Brown and Tim Page in Vietnam. There was, seems to me, a kind of war-is-hell
photography where the photographer is actually filming from life. David Shields

My court was divided between peace and war according to their various interests, but I
considered only their reasons. Louis XIV

In war, you win or lose, live or die - and the difference is just an eyelash. Douglas MacArthur

There has never been a protracted war from which a country has benefited. Sun Tzu

War remains the decisive human failure. John Kenneth Galbraith

Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. Sun Tzu

Since before the Civil War, crosses have indeed garnished veterans' memorials from the North to
the South, from Arlington to Normandy, and from the South Pacific to the Middle East. Chuck

Remember, God provides the best camouflage several hours out of every 24. David M. Shoup

In every war zone that I've been in, there has been a reality and then there has been the public
perception of why the war was being fought. In every crisis, the issues have been far more
complex than the public has been allowed to know. John le Carre

I thought the Vietnam war was an utter, unmitigated disaster, so it was very hard for me to say
anything good about it. George McGovern

The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts. Omar N. Bradley

The art of war is of vital importance to the state. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to
safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. Sun Tzu

War does not determine who is right - only who is left. Bertrand Russell

I had seen people who had lost everything and everyone they loved to war, famine, and natural
disasters. Chelsea Clinton

There aren't many great passages written about food, but I love one by George Millar, who
worked for the SOE in the second world war and wrote a book called 'Horned Pigeon.' He had
been on the run and hadn't eaten for a week, and his description of the cheese fondue he smells in
the peasant kitchen of a house in eastern France is unbelievable. Sebastian Faulks

Growing up during the Cold War, I remember the seemingly imminent threat of nuclear war. In
primary school we were taught to 'duck-and-cover' for protection. But even as children hiding
under wooden desks, we recognized the inadequacies of this strategy. Mike Quigley

In the aftermath of any war or genocide, healing and reconciliation are ultimate aspirations.
Janine di Giovanni

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and
patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. John Stuart Mill

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt has been described as founder of the Bull Moose Party, the
man who led his troops up San Juan Hill in the Spanish-American War, a big game hunter,
family man, civic servant and a host of other things. Zig Ziglar

I wrote somewhere during the Cold War that I sometimes wish the Iron Curtain were much taller
than it is, so that you could see whether the development of science with no communication was
parallel on the two sides. In this case it certainly wasn't. Thomas Gold

It just seems to me that the world's kind of a mess, and the more messy it gets, the more
interested I am in escapist fare. Having a good time is something that isn't about the war in Iraq
or the Asian flu or the Kyoto protocol - things that are horribly depressing to consider in our real
lives. I'm eager to get away from them. Eric Stoltz

During the Cold War, America undertook serious military cuts only once: after the election of
Richard Nixon, during the Vietnam War. The result: Vietnam fell to the Communists, the
Russians moved into Afghanistan, and American influence around the globe waned dramatically.
Ben Shapiro

Most Americans are unaware that Thomas Jefferson was the first American president to go to
war against radical Islam. Jefferson was very concerned with Islam's war-like doctrine and its
inability to separate mosque and state. Brad Thor

War is not the answer, because only love can conquer hate. Marvin Gaye
Secret operations are essential in war; upon them the army relies to make its every move. Sun

Remember this about the Korean War: The men were drafted; the women volunteered. Loretta

An Atheist believes that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An atheist believes that
deed must be done instead of prayer said. An atheist strives for involvement in life and not
escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty vanished, war eliminated. Madalyn
Murray O'Hair

My family was in Singapore when the Japanese War started. We were in Singapore at the time of
Pearl Harbor, and by the beginning of 1942, the Japanese invasion of Burma and Singapore had
started. Tom Stoppard

War is hell. You can't photograph a flying bullet, but you can capture genuine fear. Horst Faas

Nullification means insurrection and war; and the other states have a right to put it down.
Andrew Jackson

We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it. Dwight D. Eisenhower

If it hadn't been for the Cold War, neither Russia nor America would have been sending people
into space. James Lovelock

I think I'm still chewing on my years as a foreign correspondent. I found myself covering
catastrophes - war, uprising, famine, refugee crises - and witnessing how people were affected by
dire situations. When I find a story from the past, I bring some of those lessons to bear on the
narrative. Geraldine Brooks

To those who don't know the historical truth, I would like to say today, Poland was not an
aggressor but a victim during the Second World War. Ewa Kopacz

There aren't a lot of guys like me left. But I'm a war horse. I've been through it all. And you
know something about war horses? Through the sleet, through the snow, they just keep going.
Joel Silver

Marriage is an adventure, like going to war. Gilbert K. Chesterton

I always tell people, anger is like liquid. It's fluid, it's like water. You put it in a container and it
takes the shape of that container. So many people you see in prison, unleashing war on their
people, they are angry, and they take their anger and put it into a violent container. Leymah

The horrors of the Second World War, the chilling winds of the Cold War and the crushing
weight of the Iron Curtain are little more than fading memories. Ideals that once commanded
great loyalty are now taken for granted. Jan Peter Balkenende

Everything in war is very simple. But the simplest thing is difficult. Carl von Clausewitz

I am livid with rage, sitting here in chains through this mad war which kills any meaning of life...
My nerves are shattered and my mind darkened. Walter Gropius

I don't think we have to have a personal relation to a life lost to understand that something
terrible has taken place, especially in the context of war. Judith Butler

The operations of the federal government will be most extensive and important in times of war
and danger; those of the state governments, in times of peace and security. James Madison

The only thing that kept the Cold War cold was the mutual deterrence afforded by nuclear
weapons. Chung Mong-joon

I do not believe that the men who served in uniform in Vietnam have been given the credit they
deserve. It was a difficult war against an unorthodox enemy. William Westmoreland

We won the Cold War because we showed nuclear vigilance and diligence. Chuck Fleischmann

A book is a fragile creature, it suffers the wear of time, it fears rodents, the elements and clumsy
hands. so the librarian protects the books not only against mankind but also against nature and
devotes his life to this war with the forces of oblivion. Umberto Eco

My dad was in the army. World War II. He got his college education from the army. After World
War II he became an insurance salesman. Really, I didn't know my dad very well. He and my
mother split up after the war. I was raised by my maternal grandmother and grandfather, and by
my mother. Al Pacino

The government has a history of not treating people fairly, from the internment of Japanese
Americans in World War II to African-Americans in the Civil Rights era. Rand Paul

I read everything that Tolkien wrote, and also read biographies of him. I was fascinated by his
experiences in World War I, which includes the loss of life of some of his very, very close
friends. I think he writes about that a lot in 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings.' Richard C.

It is important to emphasize that guerrilla warfare is a war of the masses, a war of the people.
The guerrilla band is an armed nucleus, the fighting vanguard of the people. It draws its great
force from the mass of the people themselves. Che Guevara

The Gulf War is responsible for the huge and horrifying rise in Islamic terrorism. Pierre Salinger

From the preemptive strike that destroyed Egypt's air force during the Six-Day War, to the
daring raid on Entebbe, to using all available means to slow the Iranian nuclear program, Israelis
have combined strength with ingenuity to keep the country's enemies at bay. Ted Deutch

The Vietnam War was causing people to get drafted; I had received a deferment to finish my
undergraduate education, and in order to continue to get a deferment, you had to go to graduate
school. Robert Shapiro

Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel
an invasion,and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary
for such purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure. Abraham Lincoln

Just as much as the United States mattered to cotton, cotton mattered to the United States. Cotton
reinvigorated slavery, established the young nation's place in the global economy, and eventually
helped create the political and economic conflicts that resulted in civil war. Greg Grandin

In Britain and Europe, no event is less forgotten than World War I, or 'The Great War,' as it was
called until 1939. Michael Korda

As history has repeatedly proven, one trade tariff begets another, then another - until you've got a
full-blown trade war. No one ever wins, and consumers always get screwed. Mark McKinnon

Today we know that World War II began not in 1939 or 1941 but in the 1920's and 1930's when
those who should have known better persuaded themselves that they were not their brother's
keeper. Hubert H. Humphrey

We learned in World War II that no single nation holds a monopoly on wisdom, morality or right
to power, but that we must fight for the weak and promote democracy. Joe Baca

In battle it is the cowards who run the most risk; bravery is a rampart of defense. Sallust

The tragedy of America is that it entered all the wars with a consensus in favor of them, but
within a defined period, the legitimacy of the war became a major domestic issue, with some
people arguing that withdrawal was the only legitimate objective. Henry Kissinger

I saw Kuwait many times before the war. I remember it as a beautiful place, full of very nice
people, and it's a tragedy to see that somebody could set out to deliberately destroy a country the
way the Iraqis have. Norman Schwarzkopf

I am a Quaker. And as everyone knows, Quakers, for 300 years, have, on conscientious ground,
been against participating in war. I was sentenced to three years in federal prison because I could
not religiously and conscientiously accept killing my fellow man. Bayard Rustin

The threat today is not that of the 1930s. It's not big powers going to war with each other. The
ravages which fundamentalist political ideology inflicted on the 20th century are memories. The
Cold war is over. Europe is at peace, if not always diplomatically. Tony Blair

Humanity should question itself, once more, about the absurd and always unfair phenomenon of
war, on whose stage of death and pain only remain standing the negotiating table that could and
should have prevented it. Pope John Paul II

The only winner in the War of 1812 was Tchaikovsky. Solomon Short

If you persist in your purpose of secession, there will be war - a bloody and cruel war. Not only
will the North fight, but she will also triumph. The experiment of secession will fail, and the
South, in ruin and desolation, will bitterly repent the day when she attempted to overthrow a wise
and beneficent government. Ambrose Burnside

As someone who has seen war first hand, and as a father of three young adults, it was my hope
that we could have resolved this conflict and disarmed Saddam Hussein without war. However,
this was not the case. Allen Boyd

War is war. Vietnam is no different from the Crusades. Michael Cimino

When you look at the startling ruins of Nuremberg, you are looking at a result of the war. When
you look at the prisoners on view in the courthouse, you are looking at 22 of the causes. Janet

Our country is now geared to an arms economy bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war
hysteria and an incessant propaganda of fear. Douglas MacArthur

Reasoned arguments and suggestions which make allowance for the full difficulties of the state
of war that exists may help, and will always be listened to with respect and sympathy. Stafford

What charitable 1 percenters can't do is assume responsibility - America's national

responsibilities: the care of its sick and its poor, the education of its young, the repair of its
failing infrastructure, the repayment of its staggering war debts. Stephen King

Ever since World War I, superior force is no longer measured in terms of men or horses, but in
the means to wreak destruction. Saul David

Yesterday, we fought wars which destroyed cities. Today, we are concerned with avoiding a war
which will destroy the earth. We can adapt atomic energy to produce electricity and move ships,
but can we control its use in anger? Robert Kennedy

Life is now a war zone, and as such, the number of people considered disposable has grown
exponentially, and this includes low income whites, poor minorities, immigrants, the
unemployed, the homeless, and a range of people who are viewed as a liability to capital and its
endless predatory quest for power and profits. Henry Giroux

Politics is almost as exciting as war, and quite as dangerous. In war you can only be killed once,
but in politics many times. Winston Churchill
I was drafted during the Korean War. None of us wanted to go... It was only a couple of years
after World War II had ended. We said, 'Wait a second? Didn't we just get through with that?'
Clint Eastwood

World War I was not inevitable, as many historians say. It could have been avoided, and it was a
diplomatically botched negotiation. Richard Holbrooke

I acquired a hunger for fairy tales in the dark days of blackout and blitz in the Second World
War. A. S. Byatt

My attitude to peace is rather based on the Burmese definition of peace - it really means
removing all the negative factors that destroy peace in this world. So peace does not mean just
putting an end to violence or to war, but to all other factors that threaten peace, such as
discrimination, such as inequality, poverty. Aung San Suu Kyi

In nuclear war all men are cremated equal. Dexter Gordon

It was my duty to shoot the enemy, and I don't regret it. My regrets are for the people I couldn't
save: Marines, soldiers, buddies. I'm not naive, and I don't romanticize war. The worst moments
of my life have come as a SEAL. But I can stand before God with a clear conscience about doing
my job. Chris Kyle

These are the things of which men think, who live: of their own selves and the dwelling place of
their fathers; of their neighbors; of work and service; of rule and reason and women and children;
of Beauty and Death and War. W. E. B. Du Bois

I asked a Burmese why women, after centuries of following their men, now walk ahead. He said
there were many unexploded land mines since the war. Robert Mueller

World War II ended the Great Depression with one of the great public-private industrial
collaborations in the history of man. Jon Meacham

I've said it before: War brings out the patriotic bullies. In World War I, they went around kicking
dachshunds on the grounds that dachshunds were 'German dogs.' They did not, however, go
around kicking German shepherds. Molly Ivins

I think NATO is a Cold War product. I think NATO historically should have shut up shop in
1990 along with the Warsaw Pact; unfortunately, it didn't. Jeremy Corbyn

You cannot be President of the United States if you don't have faith. Remember Lincoln, going
to his knees in times of trial in the Civil War and all that stuff. George H. W. Bush

Iran has basically propped up Assad, who has waged an absolute war of horror against the Syrian
people. And he has done anything he could to stay in power with the full support of the Iranians
and including Iranian troops and Hezbollah from Lebanon, which are an Iranian proxy. Hillary
When you have warfare, things happen; people suffer; the noncombatants suffer as well as the
combatants. And so it happens in civil war. Emmeline Pankhurst

When I first got back from the war, I said, 'I'm gonna write the Great American Novel about the
Vietnam War.' So I sat down and wrote 1,700 pages of sheer psychotherapy drivel. It was first
person, and there would be pages about wet socks and cold feet. Karl Marlantes

An unjust peace is better than a just war. Marcus Tullius Cicero

I'm a Canadian. Outside Canada I carry the flag. Canadian nationalism isn't as insidious as
American nationalism, though. It's good natured. It's all about maple syrup, not war. Feist

Communism is a religion that is inspired, directed and motivated by the Devil himself who has
declared war against Almighty God. Billy Graham

Let us not be deceived we are today in the midst of a cold war. Bernard Baruch

The most terrifying moment in my life was October 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I did
not know all the facts - we have learned only recently how close we were to war - but I knew
enough to make me tremble. Joseph Rotblat

Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all
that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who
lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood. George S. Patton

Black Lives Matter is the ultimate divisive movement. They aren't shy about what they don't like,
which is western civilization, capitalism, and the rule of law. They really dislike the police, and
certainly get the credit for the war between black men and police. Milo Yiannopoulos

Pearl Harbor caused our Nation to wholeheartedly commit to winning World War II, changing
the course of our Nation's history and the world's future. Joe Baca

Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war;
love is a growing up. James A. Baldwin

But in the first Gulf war the United Kingdom was not under any threat from Iraq, and is still less
so in the second one. Then there is no justification for obstructing freedom of information,
particularly as nations have a right to know what their soldiers are being used for. Kate Adie

The U.S. has since the end of World War II had an answer - we stand for free peoples and free
markets, we are willing to support and defend them - we will sustain a balance of power that
favors freedom. Condoleezza Rice

I was terrified of the Vietnam War when I was 13. I thought I was going. The draft was such an
ominous thing, I felt as if it was going to trickle down to me. Dylan McDermott
Before the war is ended, the war party assumes the divine right to denounce and silence all
opposition to war as unpatriotic and cowardly. Robert M. La Follette

War is cruelty, and none can make it gentle. Gilbert Parker

War is not an adventure. It is a disease. It is like typhus. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The United States particularly abandoned Liberia after the end of the Cold War. Russell Banks

Thus they have an idol that they petition for victory in war; another for success in their labors;
and so for everything in which they seek or desire prosperity, they have their idols, which they
honor and serve. Hernan Cortes

If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don't try to
piece together clever diplomacy but just wage a total war, our children will sing great songs
about us years from now. Richard Perle

Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-
defense against a homicidal maniac. George Orwell

The bells cease, and the power goes from me, and I descend again to the world of the living; and
if in some foolish confiding moment I try to explain why I want to re-live those old days, to tear
the Truth out of the past so that all men shall see plainly, perhaps someone will say to me, 'Oh,
the War! A tragedy - best forgotten.' Henry Williamson

All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers. Francois Fenelon

God bless and help all the victims and patriots of 9/11, from the families of Flight 93 passengers
to those who were in the Pentagon and Twin Towers as well as others who have fought and
presently fight the war on terror. Chuck Norris

If a king tries to start a war, a mother should go to him and forbid it. Henri Rousseau

The example afforded before the Great War by Germany - which, if only it had exercised
forbearance for another five or ten years, would by now be unrivaled in Europe - suggests that
the task facing us now is to build up our strength calmly and with circumspection. Isoroku

The war broke out, and for a number of years I lived in darkness, with the memory of the lakes,
the trees and the skies of Sweden, until I returned in 1946 to spend two unforgettable years in the
laboratory of Hugo Theorell. Christian de Duve

War, I have always said, forces men to change their standards, regardless of whether their
country has won or lost. Salvatore Quasimodo
The day that the balance between the two sections of the country - the slaveholding States and
the non-slaveholding States - is destroyed is a day that will not be far removed from political
revolution, anarchy, civil war, and widespread disaster. John C. Calhoun

This is the problem with modern-day feminism. It used to be about equality. Now, it's about
bashing men, asking for free stuff, and tearing down other women for refusing to play victim to
the trumped-up, B.S. 'War on Women.' Tomi Lahren

I wanted to fight in the Iraq war because I felt like I had an obligation as a human being to help
free people from oppression. Edward Snowden

War is hell. William Tecumseh Sherman

If men can develop weapons that are so terrifying as to make the thought of global war include
almost a sentence for suicide, you would think that man's intelligence and his comprehension...
would include also his ability to find a peaceful solution. Dwight D. Eisenhower

In revealing the workings of government that led to the Vietnam War, the newspapers nobly did
precisely that which the Founders hoped and trusted they would do. Hugo Black

Global war is a clash of systems, not just battalions biffing one another in some godforsaken
forest. Rick Atkinson

Organize, agitate, educate, must be our war cry. Susan B. Anthony

World War I broke out largely because of an arms race, and World War II because of the lack of
an arms race. Herman Kahn

Syria may appear to be a small country, but it is just the type of entangled conflict that can lead
to a world catastrophe. It does not take much imagination to see Syria as the Sarajevo of the 21st
century, leading to world war. Ahmed Zewail

Every nation has its war party... It is commercial, imperialistic, ruthless. It tolerates no
opposition. Robert M. La Follette

Make no mistake, adolescence is a war. No one gets out unscathed. Harlan Coben

Fortune, which has a great deal of power in other matters but especially in war, can bring about
great changes in a situation through very slight forces. Julius Caesar

The war effects me less than it ought. I can do no service to anybody by agitating for news or
making dole over the slaughter. Wilfred Owen

I don't know why you use a fancy French word like detente when there's a good English phrase
for it - cold war. Golda Meir
More than an end to war, we want an end to the beginning of all wars - yes, an end to this brutal,
inhuman and thoroughly impractical method of settling the differences between governments.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

I started to make a study of the art of war and revolution and, whilst abroad, underwent a course
in military training. If there was to be guerrilla warfare, I wanted to be able to stand and fight
with my people and to share the hazards of war with them. Nelson Mandela

All great civilizations, in their early stages, are based on success in war. Kenneth Clark

Telling us to obey instinct is like telling us to obey 'people.' People say different things: so do
instincts. Our instincts are at war... Each instinct, if you listen to it, will claim to be gratified at
the expense of the rest. C. S. Lewis

War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.
William Tecumseh Sherman

Become an internationalist and learn to respect all life. Make war on machines. And in particular
the sterile machines of corporate death and the robots that guard them. Abbie Hoffman

Abraham Lincoln spoke out against the Mexican War. But once Americans were under fire,
people who were on the fence felt obliged to support it. H. W. Brands

World War II broke out in 1939, and many people credit that war with saving the economy.
Robert Kiyosaki

Unless and until something concrete is done about addressing the Israeli-Palestinian issue you
won't get a real start on the war against terrorism. Bob Hawke

We are all tourists in history, and irony is what we win in wars. Anatole Broyard

Americans born since World War II have grown up in a media-saturated environment. From
childhood, we have developed a sort of advertising literacy, which combines appreciation for
technique with skepticism about motives. We respond to ads with at least as much rhetorical
intelligence as we apply to any other form of persuasion. Virginia Postrel

History demonstrates that previous military drawdowns invited aggression by our enemies. After
World War I, America drew down forces until the U.S. Army had fewer than 100,000 men in
uniform. That weakness invited Nazi aggression in Europe and the imperial Japanese attack at
Pearl Harbor. Frank Gaffney

Don't settle; don't compromise. Freeze your eggs, get your sociology doctorate, worry more
about war and pestilence and the incredible inequality of geographical birth than finding your
soulmate. Nia Vardalos

When I was a kid, I had two nightmares: one was nuclear war, and the other was that my parents
would get a divorce; and when I was twenty, they split up, and I just felt like I needed to confront
all those things that scared me as a kid - entering young adulthood and trying to have
relationships. Derek Cianfrance

After two world wars, the collapse of fascism, nazism, communism and colonialism and the end
of the cold war, humanity has entered a new phase of its history. Hans Kung

It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms
economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon
an incessant propaganda of fear. Douglas MacArthur

BRAC originated in the 1960s under President Kennedy as the Department of Defense (DOD)
had to realign its base structure after World War II and the Korean War. At that time, the DOD
was able to close bases without congressional interference, and 60 bases were closed in the
1960s. Sam Brownback

It is not only the living who are killed in war. Isaac Asimov

We can't allow any war for imperialism or greed to be fought in our names. This is what we need
to keep fighting for. Cindy Sheehan

Even with the best intentions, you can have a nuclear war, a nuclear holocaust, through
miscalculation, through accidents. Mohamed ElBaradei

War may be made by one party, but it requires two to make peace. John C. Calhoun

Serbia will neither allow a revision of history, nor will it forget who are the main culprits in
World War I. Ivica Dacic

They are patriotic in time of war because it is to their interest to be so, but in time of peace they
follow power and the dollar wherever they may lead. Henry A. Wallace

We should keep on going along the path of globalization. Globalization is good... when trade
stops, war comes. Jack Ma

Remember that politics, colonialism, imperialism and war also originate in the human brain.
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran

The main American naval forces were shifted to the Pacific region and an American admiral
made a strong declaration to the effect that if war were to break out between Japan and the
United States, the Japanese navy could be sunk in a matter of weeks. Hideki Tojo

We all want a world without war, without conflict, without human suffering. Jeremy Gilley

Americans play to win at all times. I wouldn't give a hoot and hell for a man who lost and
laughed. That's why Americans have never lost nor ever lose a war. George S. Patton
I remember the youth movement in 1968. It started on American university campuses as a protest
against the Vietnam war, then came to Paris, Frankfurt and Berlin. Within a year, you had an
uprising of youth against their elders. Helmut Schmidt

I am never going to have anything more to do with politics or politicians. When this war is over I
shall confine myself entirely to writing and painting. Winston Churchill

The drug war has been a war where the direct casualties have primarily been America's poor;
America's minorities; and often, unfortunately, America's vulnerable, in terms of people with
disease and addiction and mental health. Cory Booker

This gulf war syndrome thing is truly unfortunate, and I've met some of the vets who have this.
These are my guys, and I feel terrible about it. Norman Schwarzkopf

I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps
two-thirds of the people of the earth will be killed. Albert Einstein

The war on drugs is wrong, both tactically and morally. It assumes that people are too stupid, too
reckless, and too irresponsible to decide whether and under what conditions to consume drugs.
The war on drugs is morally bankrupt. Larry Elder

It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war. John F. Kennedy

Only the most deluded of us could doubt the necessity of this war. John McCain

After the Civil War, when blacks fought along whites to secure freedom for all, southern states
enacted Black Codes, laws that restricted the civil rights and liberties of blacks. Central to the
enforcement of these laws were the stiff penalties for blacks possessing firearms. Niger Innis

Alfred Nobel's discoveries are characteristic; powerful explosives can help men perform
admirable tasks. They are also a means to terrible destruction in the hands of the great criminals
who lead peoples to war. Pierre Curie

For what can war, but endless war, still breed? John Milton

A cosmic war is like a ritual drama in which participants act out on Earth a battle they believe is
actually taking place in the heavens. Reza Aslan

Only the person who has experienced light and darkness, war and peace, rise and fall, only that
person has truly experienced life. Stefan Zweig

In a world of inhumanity, war and terrorism, American citizenship is a very precious possession.
Phyllis Schlafly

Wars have never hurt anybody except the people who die. Salvador Dali
Alas, nothing reveals man the way war does. Nothing so accentuates in him the beauty and
ugliness, the intelligence and foolishness, the brutishness and humanity, the courage and
cowardice, the enigma. Oriana Fallaci

War is at its best barbarism. William Tecumseh Sherman

Diplomats are just as essential to starting a war as soldiers are for finishing it... You take
diplomacy out of war, and the thing would fall flat in a week. Will Rogers

Fifty years after half a million gypsies were exterminated in the Second World War - thousands
of them in Auschwitz - we're again preparing the mass killing of this minority. Antonio Tabucchi

Developments in information technology and globalised media mean that the most powerful
military in the history of the world can lose a war, not on the battlefield of dust and blood, but on
the battlefield of world opinion. Timothy Garton Ash

Virtually every society that survived did so by socializing its sons to be disposable. Disposable in
war; disposable in work. We need warriors and volunteer firefighters, so we label these men
heroes. Warren Farrell

Why should Americans on the DMZ be among the first to die in a second Korean War? Should
the North attack the South, could we not honor our treaty obligations with air and naval power
offshore? Pat Buchanan

Be skeptical of concepts that divorce war from its political nature, particularly those that promise
fast, cheap victory through technology. H. R. McMaster

Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war that we know
about peace, more about killing that we know about living. Omar N. Bradley

In the First World War, there was the sudden passion of nationalism, and the killing took place
because of these emotions. But the Soviet case is different, because you had systematic murder,
like the Holocaust. Ryszard Kapuscinski

The war against terrorism is a war against those who engage in torture. Ed Markey

Our only president who has died as U.S. commander in chief in war is Franklin Delano
Roosevelt - who died of a cerebral hemorrhage or massive stroke on April 12, 1945, only three
weeks before the unconditional surrender of the German armed forces he had laid down as
implacable Allied policy two years before. Nigel Hamilton

War is not merely a political act but a real political instrument, a continuation of political
intercourse, a carrying out of the same by other means. Carl von Clausewitz

If there is no sufficient reason for war, the war party will make war on one pretext, then invent
another... after the war is on. Robert M. La Follette

Wars can be prevented just as surely as they can be provoked, and we who fail to prevent them,
must share the guilt for the dead. Omar N. Bradley

Every war results from the struggle for markets and spheres of influence, and every war is sold to
the public by professional liars and totally sincere religious maniacs, as a Holy Crusade to save
God and Goodness from Satan and Evil. Robert Anton Wilson

When they are preparing for war, those who rule by force speak most copiously about peace until
they have completed the mobilization process. Stefan Zweig

In modern war... you will die like a dog for no good reason. Ernest Hemingway

An army marches on its stomach. Napoleon Bonaparte

When all the world is overcharged with inhabitants, then the last remedy of all is war, which
provideth for every man, by victory or death. Thomas Hobbes

The Confederate flag was the flag of the American South during the civil war. It was the flag of
people who were fighting against their own government in an attempt to retain slavery. It was the
flag of people who thought slavery was no problem, who thought slavery was a good thing. John

I went home one night and told my dad that an older kid was picking on me. My Dad, a Korean
War vet and a Chicago cop for 30 years, told me, 'You better pick up a brick and hit him in the
head.' That's when I thought, 'Wow, I'm going to have to start dealing with things in a different
way.' Steve Wilkos

The surest way to prevent war is not to fear it. John Randolph

I was born during the war and grew up in a time of rationing. We didn't have anything. It's
influenced the way I look at the world. Vivienne Westwood

War is not an exercise of the will directed at an inanimate matter. Carl von Clausewitz

It was a requirement by the veterans to list the 57,000 names. We're reaching a time that we'll
acknowledge the individual in a war on a national level. Maya Lin

My own early experiences in war led me to suspect the value of discipline, even in that sphere
where it is so often regarded as the first essential for success. Herbert Read

Ants are so much like human beings as to be an embarrassment. They farm fungi, raise aphids as
livestock, launch armies into war, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, capture
slaves, engage in child labour, exchange information ceaselessly. They do everything but watch
television. Lewis Thomas
In 1953, after the armistice ending the Korean War, South Korea lay in ruins. President
Eisenhower was eager to put an end to hostilities that had left his predecessor deeply unpopular,
and the war ended in an uneasy stalemate. Noah Feldman

All warfare is based on deception. Unknown

Empathy is really the opposite of spiritual meanness. It's the capacity to understand that every
war is both won and lost. And that someone else's pain is as meaningful as your own. Barbara

Let us recollect that peace or war will not always be left to our option; that however moderate or
unambitious we may be, we cannot count upon the moderation, or hope to extinguish the
ambition of others. Alexander Hamilton

We cannot have peace if we are only concerned with peace. War is not an accident. It is the
logical outcome of a certain way of life. If we want to attack war, we have to attack that way of
life. A. J. Muste

The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own
readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we
have made our position unassailable. Sun Tzu

Every time I come to the States, I wish people would react to war like they react to tobacco, for
example. Because war really kills in a second lots of people, thousands of people. Diego Luna

Causes of Civil War are also, that the Wealth of the Nation is in too few mens hands, and that no
certain means are provided to keep all men from a necessity either to beg, or steal, or be
Souldiers. William Petty

God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, surfeit and hunger. Heraclitus

There were three causes that accounted for the proclamation of martial law in Poland. First it was
the progressing economic ruin of the country. Second, it was the decomposition of the
functioning of the state. And third, a threat of a civil war. Wojciech Jaruzelski

Let it be remembered, too, that at a time of war, nearly every one is under great strain. William
Lyon Mackenzie King

The First World War was a horror of gas, industrialised slaughter, fear, and appalling human
suffering. Nick Harkaway

Happiness is a byproduct of function, purpose, and conflict; those who seek happiness for itself
seek victory without war. William S. Burroughs

War is something of man's own fostering, and if all mankind renounces it, then it is no longer
there. A. A. Milne

I saw courage both in the Vietnam War and in the struggle to stop it. I learned that patriotism
includes protest, not just military service. John F. Kerry

But Gulf War Syndrome is not one cause, not one illness. It is many causes, many illnesses.
Christopher Shays

It's essentially taught in high school and college survey courses as an item on a timeline: 'The
Lusitania was sunk; the U.S. gets into World War I'. Erik Larson

I don't know if music has ever achieved anything past appealing to the people that it appeals to.
If a song could stop a war, then Bob Marley and Bob Dylan songs would have stopped one or
two. Henry Rollins

I worked night and day for twelve years to prevent the war, but I could not. The North was mad
and blind, would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came. Jefferson Davis

The Cold War was wildly expensive and consumed the entire globe. David Remnick

War is the statesman's game, the priest's delight, the lawyer's jest, the hired assassin's trade.
Percy Bysshe Shelley

You can't say civilization don't advance... in every war they kill you in a new way. Will Rogers

Sometimes people ask me why I began perestroika. Were the causes basically domestic or
foreign? The domestic reasons were undoubtedly the main ones, but the danger of nuclear war
was so serious that it was a no less significant factor. Mikhail Gorbachev

The whole art of war consists of guessing at what is on the other side of the hill. Arthur

We as the governments, workers, employers and civil society must declare a war on child labour.
This war cannot be won without strong, committed, coherent, and well-resourced worldwide
movement. Equally needed is a genuine and active coordination between intergovernmental
agencies at the highest level. Kailash Satyarthi

Hiroshima has become a metaphor not just for nuclear war but for war and destruction and
violence toward civilians. It's not just the idea we should not use nuclear arms. We should not
start another war because it's madness. Max von Sydow

Humans are the big thing that cause damage in life - in war or whatever - and if I can get away
from that and into a wilderness situation, I'm OK. You can more or less live on your own merit.
Gary Paulsen

The Vietnam War was a great tragedy for our country. And it is now far enough away so that one
can study without using the slogans to see what's really happened. Henry Kissinger

Monarchs ought to put to death the authors and instigators of war, as their sworn enemies and as
dangers to their states. Elizabeth I

'Troy' is an adaptation of the Trojan War myth in its entirety, not 'The Iliad' alone. 'The Iliad'
begins with the quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon over the slave girl Briseis nine years
into the war. The equivalent scene occurs halfway through my script. David Benioff

America lost its face with the debacle of the Vietnam War. Tiny Tim

When General Allenby conquered Jerusalem during World War I, he was hailed in the American
press as Richard the Lion-Hearted, who had at last won the Crusades and driven the pagans out
of the Holy Land. Noam Chomsky

The Sangh Parivar, against which I had been waging a war, misled the people. My opponents
used the Election Commission and the bureaucracy to win a political battle. Lalu Prasad Yadav

Fascism is a worldwide disease. Its greatest threat to the United States will come after the war,
either via Latin America or within the United States itself. Henry A. Wallace

I would say it's human nature to be ignorant and go straight to war, but 'Sense8' tries to
illuminate the positive side of humanity. Max Riemelt

I am but one member of a vast team made up of many organizations, officials, thousands of
scientists, and millions of farmers - mostly small and humble - who for many years have been
fighting a quiet, oftentimes losing war on the food production front. Norman Borlaug

There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas, announced in January to the
Republican leadership that war was going to take place and was going to be good politically.
This whole thing was a fraud. Edward Kennedy

We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analysing possible causes, by trying
to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will. Neville Chamberlain

War has traditionally been a man's work, although we know that often women were the cause of
violence. Betty Williams

War grows out of the desire of the individual to gain advantage at the expense of his fellow man.
Napoleon Hill

When I was a child in England before the war, Christmas pudding always contained at least one
shiny new sixpence, and it was considered a sign of great good luck for the new year to find one
in your helping of the pudding. Michael Korda

During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that
conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man. Thomas Hobbes

As long as tides of war are in our favor, the United States will never stop fighting. As a
consequence, the war will continue for several years, during which materiel will be exhausted,
vessels and arms will be damaged, and they can be replaced only with great difficulties. Isoroku

In time of war, truth is always replaced by propaganda. Charles Lindbergh

In times of conflict, our citizens have always been able to rise to the challenge. Maybe no greater
example of that ability is found during the onset of World War II. Chuck Norris

Your grandfather is and will always be your hero, your inspiration. He fought in World War II,
came home to Little Rock, Arkansas, and worked for 50 years as a mailman in the segregated
south. Not once did he get a job promotion in five decades. But he kept working all the same.
David Robinson

I had known Colonel Charlie Flynn since he was a lieutenant 23 years earlier, and I remembered
how his first child, Molly, had been born while Charlie was deployed to the first Gulf War.
Stanley A. McChrystal

There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare. Sun Tzu

Even philosophers will praise war as ennobling mankind, forgetting the Greek who said: 'War is
bad in that it begets more evil than it kills.' Immanuel Kant

There was never a good war, or a bad peace. Benjamin Franklin

Dropping those atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a war crime. George Wald

My home policy: I wage war; my foreign policy: I wage war. All the time I wage war. Georges

It is good that war is so horrible, or we might grow to like it. Robert E. Lee

War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never
a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children. Jimmy

The great leaders of the second world war alliance, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill,
understood the twin sides of destruction and salvation. Their war aims were not only to defeat
fascism, but to create a world of shared prosperity. Jeffrey Sachs

I have seen enough of one war never to wish to see another. Thomas Jefferson

If we are to assume that North Korea becomes a nuclear-power state, of course the danger of
having an all-out nuclear war, that possibility is very slim. Lee Myung-bak

The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both
bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political
and economic opportunists. Ernest Hemingway

The Vietnam War totally turned my life around. Some people's lives were eliminated or
destroyed by the experience. I was one of the fortunate few who came out better off. Craig

The constitution vests the power of declaring war in Congress; therefore no offensive expedition
of importance can be undertaken until after they shall have deliberated upon the subject and
authorized such a measure. George Washington

A lasting order cannot be established by bayonets. Ludwig von Mises

The barn doors are open, and the horses are running out because we've got guns all over the
place. It's basically a cold war for individuals: you've got a nuclear bomb, and I've got a nuclear
bomb, and the only thing stopping us from using them is the fact we both have them. Jeff

While immensely beneficial to Seoul, is this U.S. guarantee to fight Korean War II, 64 years
after the first, wise? Russia, China and Japan retain the freedom to decide whether and how to
react, should war break out. Why do we not? Pat Buchanan

Geopolitical drama lessened but did not die after the Cold War; in 2008, the specter of thousands
of seeming automatons banging drums at the opening of the Beijing Games frightened and
enthralled the world, reminding us that China was a nation on the rise, a competitor for global
dominance. Ben Shapiro

We have a war dictator who was not elected, he snuck in. so he punishes people that threaten him
in any way, or even say something he doesn't like. It has no resemblance to democracy. Joni

Let's not let cartoonists get involved in a war of any kind, except for a war against stupidity.
Patrick Chappatte

Donald Trump's candidacy has been a source of anxiety for many reasons, but one stands out: the
ability of the president to launch nuclear weapons. When it comes to starting a nuclear war, the
president has more freedom than he or she does in, say, ordering the use of torture. Lawrence M.

No matter how many people you kill, using a machine gun in battle is not a war crime because it
does not cause unnecessary suffering; it simply performs its job horrifyingly well. Sebastian
When the peace treaty is signed, the war isn't over for the veterans, or the family. It's just
starting. Karl Marlantes

Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism
than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience.
Thomas Merton

People have a very political way of looking at war, and that's understandable. Phil Klay

War is the unfolding of miscalculations. Barbara Tuchman

I used to think that the Civil War was our country's greatest tragedy, but I do remember that there
were some redeeming features in the Civil War in that there was some spirit of sacrifice and
heroism displayed on both sides. I see no redeeming features in Watergate. Sam Ervin

I hated the draft, but at the same time, it's something that made every American take war
seriously. Tim O'Brien

We've persevered because of a belief we share with the Iraqi people - a belief that out of the
ashes of war, a new beginning could be born in this cradle of civilization. Through this
remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq, we have met our responsibility.
Now, it's time to turn the page. Barack Obama

Jokes are better than war. Even the most aggressive jokes are better than the least aggressive
wars. Even the longest jokes are better than the shortest wars. George Mikes

As a child growing up during the Korean War, I knew poverty. I studied by candlelight. Ban Ki-

One nuclear war is going to be the last nuclear - the last war, frankly, if it really gets out of hand.
And I just don't think we ought to be prepared to accept that sort of thing. Lawrence Eagleburger

Richard Dreyfuss, when we were doing 'American Graffiti,' was pumping me to vote for
McGovern. But I think I wound up going for Nixon. I thought he could get us out of the Vietnam
War quickly. Ha. Ron Howard

A pint of sweat, saves a gallon of blood. George S. Patton

The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by
small children and large nations. David Friedman

Harry Truman's decision to fire Douglas MacArthur at the height of the Korean War in April
1951 shocked the American political system and astonished the world. Much of the world didn't
realize the president had the power to fire a five-star general; much of America didn't realize
Truman had the nerve. H. W. Brands
No one hates war like a soldier hates war. Tommy Franks

What's so touching is the way we fight the war right until the moment our business is taken care
of and then we turn on a dime and we immediately start taking care of people. It's like a shock
and aw shucks campaign. Dennis Miller

What they could do with 'round here is a good war. What else can you expect with peace running
wild all over the place? You know what the trouble with peace is? No organization. Bertolt

If you want to fight a war on drugs, sit down at your own kitchen table and talk to your own
children. Barry McCaffrey

I believe that the war on drugs is a tragically misplaced use of resources - an immoral venture
that produces far more suffering than it alleviates. David Harsanyi

I worry a bit about the unknowns when it comes to travelers to the war zones in Syria and Iraq.
Who don't I see? And I worry about the people who may be in their basements radicalizing that I
can't see. James Comey

It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and
to the sound of trumpets. Voltaire

Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence,
confidence, justice. Baruch Spinoza

War itself is the enemy of the human race. Howard Zinn

There are two ways to fight the United States military: asymmetrically and stupid.
Asymmetrically means you're going to try to avoid our strengths. In the 1991 Gulf War, it's like
we called Saddam's army out into the schoolyard and beat up that army. H. R. McMaster

Our pre-9/11 gun laws allow our enemies in the War on Terror to arm themselves right here in
our own country. Carolyn McCarthy

If you take a book of a thousand pages on the Second World War, in which 50 million people
died, the concentration camps occupy two pages and the gas chambers ten or 15 lines, and that's
what one calls a detail. Jean-Marie Le Pen

War - An act of violence whose object is to constrain the enemy, to accomplish our will. George

The military people don't like it; the government probably doesn't like it, but the people should
know what they're sending their young people into when they permit their governments to
declare war and engage in war. Walter Cronkite
War is war. The only good human being is a dead one. George Orwell

There is always inequality in life. Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded and
some men never leave the country. Life is unfair. John F. Kennedy

War alone brings up to their highest tension all human energies and imposes the stamp of
nobility upon the peoples who have the courage to make it. Benito Mussolini

I think declaring a no fly zone over foreign soil is tantamount to an act of war. Mike Lee

Either war is obsolete, or men are. R. Buckminster Fuller

With his trademark courage and conviction, President Reagan led us out of the Cold War,
spreading his vision of freedom, resulting in the release of millions of people from the yoke of
communism. John Doolittle

After May 1940, the good times were few and far between; first there was the war, then the
capitulation, and then the arrival of the Germans, which is when the trouble started for the Jews.
Anne Frank

War is never fatal but always lost. Always lost. Gertrude Stein

We didn't start this war - the right wing did. We're tired of seeing good-paying jobs shipped
overseas. This fight is about the economy, it's about jobs and it's about rebuilding America.
James P. Hoffa

If a war started, the oil price probably would go up, as you said, maybe $5, $6 a barrel until you
saw other oil from the extra supplies that are available elsewhere coming into the world, into the
market. Daniel Yergin

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

War on terrorism reflects, in my view, a rather narrow and extremist vision of foreign policy for
a superpower and for a great democracy with genuinely idealistic traditions. Zbigniew

The war on drugs has made government more powerful, citizens less free, and hasn't helped
users or addicts. Victor Mitchell

Even during the rationing period, during World War II, we didn't have the anxiety that we'd
starve, because we grew our own potatoes, you know? And our own hogs, and our own cows and
stuff, you know. James Earl Jones

When I see the Confederate flag, I see the attempt to raise an empire in slavery. It really, really is
that simple. I don't understand how anybody with any sort of education on the Civil War can see
anything else. Ta-Nehisi Coates
Let us not forget that the European Community started as a project for peace after the terrible
Second World War. And today people take for granted the freedom to travel, to study, to work
abroad. And the citizens of one country have almost exactly the same rights as another country.
Jose Manuel Barroso

The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the
necessity of solving an existing one. Albert Einstein

We make war that we may live in peace. Aristotle

War is what happens when language fails. Margaret Atwood

I am a political prisoner. I am a political prisoner because I am a casualty of a perennial war that

is being fought between the oppressed Irish people and an alien, oppressive, unwanted regime
that refuses to withdraw from our land. Bobby Sands

Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won,
whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. Sun Tzu

It is not that I believe ideals are unimportant, even among the realities of war; but if a nation is to
survive in a hostile world, its ideals must be backed by the hard logic of military practicability.
Charles Lindbergh

It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it. Robert E. Lee

There are two problems for our species' survival - nuclear war and environmental catastrophe -
and we're hurtling towards them. Knowingly. Noam Chomsky

The sailor's life is at the best a life of danger. He pursues honor on the mountain wave and finds
it in the battle and in the storm, and never did more distinguished chivalry display itself than in
the conduct of our seamen during the late war. John Tyler

Hundreds of thousands of American servicemen and women are deployed across the world in the
war on terror. By bringing hope to the oppressed, and delivering justice to the violent, they are
making America more secure. George W. Bush

Be polite; write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
Otto von Bismarck

When we torture people, even if we win the battle, we've already lost the war for hearts and
minds. Especially our own. Dean Ornish

In the Second World War, I was a little girl. I was evacuated in my country. Yoko Ono

The Vietnam War required us to emphasize the national interest rather than abstract principles.
What President Nixon and I tried to do was unnatural. And that is why we didn't make it. Henry

A hospital alone shows what war is. Erich Maria Remarque

Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of

soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come
only to peaceful people. Jawaharlal Nehru

When you get billions in aid and your weapons resupplied and your ammunition stock
resupplied, you don't learn the lesson that war is bad and nobody wins. Abdullah II of Jordan

When we analyze this war in a materialistic way and ask when is it going to end and who will be
the winner and the loser, it means that we do not see the endgame. Bashar al-Assad

The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That's the
time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and
made your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead! George S. Patton

Oceania was at war with Eurasia; therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.
George Orwell

War should never be entered upon until every agency of peace has failed. William McKinley

I don't think immigrants are that threatening to society at all. They're just happy they've survived
some war somewhere. M.I.A.

Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die. Herbert Hoover

Yesterday, December seventh, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of
America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
We will gain the inevitable triumph, so help us God. Franklin D. Roosevelt

It was essentially for self defence that we went to war in Afghanistan and would go to war in
Iraq. Douglas Hurd

War is the domain of physical exertion and suffering. Carl von Clausewitz

'Jihad' can mean holy war to extremists, but it means struggle to the average Muslim. Feisal
Abdul Rauf

The Korean War has also show quite clearly that in a major conflict manpower is as important as
horsepower. Aly Khan

'But,' say the puling, pusillanimous cowards, 'we shall be subject to a long and bloody war if we
declare independence.' On the contrary, I affirm it the only step that can bring the contest to a
speedy and happy issue. Samuel Adams

It's an interesting combination: Having a great fear of being alone, and having a desperate need
for solitude and the solitary experience. That's always been a tug of war for me. Jodie Foster

I was a soldier in WWII. The last couple of months of the war I was actually in combat. Mel

An asteroid or a supervolcano could certainly destroy us, but we also face risks the dinosaurs
never saw: An engineered virus, nuclear war, inadvertent creation of a micro black hole, or some
as-yet-unknown technology could spell the end of us. Elon Musk

All oppression creates a state of war. Simone de Beauvoir

This war differs from other wars, in this particular. We are not fighting armies but a hostile
people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war. William
Tecumseh Sherman

Although our war on drugs must be fortified with the best laws, enforcement efforts and
resources, we would not be successful without your individual commitment to this cause. Mel

See, the 'On the Road' that came out in 1957 was censored. A lot of the honesty of it, the bitter
honesty, is in the original scroll version that came out in 2007 on the 50-year anniversary. Back
then, there was so much post-Second World War fear that was imposed on everybody - 'You
must live life this way' - and these guys were bored. Garrett Hedlund

War is so unjust and ugly that all who wage it must try to stifle the voice of conscience within
themselves. Leo Tolstoy

Peace has its victories no less than war, but it doesn't have as many monuments to unveil. Kin

When the Second World War finished, I was 23, and already I had seen enough horror to last me
a lifetime. I'd seen dreadful, dreadful things, without saying a word. So seeing horror depicted on
film doesn't affect me much. Christopher Lee

Already this war on gangs in California is taking money from universities to build prisons, and
the universities have some clout. Tom Hayden

I joined the army on my seventeenth birthday, full of the romance of war after having read a lot
of World War I British poetry and having seen a lot of post-World War II films. I thought the
romantic presentations of war influenced my joining and my presentation of war to my younger
siblings. Walter Dean Myers

Fighting a war on terrorism is like fighting against crime. We can never hope to eradicate crime,
so we shouldn't bother fighting it. Craig Bruce

I have never advocated war except as a means of peace. Ulysses S. Grant

Like Nemesis of Greek tragedy, the central problem of America after the Civil War, as before,
was the black man: those four million souls whom the nation had used and degraded, and on
whom the South had built an oligarchy similar to the colonial imperialism of today, erected on
cheap colored labor and raising raw material for manufacture. W. E. B. Du Bois

While religious tolerance is surely better than religious war, tolerance is not without its
liabilities. Our fear of provoking religious hatred has rendered us incapable of criticizing ideas
that are now patently absurd and increasingly maladaptive. Sam Harris

Look at me as a man who performed works musically. Who uplift people who need upliftment,
mentally, physically, economically - all forms. Who told the people to live with love 'cause only
love can conquer war, and to understand themselves so that they can understand others. Gregory

Total war is no longer war waged by all members of one national community against all those of
another. It is total... because it may well involve the whole world. Jean-Paul Sartre

It was a superb agreement to end a war, but a very bad agreement to make a state. From now on,
we have to part company with Dayton and try to build a modern democratic state, for which I
have tried to lay the foundations. Paddy Ashdown

When human beings live together, conflict is inevitable. War is not. Daisaku Ikeda

There are two things which a democratic people will always find very difficult - to begin a war
and to end it. Alexis de Tocqueville

War never takes a wicked man by chance, the good man always. Sophocles

There was a belief after World War I that painting could be an act of civil revolt. I want this
exhibition, 'New Museum,' to be an act of civil disobedience. It's not so much about the New
Museum on the Bowery, but the idea of challenging museums as projections of cultural
authority. It's painting as insurgency. Richard Phillips

Terrorism has become the systematic weapon of a war that knows no borders or seldom has a
face. Jacques Chirac

The Korean war has always been an unpopular war among the American people. Paul Robeson

I grew up on what everybody called a plantation - but believe me, it wasn't a plantation. It was
just an old farm. I grew up with a lot of black people working in the fields, and it was during the
Depression between 1930 and the war, so we were all poor - black and white. Sam Phillips
Oh, sure, we have another world war coming, and another great depression, but where are the
leaders this time? Kurt Vonnegut

Americans who have parents raised during the Great Depression or World War II understand
how drastically things have changed on the home front. My father did not care a whit whether I
liked him, and it would have been unthinkable for him to pick up my stuff. There were rules in
the house, and they were enforced. Bill O'Reilly

We have but one flag, one country; let us stand together. We may differ in color, but not in
sentiment. Many things have been said about me which are wrong, and which white and black
persons here, who stood by me through the war, can contradict. Nathan Bedford Forrest

To be a good reporter, writing about war, you have to write about the people. It's not about the
tanks or the RPGs or military strategy. It's always about the effect war has on civilians, on
society, and how it disrupts and destroys lives. Janine di Giovanni

As history since Hiroshima shows, the best, perhaps the only, way to curb war is to deter it with
such overwhelming force as to turn it from a struggle into suicide. Martin Van Creveld

I broke down while at Oxford, was rejected by a record number of medical tribunals during the
War, and finally got permission to leave Oxford and do civilian work till the War ended. Leonard
Alfred George Strong

Since the Korean War, U.S. and South Korea have established an enduring friendship with
shared interests, such as denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, combating aggression abroad and
developing our economies. Charles B. Rangel

The war has developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage. Hirohito

From the moment this war began, there was, for this state, only one policy possible, neutrality.
Eamon de Valera

When the war was in progress, England and France agreed wholeheartedly with the Fourteen
Points. As soon as the war was won, England, France, and Italy tried to frustrate Wilson's
program because it was in conflict with their imperialist policies. As a consequence, the Peace
Treaty was one of the most unequal treaties ever negotiated in history. Sun Yat-sen

My father was a Japanese prisoner of war, a survivor of the Thai-Burma Death Railway, built by
a quarter of a million slave labourers in 1943. Between 100,000 and 200,000 died. Richard

War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to
profit from it. George Orwell

You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war. Napoleon
If you want to go anywhere in modern war, in the air, on the sea, on the land, you must have
command of the air. William Halsey

As the only woman, I was able to sit with the officers in front, with a glass of vodka in one hand
and a cucumber in the other. That's how I went to my first war. Asne Seierstad

In the scriptures, 'peace' means either freedom from strife, contention, conflict, or war, or an
inner calm and comfort born of the Spirit that is a gift of God to all of his children, an assurance
and serenity within a person's heart. Joseph B. Wirthlin

The negative effects of combat were nightmares, and I'd get jumpy around certain noises and
stuff, but you'd have that after a car accident or a bad divorce. Life's filled with trauma. You
don't need to go to war to find it; it's going to find you. We all deal with it, and the effects go
away after awhile. At least they did for me. Sebastian Junger

However, while the Nazi barbarians and their collaborators threatened the entire world, I could
not accept his philosophy and, after several earlier attempts, was finally accepted into the
Canadian Infantry Corps during the last year of World War II. Walter Kohn

War's stupid. Nobody wins. You might as well talk first; you have to talk last anyway. Henry

War continues to divide people, to change them forever, and I write about it both because I want
people to understand the absolute futility of war, the 'pity of war' as Wilfred Owen called it.
Michael Morpurgo

6,000 people were killed, crippled, and wounded during the War of Independence. The economy
was devastated - there was no milk, just milk powder. No eggs, but egg powder. Meat was only
once a week. Yitzhak Navon

Shortly after Pearl Harbor, FDR committed a most visionary act: He appointed a Harvard
historian to write the official account of the U.S. Navy in World War II. Samuel Eliot Morison
was given the rank of lieutenant commander, with the right to interview anyone of whatever
status. Alistair Horne

A democracy which makes or even effectively prepares for modern, scientific war must
necessarily cease to be democratic. No country can be really well prepared for modern war
unless it is governed by a tyrant, at the head of a highly trained and perfectly obedient
bureaucracy. Aldous Huxley

There are only two sides to this question. Every man must be for the United States or against it.
There can be no neutrals in this war; only patriots and traitors. Stephen Douglas

You can't make war in the Middle East without Egypt and you can't make peace without Syria.
Henry Kissinger
Many foolish people believe that nuclear war cannot happen, because there can be no winner.
However, the American war planners, who elevated U.S. nuclear weapons from a retaliatory role
to a pre-emptive first strike function, obviously do not agree that nuclear war cannot be won.
Paul Craig Roberts

In the 1930s one was aware of two great evils - mass unemployment and the threat of war. James

Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come. Carl Sandburg

No event in American history is more misunderstood than the Vietnam War. It was misreported
then, and it is misremembered now. Richard M. Nixon

Do not try to do too much with your own hands. Better the Arabs do it tolerably than you do it
perfectly. It is their war, and you are to help them, not to win it for them. T. E. Lawrence

Many people in Europe and the U.S. dispute the thesis that we are living through a clash of
civilisations between Islam and the west. But a radical minority of Muslims firmly believes that
Islam is under siege, and is committed to winning the holy war it has declared against the West.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali

My child, you are going to be a great king; do not imitate me in the taste I have had for building,
or in that I have had for war; try, on the contrary, to be at peace with your neighbors. Louis XIV

'Pears like my heart go flutter, flutter, and then they may say, 'Peace, Peace,' as much as they
likes - I know it's goin' to be war! Harriet Tubman

Segregation was a burden for many blacks, because the end of the civil war and the amendments
added to the constitution elevated expectations beyond reality in some respects. Ed Smith

Can anything be stupider than that a man has the right to kill me because he lives on the other
side of a river and his ruler has a quarrel with mine, though I have not quarrelled with him?
Blaise Pascal

Not by the forces of civil war can you govern the very weakest woman. You can kill that woman,
but she escapes you then; you cannot govern her. No power on earth can govern a human being,
however feeble, who withholds his or her consent. Emmeline Pankhurst

Wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Have you ever thought that war is a madhouse and that everyone in the war is a patient? Oriana
They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war,
there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason.
Ernest Hemingway
This war is not necessary. We are truly sleepwalking through history. Robert Byrd

The woman power of this nation can be the power which makes us whole and heals the rotten
community, now so shattered by war and poverty and racism. I have great faith in the power of
women who will dedicate themselves whole-heartedly to the task of remaking our society.
Coretta Scott King

The most important thing in our war preparations is to teach all our people to hate U.S.
imperialism. Otherwise, we will not be able to defeat the U.S. imperialists who boast of their
technological superiority. Kim Il-sung

But when will our leaders learn - war is not the answer. Helen Thomas

War is the science of destruction. John Abbott

Before the Civil War, Canada was at the top of the underground railroad. If you made it into
Canada, you were safe unless someone came and hauled you back. That was also true during the
Vietnam War for draft resisters. Margaret Atwood

When I was six, the Korean War broke out, and all the classrooms were destroyed by war. We
studied under the trees or in whatever buildings were left. Ban Ki-moon

Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. John F. Kennedy

To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace. George

The object of government in peace and in war is not the glory of rulers or of races, but the
happiness of common man. William Beveridge

Let us wage a moral and political war against the billionaires and corporate leaders, on Wall
Street and elsewhere, whose policies and greed are destroying the middle class of America.
Bernie Sanders

War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation
and prestige that the warrior does today. John F. Kennedy

Running for President is physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually the most demanding
single undertaking I can envisage unless it's World War III. Walter F. Mondale

It is well known that in war, the first casualty is truth - that during any war truth is forsaken for
propaganda. Harry Browne

The Cold War isn't thawing; it is burning with a deadly heat. Communism isn't sleeping; it is, as
always, plotting, scheming, working, fighting. Richard M. Nixon
The idea that a war can be won by standing on the defensive and waiting for the enemy to attack
is a dangerous fallacy, which owes its inception to the desire to evade the price of victory.
Douglas Haig

In war, you can only be killed once, but in politics, many times. Winston Churchill

A visitor from Mars could easily pick out the civilized nations. They have the best implements of
war. Herbert V. Prochnow

I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its
futility, its stupidity. Dwight D. Eisenhower

My first direct encounter with the military was when I joined ROTC as a graduate student,
although my father, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps, can trace the military service in our
family all the way back to the Revolutionary War. Tammy Duckworth

Experience has shown how deeply the seeds of war are planted by economic rivalry and social
injustice. Harry S Truman

What is the use of physicians like myself trying to help parents to bring up children healthy and
happy, to have them killed in such numbers for a cause that is ignoble? Benjamin Spock

War means blind obedience, unthinking stupidity, brutish callousness, wanton destruction, and
irresponsible murder. Alexander Berkman

We had good white friends who advised us against taking the war path. My friend and brother,
Mr. Chapman, told us just how the war would end. Chief Joseph

Don't forget what I discovered that over ninety percent of all national deficits from 1921 to 1939
were caused by payments for past, present, and future wars. Franklin D. Roosevelt

What gunpowder did for war the printing press has done for the mind. Wendell Phillips

In early 1993, when I was 12, I was separated from my family as the Sierra Leone civil war,
which began two years earlier, came into my life. Ishmael Beah

The grim fact is that we prepare for war like precocious giants, and for peace like retarded
pygmies. Lester B. Pearson

Bad things do happen in the world, like war, natural disasters, disease. But out of those situations
always arise stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Daryn Kagan

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the United States embarked on a new relationship with
death, entering into a civil war that proved bloodier than any other conflict in American history,
a war that would presage the slaughter of World War I's Western Front and the global carnage of
the twentieth century. Drew Gilpin Faust

Be convinced that to be happy means to be free and that to be free means to be brave. Therefore
do not take lightly the perils of war. Thucydides

We owe our World War II veterans - and all our veterans - a debt we can never fully repay. Doc

War is never a lasting solution for any problem. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

There will always be a place for us somewhere, somehow, as long as we see to it that working
people fight for everything they have, everything they hope to get, for dignity, equality,
democracy, to oppose war and to bring to the world a better life. Harry Bridges

Do not hide behind utopian logic which says that until we have the perfect security environment,
nuclear disarmament cannot proceed. This is old-think. This is the mentality of the Cold War era.
We must face the realities of the 21st century. The Conference on Disarmament can be a driving
force for building a safer world and a better future. Ban Ki-moon

The time not to become a father is eighteen years before a war. E. B. White

Since the end of the Cold War, America has been grasping left and right for an identity. Matt

The Iraq war was not necessary. Scott McClellan

I have many times asked myself whether there can be more potent advocates of peace upon earth
through the years to come than this massed multitude of silent witnesses to the desolation of war.
King George V

War makes thieves and peace hangs them. George Herbert

There's something about being amid the chaos and the horror of a war that makes you appreciate
all you don't have - and all you may lose forever. Tim O'Brien

My father Ted fought in North Africa, Italy, and Germany during World War II. My grandfather
survived the horrors of the trenches in World War I. I truly believe that one of the E.U.'s greatest
achievements is that it has kept its members out of conflict in Europe. Richard Branson

On average, drug prisoners spend more time in federal prison than rapists, who often get out on
early release because of the overcrowding in prison caused by the Drug War. Michael Badnarik

Few Americans born after the Civil War know much about war. Real war. War that seeks you
out. War that arrives on your doorstep - not once in a blue moon, but once a month or a week or
a day. Nick Turse
During the Cold War, we lived in coded times when it wasn't easy and there were shades of grey
and ambiguity. John le Carre

I've played heavies for years and years and years. I was bald. I came to Hollywood. I did a play
about junk. I was a pusher, so I played pushers for years and years and years. I did war movies
and things like that. Gavin MacLeod

The Patriot Act is essential to our continued success in the war on terror here at home. Mike

A sane person doesn't think war is a good idea. Bruce Cockburn

Some people are surprised that the Republicans are waging a war on women, or that they voted
against equal pay for women. I'm not surprised at all. In some ways, it may be a good thing.
They're defending the patriarchy, which is a wounded beast! And wounded beasts are always
dangerous. Jane Fonda

The basic fact about human existence is not that it is a tragedy, but that it is a bore. It is not so
much a war as an endless standing in line. H. L. Mencken

War is a tragedy. It's not pretty, and in my opinion, there are no winners. Everybody's a victim,
from the one who's suffering pain to the person inflicting it. Edgar Ramirez

War is a racket. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are
reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. Smedley Butler

Without perestroika, the cold war simply would not have ended. But the world could not
continue developing as it had, with the stark menace of nuclear war ever present. Mikhail

It has been, after all, 11 years, more than a decade now, of defiance of U.N. resolutions by
Saddam Hussein. Every obligation that he signed onto after the Gulf War, so that he would not
be a threat to peace and security, he has ignored and flaunted. Condoleezza Rice

If men make war in slavish obedience to rules, they will fail. Ulysses S. Grant

American policy seems to be wed to a perpetual state of war. Why? History shows that the world
will always be in flux or turmoil, with different peoples competing for visibility and power. The
U.S. cannot fix the fate of every nation. Camille Paglia

Female service members are so integrated into the military, so critical and vital to all functions of
the military, from combat service support to combat support, to direct combat, that we could not
go to war as a nation - we could not defend America - without our women. Tammy Duckworth

This union has been divided in like a civil war - brother against brother - sister against sister.
And I'm pulling it together. We've already seen evidence of that in New York, in Pennsylvania,
in California. The first thing is we have to get on the same page. We have to be united in one
cause. James P. Hoffa

I covered the Vietnam War. I remember the lies that were told, the lives that were lost - and the
shock when, twenty years after the war ended, former Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara
admitted he knew it was a mistake all along. Walter Cronkite

I've seen my own blood and broken a few bones. I've been hit, which isn't an entirely bad thing,
as at least you have a glimpse of the suffering endured by the people you are photographing. And
in a sense, crumbling empires and war have been with me all my life. Don McCullin

When I grew up, in Taiwan, the Korean War was seen as a good war, where America protected
Asia. It was sort of an extension of World War II. And it was, of course, the peak of the Cold
War. People in Taiwan were generally proAmerican. The Korean War made Japan. And then the
Vietnam War made Taiwan. There is some truth to that. Ang Lee

You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war. Albert Einstein

I have not yet begun to fight! John Paul Jones

I could start a war in 30 seconds. But some countries spend 100 years trying to find peace. Just
like good manners, peace has to be learned. Sylvester Stallone

The Establishment center... has led us into the stupidest and cruelest war in all history. That war
is a moral and political disaster - a terrible cancer eating away at the soul of our nation. George

What is human warfare but just this; an effort to make the laws of God and nature take sides with
one party. Henry David Thoreau

Strangely enough, the legend of John Brown, who was clearly crazy, helped the abolitionist
cause and is thought to have precipitated the American Civil War. Justin Cartwright

The great object is that every man be armed. Patrick Henry

The earth is bountiful, and where her bounty fails, nitrogen drawn from the air will refertilize her
womb. I developed a process for this purpose in 1900. It was perfected fourteen years later under
the stress of war by German chemists. Nikola Tesla

Much of the conventional wisdom associated with Vietnam was highly inaccurate. Far from an
inevitable result of the imperative to contain communism, the war was only made possible
through lies and deceptions aimed at the American public, Congress, and members of Lyndon
Johnson's own administration. H. R. McMaster

In remembering the appalling suffering of war on both sides, we recognise how precious is the
peace we have built in Europe since 1945. Queen Elizabeth II
To most people in the U.K., indeed throughout Western Europe, space exploration is primarily
perceived as 'what NASA does'. This perception is - in many respects - a valid one. Superpower
rivalry during the Cold War ramped up U.S. and Soviet space efforts to a scale that Western
Europe had no motive to match. Martin Rees

Look at what President Kennedy managed to achieve during the Cuban missile crisis. If Bush
had been president in 1962, do you think he would have avoided a nuclear war? Bianca Jagger

By the 1950s The Novel had become a nationwide tournament. There was a magical assumption
that the end of World War II in 1945 was the dawn of a new golden age of the American Novel,
like the Hemingway-Dos Passos-Fitzgerald era after World War I. Tom Wolfe

'Call Of Duty' initially cut its teeth on World War II simulation stuff, and then we gradually
advanced to the end of the Cold War, but you can't keep doing the same thing over and over
again. And I think that because 'Call Of Duty' cut its teeth on presenting 'realism,' in quotes...
verisimilitude. David S. Goyer

It is often useful, if an enemy happens to see you, to pretend that you have not seen him. Or it
may sometimes be useful to pretend that you have other men with you. I did this once in the Boer
War when, having crept up a donga to look at a Boer fort, I was seen by the enemy, and they
came out to capture me. Robert Baden-Powell

World War II brought the Greatest Generation together. Vietnam tore the Baby Boomers apart.
Jim Webb

Morality is contraband in war. Mahatma Gandhi

One of the problems of organizing in the North, in the rich countries, is that people tend to think
- even the activists - that instant gratification is required. You constantly hear: 'Look I went to a
demonstration, and we didn't stop the war so what's the use of doing it again?' Noam Chomsky

All of my high school male teachers were WWII and/or Korean War veterans. They taught my
brothers and me the value of service to our country and reinforced what our dad had shown us
about the meaning of service. Oliver North

My daddy was a World War I pilot, and I just wanted to be able to fly like he did. Forrest Bird

If you use weapons of war to bring about peace, you're going to have more war and destruction.
Coretta Scott King

The only lesson to extract from any civil war is that it's pointless and futile and ugly, and that
there is nothing glamorous or heroic about it. There are heroes, but the causes are never heroic.
Anthony Minghella

In times of peace, the war party insists on making preparation for war. As soon as prepared for, it
insists on making war. Robert M. La Follette

The best way to solve problems and to fight against war is through dialogue. Malala Yousafzai

At the Imperial Conference on December 1, it was decided to make war against England and the
United States. Hideki Tojo

The end of the First World War had thrown Germany's youth into great turmoil. The reins of
power had fallen from the hands of a deeply disillusioned older generation, and the younger ones
drew together in larger and smaller groups to blaze new paths or, at least, to discover a new star
to steer by. Werner Heisenberg

Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed. Mao Zedong

In this first testing ground of the atomic bomb I have seen the most terrible and frightening
desolation in four years of war. It makes a blitzed Pacific island seem like an Eden. The damage
is far greater than photographs can show. Wilfred Burchett

It seems like such a terrible shame that innocent civilians have to get hurt in wars, otherwise
combat would be such a wonderfully healthy way to rid the human race of unneeded trash. Fred

Nuclear war is such an emotional subject that many people see the weapons themselves as the
common enemy of humanity. Herman Kahn

Truman is now seen as a near-great president because he put in place the containment doctrine
boosted by the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan and NATO, which historians now see as
having been at the center of American success in the cold war. Robert Dallek

There's many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory but it is all hell. William Tecumseh

I'm a war baby: I was brought up with rationing, and my parents always had to struggle. I
remember when I was sent to boarding school - Prior Park College in Bath - my father was asked
how he was going to pay the fees, and he replied: 'In arrears.' Cameron Mackintosh

President Abraham Lincoln never lost his ardor for the United States to remain united during the
Civil War. Douglas Brinkley

These are busy times for the Border Patrol, the customs agents, immigration folks; but if we are
going to send these agencies to fight a war on drugs, to fight a war against illegal behavior, we
have to send them the proper tools. Bob Filner

With acting, you wanna see if you can get into trouble without knowing how you're gonna get
out of it. It's like the exact opposite of war, where you need an exit strategy. When you're acting,
you should get all the way into trouble with no exit strategy, and have the cameras rolling. John

With the danger of war, there is a danger that the economy will go down. Franco Modigliani

Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war.
Maria Montessori

Dad wouldn't let me fool with his guitar much, because I'm left-handed, and I'd pick it up upside
down. But I remember learning to sing 'Paper Doll,' the Mills Brothers song - this was during the
war - and I remember my dad taking me down to one of those little record booths where you
could make spoken letters to send home. Don Everly

It became obvious to me that the generation who changed the world were my parents' generation,
and not only in terms of the Second World War, but if you look at all the social legislation of the
'60s - abortion, homosexual law reform, equal pay - it wasn't done by my generation; it was done
by people who were adults. Linda Grant

If it were a fact, it wouldn't be called intelligence. Donald Rumsfeld

When we are sick, we want an uncommon doctor; when we have a construction job to do, we
want an uncommon engineer, and when we are at war, we want an uncommon general. It is only
when we get into politics that we are satisfied with the common man. Herbert Hoover

Football is like war. It's about taking territory. Condoleezza Rice

There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others. Niccolo

Too often, stories about Afghanistan center around the various wars, the opium trade, the war on
terrorism. Precious little is said about the Afghan people themselves - their culture, their
traditions, how they lived in their country and how they manage abroad as exiles. Khaled

There is no war on women. Women are doing well. But women are thoughtful. And what we in
the Republican Party and across the country, Republican, Independents and Democrat women
say is we're more thoughtful than a label. We care about jobs and the economy and healthcare
and education. We care about a lot of different things. Nikki Haley

It is not patriotic to commit young Americans to war unless our national security clearly requires
it. George McGovern

If atomic bombs are to be added as new weapons to the arsenals of a warring world, or to the
arsenals of nations preparing for war, then the time will come when mankind will curse the
names of Los Alamos and of Hiroshima. J. Robert Oppenheimer

We don't go to war to protect Pizza Hut or Burger King or some other things, some of the
nonsense I've seen on our battlefields. Michael T. Flynn

Politics are very much like war. We may even have to use poison gas at times. Winston

The very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect, between life and death.
When literature becomes too intellectual - when it begins to ignore the passions, the emotions - it
becomes sterile, silly, and actually without substance. Isaac Bashevis Singer

Next to a lost battle, nothing is so sad as a battle that has been won. Arthur Wellesley

No matter what political reasons are given for war, the underlying reason is always economic. A.
J. P. Taylor

The poetry of heroism appeals irresistibly to those who don't go to a war, and even more to those
whom the war is making enormously wealthy. It's always so. Louis-Ferdinand Celine

We have no vital national interest in Syria's civil war. Pat Buchanan

There is no peace because the making of peace is at least as costly as the making of war - at least
as exigent, at least as disruptive, at least as liable to bring disgrace and prison and death in its
wake. Daniel Berrigan

In the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and Great Britain I will run wild
and win victory upon victory. But then, if the war continues after that, I have no expectation of
success. Isoroku Yamamoto

As this long and difficult war ends, I would like to address a few special words to the American
people: Your steadfastness in supporting our insistence on peace with honor has made peace with
honor possible. Richard M. Nixon

There is nothing glamorous or romantic about war. It's mostly about random pointless death and
misery. Jon Krakauer

The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions
but by iron and blood. Otto von Bismarck

The atomic bomb made the prospect of future war unendurable. It has led us up those last few
steps to the mountain pass; and beyond there is a different country. J. Robert Oppenheimer

Obama was elected in a flourish of promise that many in the African-American community
believed would help not only to symbolize African-American progress since the Civil War and
Civil Rights Acts but that his presidency would result in doors opening in the halls of power as
had never been seen before by black America. Douglas Wilder

There is no shorter road to defeat than by entering a war with inadequate preparation. Charles

Before the Civil War, the Negro was certainly as efficient a workman as the raw immigrant from
Ireland or Germany. But, whereas the Irishmen found economic opportunity wide and daily
growing wider, the Negro found public opinion determined to 'keep him in his place.' W. E. B.
Du Bois

I think Islam has been hijacked by the idea that all Muslims are terrorists; that Islam is about
hate, about war, about jihad - I think that hijacks the spirituality and beauty that exists within
Islam. I believe in allowing Islam to be seen in context and in its entirety and being judged on
what it really is, not what you think it is. Aasif Mandvi

I learned from my grandmother, who grew up in devastating war times, how important it is to
keep with tradition and celebrate the holidays during tough times. Marcus Samuelsson

The power to wage war is the power to wage war successfully. Charles Evans Hughes

Almost everything about American society is affected by World War II: our feelings about race;
our feelings about gender and the empowerment of women, moving women into the workplace;
our feelings about our role in the world. All of that comes in a very direct way out of World War
II. Rick Atkinson

Five million Jews are regarding me as a traitor, but six billion people around the world think me
as a hero and a good man who bring the message to all the human beings that we should survive
and prevent the use of nuclear weapons and to prevent the nuclear preparations and to prevent
nuclear war in the future. Mordechai Vanunu

Business is war. I go out there, I want to kill the competitors. I want to make their lives
miserable. I want to steal their market share. I want them to fear me and I want everyone on my
team thinking we're going to win. Kevin O'Leary

A war with Pakistan would be an utter disaster. Noam Chomsky

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on
would save one-half the wars of the world. Thomas Jefferson

If... many influential people have failed to understand, or have just forgotten, what we were up
against in the Cold War and how we overcame it, they are not going to be capable of securing,
let alone enlarging, the gains that liberty has made. Margaret Thatcher

Loss of hope rather than loss of life is what decides the issues of war. But helplessness induces
hopelessness. B. H. Liddell Hart

Blockchain software companies may end up being amalgamated into existing software giants, at
which point blockchain patents will just become part of the existing patent war. Vitalik Buterin
When this sad war is over we will all return to our homes, and feel that we can ask no higher
honor than the proud consciousness that we belonged to the Army of the Potomac. George B.

To win the war on terror, we must know who our friends are and where our enemies are hiding.
We can't continue fighting terrorism using the same foreign policy blueprints that were in place
before September 11th. Evan Bayh

The idea of aerial military surveillance dates back to the Civil War, when both the Union and the
Confederacy used hot-air balloons to spy on the other side, tracking troop movements and
helping to direct artillery fire. Michael Hastings

Since the Gulf War, since the new World Order, America is now the number one arms dealer in
the world. Rob Walton

My first wish is to see this plague of mankind, war, banished from the earth. George Washington

The peasant must always be helped technically, economically, morally and culturally. The
guerrilla fighter will be a sort of guiding angel who has fallen into the zone, helping the poor
always and bothering the rich as little as possible in the first phases of the war. Che Guevara

The United Nations' founders understood that decisions affecting war and peace should happen
only by consensus, and with America's consent, the veto by Security Council permanent
members was enshrined in the United Nations Charter. The profound wisdom of this has
underpinned the stability of international relations for decades. Vladimir Putin

We must concentrate not merely on the negative expulsion of war but the postive affirmation of
peace. Martin Luther King, Jr.

If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the
most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times
ready for War. George Washington

Once brave politicians and others explain the war on drugs' true cost, the American people will
scream for a cease-fire. Bring the troops home, people will urge. Treat drugs as a health problem,
not as a matter for the criminal justice system. Larry Elder

We've used up a lot of bullets. And we talk about stimulus. But the truth is, we're running a
federal deficit that's 9 percent of GDP. That is stimulative as all get out. It's more stimulative
than any policy we've followed since World War II. Warren Buffett

Not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia. There may be
legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death
penalty, but not... with regard to abortion and euthanasia. Pope Benedict XVI

War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems
to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for
the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses. Smedley Butler

Man, me and Biggie were the biggest artists in New York. When he passed, I was so messed up.
My attitude was messed up about him dying. There was an East-West thing back then, and I was
in war mode. Nas

In the three years since Obama invited Russia to help him renege on his 'red line' on the use of
chemical weapons in Syria, the Syrian Network for Human Rights has documented 136
occasions in which the Assad regime has deployed poison gas in its war on the Syrian people.
Terry Glavin

We journalists are a bit like vultures, feasting on war, scandal and disaster. Turn on the news,
and you see Syrian refugees, Volkswagen corruption, dysfunctional government. Yet that reflects
a selection bias in how we report the news: We cover planes that crash, not planes that take off.
Nicholas Kristof

In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.
Winston Churchill

No matter what is happening in life or in the world - war, natural disaster, poor health, pain, the
death of loved ones - if existence is filled with art, music and literature, life will be fulfilling, a
joy. Karen DeCrow

I can testify to what UNICEF means to children because I was among those who received food
and medical relief right after World War II. Audrey Hepburn

A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.
Winston Churchill

People talk about games and loneliness - it's a lonely activity. I didn't understand that. 'Gears of
War' was the first multiplayer game for me that I enjoyed. But I wasn't sad. I liked being alone. I
liked playing games by myself. I had lots of companionship at the house. Tim Schafer

War should only be declared by the authority of the people, whose toils and treasures are to
support its burdens, instead of the government which is to reap its fruits. James Madison

I love it when Muslims go to war with each other, as I do when the Christians do, because it
shows there's no such thing as the Christian world and the Islamic world. That's all crap.
Christopher Hitchens

The republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with
the rights of mankind. Thomas Jefferson

If the Marines today are doing exactly the same thing their dads did in Vietnam and their
granddads did in Korea and World War II, then how in the hell can we say that they're not as
good? John F. Kelly

However much we may sympathize with a small nation confronted by a big and powerful
neighbours, we cannot in all circumstances undertake to involve the whole British Empire in a
war simply on her account. Neville Chamberlain

As a woman I can't go to war, and I refuse to send anyone else. Jeannette Rankin

I'm not going to say I was opposed to the Vietnam War. I'm going to say I'm opposed to war. But
I'm also opposed to protests that deny other people their rights. John Wooden

When the war of the giants is over the wars of the pygmies will begin. Winston Churchill

We find that the Romans owed the conquest of the world to no other cause than continual
military training, exact observance of discipline in their camps, and unwearied cultivation of the
other arts of war. Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus

Hollywood never knew there was a Vietnam War until they made the movie. Jerry Stiller

Laws are the terms by which independent and isolated men united to form a society, once they
tired of living in a perpetual state of war where the enjoyment of liberty was rendered useless by
the uncertainty of its preservation. They sacrificed a portion of this liberty so that they could
enjoy the remainder in security and peace. Cesare Beccaria

My objective is to fulfil the dream of Bangabandhu through building a hunger- and poverty-free
Golden Bangladesh being imbued with the spirit of the War of Liberation. Sheikh Hasina

War is a way of shattering to pieces... materials which might otherwise be used to make the
masses too comfortable and... too intelligent. George Orwell

The decadent international but individualistic capitalism in the hands of which we found
ourselves after the war is not a success. It is not intelligent. It is not beautiful. It is not just. It is
not virtuous. And it doesn't deliver the goods. John Maynard Keynes

A quality education grants us the ability to fight the war on ignorance and poverty. Charles B.

I can tell you this: If I'm ever in a position to call the shots, I'm not going to rush to send
somebody else's kids into a war. George H. W. Bush

Where the stakes are the highest, in the war on terror, we cannot possibly succeed without
extraordinary international cooperation. Effective international police actions require the highest
degree of intelligence sharing, planning and collaborative enforcement. Barack Obama

Overcoming the Cold War required courage from the people of Central and Eastern Europe and
what was then the German Democratic Republic, but it also required the steadfastness of
Western partner over many decades when many had long lost hope of integration of the two
Germanys and Europe. Angela Merkel

War is mainly a catalogue of blunders. Winston Churchill

Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough
to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and
humble and gentle in victory. Douglas MacArthur

War taught me that not everything is glamorous. Giorgio Armani

I'm a lad of the '60s. I started a magazine to try and end the Vietnam war, but it was a number of
years before I had the profile, the financial resources and the time to do more. Richard Branson

How is the world ruled and led to war? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe these lies when
they see them in print. Karl Kraus

Hamas is responsible for countless homicide bombings that have killed hundreds of Israeli
citizens. They have waged a terror war with the sole intent of murdering innocent people. Vito

The more you play baseball, the less depends on your athletic ability. It's a mental war more than
anything. Alex Rodriguez

I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash
war. Barack Obama

When I was a young man, I was poor. In a war with other nations, I was in eighty-seven fights.
There I received my name and was made Chief of my nation. But now I am old and am for
peace. Red Cloud

I have been a gigantic Rolling Stones fan since approximately the Spanish-American War. Dave

The first casualty when war comes is truth. Hiram Johnson

South Korea first allowed women into the military in 1950 during the Korean War. Back then,
female soldiers mainly held administrative and support positions. Women began to take on
combat roles in the 1990s when the three military academies, exclusive to men, began accepting
women. Kim Young-ha

I took a speed-reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It involves Russia.
Woody Allen

World War II, the atomic bomb, the Cold War, made it hard for Americans to continue their
optimism. Stephen Ambrose
World War II made prosperous the United States, which had been undergoing a depression for a
dozen years, and made very rich those magnates and their managers who govern the republic -
with many a wink - in the people's name. Gore Vidal

Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war. Donald Trump

The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. George
S. Patton

War is a defeat for humanity. Pope John Paul II

To walk through the ruined cities of Germany is to feel an actual doubt about the continuity of
civilization. George Orwell

I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism
and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe
that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall
fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the
hills; we shall never surrender. Winston Churchill

European nations began World War I with a glamorous vision of war, only to be psychologically
shattered by the realities of the trenches. The experience changed the way people referred to the
glamour of battle; they treated it no longer as a positive quality but as a dangerous illusion.
Virginia Postrel

The Secretary of Hygiene or Physical Culture will be far more important in the cabinet of the
President of the United States who holds office in the year 2035 than the Secretary of War.
Nikola Tesla

With a book called 'Keeping Score,' I really did want to write a book about the Korean War,
because I felt that it is the least understood war in the American cultural imagination. So I set out
with the idea that Americans didn't know much about the Korean War and that I was going to try
to fix a tiny bit of that. Linda Sue Park

In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons. Herodotus

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, decisions made by President John F. Kennedy and Soviet
leader Nikita Khrushchev could have plunged both countries into thermonuclear war. Ronald

We have been travelling through a cloud. The sky has been dark ever since the war began. Black
It is the function of the Navy to carry the war to the enemy so that it is not fought on U.S. soil.
Chester W. Nimitz

The lesson of the Cold War is that against nuclear weapons, only nuclear weapons can hold the
peace. Chung Mong-joon

The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human
beings, and that these individual beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics
to murder or be murdered in quarrels not their own. Aldous Huxley

As a soldier, I survived World War I when most of my comrades did not. Lester B. Pearson

Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For defeat brings worse things
than any that can ever happen in war. Ernest Hemingway

The leaders of the world face no greater task than that of avoiding nuclear war. While preserving
the cause of freedom, we must seek abolition of war through programs of general and complete
disarmament. The Test-Ban Treaty of 1963 represents a significant beginning in this immense
undertaking. Robert Kennedy

Conquered, we conquer. Plautus

To hold a pen is to be at war. Voltaire

That most unfortunate war, which I deeply deplore. Hirohito

Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop. H. L. Mencken

Our life is half natural and half technological. Half-and-half is good. You cannot deny that high-
tech is progress. We need it for jobs. Yet if you make only high-tech, you make war. So we must
have a strong human element to keep modesty and natural life. Nam June Paik

America is not perfect. It took a bloody civil war to free over 4 million African Americans who
lived enslaved. It took another hundred years after that before they achieved full equality under
the law. Marco Rubio

Anyone who experienced World War I close-hand was grossed out by it forever. It just was so
awful. Amity Shlaes

We were succeeding. When you looked at specifics, this became a war of attrition. We were
winning. William Westmoreland

War... is harmful, not only to the conquered but to the conqueror. Ludwig von Mises

No matter what you think about the Iraq war, there is one thing we can all agree on for the next
days - we have to salute the courage and bravery of those who are risking their lives to vote and
those brave Iraqi and American soldiers fighting to protect their right to vote. Hillary Clinton

I've always disliked kamikazes, that is, people who commit suicide in order to kill others.
Starting with the Japanese ones from World War II. I never considered them Pietro Miccas who
torch the powder and go up with the citadel in order to block the arrival of the enemy troops at
Torino. I never considered them soldiers. Oriana Fallaci

I've seen terrorism close up, but I don't live in a state of terror at all. I'm comfortable going to the
Manhattan Thanksgiving Day Parade, the tree lighting at Rockefeller Center, Times Square on
New Years Eve. For perspective, the world today is a safer place than it was during the Cuban
Missile Crisis, the Berlin Airlift, World War II. Douglas Brunt

The most successful war seldom pays for its losses. Thomas Jefferson

Winning the Revolutionary War, or the Civil War, or World War II were the turning points in
our history, the sine qua non of our forward progress. Stephen Ambrose

What is astonishing about the social history of the Vietnam war is not how many people avoided
it, but how many could not and did not. John Gregory Dunne

The lesson of the Cuban Missile Crisis is plain: Strength prevents war; weakness invites it. We
need a commander-in-chief who understands that - and who won't leave us facing a foe who
thinks he doesn't. Arthur L. Herman

The war we have to wage today has only one goal and that is to make the world safe for
diversity. U Thant

I don't know whether war is an interlude during peace, or peace an interlude during war. Georges

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? Joan Baez

The first and most imperative necessity in war is money, for money means everything else - men,
guns, ammunition. Ida Tarbell

The men who made the war were profuse in their praises of the man who kicked the P.M. out of
his office and now degrades by his disloyal, dishonest and lying presence the greatest office in
the State. John Burns

I've got to see the Brexit process through. we won the war, but we must win the peace. Nigel

I don't support terrorism and never have. As a Sri Lankan that fled war and bombings, my music
is the voice of the civilian refugee. M.I.A.

I extend my deepest gratitude to our Armed Forces and first responders serving both at home and
abroad in the war against terrorism. John Doolittle

The State thrives on war - unless, of course, it is defeated and crushed - expands on it, glories in
it. Murray Rothbard

There are few historians who would challenge the fact that the funding of World War I, World
War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War was accomplished by the Mandrake Mechanism
through the Federal Reserve System. G. Edward Griffin

The war we are fighting today against terrorism is a multifaceted fight. We have to use every tool
in our toolkit to wage this war - diplomacy, finance, intelligence, law enforcement, and of
course, military power - and we are developing new tools as we go along. Richard Armitage

War should be the only study of a prince. He should consider peace only as a breathing-time,
which gives him leisure to contrive, and furnishes as ability to execute, military plans. Niccolo

I find capitalism repugnant. It is filthy, it is gross, it is alienating... because it causes war,

hypocrisy and competition. Fidel Castro

War is a contagion. Franklin D. Roosevelt

War's not black and white; it's gray. If you don't fight in the gray area, you're going to lose.
Marcus Luttrell

Something is wanting, and something must be done, or we shall be involved in all the horror of
failure, and civil war without a prospect of its termination. Henry Knox

You know, the period of World War I and the Roaring Twenties were really just about the same
as today. You worked, and you made a living if you could, and you tired to make the best of
things. For an actor or a dancer, it was no different then than today. It was a struggle. James

Discount my partiality, but my report is that so far The Winds of War is looking good. Herman

Let us ever remember that our interest is in concord, not in conflict; and that our real eminence
rests in the victories of peace, not those of war. William McKinley

I'm tired. I'm tired of feeling rejected by the American people. I'm tired of waking up in the
middle of the night worrying about the war. Lyndon B. Johnson

Trump himself has not laid out a clear agenda on the national security issues that are the most
pressing for the United States, from the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan to the
deepening Syrian civil war to the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria and the flexing of Russian
muscles under President Vladimir Putin. Peter L. Bergen
When I was in the White House, I was confronted with the challenge of the Cold War. Both the
Soviet Union and I had 30,000 nuclear weapons that could destroy the entire earth and I had to
maintain the peace. Jimmy Carter

By the time of the Civil War, there were many kinds of apples growing across the United States,
but most of them didn't taste very good, and as a rule, people didn't eat them. Cider was cheaper
to make than beer, and many settlers believed fermented drinks were safer than water. Everyone
drank hard cider. John Seabrook

All through the years since World War II, the Japanese people have, I am convinced, made
strenuous efforts to preserve and promote world peace, contributing to the progress and
prosperity of mankind. Eisaku Sato

No country can act wisely simultaneously in every part of the globe at every moment of time.
Henry Kissinger

Most historians agree that Abraham Lincoln was the most important man to ever occupy the
White House because he abolished slavery and kept the states united through a bloody civil war.
Kitty Kelley

Germany has reduced savagery to a science, and this great war for the victorious peace of justice
must go on until the German cancer is cut clean out of the world body. Theodore Roosevelt

I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in. George

Preparation for war is a constant stimulus to suspicion and ill will. James Monroe

In war there is no substitute for victory. Douglas MacArthur

Guerrilla war is a kind of war waged by the few but dependent on the support of many. B. H.
Liddell Hart

War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take
up the gun. Mao Zedong

War involves in its progress such a train of unforeseen circumstances that no human wisdom can
calculate the end; it has but one thing certain, and that is to increase taxes. Thomas Paine

We live in an age, in an era where there is so much negativity, there is so much violence in the
world, there is so much unrest and people are at war, that I wanted to promote the word love and
red signifies love. Elton John

I have no doubt that we will be successful in harnessing the sun's energy. If sunbeams were
weapons of war, we would have had solar energy centuries ago. George Porter
The casualties in the Civil War amount to more than all other wars - all other American wars
combined. More people died in that war than World War II, World War I, Vietnam, etc. And that
was a war for white supremacy. It was a war to erect a state in which the basis of it was the
enslavement of black people. Ta-Nehisi Coates

While the scars of the monstrous Civil War still remain, the wounds have closed since 1865, in
large part, because of the civility of Grant and Lee. Douglas Brinkley

To serve in the modern military - or to be the uncle, parent or sibling of one who does - is to treat
the necessary service and sacrifice of war with a sacred honor. In my community, we pile into
cars and drive hundreds of miles to watch our children's graduation from basic training. J. D.

That liberty is a great thing we may know from our own feelings, and we may likewise judge so
from the conduct of the white-people, in the late war. Jupiter Hammon

The myth of unlimited production brings war in its train as inevitably as clouds announce a
storm. Albert Camus

Bush may be a strong leader in the war on terrorism, but on budget deficits he is missing-in-
action. Jim Cooper

Boys do not evaluate a book. They divide books into categories. There are sexy books, war
books, westerns, travel books, science fiction. A boy will accept anything from a section he
knows rather than risk another sort. He has to have the label on the bottle to know it is the
mixture as before. William Golding

Going to war without France is like going hunting without an accordion. Norman Schwarzkopf

If Lincoln is among history's truly great men, he didn't achieve that stature until his final three
years. This was when his long-held antipathy to slavery cohered into a dedicated hostility that
gave larger purpose to the Civil War and also confirmed the logic of Lincoln's destiny. Steve

Man has no right to kill his brother. It is no excuse that he does so in uniform: he only adds the
infamy of servitude to the crime of murder. Percy Bysshe Shelley

War is tragedy. The great war stories are tragedies. It's the failure of diplomacy. 'War and Peace,'
'A Farewell to Arms,' 'For Whom the Bell Tolls.' Those are some of the greatest tragedies. David

Many intelligence reports in war are contradictory; even more are false, and most are uncertain.
Carl von Clausewitz

War of attrition, war of wills. That's what the Stanley Cup playoffs are - more intense, more
physical and more prolonged than the playoffs of any other sport. George Vecsey

A society that admits misery, a humanity that admits war, seem to me an inferior society and a
debased humanity; it is a higher society and a more elevated humanity at which I am aiming - a
society without kings, a humanity without barriers. Victor Hugo

War is the greatest plague that can afflict humanity, it destroys religion, it destroys states, it
destroys families. Any scourge is preferable to it. Martin Luther

Before the Second World War, I believed in the perfectability of social man; that a correct
structure of society produced goodwill; and that, therefore, you could remove all social ills by a
reorganisation of society. It is possible that I believe something of the same again; but after the
war, I did not because I was unable to. William Golding

Even today we raise our hand against our brother... We have perfected our weapons, our
conscience has fallen asleep, and we have sharpened our ideas to justify ourselves as if it were
normal we continue to sow destruction, pain, death. Violence and war lead only to death. Pope

I was one of those children forced into fighting at the age of 13, in my country Sierra Leone, a
war that claimed the lives of my mother, father and two brothers. I know too well the emotional,
psychological and physical burden that comes with being exposed to violence as a child or at any
age for that matter. Ishmael Beah

Every time we walk along a beach some ancient urge disturbs us so that we find ourselves
shedding shoes and garments or scavenging among seaweed and whitened timbers like the
homesick refugees of a long war. Loren Eiseley

The war... was an unnecessary condition of affairs, and might have been avoided if forebearance
and wisdom had been practiced on both sides. Robert E. Lee

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then
seek to win. Sun Tzu

It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded
who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell. William Tecumseh

The battle against cancer has made me strong. It's like winning a war! When I was diagnosed, I
was told by doctors my kidney, liver and other organs could fail. It was tough. I didn't know if I
could save my life. But I was positive, and because of that, the doctor told me that I would be a
man who would never have cancer. Yuvraj Singh

The real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war. Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am not protesting against the conduct of the war, but against the political errors and
insincerities for which the fighting men are being sacrificed. Siegfried Sassoon

Every time you go to an airport and get on a plane, you are basically taking advantage of the
work that was done at Langley. Between World War I and World War II, they did just
tremendous amount of fundamental research into basically making airplanes safer, making them
more stable. Margot Lee Shetterly

We've been in the nation-building business since World War I, and especially since WWII. The
goal is not a Jeffersonian Democracy in Afghanistan, but a representative government that
respects human rights, protects its own people, and is a friend of the West. These are very
realistic - and necessary - goals. Oliver North

What a cruel thing war is... to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors. Robert
E. Lee

We shall never be able to remove suspicion and fear as potential causes of war until
communication is permitted to flow, free and open, across international boundaries. Harry S

I love 'The War Of The Roses,' especially as my husband is in it! I've often said to him it would
be great to remake that with me and him in it, because then we could really get down to some
serious business. Catherine Zeta-Jones

One of the good things about the way the Gulf War ended in 1991 is, you'd see the Vietnam
veterans marching with the Gulf War veterans. George H. W. Bush

War is just a racket... I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else. Smedley

I lived on the top of one hill and the school was at the top of another hill. Nobody ever went to
school by car - we didn't have any cars during the war. So that to and from school was itself a
training. Roger Bannister

In the Crusades, getting the Holy Land back was the goal, and any means could be used to
achieve it. World War II was a crusade. The firebombing of Tokyo by Doolittle and the carpet
bombing in Germany, especially by the British, showed that. Stanley Hauerwas

I started with the book 'Boardwalk Empire' and then immersed myself in the history of Atlantic
City, World War I, the temperance movement, Prohibition, pop culture. I even read the news and
magazines of the period just to soak in it. That was before I even started thinking of the story.
Terence Winter

I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and
philosophy. John Adams

Probably, had World War II not come along and intervened, I would have tried to be a doctor.
My son's a doctor, and I still take some medical journals to this day. John Glenn

From the neck up is where you win or lose the battle. It's the art of war. You have to lock
yourself in and strategise your mindset. That's why boxers go to training camps: to shut down the
noise and really zone in. Anthony Joshua

As we have seen, the wireless and the airplane have made the world so small and nations so
dependent on each other that the only alternative to war is the United States of the World. John
Boyd Orr

Generally speaking, men are held in great esteem in all parts of the world, so why shouldn't
women have their share? Soldiers and war heroes are honored and commemorated, explorers are
granted immortal fame, martyrs are revered, but how many people look upon women too as
soldiers? Anne Frank

War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. Thomas Mann

I have never before, in my long and eclectic career, been gifted with such an abundance of
natural beauty as I experienced filming 'War Horse' on Dartmoor. Steven Spielberg

If there is not the war, you don't get the great general; if there is not a great occasion, you don't
get a great statesman; if Lincoln had lived in a time of peace, no one would have known his
name. Theodore Roosevelt

During World War II, law-abiding Japanese-American citizens were herded into remote
internment camps, losing their jobs, businesses and social standing, while an all-Japanese-
American division fought heroically in Europe. Tom Brokaw

It's clearly the intent of the Islamic State to strike us here in the United States. And that's why we
have to go on offense in the war against the Islamic State to fight them where they are before
they fight us here in the United States. Tom Cotton

The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall
never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission. John F. Kennedy

It is far easier to make war than peace. Georges Clemenceau

My greatest disappointment is that I believe that those of us who went through the war and tried
to write about it, about their experience, became messengers. We have given the message, and
nothing changed. Elie Wiesel

What was the reason for invading Iraq' Was it a humanitarian crusade or an economic one' I
would be inclined to say the latter. It was the same with the Civil War, because the landed
gentry's money was being stolen by the king. Dougray Scott

A nation's ability to fight a modern war is as good as its technological ability. Frank Whittle
The first lesson is that you can't lose a war if you have command of the air, and you can't win a
war if you haven't. Jimmy Doolittle

The condition of man... is a condition of war of everyone against everyone. Thomas Hobbes

The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can.
Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on. Ulysses S. Grant

My subject is War, and the pity of War. The Poetry is in the pity. Wilfred Owen

The most important accomplishment, I believe, was my voting against the First World War.
Jeannette Rankin

We must eliminate all nuclear weapons in order to eliminate the grave risk they pose to our
world. This will require persistent efforts by all countries and peoples. A nuclear war would
affect everyone, and all have a stake in preventing this nightmare. Ban Ki-moon

The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of
human labor. George Orwell

Anyway, the title The War of the Insect Gods came before we had that ending, before we knew
they had become gods. That we knew the evolutionary cycle they went through. Before we even
knew anything about that. We had an ending. Michael O'Donoghue

War had always seemed to me to be a purely human behavior. Accounts of warlike behavior date
back to the very first written records of human history; it seemed to be an almost universal
characteristic of human groups. Jane Goodall

The stories from World War I are worse than anything I have ever read. Kerry Greenwood

An empire founded by war has to maintain itself by war. Charles de Montesquieu

Once the troops move into Cambodia, the colleges and universities of this country were on the
verge of civil war. Many closed down. The students were up in arms. And it looked very much
like there were going to be real problems in this country. William Kunstler

One of the greatest casualties of the war in Vietnam is the Great Society... shot down on the
battlefield of Vietnam. Martin Luther King, Jr.

There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its
potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death
in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever. Thomas A.

The military don't start wars. Politicians start wars. William Westmoreland
Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think
hard before starting a war. Otto von Bismarck

In war as in life, it is often necessary when some cherished scheme has failed, to take up the best
alternative open, and if so, it is folly not to work for it with all your might. Winston Churchill

The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy. Friedrich Nietzsche

If we don't end war, war will end us. H. G. Wells

Our Generation has had no Great war, no Great Depression. Our war is spiritual. Our depression
is our lives. Chuck Palahniuk

The natural principle of war is to do the most harm to our enemy with the least harm to
ourselves; and this of course is to be effected by stratagem. Washington Irving

We don't want to end up in a class war. We want everyone to have food, clean water, and a long
life expectancy. Arvind Gupta

The civil war across the Middle East between the Shia and the Sunni empowers groups like ISIS
and al Qaeda who claim to be the defenders of Sunni rights against Shia attack. Peter L. Bergen

A bad peace is even worse than war. Tacitus

If we help an educated man's daughter to go to Cambridge are we not forcing her to think not
about education but about war? - not how she can learn, but how she can fight in order that she
might win the same advantages as her brothers? Virginia Woolf

Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better
man. Benjamin Franklin

Germany was beaten after World War I, but it didn't take long for it to rise again as a much more
malignant threat. The end of World War II was not to be a compromise; it was to come about
from the total annihilation of the enemies' ability and will to make war. Monica Crowley

War is not an independent phenomenon, but the continuation of politics by different means. Carl
von Clausewitz

The political object is the goal, war is the means of reaching it, and the means can never be
considered in isolation from their purposes. Carl von Clausewitz

World War II was the last government program that really worked. George Will

The most important thing we have to do first of all in a war with the U.S., I firmly believe, is to
fiercely attack and destroy the U.S. main fleet at the outset of the war so that the morale of the
U.S. Navy and her people goes down to such an extent that it cannot be recovered. Isoroku

The war broke out, and I wanted to do something to aid my country in a time of crisis. I was too
tall for the WACs and WAVES, but eventually joined the OSS and set out into the world looking
for adventure. Julia Child

When the war closed, I buried the hatchet, and I won't fight now unless I'm put upon. Wild Bill

War is regarded as nothing but the continuation of state policy with other means. Carl von

My dear Excellency! I have not gone to war to collect cheese and eggs, but for another purpose.
Manfred von Richthofen

Ronald Reagan will be remembered for leading the United States during a time of tremendous
international transition - the demise of the Soviet Union, the Berlin Wall coming down, and the
end of the Cold War. Mary Landrieu

I was born into Sudan's civil war, and before I could read or write, I was using an AK47 in the
conflict between the Muslim north and Animist/Christian south over the land and natural
resources. Ger Duany

Rich people never go to war. You ask a college kid to go to war, and he's like, 'Umm, I'm taking
this sociology class, and I think war is, like, really stupid, and my roommate's, like, half Afghani,
so it's going to cause some static.' Bill Burr

The War on Drugs employs millions - politicians, bureaucrats, policemen, and now the military -
that probably couldn't find a place for their dubious talents in a free market, unless they were to
sell pencils from a tin cup on street corners. L. Neil Smith

War is one of the scourges with which it has pleased God to afflict men. Cardinal Richelieu

Even during the years of the Cold War, the intense confrontation between the Soviet Union and
the United States, we always avoided any direct clash between our civilians and, most certainly,
between our military. Vladimir Putin

The West will have to choose: either to come to terms with Russians, or to receive a retaliatory
blow. This retaliatory blow will not be by means of war. We will resort to the same weapon:
nationalism. Vladimir Zhirinovsky

But I feel convinced, and I venture even to prophesy in this regard, that the time will come when
there will also be a minister of peace in the cabinet, seated beside the ministers of war. Fredrik
It's impossible to know what happens in the fog of war. Hillary Clinton

Since I'm allergic to various things, the army wouldn't accept me during the war, and I got into
the Office of War Information, which sent music to Europe. Elliott Carter

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a
theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. Dwight D.

Quickness is the essence of the war. Sun Tzu

In many parts of the world, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan, terrorism, war and conflict stop
children to go to their schools. We are really tired of these wars. Women and children are
suffering. Malala Yousafzai

If men do not now succeed in abolishing war, civilization and mankind are doomed. Ludwig von

The hate and scorn showered on us Negro officers by our fellow Americans convinced me that
there was no sense in my dying for a world ruled by them. I made up my mind that if I got
through this war I would study law and use my time fighting for men who could not strike back.
Charles Hamilton Houston

The mother's battle for her child with sickness, with poverty, with war, with all the forces of
exploitation and callousness that cheapen human life needs to become a common human battle,
waged in love and in the passion for survival. Adrienne Rich

Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness,
disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence. In other words, it is war minus
the shooting. George Orwell

I do not feel remorse. Everybody makes mistakes in war. Abu Abbas

If there ever was a religious war full of terror, it was the crusades. But you can't blame
Christianity because a few adventurers did this. That's my message. Moustapha Akkad

The war correspondent has his stake - his life - in his own hands, and he can put it on this horse
or that horse, or he can put it back in his pocket at the very last minute. Robert Capa

The stark and inescapable fact is that today we cannot defend our society by war since total war
is total destruction, and if war is used as an instrument of policy, eventually we will have total
war. Lester B. Pearson

Those men who, in war, seek to preserve their lives at any rate commonly die with shame and
ignominy, while those who look upon death as common to all, and unavoidable, and are only
solicitous to die with honour, oftener arrive at old age and, while they live, live happier.

ISIS despises the Russian government for its support of the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, and
so it's no surprise that ISIS began targeting Russia in 2015, around the same time that Russia first
intervened in the Syrian civil war. Peter Bergen

War is a series of catastrophes which result in victory. Albert Pike

It is obvious that taking the country from a state of war to being a lawful state won't be easy.
Ahmed Ben Bella

War destroys people's souls. Most people focus on physical injuries, but the invisible injuries can
take a lifetime to heal and affects the lives of generations to come. Emmanuel Jal

Weapons are an important factor in war, but not the decisive one; it is man and not materials that
counts. Mao Zedong

For millennia, men have enslaved women and attempted to appropriate female creative power,
re-casting themselves as gods and creators. This assault continues today in the forms of ruthless
wealth and mineral extraction, genetic engineering, mass surveillance, and war mongering.

I know war as few other men now living know it, and nothing to me is more revolting. I have
long advocated its complete abolition, as its very destructiveness on both friend and foe has
rendered it useless as a method of settling international disputes. Ernest Hemingway

I had a very strong feeling about the Vietnam War, and I had a strong feeling about participating
in it. The military draft was in place, I was summoned for a physical exam, and I was either
going to be classified as fit for military service or make my objection to it. So I made my
objection to it. Harrison Ford

In 1940, President Roosevelt called on American industry to become the 'great arsenal of
democracy.' Automotive manufacturers in Michigan responded and converted their assembly
lines from cars to tanks and helped America win World War II. Sander Levin

The problem started before World War I. The gold standard was working fairly well. But it broke
down because of the war and what happened in the 1920s. And then the U.S. started to become
so dominant in the world, with the dollar becoming the central currency after the 1930s, the
whole world economy shifted. Robert Mundell

It is heroic to prepare for war with a tyrant power. Patriots will always win the admiration of
mankind for daring to meet the bloodshed of battle for their country's liberty. But the patriot who
is willing to go to that sacrifice will be the first to condemn the aimless and secret shedding of
blood in time of peace. John Boyle O'Reilly

When I was a young boy, during the aftermath of World War II, Germany was broken and in
ruins. Many people were hungry, sick, and dying. I remember well the humanitarian shipments
of food and clothing that came from the Church in Salt Lake City. Dieter F. Uchtdorf

You always try to fight someone from another country. But having said that, the public knows,
everybody knows, when there's two Mexicans in the ring, there will be a war. Canelo Alvarez

Immediately after 11 September, the U.S. closed down the Somali charitable network Al-
Barakaat on grounds that it was financing terror. This achievement was hailed one of the great
successes of the 'war on terror.' In contrast, Washington's withdrawal of its charges as without
merit a year later aroused little notice. Noam Chomsky

My father was an athlete, a great athlete, fought in the Marines in World War I. He was all sports
and activity. My mother was all academics. I still have the complete works of Shakespeare that
she had. Marv Levy

The philosophy of protectionism is a philosophy of war. Ludwig von Mises

See, that's why Barack's running: to end the war in Iraq responsibly - to build an economy that
lifts every family, to make sure health care is available for every American - and to make sure
that every child in this nation has a world-class education all the way from preschool to college.
Michelle Obama

The first World War in so many ways shaped the 20th century and really remade our world for
the worse. Adam Hochschild

I would make this war as severe as possible, and show no symptoms of tiring till the South begs
for mercy. William Tecumseh Sherman

I was born in London in England in 1934. I went through, as a child, the horrors of World War
II, through a time when food was rationed and we learned to be very careful, and we never had
more to eat than what we needed to eat. There was no waste. Everything was used. Jane Goodall

Let's face it: the War on Drugs was a disaster. It may be well intentioned... but it sent millions of
kids to prison, gave them felonies oftentimes when they had no violent crimes. John

The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the
deepest wounds and scars of war. Douglas MacArthur

I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a
shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance,
for desolation. War is hell. William Tecumseh Sherman

The Japanese scored an important victory at Pearl Harbor, but the attack pulled the United States
into World War II, and four years later, Japan was in ruins, utterly defeated. Peter L. Bergen
The forest restoration campaign is a war to ameliorate nature. Kim Jong-un

Killing Japanese didn't bother me very much at that time... I suppose if I had lost the war, I
would have been tried as a war criminal. Curtis LeMay

My grandpa was a World War II paratrooper, my uncle a Vietnam Purple Heart recipient, my
cousins both Marine Corps officers. I have some very close Navy SEAL connections as well.
Tomi Lahren

Patriots always talk of dying for their country and never of killing for their country. Bertrand

When it came to political power, blacks need not apply. Add to this steaming stew the growing
tensions over the Vietnam War and the movement for civil rights, and you had plenty of
elements to fire the imagination of a novice journalist. Andrea Mitchell

A sane person doesn't think war is a good idea. I'm not a pacifist. I feel that there are situations
where fighting is inescapable, but we don't go looking for those things. Bruce Cockburn

In reality, Republicans have long been at war with clean energy. They have ridiculed investments
in solar and wind power, bashed energy-efficiency standards, attacked state moves to promote
renewable energy and championed laws that would enshrine taxpayer subsidies for fossil fuels
while stripping them from wind and solar. Jeff Goodell

If we had no hope - for a cure, for winning the lottery, for falling in love, for the end of war, for
being free of abuse, or for having food, warmth, clothing, and shelter - we would have no reason
to go on. What you hope for doesn't matter, but rather the essence of hope itself. Bernie Siegel

In 2012, when Mitt Romney named Russia as our greatest geopolitical foe, Democrats scoffed
and accused Republicans of trying to ignite a new Cold War. Kristen Soltis Anderson

For people who grew up hunting, especially war veterans, shooting often settled the mind. It was
something that required full concentration, and therefore took you away from your troubles, at
least for a short time. Taya Kyle

The real war is not between the West and the East. The real war is between intelligent and stupid
people. Marjane Satrapi

When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die. Jean-Paul Sartre

Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth will cause tremors around the New City. Two
great rocks will war for a long time, then Arethusa will redden a new river. Nostradamus

You ask me if I will not be glad when the last battle is fought, so far as the country is concerned
I, of course, must wish for peace, and will be glad when the war is ended, but if I answer for
myself alone, I must say that I shall regret to see the war end. George Armstrong Custer
America's veterans and troops serving abroad today fought hard to preserve our red, white and
blue, from the Revolutionary War to today's Global War Against Terrorism, and Congress' action
today is appropriate for one of our most sacred symbols. Bill Shuster

In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter
of the battlefield. Douglas MacArthur

When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing more
to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may
require a leader. Plato

All wars are follies, very expensive and very mischievous ones. Benjamin Franklin

It is not enough to say we must not wage war. It is necessary to love peace and sacrifice for it.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Human nature must be changed if we are ever to have an end to war or to correct the wrong
situations that make our lives uneasy and our hearts sore. Now Christianity, the power of Jesus
Christ, the Holy Spirit of God, is the only force that can change people for good. Peter Marshall

War is God's way of teaching Americans geography. Ambrose Bierce

War is very sad and small life is pathetically fragile at times. Henry Rollins

It is the youth who must inherit the tribulation, the sorrow... that are the aftermath of war.
Herbert Hoover

The only way human beings can win a war is to prevent it. George C. Marshall

The guys who won World War II and that whole generation have disappeared, and now we have
a bunch of teenage twits. Clint Eastwood

I think the War on Terror is really absurd, especially coming from a country that is founded on
terrorism. Alice Walker

The brave men die in war. It takes great luck or judgment not to be killed. Once, at least, the
head has to bow and the knee has to bend to danger. The soldiers who march back under the
triumphal arches are death's deserters. Jean Giraudoux

I'd like to see a world free of strife, stress, pain, hunger, war - a cool place where everyone could
live. Dionne Warwick

War is wrong. Conscription for war is inconsistent with freedom of conscience, which is not
merely the right to believe but to act on the degree of truth that one receives, to follow a vocation
which is God-inspired and God-directed. Bayard Rustin
People have the problem of denial. This is one of the things I learned in Lebanon. Everybody
who left Beirut when the war started, including my parents, said, 'Oh, its temporary.' It lasted 17
years! People tend to underestimate the gravity of these situations. That's how they work. Nassim
Nicholas Taleb

War is a blessing compared with national degradation. Andrew Jackson

People always related to President Bush, but in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the Iraq
War, his numbers collapsed because people didn't feel like he handled those properly. Obama is
the inverse. He was elected because he was an extraordinary guy, but the fact that he isn't
ordinary has turned out to be politically damaging. Nicolle Wallace

Anyone who has ever been privileged to direct a film also knows that, although it can be like
trying to write 'War and Peace' in a bumper car in an amusement park, when you finally get it
right, there are not many joys in life that can equal the feeling. Stanley Kubrick

I'm against war with the United States. But I am an officer of the Imperial Navy and a subject of
His Majesty the Emperor. Isoroku Yamamoto

We can have a World War, I see absolutely no reason why we shouldn't have a World Party.
Vanna Bonta

War is not cheap, but it's the human cost that's the highest. Ross Kemp

My way of putting it is that Christians are called to live nonviolently not because we believe
nonviolence is a strategy to rid the world of war, but in a world of war as faithful followers of
Christ, we cannot imagine being anything other than nonviolent. Stanley Hauerwas

The civil war which has so long prevailed between Spain and the Provinces in South America
still continues, without any prospect of its speedy termination. James Monroe

You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake. Jeannette Rankin

As the culture war is about irreconcilable beliefs about God and man, right and wrong, good and
evil, and is at root a religious war, it will be with us so long as men are free to act on their
beliefs. Pat Buchanan

In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to
shatter and destroy it is not so good. Sun Tzu

Lenin was the first to discover that capitalism 'inevitably' caused war; and he discovered this
only when the First World War was already being fought. Of course he was right. Since every
great state was capitalist in 1914. A. J. P. Taylor

Television and movies were our biggest teachers. When we came to the United States, the
Vietnam War was just ratcheting up. And so the Asian faces that I saw on the news, they were
the face of the enemy. Asian men, particularly, were either small, ineffective, or they were evil.
And those messages were deeply, deeply embedded in me for many years. Alex Tizon

We are muddled into war. David Lloyd George

There are historic situations in which refusal to defend the inheritance of a civilization, however
imperfect, against tyranny and aggression may result in consequences even worse than war.
Reinhold Niebuhr

My mom, Irmelin, taught me the value of life. Her own life was saved by my grandmother
during World War II. Leonardo DiCaprio

The situation in the United States is becoming more dire for average ordinary Americans and the
last thing we need to do is to spend money on death, destruction and war. Cynthia McKinney

People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election. Otto von Bismarck

Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy. Sun Tzu

Wars are caused by undefended wealth. Ernest Hemingway

John Dalton's records, carefully preserved for a century, were destroyed during the World War II
bombing of Manchester. It is not only the living who are killed in war. Isaac Asimov

From the outset of the war, the Canadian people have clearly shown that it is their desire to help
in every way to make Canada's war effort as effective as possible. William Lyon Mackenzie

Workers in industry are the partners in war of the fighting forces. William Lyon Mackenzie King

The Emancipation Proclamation, signed by President Abraham Lincoln, was put into effect on
January 1, 1863, but news of the Proclamation and enforcement did not reach Texas until after
the end of the Civil War almost two years later. Corrine Brown

If you look at the history of technology over a couple hundred years, it's all about time
compression and making the globe smaller. It's had positive effects, all the ones that we know.
So we're much less likely to have the kind of terrible misunderstandings that led to World War I,
for example. Eric Schmidt

The most dangerous fundamentalists aren't just waging war in Iraq; they're attacking evolution,
blocking medical research and ignoring the environment. Jill Greenberg

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Sun Tzu

A really strong woman accepts the war she went through and is ennobled by her scars. Carly

In war, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers. Neville

We don't even know how strong we are until we are forced to bring that hidden strength forward.
In times of tragedy, of war, of necessity, people do amazing things. The human capacity for
survival and renewal is awesome. Isabel Allende

There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on
circumstances. Leon Trotsky

You know, veterans come home and they may not be bipolar, but after they've been through a
war with PTSD or a head injury, their families have a handful when they come home. David O.

February 19, 1942, is the year in which Executive Order 9066 was signed, and this was the order
that called for the exclusion and internment of all Japanese Americans living on the west coast
during World War II. Xavier Becerra

Donald Trump is an extremist leader who came out of nowhere. He's self-financed, recruits
through social media, attracts his followers with a radical ideology to take over the world, and is
actively trying to promote a war between Islam and the West. Hasan Minhaj

Peace to the shacks! War on the palaces! Georg Buchner

For some reason, lots of terrible things start here and then spread. The Cold War was one. It
didn't start in Berlin - it started in Athens in December 1944; the contagion in the eurozone
started here in 2010. We are perfectly capable as Europeans of messing things up unnecessarily.
Yanis Varoufakis

Everyone, when there's war in the air, learns to live in a new element: falsehood. Jean Giraudoux

For capitalism, war and peace are business and nothing but business. Karl Liebknecht

You ask what my conclusions are, rereading my journals and looking back on World War II
from the vantage point of quarter century in time? We won the war in a military sense; but in a
broader sense, it seems to me we lost it, for our Western civilization is less respected and secure
than it was before. Charles Lindbergh

Was Castro sincere when, during his guerrilla war, he swore that he was not a Communist? If so,
when did he change, and why? Looking back, does he believe he might have chosen a better
course? Stephen Kinzer

I'm convinced the fall of Aleppo will not end the war. Federica Mogherini
Flying is the only active profession I would ever continue with enthusiasm after the War. Wilfred

The second coming of Christ will be so revolutionary that it will change every aspect of life on
this planet. Disease will be eliminated. Death will be abolished. War will be eradicated. Nature
will be transformed. Billy Graham

War is a poor chisel to carve out tomorrow. Martin Luther King, Jr.

If every soldier is authorized to make one mistake, then we lose the war. Stanley A. McChrystal

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. George Orwell

War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.
William Tecumseh Sherman

Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. We are preparing for an all-out war, a war which
will last for generations. Yasser Arafat

The Iraq war was fought by one-half of one percent of us. And unless we were part of that small
group or had a relative who was, we went about our lives as usual most of the time: no draft, no
new taxes, no changes. Not so for the small group who fought the war and their families. Bob

After serving in the Korean War, I actually started working towards a master's degree in finance.
John Cullum

The next war... may well bury Western civilization forever. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Nevertheless, China was unfortunately unable to understand Japan's real position, and it is
greatly to be regretted that the Sino-Japanese War became one of long duration. Hideki Tojo

The Cold War is over but Cold War thinking survives. Joseph Rotblat

I deliberately did not read anything about the Vietnam War because I felt the politics of the war
eclipsed what happened to the veterans. The politics were irrelevant to what this memorial was.
Maya Lin

I'm of Russian-Jewish background. Like many Soviet Jews, my parents were engineers. My
family migrated from Ukraine to Israel when I was six. They arrived in Israel with very little...
Within a year of arriving in Israel, the Yom Kippur War happened. Sasha Roiz

The United States needed a civil war to unite properly. Umberto Eco

Standing, as I believe the United States stands for humanity and civilization, we should exercise
every influence of our great country to put a stop to that war which is now raging in Cuba and
give to that island once more peace, liberty, and independence. Henry Cabot Lodge

War is to man what maternity is to a woman. From a philosophical and doctrinal viewpoint, I do
not believe in perpetual peace. Benito Mussolini

As international support for Obama's decision to attack Syria has collapsed, along with the
credibility of government claims, the administration has fallen back on a standard pretext for war
crimes when all else fails: the credibility of the threats of the self-designated policeman of the
world. Noam Chomsky

The war on terrorism has made national security a legitimate concern, and a rising deficit,
changes brought on by globalization and even the price of oil have thrown the nation's economic
health into question. Roger Mahony

To win this war, we need a commander in chief, not a professor of law standing at the lectern.
Sarah Palin

It has too often been too easy for rulers and governments to incite man to war. Lester B. Pearson

When you write a two thousand page history of the Second World War, the deportations and the
concentration camps will take up five pages, and the gas chambers perhaps 20 lines. Jean-Marie
Le Pen

Brave men rejoice in adversity, just as brave soldiers triumph in war. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

For me, true beauty has nothing to do with wrinkles and everything to do with the fact that my
maternal grandmother raised five children just after the war and remained a fighter throughout
her life. True beauty is the slick of red lipstick my paternal grandmother would put on before
going to church on Sunday. Monica Bellucci

I am an opponent of war and of war preparations and an opponent of universal military training
and conscription; but entirely apart from that issue, I hold that segregation in any part of the body
politic is an act of slavery and an act of war. Bayard Rustin

I know that war and mayhem run in our blood. I refuse to believe that they must dominate our
lives. We humans are animals, too, but animals with amazing powers of rationality, morality,
society. We can use our strength and courage not to savage each other, but to defend our highest
purposes. Donella Meadows

The world will never have lasting peace so long as men reserve for war the finest human
qualities. Peace, no less than war, requires idealism and self-sacrifice and a righteous and
dynamic faith. John Foster Dulles

Unless a nation's life faces peril, war is murder. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Death created the modern American union, not just by ensuring national survival, but by shaping
enduring national structures and commitments. The work of death was Civil War America's most
fundamental and most demanding undertaking. Drew Gilpin Faust

Every soldier thinks something of the moral aspects of what he is doing. But all war is immoral
and if you let that bother you, you're not a good soldier. Curtis LeMay

During times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable even though it has to masquerade often
under the guise of patriotism. Howard Thurman

Yes, peace can and must be won, to save the world from the terrible destruction of World War
III. Paul Robeson

In 1968, America was a wounded nation. The wounds were moral ones; the Vietnam War and
three summers of inner-city riots had inflicted them on the national soul, challenging Americans'
belief that they were a uniquely noble and honorable people. Thurston Clarke
You can watch a little bit of war from your nice living room - 30 seconds of what's going on in
Syria - and when you've had enough, switch over to some celebrity programme. We live our life
through screens and images in this way, and we don't know what is real or fake anymore. It
doesn't matter. Alison Jackson

God employs several translators; some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by
war, some by justice. John Donne

War is fear cloaked in courage. William Westmoreland

A man will go to war, fight and die for his country. But he won't get a bikini wax. Rita Rudner

The German physicists knew at least so much about the manufacture and construction of atomic
bombs that it was clear to them that the manufacture of bombs in Germany could not succeed
during the war. For this reason, they were spared the moral decision whether they should make
an atomic bomb, and they had only worked on the uranium engine. Werner Heisenberg

We're no longer in the Cold War. Eavesdropping on friends is unacceptable. Vladimir Putin

One may know how to gain a victory, and know not how to use it. Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as sudden
global nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of.
Stephen Hawking

The Syrian army is tired of corruption. It is tired of party nepotism. It is becoming very angry
with those it blames for the war. Robert Fisk

Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war. John Adams

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