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Two stroke engine oil, 2 stroke engine oil test, testing results for two stroke

aircraft engine oil.

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W he n Pe nnzoil-Q uak e r State C om pa ny de cide d to
upgra de its popula r Pe nnzoil, O utboa rd and Multi-Purpo se
Vacuum Oil Quenching
Two-C ycle O il form ulation, the y fe lt it was ne ce ssary to Wide range of vacuum furnaces for gas and oil
look a t a ll niche m ark e ts the product was use d in to be quenching !
sure the cha nge s would be be ne ficial for the e nd use r.
Luf kin Gauging Tapes
Be cause of the po pularity of Pe nnzo il products in the Lufkin Gauge Tape & 590G Plumb Bobs Stainless
sport aviation m ark e t, it was im pe ra tive that the product Gauge Tapes & Plumb Bobs
upgra de be te ste d in two- cycle sport aviation e ngine s.

So, the y te a m e d up with R otax e ngine e x pe rts, Lock wo od Aviation in Se bring, Florida, to de sign a te st
tha t would assure the ne w product wo uld continue to pro te ct the se e ngine s.

Four diffe re nt oils we re chose n for the te st. The oils te ste d we re :
1) Pe nnzoil" Two-C ycle Air-C oole d Engine O il;
2) Pe nnzoil' Pre m ium O ut- board and Multi-purpose Two C ycle O il;
3) A conve ntional pe trole um two-cycle oil; and
4) A two-cycle synthe tic oil.

Each oil was color code d for ide ntifica tion and assigne d to a particular e ngine (se e Table I a t bottom of
page .) To e nsure a "blind te st," the te chnicians ope rating the te st stand we re unaware of which product
was use d in e ach e ngine .

Pe nnzoil' Two-C ycle Air-C oole d Engine O il is a low ash,

two-cycle oil m e e ting API TC re quire m e nts. API TC is the
Am e rican Pe trole um Institute standa rd for Two-C ycle air
coole d e ngine s. De te rge nt additive s incorporate d into
this product he lp prote ct against high te m pe rature
piston ring stick ing. This product has gaine d wide
popularity ove r the last te n ye ars in sport aviation
two-cycle e ngine s and is use d in both air- and wate r-
coole d two-cycle sport aviation e ngine s with gre at
succe ss.

Pe nnzoil' Pre m ium O utboard and Multi-purpose

Two-C ycle O il is a National Marine Ma nufacture rs A control pane l allowe d the ope rator to
Association co-ordinate ide ntical ope rating conditions
on all four e ngine s sim ultane ously.
(NNO AA) TC -W 3* ce rtifie d two-cycle oil (se e side bar -
"How Two-C ycle O ils W ork ") that also m e e ts API TC . This product incorporate s ashle ss dispe rsant
che m istry. This pro duct is also use d in both air and wate r-coole d two-cycle sport aviation e ngine s and
is now ga ining popularity in R otax 618 e ngine m ode ls, which are e quippe d with R otax Adjusta ble
Variable Ex ha ust (R AVE) valve s.

In this te st, the Pe nnzoil oils we re co m pare d to typical pe trole um -base d and synthe tic low-ash
two-strok e oils.

It is worthy to note that m any pilots using synthe tic oil m ay m ix at a highe r (le ane r) fue l/oil ra tio tha n
the e ngine m a nufacture r m ay spe cify. Synthe tic oils te nd to work we ll aga inst de posit form a tion a t
the se highe r ra tios, howe ve r e ngine m anufacture rs ge ne rally state that the highe r (le ane r) oil ra tio
m a y not provide e nough re sidual pro te ction from corrosion during e x te nde d storage conditions.
The re fore , all oils run in this te st we re run at the m anufacture r's re com m e nde d fue l/oil ratio of 50: 1.
Four ne w R ota x 503 two-cylinde r fan- coole d e ngine s we re purchase d and utilize d since it is one of the
m ost popular e ngine s in this m ark e t. Each e ngine use d a pre m ix oiling syste m inste ad of the oil
inje ction option. The e ngine s we re fue le d with pre m ium unle ade d gasoline that was m ix e d with the te st
oils at the e ngine m anufacture r's re com m e nde d ratio o f 50: 1. The e ngine s we re se t up ide ntically to
achie ve 6300 rpm at full throttle . Afte r a one hour pre scribe d bre ak -in cycle , the e ngine s we re run
unde r stre nuous o ne - hour cycle s sim ulating a typical flight routine - i.e ., full powe r tak e off, cruise ,
de sce nt, a nd idle conditions (Se e Ta ble 2 at bottom of this page ).

The Test

Afte r 280 grue ling hours, the e ngine s we re disasse m ble d, rate d for de po sit accum ulation, piston ring
stick ing and m e asure d for we ar. Inde pe nde nt ce rtifie d e ngine rate rs use d C oordinating R e se arch
C ouncil (C R C ) industry standards to e valuate e ach e ngine in the are as of piston, ring and e x haust port
de posit a ccum ulation, piston ring stick ing, piston scuffing, and ring and cylinde r we ar. Ke e ping the se
critica l are as cle an and fre e of de posits and we ar he lps e nsure longe r e ngine life .

The rating sta ndards are base d on a scale from I to 10. The highe r the ra ting, the be tte r the
e valuation or pe rfo rm ance of the lubricant in the spe cific are a rate d.

The piston rings we re rate d as to the state of stick ing a nd the de gre e of circum fe re nce around the
piston tha t the y we re stuck . De posits we re e valuate d by volum e and appe arance , ranging fro m 10
(cle an- abse nce o f de posits) to 0.0 (m ax im um de posits - those de posits which tak e up ALL of the
availa ble space be twe e n m oving parts and display rubbe d or polishe d cha racte ristics).

R e sistance aga inst cylinde r he ad, piston and ring land de posits is ve ry im portant in e ngine s. Piston
rings he lp re m ove he at from the piston and transfe r it to the coole r cylinde r walls, as we ll a s provide
se a ling be twe e n the com bustion cham be r and crank case . If de posits be com e too he avy and piston
rings be com e stuck in the ir groove s, the n pre m ature we ar and dam age will occur due to the ring's
inability to prope rly se al the com bustion cham be r and transfe r he at.
Ex ce ssive cylinde r he ad de - posits incre ase the octane re quire m e nt of the
e ngine and m a y a lso cause pre -ignition and de tonation, le ading to e ngine
dam age .

Graph I shows tha t Pe nnzoil' Pre m ium O utboard & Multi-purpose Two-C ycle
O il (ide ntifie d as the re d oil) pe rform e d e x ce ptionally we ll, particularly in
the are as of com bustion cham be r cle anline ss and pisto n crown de posits.
Pe nnzoil" Two-C ycle Air-C oole d Engine O il (blue oil) pe rform e d
e x ce ptionally we ll in the are as of re sistance to piston ring stick ing and piston ring land de po sits.

Graph 2 e valua te s piston sk irt de posits on both the thrust and anti-thrust side s of the pisto n. The
thrust side of the piston is the side that te nds to be ar m ost he avily
aga inst the cylinde r wall during the po we r strok e . The anti-thrust side of
the piston te nds to be ar m ost he avily against the cylinde r wall during the
com pre ssion strok e . W he n the transition occurs from the com pre ssion
strok e to the powe r strok e , the conne cting rod angle will change . This
cha nge ca use s a sudde n shift of the side thrust on the piston. If the re is
any a ppre ciable piston we ar or de posits, contact of the piston sk irt with the
cylinde r wa ll ca n o ccur.

Exhaust Port Deposits

The photogra phs be low show the de posits inside of the e x haust port. De posit buildup in the e x ha ust
port can affe ct the scave nging prope r- tie s of the two-cycle e ngine . Also, in R otax e ngine s tha t use
R AVE valve s, re sistance of an oil to de posit buildup is critical for prope r ope ration of the variable
e x haust va lve s.

The blue oil (Pe nnzoil* 2-C ycle Air- C oole d Engine O il) pe rform e d e x tre m e ly we ll as did the re d oil
(Pe nnzoil' Pre m ium O utboard And Multi-Purpose Two-C ycle O il). The purple oil (conve ntional m ine ra l)
and the ye llow oil (synthe tic) form e d significantly m ore de posits in the e x haust port are a. Howe ve r,
"re al world" te sts using synthe tic oils at typical le ane r m ix ture s show far le ss de posits.

If we had a ny doubts, the se te sts co nfirm e d that oil obviously doe s m ak e a diffe re nce in the
pe rform ance of a sport aviation e ngine ! Pe nnzoil was proud to confirm tha t its line of two- cycle oils
continue to provide the highe st de gre e of pe rform ance in this de m anding application.

Table 1

O il C ode Product De scription

Pe nnzoil 2 cycle air coole d

Blue Low ash
e ngine oil

Pe nnzoil O utboard and Ashle ss TC -W 3/AP I

m ultipurpose 2 cycle oil TC

C onve ntional pe tro le um 2 cycle

Purple Low ash API TC

Ye llow 2 cycle synthe tic o il Low ash API TC

Table 2
O pe rating conditio ns pe r hour of ope ration - 280
hours total

5 m inute s

Tak e O ff - Full Powe r

4 m inute s

C ruise - 5800 rpm

47 m inute s

De sce nt and landing - 4000 rpm

4 m inute s

For m ore inform ation click he re .

How two strok e oil work s, click he re .

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