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C #:
Checked By:: TM 29/2/2012
2 0 First Issue

Approved By

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. .................................................. 3 
ABLES ................................................................................................ .................................................. 3 
ODUCTION: ........................................................................................ .................................................. 4 
OREACTOR PROCESS: .................................................... .................................................. 6 
2.0 BASIC DESIGN PARAMETERS: .................................................................... .................................................. 8 
2.1 Dessign Paramete
er .................................................................................. .................................................. 8 
AGRAM: ....................................................................... .................................................. 9 
ON: ............................................................ ................................................ 10 
4.1  Inlet Lines: ....................................................................................... ................................................ 11 
4.2  ner (Plenty fillters): ....................................................... ................................................ 11 
Duplex Strain
4.3  Rotary Drum
m Screens: ..................................................................... ................................................ 12 
4.4  PDT & RDT D
Divert Tanks .................................................................. ................................................ 14 
4.5  Diver Tank: ...................................................................................... ................................................ 15 
4.6  Screened Efffluent Sump .................................................................. ................................................ 15 
4.7  Balance Tankks: ................................................................................. ................................................ 16 
4.8  Chemical Dosing and Pipe
e Flocculater: .......................................... ................................................ 17 
4.9  Dissolved Airr Flotation (DAF System): .......................
. ..................... ................................................ 18 
4.10  Treated DAF Sump: ......................................................................... ................................................ 20 
4.11  DAF Sludge TTanks: ........................................................................... ................................................ 20 
4.12  Bio‐Feed Sum
mp: ............................................................................... ................................................ 21 
4.13  Duplex Strain
ners for Anoxxic Tanks: ................................................. ................................................ 21 
4.14  Anoxic Tankss: .................................................................................. ................................................ 22 
4.15  Aeration Tan
nks: ............................................................................... ................................................ 22 
4.16  Anoxic Recyccle Chamberss: .............................................................. ................................................ 24 
4.17  Overflow We
eir from Aeration Tank to M
MBR Tank: ......................... ................................................ 24 
4.18  Membrane B
Bio‐Reactor:.................................................................. ................................................ 25 
4.18.1  Membrane Relaxation Sequence (Intermittent O peration) ..................................................... 26 
4.18.2  n .............................................................. ................................................ 26 
Coarse Bubble Aeration
4.18.3  Air Diffuse
er Cleaning Se
equence ................................................... ................................................ 27 

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
4.18.4  Permeate Flow Controll Valves .................................................... ................................................ 28 
4.18.5  Clean Sequen
Chemical C nce ........................................................... ................................................ 31 
4.18.6  Maintenan
nce of Memb
brane ........................................................ ................................................ 35 
4.19  Overflow We
eir from MBR Tank to Sludge Recycle Taank: .............................................................. 35 
4.20  Sludge Recyccle Tanks: ..................................................................... ................................................ 36 
4.21  Permeate Sto
orage Tank and Reuse Pum
mps: ................................... ................................................ 39 
4.22  Pivot Irrigatio
on Sump: ..................................................................... ................................................ 39 
4.23  Biological Slu
udge Tanks: .................................................................. ................................................ 40 
4.24  Sludge De‐watering System: ........................................................... ................................................ 41 
4.25  Organic Sludge Storage Area: ......................................................... ................................................ 41 
4.26  Odor Control System: ...................................................................... ................................................ 42 
5  REEFERENCES: ....................................................................................... ................................................ 43 

FIGURE 1: FILTRATION PRINCIPLE OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE IN MBR PROC ESS. ................................................................. 7 
FIGURE 2: PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM. ..................................................................... .................................................. 9 
FIGURE 3: METHODS OF SU USPENDED SOLIDS FLOTATION. .......................................... ................................................ 19 
FIGURE 4: AIR DIFFUSES FLUSHING PROCEEDURE. ...................................................... ................................................ 28 
FIGURE 5: CHEMICAL CLEAANING SYSTEM. ................................................................ ................................................ 33 
E  PLANT WITH CONTROL SIGNALS. ........................................................ ................................................ 38 

TABLE 1: EFFLUENT CHARAACTERISTICS: .................................................................... .................................................. 8 
WASHING OPERA ATION. ........................................................ ................................................ 13 
TABLE 3: PERMEATE VALVEE, EQUALIZATIO ON TANK LOCKUP TABLE. .............................. ................................................ 37 

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 


The purp
pose of this project is to
o install a neew effluent w
wastewater ttreatment pllant of total daily
capacity of 8,000 m3/d
/ in line with the speciffications laidd out in the ttender docum

Both of suspended solids

s and biodegradable organic m
matter will bbe reduced thhrough treattment
system to an accepttable limit. The plant is capable too produce trreated waterr of volumee and
or agriculturre purposes.
quality fo

The com
mbination between conventional sysstem and M
MBR technollogy has to give this prroject
nt property,, which ach
hieves the best
b water qquality amonng all wastewater treattment
plants, an
nd save conssiderable areea. The scopee of the proj ect is describbed briefly bbelow:

Hail Agrricultural Deevelopment Co, a subsiidiary of thee Al marai Company, hhave commeenced
build of a new poulttry processin
ng plant (PP
PP) located ssome 120km
m east of Haail, Saudi Arrabia.
There will be two main
m processsing lines within the new facilityy with eachh line capabble of
ng at a rate 12,000
1 birdss/hour and a maximum tthroughput oof 367,200 bbirds/day. A daily
hygiene clean
c will take place posst production
n and will la st approxim
mately 6 hourrs.

A renderring plant will

w be instaalled adjacent to PPP aand will treeat animal bbyproducts/ solid
material arising from
m the poultry processing plant.

Effluent from the PP

PP and Rend
dering plantts will be puumped to thhe primary eeffluent treattment
(PET) plaant, located adjacent to the
t rendering
g plant. The pre-treated effluent will then be pum
to the bio
ological treaatment area, for further treatment annd purificatiion, which w
will be locatted c.
500m aw

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
The dirty
y pumped liines shall pass
p first thrrough a set of duplex sstrainers eacch having 10mm
openingss to a rotary drum
d screen
ns located in the DAF rooom with opeening size off 2 mm.
PPP efflu
uent, after sccreening, shaall drop into an above grround PPP ddivert tank bbefore it flow
ws via
gravity to
o the below ground screeened effluen
nt sump via the screenedd effluent m
manhole. Screeened
g effluent sh
hall drop in
nto an abovee ground reendering divvert tank before it flow
ws via
gravity to
o the below ground screeened effluen
nt sump via tthe screenedd effluent maanhole.

The conttents of both the PPP and

d Rendering
g divert tankss shall be moonitored, usiing inline prrobes,
for both turbidity an
nd ammoniaa. Should hiigh levels bbe detected, an automatted valve wiill be
initiated to divert thee contents to
o the below ground divvert tank insttead of the screened efffluent
sump. Th
he contents of
o the divert tank will th
hen either be recycled baack through tthe plant (if there
is sufficiient spare capacity) or shall be tan
nkered awayy for offsitee disposal. T
This system
m will
protect th
he downstreaam biologicaal treatment plant from sshock overlooads.

d effluent sh
hall be pump
ped from thee screened eeffluent sum
mp to the baalance tanks. The
balance tanks
t shall be
b aerated an
nd mixed to provide
p a hoomogenous ffeed to the ddownstream DAF

Effluent from the balance tank

ks shall be pumped
p at a controlledd rate to tw
wo Dissolvedd Air
n (DAF) plan
nts operating
g in parallel.. The effluennt will be innitially pH coorrected andd then
organic coagulants/f
c flocculants added,
a via an
a inline floocculator syystem, upstreeam of the DAF
vessel to enhance thee overall DA
AF plant perfformance.

F plant will remove a laarge proporttion of the ppolluting loaad from the effluent witth the
sludge being periodiically remov
ved from th
he surface off each DAF
F vessel. Thhe sludge wiill be
pumped to a DAF sludge storag
ge tank befo
ore it is pum
mped to the adjacent renndering plannt for
ng and treatm
dewaterin ment.
Partially treated efflu
uent from th
he DAF plan
nts will flow
w via gravityy to the below ground trreated
mps via a treeated DAF manholes. From
DAF sum F here, eeffluent shalll be pumped to the bioo feed
sump in the ocated some 500 meters away.
t biologicaal treatment plant area lo

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
From thee bio feed su
ump, the efflluent will bee pumped annd divided eqqually betweeen four idenntical
ne bioreactorr systems (M
MBR’s) operrating in parrallel. Each MBR system
m will conssist of
an anoxiic tank, an aeration
a tank
k, and a meembrane sepparation tank
nk. There wiill be an intternal
recirculattion loop between
b the aeration taank and the anoxic to enhance the de-nitrificcation
process so
s that the fin
nal discharg
ge nitrate lim
mit can be achhieved. Exceess sludge w
will be divertted to
the biolo
ogical sludgee tanks on a periodic basis from whhere it will bbe pumped too a consoliddation
system (ii.e. belt press) and then used
u as an orrganic fertiliizer.

The treatted effluent from the MBR tanks will

w flow to a permeate sstorage sumpp. From heree, the
treated effluent
e willl be pumpeed back to PPP and R
Rendering foor process rreuses, afterr UV
sterilizatiion, and bee used for landscaping
g/irrigation ppurposes. A
Any unused water from
m the
permeatee sump will overflow
o into the pivot irrigation sum

Clean waater arising from PPP (i.e.

( RO rejeect and evapporative conndenser blow
w down) wiill be
pumped from a sump
p in the vicin
nity of the ceentral utilitiees building ((CUB) to thee biological plant
area via a separate liine by otherrs. This line will bypasss the effluentt plant and ffeed direct tto the
pivot irriigation sump
p where it will
w combine with the sew
wage treatmeent plant MB
BR permeate and
any unussed ETP MBR permeate before it is pumped
p to thhe sacrificiaal pivot.

1.1 MEM

The mem
mbrane bioreeactor (MBR
R) process is a technoloogy that connsists of a suuspended grrowth
biologicaal reactor inttegrated with
h a membraane system, uusing the hoollow fiber m
membrane oor flat
sheet meembranes. Membrane
M bioreactor sy
ystems have two basic configuratioons 1) Integgrated
or that uses membranes immersed in the bioreeactor and 22) The re-cirrculated MB
BR in
which th
he mixed liquor circulatees through a membranee module sittuated outsidde the bioreaactor.
Essentiallly, the filtraation system olids separattion functionn of secondaary clarifiers and
m replaces so
sand filteers in a conv
ventional actiivated sludge system.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
nes/moduless are immerssed in an MBR
M tank, inn direct conntact with m
mixed liquor. The
availablee hydrostaticc pressure (w
water head ab
bove the meembrane) draaws the treatted water thrrough
the flat sheet
s memb
branes. Perm
meate is then
n directed too disinfectioon or dischaarge facilitiees. A
us airflow is introduced
d to the botttom of the m
membrane m
module, prodducing turbuulence
that scou
urs the external surfacee of the Flaat sheet mem
mbranes. Thhis scouringg action trannsfers
rejected solids away
y from the membrane
m su
urface. Mem
mbrane bioreeactor technology effecttively
overcomes the probleems associatted with poo
or settling off sludge in cconventionall activated slludge

MBR tecchnology peermits bioreeactor operaation with cconsiderably higher mixxed liquor ssolids
concentraations than conventionaal activated sludge systeems that aree limited byy sludge setttling.
R process is typically op
perated at a mixed
m liquorr suspended solids (MLS
SS) concentrration
in the ran
nge of 7,000
0 to 18,000 mg/L.
m Elevatted biomass concentratioons allow for highly effeective
removal of both solu
uble and parrticulate biodegradable material in the waste sttream. The M
process combines
c he unit operrations of aeeration, secoondary clarification andd filtration into a
single prrocess, prod
ducing a hig
gh quality efffluent, simpplifying opeeration and greatly reduucing
space req

Fiigure 1: Filtra
ation Principlee of Activated Sludge in MB
BR Process.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
2.0 BAS

gn Parameter
2.1 Desig
um Volume Design
D : 8,000 m3 /d
um Loading Design CO
OD Load : 550,000 kg/day

Table 1: Efffluent charactteristics:

meter Final Effluent Exxpected
OD (mg/L) 5.0

SS (mg/L) 3.0

OD (mg/L) 50.0

urbidity (NTU) 5.0

H4-N (mg/L) 0.5

Niitrate / NO3--N (mg/L) 10.0

H 6.0 – 9.0

Note: Thee plant is desiigned to handdle a maximum

m flow of 8,0000 m3/d and load of 50,0000 kg/d rather than
the expeccted flow rate which is 6,0000 m3/d and load of 37,0000 kg/d to proovide some fleexibility in casse the
plant inlett is higher thann the expecteed.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
3.0 PRO

Figure 2: Prrocess Flow Diiagram.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
4.0 DET

H efflluent treatment plant (E
ETP with M
MBR Processs) consists of the
g units:

1. In
nlet Lines.
2. Duplex
D Straiiners basketts.
3. Rotary
R drum
m screen.
4. PDT
T Divert Tan
5. Screened Efffluent Sump
p (LS01a&b
6. Divert
D Tank (DT1).
7. Balance
B Tan
nks (BT1, BT
8. DAF
D Plants (DAF1&2).
9. DAF
D Chemiccal System.
10. Chemical
C Do
osing System
11. DAF
D Treated
d Sump (LS
12. Bio-Feed
B Sum
mp (LS03a&
13. DAF
D Sludge Tanks (DST
T1, DST2).
14. Anoxic
A Tank
ks (AN1, AN
N2, AN3 & AN4).
15. Aeration
A Tan
nks (AT1, AT2,
A AT3 & AT4).
16. Membrane
M Bioreactor
B Tanks
R1, MBR2, MBR3 & M
17. Sludge Recyccle Tanks (S
2, SRT3 & SRT4).
18. Bio-Sludge
B Tanks
T (BST1, BST2).
19. Permeate
P Sto
orage Sump
20. Pivot
P Irrigattion Sump (L
21. Sludge De-W
Watering Sysstem.
22. Organic
O Slud
dge Storagee Bed.
23. Water
W Reusee System.
24. Odor
O Contro
ol Unit.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
25. PET
P Odor Control
C Pipin

4.1 Inlett Lines:

Three lin
nes will be responsible on
o transferrin
ng the dirty water from the Poultry Processing Plant
with diameteer of Ø 315m
(PPP) to the primary treatment area (DAF Room) each w mm uPVC, bbeside
to one lin with diameterr of Ø 160m
ne from the rendering pllant to the saame place w mm uPVC. A
All the
four lines will be fittted with maagnetic flow
w meters to measure thee instantaneoous and totaalized
flow ratees and will be relayed to the PLC. Th
he flow meteers should be located at the manufaccturer
recommeended distances away fro
om any bend
ds or valves, and in easy to read locaations.

t four linees will be brranched to a sampling boox via Ø 32m

Each of the mm uPVC ppipe with manual
and soleenoid valvess. Four auto
o samplers will be respponsible onn taking sam
mples from each
g box (each inlet line) on periodic bases.
b This cconfigurationn was selectted to ensuree that
the auto samplers wiill not take samples from
m pressurizeed lines as tthey will coollect the sam
from box
xes opened to
o the atmosp

The solen
noid valves will be linkeed to the flow
w meters annd they shouuld open afteer a certain vvalues
of flow (volumes)
( an
nd in the same time theey should alsso give a siggnal to the P
PLC. This ssignal
will be used to initiatte the auto saamplers to sttart taking thhe samples aas following:

After thee certain valu

ues of flow the
t solenoid
d values willl open for at least 10 secc. to flush ouut the
old waterr exist in thee sample box
xes. After 10
0 sec. the aut
uto samplers will start takking the sam
Any wateer quantitiess more than the volume of the samppling box annd the flush out water w
will be
flow over the weir an
nd directed to the drain.

4.2 Dupllex Strainer (Plenty fiilters):

On each inlet line to

t the DAF room, a du
uplex straineer will be innstalled to pprevent the large
objects entering
e to th
he rotary dru
um screens and
a the otheer mechanicaal equipment. These straainers

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
having an
n openings size
s of 10 mm
m. Two presssure indicattors will be ffitted up andd downstream
m the
filters to monitor thee pressure difference
d beefore and aftter the strainners. In casee of this preessure
differencce exceed 0.7
7 bar then th
he strainer neeed to be cle aned.

4.3 Rota
ary Drum Sccreens:

The threee pumped lin

nes of PPP mentioned
m above
a will bbe collected to one mainn header andd then
will enterr the screeniing system mounted
m at high
h level onn the screenss plinth. The screens willl be a
u complette with a sellf-cleaning sspray bar annd capable of removing gross
rotary drrum screen unit
solids fro
om the wasstewater inclluding hats and hairnetts, packaginng, labels, aand other geeneral
debris. The
T screen will
w be perfo
orated drum type with ann aperture ssize of 2 mm
m. There aree four
screens for
f PPP liness and one screen for the line comingg from the reendering plaant plus one place
for additiional screen for the samee rendering line
l will be cconsidered ffor future exppansion.

The screens are deliv

vered completely preasssembled andd ready to w
work. The puumped inlet flow
enters thee screen thro
ough a flang
ged nozzle an
nd is distribuuted over thee entire lenggth of the druum. It
enters th
herefore from
m external to
o internal off the drum lleaving imppurities on thhe surface oof the
same. Th
he water passses in the low
wer part of the
t drum froom internal tto external oof the same aand is
leaving th
hrough a flaanged connecction to be disposed
d of. An overflow
w flanged coonnection loocated
above thee normal flooding level will
w discharg
ge the exces s flow bypasssing the druum screeningg.

he rotation of
During th o the drum the impuritties containeed in the waater are cleanned by a suiitably
located blade
b pressed
d with adjusstable spring
g load on thee drum. By this mean thhe screeninggs are
lifted fro
om the drum
m surface and
d disposed to
o a screeninng dischargee plate. An aauger system
m will
be installled along the screens an
nd will be reesponsible onn transferrinng the screennings back tto the
g plant wherre they will be
b reprocesseed.

As a stan
ndard, to be used speciaally with smaall openingss, there is a ppipe with suuitable slots from
which on
n a timer bassis a water spray is direccted from innternal to extternal of the drum so thaat the
part of sccreenings thaat could obsttruct the opeenings is wasshed away aafter the bladde.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
A special washing sy
ystem for theese drum scrreens was seelected based on the natture of the w
carried with
w the waater generated from su
uch plants ( slaughter hoouses). Thiss system m
considerss high pressu
ure and hot water
w o 65 oC) to bbe used for w
(up to washing the screens to ennsure
the optim nd consists of a speciall type of tannk with internal heater, level
mum screenss cleaning an
and temp
perature swiitches as weell as a wassh water boooster pumpss that have 10 bar dischharge

The drum
m screens waashing shoulld be take pllace and conntrolled baseed on the tim
me and in maanner
of ensuriing that no more
m than tw
wo screens washing
w willl take place in the same time. In ordder to
do that, the sequencees for screenss washing caan follow so mething likee the followiing table:

able 2: Drum screen
s washin g operation.


PP Rende erin Rende erin Wa
Sequencce Scree Scree Scree
S Scrree g g Flow Rate Us
mins n1 n2 n3 n4 Screenn 1 Scree
en 2 m33/hr m
5 ON ON 10..30 0..86
10 ON ON 10..30 0..86
15 ON ON
N 10..30 0..86
20 ON ON
N 10..30 0..86
25 ON ON
N 3.8
80 0..32
30 ON ON
N 3.8
80 0..32
35 ON ON 10..30 0..86
40 ON ON 10..30 0..86
45 ON ON
N 10..30 0..86
50 ON ON
N 10..30 0..86
55 ON ON
N 3.8
80 0..32
60 ON ON
N 3.8
80 0..32

Based on
n the above table
t the folllowing shoulld be considdered:
• The washing
g time for eaach screen iss 5 min.
• Maximum
M number
n of sccreens that will
w be washeed at the sam
me time is tw
• The PLC wiill be responsible on thiss operation vvia timer andd solenoid vaalves.
• The screens should be washed
w only when they aare in operatiional, this m
1. If thee screen is issolated, no washing
w takees place.
2. The sequence tim
mer only cou
unts screen ru
running timee (not real tim

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
The expeected workin
ng time as fo

- Minimum
M sccreen running time 8 hours/dayy For all 4 screens
- Maximum
M sccreen runnin
ng time 24 hours/dayy For all 4 screens
- Assumed
A Avverage screenn running tim
me 16 hours/dayy For all 4 screens
- Assume
A Ren
ndering screeen the same 16 hours/dayy

4.4 PDT & RDT Div

vert Tanks

The main
n objective of
o these two tanks is diverting the floow to the diver tank (DT
T1) in case oof the
water qu
uality deviatee from its orriginal rangees. Usually tthe water wiill flow from
m the rotary drum
screens to screened effluent
e sum
mp (LS01a&b
b) through thhe divert tannks (PDT forr water from
screens & RDT for water
w from rendering scrreens). Eachh of the two ttanks will fiitted with NH
H3 &
y analytical meters, wh
henever the values of N
NH3 & Turrbidity are lless than itss pre-
d values the water
w will diirected to thee screened e ffluent sumpp and in the cases of the NH3
& Turbid
dity values higher than its pre-speccified valuess then the w
water will bbe directed tto the
divert tan

To perform the abov

ve diverting process, eacch divert tannk was desiggned with tw
wo outlets annd the
water willl go for each
h outlet by flowing
f overr rectangularr weir. One oof these outlets will be roouted
to the scrreened effluent sump an
nd the other one will be routed to thhe divert tankk. The weir from
the screeened effluentt sump is low
wer in its lev
vel than the other weir aand the pipe from its sidde has
a motorizzed valve, whenever
w th
he analytical devices givve signal thee motorizedd valve will close
and allow
ws the water level insidee the tank to build up tilll it reaches thhe second w
weir (routed tto the
divert tan o valves are installed on its pipe.
nk) where no

In order to
t measure the
t quantities of water th
hat will be di
diverted to thhe divert tankk, ultrasonicc flow
meter (leevel transmittter calibrateed with weir to measure the flow rattes) will be iinstalled upoon the
higher weir. This flow
w meter willl measure th
he instantaneeous and totaalized flow rate.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
4.5 Dive
er Tank:

In case of
o high turbid
dity or high NH3
N in one of the diverrt tanks (PDT
T or RDT) thhe corresponnding
motorized valve willl close and the
t water wiill be directeed to the divvert tank (DT
T1). Two veenturi
submersiible aerators will be resp
ponsible on aeration andd mixing of the divert taank contentss. The
n of the two aerators will be controllled via level transmitter and based oon the level iinside
the tank in
i a manner to ensure th
hat the oxygeen flow to thhe water is att least 17.0 kkg/hr.

To do thaat, one of thee aerators sh

hould be starrted wheneveer the water level becom
mes more thaan the
low levell inside the tank
t and thee second aeraator should bbe started w
when the watter level beccomes
higher th
han the midp
point in the tank heightt (water heigght). The vaalues of the levels wherre the
aerators will
w be turneed on should
d be variablee in the PLC
C and their seetting will bbe finalized iin the
commissioning stagee.

If the waater level inside the div

vert tank (DT
T1) reaches the high levvel, then thee PLC shouuld be
override the above action
a (divertting from PD
DT & RDT)) and it shouuld give alarrm. In case if the
level tran
nsmitter insiide the diverrt tank (DT1) is faulty then the waater will go through the high
level oveerflow to screeened efflueent sump.

The tank
k also will bee fitted with two
t submerssible pumps (Duty / Stanndby) and thhey will pum
mp the
water eitther to tank
kers via a Bauer Conneection installled in underrground chaamber besidde the
nk or again to the proceess if the quaality can alloow for that. The operatiion of the puumps
divert tan
also shou
uld be contro
olled via the level transm
mitter for thee low level w
where they sshould be stoopped
whenever it is reacheed. Starting the
t pumps will
w be manuaally accordinng to the opeerator decision.

4.6 Scree
ened Efflue
ent Sump

As mentiioned above and when th

he water quaality is goodd in term of tturbidity andd NH3, the w
will conttinue his way
y to the screened effluen
nt sump thatt is divided iinto two typiical tanks (L
& b). Th
he water willl reach first a flow splittter then it wiill enter tankk (a) or (b) oor both as peer the
manual valves
v arrang
gement. Thiss ability willl allow isolattion of one ttank in case oof maintenannce.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
Four pum
mps will be installed
i inside this sum
mp where twoo pumps willl dedicated for each tannk. At
the begin
nning of the operation one tank willl be in operaation and thee pumps inside that tankk will
both worrk in duty. In
n case of faailure the waater level insside the tankk will start iincreasing unntil it
reaches the
t high leveel over flow
w and it will start fallen in the seconnd tank thenn the other puumps
will work
k as backup for the first set of pump
ps. But if thee decision is the two tankks will workk then
in each taank the pum
mps will work
k duty / stan
ndby mannerr. Anyway w
whatever the operation iss, two
pumps sh
hall be in operation.

In the futture a third pump

p will be added in each
e tank to deliver wateer to the futuure balance tanks
and the three pump
ps will work in a du
uty / standbby / assistaant bases. A
At low leveel an
necting valvee will be insttalled to allo
interconn ow for operaation the twoo tanks as a ccommon sum

4.7 Balance Tanks::

Two balaancing tankss will be constructed to absorb the variations iin the flow rrate and feeed the
later unitts with consstant flow raate against set
s point to operate the plant in staable way alsso the
balance tanks
t will heelp in equalization the feed
f water iin terms of cconstituents concentratioon so
they willl be as hom
mogenous as possible. To
T achieve tthis, three aaerators in eeach tank wiill be
utilized to
t provide th
he required mixing.
m The three
t aeratorrs will proviide a minimuum aeration input
of 80 kgO

Each balance tank sh

hall be fitted
d with level transmitter
t tto enable conntrol of the forward feedd and
also to prrovide an allarm should high level be
b detected. Maximum aand minimum
m working llevels
within th
he balance taank shall be easily adjusstable via thhe PLC in thhe main conntrol panel. T
level pro
obes shall bee easily accessible from
m the top off the balancee tanks for maintenancee and
cleaning as required.
Under no
ormal operatting conditio
ons, the tank m working levvel of circa 1.5m
k shall have a minimum
to ensuree that the Veenturi aeratorrs are fully submerged
s too provide goood mixing aand aerationn. The
Venturi aerators shaall be autom
matically co
ontrolled acccording to tank level w
with generaally a
m of 1 aerato nal per tank at all times.. The lead aaerators shalll be rotatedd on a
or operation
regular basis
b to ensu
ure that no settling
s of so
olids takes pplace withinn these tankss. As the baalance

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
tank leveel changes, additional aerators
a shalll automaticaally be starteed and stoppped according to
tank leveel with three units operattional when the
t tank is fu

Under no
ormal operattion, the balaance tanks sh
hall operate in parallel w
working at thhe same leveel due
to the co
ommon draw
w off line. However,
H when
w mainteenance is reqquired, the site will need to
operate on
o a single balance
b tank. The changee to single opperation shaall be via maanual operatiion of
valves bu
ut the operattor shall be required
r to manually
m seleect the operaating tank onn the PLC soo that
the correct level prob
be is employ
yed for system
m flow contrrol.

The systeem shall und

der most con
nditions prov
vide a consttant forwardd feed rate aggainst a giveen set
point. Th
he operator shall be able to select thee set points vvia a lookup table withinn the PLC to meet
the varyiing conditio
ons that may
y arise. Thee set point sshall be eassily adjustabble and shalll not
require any PLC code programm

Two setss of variable speed progrressive cavity

y pumps opeerating in duuty / standbyy mode (FOU
UR in
total) shaall transfer effluent
e from
m balance taanks to the D
DAF plants.. Selection oof the duty ppump
shall be made
m via thee control pan
nel. Also, sh
hould one of the pumps ttrip or fail, thhe system shhould
automatically switch over to the second pum
mp and an alaarm should bbe raised.

4.8 Chem
mical Dosin
ng and Pipe
e Flocculate

Industriaal pretreatmeent using DA

AF system typically
t relyy on chemiccal program
ms to improvve the
destabilizzation of em
mulsions, preccipitation off proteins, annd the destabbilization of suspended ssolids
through pH
p control and
a the addittion of coagu
ulants. Floccculation of thhe resulting coagulated ssolids
is typicallly accompliished through the additio
on of cationiic and/or aniionic polymeers. The resuulting
floc from
m these cheemical prog
grams can be
b easier to float than that from many muniicipal
ons, thus reequiring lesss dissolved air. This alllows manyy industrial DAF system
ms to
operate with
w much lo
ower air / solids ratios an
nd higher soolids loadingg rates than aare typicallyy used
in municipal applicattions. The co
oagulation fllocculation pprocess will be most succcessful at ceertain
pH valuees, these vallues will be different fro
om water too water and the final doosing rate foor the

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
chemicalls will be deecided only based
b on thee field data aand accordinng to DAF pperformance after

Two pipee Flocculateers will be in

nstalled befo
ore the two DAF plants where theyy will providde the
required contact timee (reaction time)
t betweeen the chem
micals and thhe water. Fouur chemicalss will
be injecteed to the waater: 1- Causstic Soda, 2-- Hydrochlorric acid, 3- C
Coagulant aand 4- Floccuulent.
The causstic soda an
nd the acid will be useed for pH aadjustment w
while the cooagulant andd the
nt will help in the processs of flocs formation.

In front of
o each pipe Flocculater there is a flo
ow meter thaat will measure the flow
w rate of the w
entering the DAF system. Also the
t meter wiill control thhe dosing off the coagulaant and floccculent
in proporrtional mann
ner whereass the inlet fllow rate inccrease the chhemical dosing will inccrease

A pH meeter will also

o be installeed before thee DAF systeem and whennever the vaalue of the ppH of
the inlet water is deeviate from the pre-speccified set pooint then thhe pH meterr will give ssignal
(through the SCADA
A) to the acid
d / caustic dosing
d pumpps to react acccordingly. T
The acid / caaustic
dosing pumps havin
ng the ability
y to change the dose ass per the inccoming signnal. All chem
dosing pu
umps shall be
b provided as duty/stand
dby with auttomatic channgeover in thhe event of ppump
ogether with an alarm ou
failure to utput.

Three seets of chem

mical dosing
g pumps wiith propositiional dosingg facility foor the folloowing
ons: 1-Phossphorous Do
osing, 2-Alkalinity Dosinng and 3-Anntifoam. Thee three chem
will add the
t chemicals into DAF outlet waterr.

4.9 Disso
olved Air F
Flotation (D
DAF System

Dissolved air flotatio

on is a meth
hod for separating and removing ssuspended soolids from lliquid
based on
n changes in the solubilitty of gas as pressure var
aries. Air is ddissolved unnder pressuree in a
clean liqu
uid, usually recycled efffluent from the
t DAF unnit, and injeccted into the raw feed strream.
Upon entering the DAF
D unit, th
he air pressu
ure is releaseed and combbined with tthe liquid, w
becomes super saturrated with micron-sized
m d air bubbless. Micron-siized air bubbles produccing a

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
lower specific gravitty for the ag
gglomerate to
o less than tthat of waterr, thus effecctively raisinng the
suspendeed particles to the liquid surface, forming
f a flloating sludgge layer thaat is removeed by
skimmers. Heavier solids
s settle to the botto
om of the taank and are raked to a sludge outleet for
removal. Flotation off suspended solids is ach
hieved by thhree methodss of attachinng waste parrticles
with the gas. All threee methods of
o bubble-to
o-solids attacchment are vvery fragile aand turbulennce in
flotation units must be
b kept to a minimum
m to prevent deteerioration off operating pperformance.

Figuree 3: Methods of
o suspended solids flotatio n.

At the ou
utlet of the DAF
D plant a pH and turb
bidity meterrs will be insstalled to meeasure the quuality
of the treeated water and the read
dings should
d be appeareed at the PL
LC, and autoo-sampler w
will be
added alsso to collect a compositee samples.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
The floatted solids att the surfacee and the seettled materiials at the bbottom will be collectedd and
disposed through the DAF sludgee pumps to DAF
D sludge tank. The puumps are tw
wo progress ccavity
nd they will work on du
pumps an uty / standby
y bases. Instaantaneous annd totalized flow rates oof the
sludge will
w be record
ded through the
t flow metter installed at each pum
mp discharge header.

4.10 Treated DAF

T F Sump:

The outleet from the DAF

D tanks will
w flow by gravity to D
DAF treated sump (LS022a&b). The w
will reach first a flow
w splitter th
hen it will en
nter tank (a)) or (b) or booth as per thhe manual vvalves
ment. This ab
bility will alllow isolation
n of one tankk in case of m
Four pum
mps will be installed
i mp where twoo pumps willl dedicated for each tannk. At
inside this sum
the begin
nning of the operation one tank willl be in operaation and thee pumps inside that tankk will
both worrk in duty. In
n case of faailure the waater level insside the tankk will start iincreasing unntil it
reaches the
t high leveel over flow
w and it will start fallen in the seconnd tank thenn the other puumps
k as backup for the first set of pump
will work ps. But if thee decision iss that the twoo tanks will work
then in each tank thee pumps willl work as du
uty / standbyy. Anyway w
whatever the operation iss, two
pumps sh
hall be in operation.

In the futture a third pump will be

b added in each tank annd the three pumps willl work in a dduty /
standby / assistant bases.
b At low
w level an interconnect
i ting valve w
will be instaalled to allow
w for
n the two tan
nks as a com
mmon sump.

4.11 DAF Sludge

D Tanks:

These tan
nks will be used
u d the sludge before it puumped to CA
to hold AT2 plant. T
The tanks flooor is
sloped to
oward a wet sump insidee the tank to allow compllete drainagee of the tankk and the conntents
inside thee tank will be
b aerated by
y means of tw
wo jet aeratoors working on duty/dutyy bases.
b fitted wiithin each sludge tank to control tthe operationn of the Veenturi
A level probe will be
aerators and
a the pum
mps deliverin
ng the sludge to CAT2 rrendering pllant. A high level alarm shall
be provid
ded back to the PLC to
o indicate pu
ump failure.. Two variabble speed prrogressive ccavity

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
pumps will
w be installled to deliverr DAF sludg
ge to the sluddge tanks loccated in the CAT2 Renddering

4.12 Bio‐Feed Su
B ump:

The wateer from DAF

F treated sum
mp will be pu
umped to thee ETP plant which is loccated 500 m away
from the PET through a pressurizzed line. Num
mber of roddding chambeers will be innstalled alonng the
line for cleaning
c purp

The wateer will reach

h first to und
derground fllow splitter which will allow the floow to be divvided
into two equal halv
ves then it will enter tank
t (a) or (b) or bothh as per thee manual vvalves
ment as per the
t need. Ussually both tanks
t will bee in operatioon except in the maintennance

There wiill be four pumps

p sets within
w bio-feeed sump (2 sets in eithher side). Eaach pump sett will
operate as
a duty/stand
dby and will be variable speed and c ontrolled viaa a PID loopp according tto the
level in the
t respectiv
ve sludge reecycle chamb
bers. A leveel probe willl be provideed in each oof the
sumps to
o provide feedback to th
he PET plan
nt so that thhe incoming effluent cann be regulatted to
match th
he outgoing flow. Undeer normal operation,
o thhe level withhin LS03 iss expected tto be
maintained at a relatiively constan
nt level.

There wiill be a low

w level joinin
ng valve bettween the taanks to allow the two ssumps to opperate
normally mps will be pprovided to pivot
y at the samee level also a high levell overflow frrom the sum
n sump.

4.13 Duplex Stra

D ainers for A
Anoxic Tank

Each set of pumps in

n bio-feed sump will bee dedicated aand assignedd to a respecctive anoxicc tank
through ᴓ110mm
ᴓ uP
PVC pipe lin
ne. On each line,
l a dupleex strainer w
will be installled to prevennt the
large objects entering
g to the biollogical system. These strrainers havinng an openinngs size of 1 mm
and diffeerential presssure transmittter will be fitted
f aroundd them to moonitor the prressure differrence
before an
nd after the strainers.
s In case of this pressure exxceed 0.7 baar then the sttrainer need to be

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
cleaned. The readout on the diff
fferential preessure transm
mitter shouldd be fed bacck to the PL
LC to
warn if blockage
b has occurred.
Flow meeters will be installed on
n each of thee four lines with readouuts of instanttaneous flow
w rate
and totallized daily flow
f d to the main PLC. Eacch flow meeter shall bee installed on the
vertical section
s of piipe as it passes up the siide of the annoxic tank tto ensure thee meter is allways
fully floo

4.14 Anoxic Tank

A ks:

Anoxic processes
p aree typically used for the removal
r of nnitrogen from
m wastewateer. The proceess of
biologicaal nitrogen removal
r is known
k as dee-nitrificationn. De-nitrifiication requiires that nitrrogen
be first converted
c to
o nitrate, wh
hich typicallly occurs inn an aerobic treatment process succh as
aerated suspended grrowth system
m. The nitriffied water is then exposeed to an enviironment wiithout
free oxyg
gen. Organissms in this anoxic
a system
m use the niitrate as an eelectron accceptor and reelease
gen oxides. A readily biodegradablee carbon source is
nitrogen in the form of nitrogen gas or nitrog
also need
ded for efficiient de-nitriffication proccesses to occcur.

Four biological train

ns will be co
onstructed in
n this projecct and in eaach train theere is one annoxic
tank. Eacch tank will be mixed by
b means off four Ventuuri-type aeraators fitted eexternally to each
tank. Thee Venturi miixers will haave automatiic valves onn the snork tuubes, which will normallly be
closed. whenever
w thee tank requirre part time aerating as w
well as mixiing, then theese valves caan be
automatically opened
d on a timeer by the PL
LC. There w
will be a fixed overflow
w weir from each
anoxic taank that allow d liquor to feeed forward to the aeratiion tanks.
ws the mixed

4.15 Aeration Ta
A anks:

The geneeralized biological proccess in an aeration systeem is activaated sludge;; raw wastew
flowing in the aerattion tanks contains
c org
ganics matteer (COD) aas a food suupplies. Baccteria
metabolizze the wastte solids prroducing new
w growth w
while takingg the dissollved oxygenn and
g carbon diox
xide. After the
t addition of large poppulation of m
microorganissms, aeratingg raw

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
wastewatter for a few
w hours remo
ove organic matter from
m solution byy synthesis m
microbial cellls, as

Organicss + O 2 + N + P ⎯⎯⎯→ a new cells + CO 2 + H 2 O + Nonbioddegradabl soluable


Four new
w aeration tanks will be constructed
c and they willl operate inn parallel acccepting the m
liquor feed from eacch of the resspective ano
oxic tanks annd also direectly from thhe sludge reecycle
tanks. Th
here will bee a valved connection
c at
a low levell between aadjacent cellls that shall only
y be used wh
hen mixing of
o sludge beetween the syystems is reequired in evvent that onee tank
has been emptied forr maintenancce and is theen required tto be filled w
with fresh m
mixed liquor from
the otherr tank. This valve
v will alsso be used when
w a smalll bleed is reqquired from one aerationn tank
to the oth
her by settin
ng the dischaarge weirs att slightly diff
fferent levelss to promotee some crosss flow
of mixed
d liquor betw
ween tanks.

A complete air diffussing system composed of

o air blowerrs with pipinng & air diffu
fusers take caare of
aeration the system by diffusing
g the air insside the watter and allow
wing the oxxygen to trannsfer.
gs will be in
nstalled on each
e of the pipework
p drroppers to aall the diffussers lines soo that
cleaning//de-scaling can
c be perforrmed throug
gh the introduuction of forrmic acid (orr similar) intto the
air lines whilst in op
peration. The stabbing will
w be afterr the air flow
w regulator valve and oon the
stainless part of the pipework
p as the diffuser de-scalant w
will be acid bbased.

The aeration requirem

ments for eaach aeration tank will bee separate annd the bloweer system w
will be
dent. It is env
visaged therre will be 2 duty blowerrs for each taank with a ccommon stanndby.
All of th
he blowers will
w have VSD
V drives that
t are conntrolled by tthe oxygen probe within the
ve aeration taanks. Each aeration
a tank
k will have tw
wo DO propps one at thee beginning oof the
tank (25%
% of tank leength away from the in
nlet) and thee other at thhe outlet of tthe tank. Thhe air
blowers will be lock
ked with thee probes at the inlet w
while the othher one willl be as referrence

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
4.16 Anoxic Recy
A ycle Chamb

On each aeration tan

nk, there willl be a sludgee recycle chaamber fixed to the side oof each tankk. The
chamber will be useed to collecct sludge fro
om the aeraation tank aand flow byy gravity down a
channel on the side of the aerattion tank intto the front end of the anoxic tankk. Sludge will be
pumped by means of mersible proppeller pump. The
o high capaacity low heaad variable speed subm
pump wiill deliver th
he flow thro
ough an opeening in thee wall of thee aeration tank and intto the
channel. When the pump is off, the
t level in the
t channel and the leveel in the aeraation tank w
will be
the samee. However, when the pump is operrational, the level in thee channel wiill rise to a point
where th
he mixed liqu
uor overflow w and disccharges via a gravity channel on thee side
ws a fixed weir
of the aeration tank, back to the start of the anoxic
a sumpp. The pumpps will be coontrolled viaa PLC
g to the flow
w set point and
a the readiing coming from a flow
w meter instaalled over w
weir in
the chann

4.17 Overflow W
O Weir from Aeration Tank to MBR Tank:

On each aeration tan

nk, there willl be a singlee overflow w
weir to allow
w the mixed liquor to floow by
gravity to
o the MBR tanks. The weir
w will be automaticallly adjustablle via a mottorized spinddle to
control th
he rate of fllow feeding the MBR taanks. The raate of flow w
will be set inn the PLC aas the
sum of th
he forward feed
f from thee Bio feed su
ump (Q) pluus the sludgee recycle flow
w (up to 3Q
Q). An
ultrasonic flow meter will be insstalled abovee the adjustaable weir (coomplete withh baffles) annd the
weir shaall have a positioning sensor
s to sett the heightt. From thesse two inpuuts, the flow
w rate
passing to
t the MBR tank can be measured an
nd reported tto the PLC. As the flow
w rate to the M
exceeds the requireed flow thee weir platee shall rise to minimize these shhort term ppeaks.
Converseely, if the flo
ow is below the required
d flow, the w
weir plate shaall fall.
The abiliity to contro
ol the plat manually
m willl also be avvailable Thiss would be uused if the M
tank is taaken off linee and the weeir plate wo
ould be set too the top levvel to preveent any overrflow.
Varying the weir plaate will also encourage
e cross mixing of sludge between the ssystems wheen the
ng pipe betw
ween the tank
ks is open.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
The adju
ustable weir will also bee effective in
i preventinng any excesssive flow ffeeding the M
tank thro
ough surge. Should the sludge recycle pump sttop for whattever reasonn, there mayy be a
short term
m peak in th
he flow ratee feeding thee MBR tankks until the llevels in thee respective tanks
settle outt.

xed Liquor will

The Mix w overflow
w above thee aeration taank weir tow BR tanks, w
ward the MB where
liquid sollid (biomasss) separation
n occurs in ulltra-filtrationn membranees. Due to thhe high numbber of
ne modules inside the MBR tank
k the tank length is hhigh and thhis will cauuse a
concentraation profilee along the tank
t length. To solve thhis problem,, the water aafter the aerration
tank weiir will enter a channel at
a the side of
o the MBR
R tank. Thiss channel wiill provide bbetter
distributiion of the mixed
m liquor along the MBR
M tank thrrough multi outputs thatt will be cloosable
by mean of gates.

4.18 Membrane B
M Bio‐Reacto

The mem
mbrane mod
dules will bee immersed directly in the Aerated mixed liqquor. The trreated
permeatee will be draw
wn through the
t membran
nes by graviity & discharrge from thee system.
Air is co
ontinuously supplied to the MBR tanks
t from Air blowerss for the saake of membbrane
scouring,, by using off coarse bub
bble diffuserss, and also tto maintain ppositive oxyygen levels w
the MBR
R tanks at all times.

There aree four memb

brane tanks and each acchieves compplete solids separation uusing membbranes
to yield high
h quality treated wateer. Each mem
mbrane tank (MBR tank)) has the folllowing itemss:

• Coarse
C bubble diffusers and
a associateed membran e units.
• Air
A lines.
• Permeate (treeated water)) outlet linees via contrrol valves ((electrical m
modulating), flow
m & presssure indicato
or with transsmitter.
• Level
L transdu

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
4.18.1 Membrane R
M Relaxation
n Sequence (Intermitttent Operattion)

Two operations will be availablee for filtration


1- Simple contin
nuous filtratiion.
2- In
ntermittent filtration.
f In
n intermitten
nt operationn, filtration will suspennded at a ceertain
ntervals whille Air diffussion will con
ntinues. Filtrration is susspended, Airr diffusion ooccurs
n the absencee of permeattion, enablin
ng effective ccleaning of m
membrane suurface.

h a control device is required to start and sstop filtratioon, intermitttent filtratioon is
recommeended when you need higher filtratio
on flux. Thiss procedure iis beneficiall in removingg any
reversible fouling th
hat may haave accumullated on thhe membranne surface. A recommeended
intermitteent filtration
n setting: 9 minutes
m for continuous
c ffiltration andd 1 minute foor suspension.

C will autom
matically carrry out this procedure
p (inntermittent ccycles) as loong as no inhhibits
are in plaace. This pro
ocedure is in
nhibited if:
• During
D a chem
mical clean
• During
D diffussers flushing
g sequence

4.18.2 Coarse Bubb

C ble Aeratio

Coarse bubble aeratio

on is fundam
mental to thee operation oof the membrrane units. T
The coarse buubble
aeration meets
m four process
p requiirements:
• Itt provides mixing
m to prev
vent settling of the MLS
• Itt provides Air
A to maintain the biomaass in the membrane tannks (additionnal biodegradable
of wastes).
• Itt creates crosss flow cond
ditions at thee surface of tthe membranne to limit foouling and reeduce
he frequency
y of cleanin
ng. Permeatee productionn without cooarse bubblee aeration raapidly
leeads to the detrimental
d fo
ouling of thee membraness.
• And
A also to maintain
m n levels withiin the MBR tanks at all times.
posiitive oxygen

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
There arre 6 Air blo
owers for th
he MBR tan
nks. Each tw
wo MBR tannks having dedicated sset of
blowers consisting
c of 3 blowers and working
g on a duty/dduty/standbyy basis. Onee blower proovides
sufficientt aeration fo
or one memb
brane tank (one
( Air blow
wer dedicated for each MBR tank). The
third Air blower will act as a com
mmon standb
by for two M
MBR tanks.

A Start-up an
nd Inhibits
The apprropriate duty
y membrane blower is initiated:
• Iff a membran
ne tank is bro
ought on-linee.
The duty
y membrane blower is inh
• Through
T chem
mical cleanin

B- No
ormal Autom
matic Operattion
During automatic
a operation the Membrane
M Tanks
T are onn-line and thee duty Air bblower is runnning.
If a duty
y Air bloweer stops durring operatio
on, the PLC
C will autom
matically brring the com
standby online.
o Alterrnation betw
ween Air blow
wers in time basis is highhly recommeended.

4.18.3 A
Air Diffuserr Cleaning S

g of diffuser holes may lead to uneveen Air diffussion and membrane cloggging. To prevent
such clog
gging, clean the Air diffu
users at leastt once a day (TORAY reecommendattion).
The cleaning is donee by the rev
verse flow off the sludgee from the ddiffuser hole into the difffuser
piping. The
T following
g simple skeetch is showiing the idea of diffusers cleaning:

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
Figure 4: Air Difffuses Flushingg Procedure.

During normal
n operaation two vallves in the air
a inlet liness will normaally open & two valves iin the
outlet lin
nes will norm
mally close. By
B this way, system enssures that alll the Air suppplied by thee duty
blower passes throug
gh the holes in
i the Air diiffusers.

4.18.4 Permeate Fl
P low Contro
ol Valves

In the meembrane tanks, membran

ne separation
n of the activvated sludgee takes placee, with the M
being rettained on th
he outside of
o the memb
brane moduules, whilst solids free permeate ppasses
though th
he membran
ne material. A modulated flow contr
trol valve ussed to controol the differeential
pressure across the membrane
m an
nd thus contrrol the permeeate flow ratte though thee membranees.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
The mem
mbrane elem
ments in the lower
l and up
pper deck arre subjected to different liquid headds and
thereforee require sep
parate flow control.
c Each
h permeate hheader pipe iincorporatess a permeatee flow
control valve
v (electtrical modu
ulating), flow
w meter annd pressuree transducerr. Under noormal
n, the permeate flow con
ntrol valves will
w be moddulated with a certain sett-point to achhieve
the optim
mal flow ratte with a miinimum foulling. Moreovver, if the w
water level iin the membbrane
basin getts to the low
wer limit, filttration will be
b stopped aand if it getss the higher limit, it willl stop
MBR feeed pumps.

TORAY recommend
ds 60% of to
otal permeatted flow, shoould be withhdrawn from
m upper deckk and
40% from
m lower decck in order to
t prevent fouling
fo as m
much as posssible, since llower deck has a
higher hy
ydrostatic prressure, whicch means hig
gher fouling problems.

Air mustt be discharg

ged by mean
ns of Air vents that avaailable in thee permeated water headeers to
prevent reduction
r in the effectivee water head
d due to Air ccollection innside the pipee.
Each perrmeate headeer pipe incorrporates a peermeate flow
w control vaalve, flow m
meter and preessure
transduceer. These flo
ow meters shall
s record the instantaaneous and 24 hours ddaily flow raate of
permeatee from each of
o the MBR tank.

Under no
ormal operattion, the perrmeate flow control valvves will be m
modulated w
with a certainn set-
point to achieve
a the required flo
ow rate with a minimum
m fouling. M
Moreover, if tthe water levvel in
the mem
mbrane basin gets to the lower limitt, filtration w
will be stoppped and if iit gets the hhigher
limit, it will
w stop MB
BR feed pum
Also the design flow
w rate for th
he system, through
t mem
mbrane relaaxation shouuld be takenn into
consideraation. For ex
xample, if the
t membran
nes permeatte flow is sttopped for ssay 6 minuttes in
every ho
our for relax
xation (1 min
nutes each 10 minutes operation), the duty floow of the syystem
during th
he remaining
g 54 minutes will need to be 92.6 m
m3/hr in ordder that the average of 883.33
m3/hr is achieved.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
A Normal Automatic
A Op

During normal
n operaation the perrmeate flow control valvve for each llower and uppper deck onn-line
tank is co y the PLC to achieve thee permeate fflow rate reqquired. The w
ontrolled by water head iin the
ne tanks may
y vary with a certain ran
nge, this meaans permeateed flow will vary accorddingly
for each deck. Howev
ver, in orderr to keep con
nstant permeeation ratio, P
PLC modulaates control vvalve
for permeeate lines so
o that keeps constant
c ratio
o between uupper and low
wer deck:

Howeverr, in order to
o disrupt thee fouling process, PLC modulates ccontrol valvve for each llower
and uppeer deck so th % of total permeated floow withdraw
hat keeps 60% wn from uppper deck andd 40%
from low
wer deck as below
b equations:

Q1/ (Q1+
+Q2) = 60% (or at least 50%)

Q2/ (Q1+
+Q2) = 40% (or at most 50%)

If Q1 is the
t flow thatt withdrawn from upper deck & Q2 iis the flow fr
from lower ddeck.
Permeatee flow contro
ol valves sho
ould be mem
morized the oold opening value before close in caase of
power faailure or any stopping sequences, vallves would bbe opened too that value of opening w
restart the filtration and
a then re-ccontrol again

B Alarm Con
nditions and
d Responses
An alarm
m is generated if:
• T differentiial pressure across a mem
The mbrane deckk exceeds exxcessive DP warning forr a set
tiime period.
Permeatee flow contro
ol valves willl close if:
• Associated
A membrane
m blo
ower fails.
• A LL is deteccted in the membrane
m tan
• There
T is a pow
wer failure.
• The
T associateed Air flushin
ng valves arre open.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
Under no
ormal autom
matic controll as a conseq
quence of thhe excessivee DP warninng being alaarmed
the operaator shall be stopped permeation
p by
b closing fflow controll valves andd starts chem
cleaning manually.

4.18.5 C
Chemical Cllean Seque

The chem
mical cleanin
ng shall be carried
c out periodically,
p usually oncce every 6 m
months, to rem
foulants that have gradually
g dep
posited on the
t surface of the mem
mbrane moduules during their
normal operation.
o Under
U extrem
me condition
ns rapid fouuling can occcur, initiallyy resulting in an
increase in the differrential pressure needed to achieve tthe design permeate flow
w rates, followed
by a loss in permeatee flow rate. Under
U such circumstance
c es a chemicaal clean is reequired.

Chemicaal cleaning of
o element should be co
onducted whhen the transs-membranee pressure (T
rises to excess.
e Such
h a pressure increase can
n be caused w
when contam
minates clogg the pores oof the
ne surface. The
T timing off chemical cleaning
c shouuld be determ
mined as folllows:
1. Every
E six (6)) months or when the trrans-membraane pressuree has risen bby 5 kPa froom its
nitial operatiing level at th
he same perm
meated wateer flow rate, whichever eearlier.
2. Iff the trans-m
membrane pressure is risiing rapidly, conduct cheemical cleanning much eaarlier,
he early chem
mical cleanin
ng is effectiv
ve to removee contaminaates clogged in the membbrane
3. In
n the case th
hat trans-meembrane preessure raisess by 5 kPa w
within six (66) months, ccount
how many months
m it takees for the traans-membranne pressure to rise by 5 kPa and connduct
ch odically. Thiis measure is effectivee in prolonnging the life of
hemical cleaning perio

The diffeerential presssure across the membrranes is calcculated by P

PLC. Differential pressuure =
liquid lev
vel above meembrane uniits - (pressurre in permeatte header-heead loss).
The liquiid level above the mem
mbrane units can be deteermined from
m the level ttransmitter iin the
ne tank. The pressure in
i the perm
meate headerr can be deetermined frrom the heaader’s

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
pressure transmitter. The head lo
oss is an adju
ustable set ppoint to account for frictiion losses inn pipe

The perm
meate outlet pipe from eaach individu
ual membranne unit is connnected to a permeate header
via a maanual valve (normally opened
o valvee). The perm
meate headeer is also used as a com
header fo
or the introdu
uction of cheemical to thee individual membrane uunits.

Each MB
BR tank has 20 membran
ne or modulee and they w
will be arrangged as follow

• Production:
P all the 20 modules
m willl be connectted to two m
main commoon headers: uupper
(aall the upperr decks conn
nected to onee common heeader) and lower (all thee lower deckks are
onnected to one commo
on header). From the m
middle of thhe headers ((after the firrst 10
m the permeate lin xtended and the instrumeentations wiill be installeed (as
ne will be ex
itt shown in th
he P&ID: ET
1 to 8).

• Air
A Scouring
g: for air scouring each
h 5 modules are connectted togetherr for air difffusers
clleaning (i.e. each 5 air blocks will bee flushed toggether).
• Chemical
C cleeaning: each
h 5 modules will be cleaaned togetheer and this w
will take placce by
arrrangement of
o manual vaalves.

The chem
mical cleanin
ng will take place by ussing one of ttwo chemicaals: 1- Sodiuum Hypochllorite,
2- Citric Acid. Chem
mical cleaning will be done
d in-situu by adding chemical(s)) to the perm
d by gravity. Excess back
k pressure caan cause dam
mage to the m
membrane elements.

Chemicaal Cleaning system is con

nsist of the following:

a. Mixing
M tank. The volum
me of the sollution requirred for 5 moodules cleanning is 5 m33 (for
both sodium hypochloritee and acid), so the tank capacity waas selected bbased on thatt plus
ome extra volume
v as freeboard
f an
nd safety. T
The selected tank volum
me is 6 m3.. The
ocation of th
he tank is at ground
g levell. There are ttwo tanks, onne tank for ttwo streams..

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
b. Break
B tank. The
T selected volume for this
t tank is 1 m3. This taank will receeive the chem
olution from
m transfer pumps
p and then it willl flow by ggravity to tthe moduless. An
verflow linee to the mix
xing tank is provided too prevent breeak tank floooding. Therre are
our tanks one for each sttream.

c. Transfer
T pum
mps. The tran
nsfer pumps are responsiible on transsferring the cchemical sollution
frrom the mixing tank to break
b tank. The
T capacityy of the pum
mps is 10 m33/h @ 10 m head.
T are fou
ur pumps two
o for each mixing
m tank ( 1 Duty / 1 Standby).

d. Portable pum
mps. This pum
mp is respon
nsible on trannsferring thee chemical fr
from the chem
ontainer to the mixing taanks. The caapacity of thiis pump is 900 L/h. Therre are two puumps
ne for each two
t streams.. The follow
wing figure shhows the cleeaning system

F 5: Chem
mical Cleanin
ng System.

Chemicaal Cleaning Sequences:


1. The
T chemicall will be pum
mped from the
t chemicaal containers to the mixiing tank by uusing
he portable pumps.
2. The
T rest of th
he volume (5 m3) will bee filled by RO
O water.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
3. Solution mix
xing will tak
ke place by closing thee valve on ttransfer pum
mps dischargge (to
brreak tank) an
nd opening the
t valve on recycle linee back to the mixing tankk (see figuree 5).
4. After
A completion of the mixing
m proceess, the first 5 modules ((upper deckss) will be isoolated
frrom the upp
per common
n header by
y closing thhe manual valve locateed on the uupper
ommon head
der and dedicated for thee first 5 moddules.
5. The
T valve of the break tan
nk will be op
pened to alloow the chem
mical solutionn flow to thee first
5 modules. And
A the vallve on the transfer waater dischargge will be opened to aallow
hemical solu
ution flow to
o the break taank.
6. By
B the above step, the chemical soluttion will starrt flow to thee upper first 5 modules.
7. When
W the ch
hemical solution in the mixing
m tankk becomes hhalf the origginal quantitty the
hemical solu
ution injectiion will be diverted
d to the lower 5 first decks with the siimilar
issolation of th
he upper deccks.
8. The
T chemicall inside the modules
m afteer finishing tthe soaking time will bee sent to the pivot
irrrigation sum
mp by the con
nnection preepared for thhis purpose.
9. After
A finishin
ng the first 5 modules, the chemiical cleaninng process ffor the secoond 5
m will start with saame procedu
10. To
T ensure th
hat during th
he second set
s cleaning the first seet will be inn service, a new
onnection will
w be made from the header of the ffirst set to thhe permeate common heeader.
T will takee place by mean
m of manu
ual valves arrrangement aas it shown oon the P&ID
11. Cleaning
C of th
he second 10
0 modules will
w take placce same as thhe first 10 m

A- Sttart-up
The chem
mical cleanin
ng sequence is initiated by:
• Manually
M seleect the membrane units to
t be chemiccal cleaned.

B- Prrecaution forr chemical clleaning of ellements:

• In
nject chemiccals by grav
vity. Maintaain the presssure at 10 kPa or lesss. Avoid forrcibly
pplying presssure with th
he pump dirrectly conneected. A highher pressuree can damagge the

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
• In
nject chemiccals in the submerged
s membrane
m bbasin. To ennsure safetyy of the operator,
m the top
t of the modules
m at leaast 500 mm bbelow the w
water surface.
• Stop Air diffu
usion throug
ghout chemiccal cleaning process.
• A higher tem
mperature of
o the chem
micals produuces greater cleaning effects. How
m the temperaturee at 40 oC or below. C
Conversely, a lower tem
mperature causes
poorer cleaning effects, hampering
h th
he recovery of the mem
mbrane functiion. Maintaiin the
teemperature inside the meembrane sub
bmerged basiin as high ass possible.

After cheemical clean

ning, a smalll amount of chemicals reemains insidde the elemeents and filtrration
piping riight. To resttart filtration
n after finishing the cleeaning of thhe 5 modulees, send back the
permeateed water to th
he pivot irrig
gation sump
p until the peermeated waater is free frrom effects oof the
chemicalls (for a perio
od of at least 2 intermittent cycles).

4.18.6 M
Maintenancce of Memb

To mainttain the mem

mbranes insid
de the tank working,
w perrform the folllowing at sppecified interrvals:
• Clean
C the Airr diffusers (eeveryday).
• Chemical
C cleaning of the elements (eevery 6 montths or when the trans-meembrane preessure
has risen by 5 kPa or mo
ore from its initial operrating level aat the same permeated w
fllow rate, whichever earliier).
• Replace
R conn
nection tubess (once in 3 years
y or wheen deterioratted).

4.19 Overflow W
O Weir from M
MBR Tank to
o Sludge Reecycle Tank

On each MBR tank, there will be

b a single overflow
o weeir to allow the mixed lliquor to floow by
gravity to n tank. The volume oveerflowing to the recircullation sump shall
o the MBR recirculation
be the diffference betw
ween the inccoming flow
w and the amoount discharrging via thee permeate liines.
y this flow rate shall be constantt but it willl increase w
when the m
membrane arre on

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
4.20 Sludge Recy
ycle Tanks:

On the side
s of each of the MBR tanks theere will be ssludge recyccle tank thatt will acceppt any
excess flo
ow from thee MBR tankss discharging
g by gravity via the fixedd overflow w
The sludg
ge from each
h of the recy
ycle tanks sh
hall be recyclled to one off the followiing locationss:
• Aeration
A tank
• Anoxic
A tank (manual
( con
• Sludge storag
ge tank

he sludge wiill be recycleed to aeratio

Mainly th on tank and ssometimes itt will be direected to anoxxic or
ge tank. Thiss will take place
p manuaally from thee PLC wheree the operatoor will be abble to
set time for
f the diverrging duratio

A flow meter
m will bee installed on
n the commo
on line and iit will read tthe instantanneous flow raate as
it will reaad also the totalized
t flow
w rate. The totalized
t couunters will bbe separate ffor each direection
(i.e. Aeraation, Anoxiic or Bio-slu
udge Tank), starting andd stopping thhe counters will be by aaction
of the mo
otorized valv
ves the will open
o and clo
ose to redirecct the sludgee in the required directioon.

A level probe
p will be fitted with mps. A high level
hin the tank to control thhe operationn of the pum
alarm will be provideed back to th
he PLC to in
ndicate pumpp failure.

There are two signaals will transsfer between

n PET and ETP to makke the proper control oof the
system, those
t are: Leevel in balan
nce tank and
d Level in bbio-feed sum
mp. The MBR
R four tankss will
have thee ability to be operated
d separately and with ddifferent floow rates. Thhe entire coontrol
hy will be bu
uilt on idea of
o keeping th
he level in thhe bio-feed ssump.

Wheneveer the permeate flow ratee increased the

t level insiide the MBR
R tank will start droppingg and
the flow going to slludge recyclled tank willl decrease aand the leveel there willl get lower. As a
response for this the bio-feed sum
mp pumps will
w increasee the flow (as they are vaariable frequuency

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
The level inside the bio-feed
b sum
mp will start dropping thhen the first signal from ETP to PET
T will
inform th
he DAF treaated water su
ump pumps to react andd contributee this droppiing by increeasing
the flow,, because off that the waater level theere will startt dropping aalso. Again tthe flow from
m the
w get more to controll the level, accordinglyy the water level insidde the
Equalizattion tank will
equalizattion tank willl drop.

To keep the
t plant run
nning more smoothly,
s th
he level insidde the equaliization tank w
will be lockeed up
with the permeate vaalve opening
g via a lock up
u table. Thiis table will set the perm
meate flow raate by
g the modulaating valve opening
adjusting o acccording to thhe level inside the equaalization tankk. An
example of the locku
up table is giv
ven below:

Table 3: Peermeate valve, Equalization

n tank Lockup
p table.

The follo
owing figure is presentin
ng the signalss that controolling the plaant:

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
gure 6: ETP plant
p with con
ntrol signals.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
4.21 Permeate St
P torage Tan
nk and Reusse Pumps:

meate from MBR1-4

The perm M will flow by gravity
g to thee covered peermeate storrage sump (P
from which it will be
b pumped to
o reuse systtem. Three ssets of pumpps will instaalled to pum
mp the
water forr different reeuses system
m, as follow:
• Works
W water reuse pump mps working on duty / sttandby basiss with capaciity of
ps. Two pum
11.8 m3/h wiill pump thee water to: 1- hose rail ppoints, 2- ST
TP odor conntrol regenerration
H water reuses pu
umps. Two pumps
p workiing on duty / standby baasis with cappacity
of 166 m3/h will
w pump th
he water to HADCO
H reusse water tankk.
• Belt
B press & Grit and grease
g unit reuse
r water pumps. Tw
wo pumps working on dduty /
sttandby basiss with capaciity of 40 m3/h will pumpp the water tto: 1- Grit annd grease unnit, 2-
B press forr washing.

Any watter that is no

ot reused diirectly from Permeate S
Storage Tankk will flow via a high level
w pipe into th
he adjoining
g pivot irrig
gation sump.. The level iin the permeate tank w
will be
higher th
han that in th
he pivot irrig
gation sump thereby preeventing anyy possibility of contaminnation
through reverse
r flow
w. Valved by
ypass lines shall be instaalled on all tthe incoming permeate lines,
allowing the lines to
o feed direcctly to Pivott irrigation sump so thaat maintenaance on perm
storage taank can be carried
c out ass necessary.

4.22 Pivot Irrigat

P tion Sump::

A below ground pivo
ot irrigation sump will bee installed addjacent to peermeate storrage tank andd will
accept efffluent stream
ms from thee following areas
a from w
where it willl be pumpedd to the pivoot for
land irrig
• Treated
T ETP permeate (overflow)
• Treated
T sewage permeatee
• Bio
B Feed sum
mp overflow (emergency
• Aeration
A tank
ks drain dow
wn (occasionaally)
• MBR1,2
M 3 & 4 permeate bypass liness (occasionallly)

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
A new pu
ump set willl be installed
d to transfer the treated eeffluent from
m the pivot irrrigation sum
mp to
a central pivot irrigation system via a pipe complete
c witth an inline magflow meeter to recorrd the
flow ratee. This set off pumps con
nsists of 2 VF
FD pumps w
working on dduty / standbby basis. Annother
pump will be added for
f future ex

In normaal circumstan
nces the treatted effluent from the pivvot irrigationn sump will bbe pumped tto the
pivot how
wever, occassionally the central pivo
ot irrigation system mayy be offline. In this evennt the
treated efffluent will overflow
o fro
om the pivot irrigation suump via a higgh level oveerflow pipe.

The initiaal 50 meters section of pipeline

p will be non-perfforated so thhat no localizzed water loggging
of the grround adjaceent to the ET urs. The nexxt 100m secttion of pipeline will be fully
TP area occu
perforateed to facilitaate drainage of the treateed effluent iinto the grouund. The ennd of the pippeline
shall be fully open so
s that in th
he event of partial
p blockking of the pipe perforaations it will still
drain freeely.

4.23 Biological S
B ludge Tank

Two abo
ove ground reinforced co
oncrete biolo
ogical sludgee tanks will be construccted and theyy will
receive th
he wasted sludge from each MBR tank.
t From there, the slludge will be pumped too belt
press sysstem.

me to time th
From tim he sludge taanks may neeed to be maanually drainned down fo
for inspectionn. To
facilitate this processs a valved liine at low leevel will be installed to route sludgge into the slludge
chamber on the outsiide of the slu g tank. This external sluddge chamberr shall also hhouse
udge holding
ual valve and
the manu d the Bauer connection.

The conttents of eacch of the slu

udge tanks will
w be aeraated by twoo externally mounted veenturi
aerators operating
o in duty/assist to
t meet the following
f miinimum totaal aeration innput:
on input @ 6.0
6 m deep - 24 kgO2/hoour.

A level probe will be fitted wiithin each sludge

s tank to control tthe operatioon of the veenturi
aerators and pumps delivering th
he sludge to
o dewateringg systems. E
Each sludge ttank shall have a

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
valved discharge
d line passing to
o a common
n header, whhen both disscharge valvves are openn; this
will prov
vide a hydrau
ulic balance so that the taanks operatee at the samee level.

Three vaariable speed

d progressiv
ve cavity pum
mps will bee installed too deliver thee waste activvated
sludge (W
WAS) to thee two filter belt
b presses via two sepparate lines. Each filter bbelt press w
will be
served by
y a duty pum
mp with a com
mmon sparee provided.

4.24 Sludge De‐w

watering Sy

The slud
dge from biiological slu
udge tank will
w be pum
mped towarrd Belt filteer press uniit for

ng purpose. The sludge (after additiion of floccuulants via a polymer dosing system)) will

pass thou
ugh converg
ging porous belts
b under pressure,
p cauusing the enntrained wateer to be squeeezed

out throu
ugh the beltss, while the dewatered sludge cakee is scraped off and collected for pproper


4.25 Organic Slud

O dge Storage Area:

The conssolidated sludge from thee press will be

b transporteed to the orgganic sludgee drying areaa. The

sludge frrom the presssing system

m will be deposited ontoo the concreete drying arrea via the ddump

trailer wiith a tail doo

or arrangemeent. The tracctor with fronnt bucked w
will then be uused to spreaad the

sludge accross the con

ncrete to a ty
ypical thickn
ness of arouund 100 mm
m. The sludgee will be allowed

to dry naaturally for a period of around

a 2 weeeks and thereeafter it willl be moved tto a corner oof the

concrete slab for storrage and then

n sale as an organic
o fertiilizer.

The storaage area willl be provided by drainag

ge channel too allow the w
water to draain away from
m the

sludge. The
T front drrainage chan
nnel will bee fitted withh easily rem
movable galvvanized grattings.

There wiill also be veertical screen

ns fitted alon
ng the lengtth of the chaannel to allow
w water drainage

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 
but to lim
mit any soliids passage so that the soak away system doees not becom
me blocked. The

operator will be requ

uired to manu
ually empty these channnels from tim
me to time.

4.26 Odor Contro

O ol System:

The sourrces of mal-o

odours on thee system willl be from thhe following main areas:

• Bio
B Feed sum

• Sludge Storag
ge Tanks

These will be covered and off-g

gases will be
b piped viaa air ducts too an activatted carbon oodour

control sy
ystem. Fans on the disch
harge side of the filter w
will pull the gasses throuugh the systeem as

y with appro
opriate valvin
ng to balance the flows ffrom the varrious tanks.

Regeneraation operatiion:

• Whenever
W reg
generation iss required, the fan shoulld be stoppeed and the diischarge vallve of

he fan should
d be closed.

• The
T water draain valve sho
ould be open
ned to allow the water exxit from the tank.

• The
T regeneraation water valve shou
uld be openeed and alloow the wateer to contacct the

acctivated carb

• The
T regenerattion water valve
v is norm
mally closed and it will bbe opened juust in that caase of

reegeneration provided thaat the dischaarge valve oof the fan is closed so thhe water will not

nter the fan body.

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 

1. P&ID
W udi Berkefelld filter Co Ltd.
L Techniccal specificaations.
3. Tender
T docum
ment "Outlin
ne Function
nal Specificaation for Th
he New Efflu
uent Treatm
M005\SPC & OSEAS\Haadco\M004\S

Process Descrription & S.O..O – Rev. 0 

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