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Bauan Technical High School

Avoiding Absences in School of Grade 12 Students in Bauan Technical High


A Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High

Bauan Technical High School

In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for

G-12 Action Research

Erigbuagas, Osayris A.
Castillo, Maricel B.
Herrera, Ben Jorrel S.
Castillo, Kenneth M.

March, 2018
Bauan Technical High School

I. Context Rationale

Absenteeism prolonged absence of an owner from his or her property; chronic

absence (as from work or school). One of the biggest problems in almost all

schools, be it in tertiary, secondary or elementary level is the poor attendance or

absenteeism. Pupil in the elementary schools especially those far flung areas and

in the lowest section are noted to have poor school attendance. Student

absenteeism is a perennial problem of all teachers. Every curriculum year, it is

one of the problems that they have to contend to. It is not only the teachers who

are concerned with this problem but the school administrators as well.

It is an assumption that all public schools strive for a common goal, provided

that they are in the same country and they are catered for in a similar manner by

the national government. That common goal is to produce students of a high

caliber and to have outstanding academic results. Educational institutions are

therefore supposed to mound the students, to cultivate in them a sense of

ownership of their learning in order to yield better results. Le Franco (2000)

augments this by saying that the great purpose of the school is to develop decent,

worthwhile citizens. However, the practicality and the outcome are not as

expected. As there is always a preamble to the ultimate result, there are serious

underlying discrepancies that make the differences in achievement of this

common goal.

The calibers of students who come in from feeder primary schools as well

as the type of leadership that manages the school create these differences.

Students often display defiant behavior. This behavior has made me develop keen
Bauan Technical High School

interest on it and hence the intention to find out what the core of the problem is.

From discussions with teachers in different schools as well as my own

observations, I gathered in particular that there is extensive absenteeism amongst

students in Botswana. This is done by skipping some lessons during the day,

skipping a whole day or not showing up at school for several days. This problem

dilutes the role of teaching since one cannot teach those who are absent. When

students are absent from school, arrive late, or cut class, they reduce their

opportunities to learn and miss on critical content planned for the time. Absences

are also highest in the earliest years of school most critical for developing

foundational skills like reading (California Department of Justice, 2014).This is

further emphasized by Taylor and Ryan (2005) that regular attendance at school

is essential if pupils are to learn and keep up with lessons.

Absenteeism is a concern as it leads to the academic performance of the

child going down, ultimately leading to the decline in the overall school

performance. Absenteeism is one of the indiscipline aspects in schools. Abosi and

Kandjii-Murangi (1995) say the state of indiscipline in a school may be confined

to some undesirable and aberrant behavior such as disobedience, drug abuse,

absenteeism, cheating especially in examinations, continual lateness and so on.

As I consider absenteeism to be an aspect of indiscipline but also being

withdrawal behavior in students, there is need to explore the situation as well as

the personal factors that compel senior school students to display this behavior.

School absenteeism is an alarming problem for administrators, teachers, parents,

society in general, and pupils in particular. Unaccepted absences have a negative

Bauan Technical High School

effect on peer relationships, which can cause further absences. According to

Malcolm, Wilson, Davidson and Kirk (2003) teachers identified the effects of

absenteeism on children as: academic under-achievement, difficulty in making

friends which could lead to boredom and loss of confidence, prolonged absence

can have deleterious effects for the child in later life, students who are absent from

school are at the greatest risk of dropping out of school early.

Absenteeism also affects the teacher’s ability to present classwork in a

sequential and organized way. This can have an effect on the progress of all the

students in the class. Families of habitually absent students can also suffer. For a

poverty-stricken family, it may mean a continuation of the poverty and

unemployment cycle that may run in the family. This also contributes to family

conflicts. Society also suffers when school-age children are not in school. These

children may hang out on the streets. Since they have nothing to do, they resort

to petty crimes like stealing other people’s belongings and property. Others may

become addicted to drugs or engage in other destructive behaviour. Thus, if a

student keeps away from school for too long, he may grow up to be a liability to

his community and his country as a whole.

Bauan Technical High School

Objectives of the study

The research entitled Avoiding Absences in School of Grade 12 Students in

Bauan Technical High School. First is to know how the factors affecting student

absenteeism. Next is to identify the strategies can minimize or eradicate

absenteeism and lastly, to give solutions and suggestion for further improvement

towards absenteeism.

II. Literature review

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough

and in-depth search done by the researchers.

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, absenteeism is "chronic

absence." In the context of school, it is the habitual or intentional failure to attend

school. While every student may miss some school activities now and then,

absence becomes a problem when the student is away from school for many

days. Going to school regularly is crucially important for a student’s education and

social skills. Chronically absent students are at a disadvantage both socially and

academically. They miss out on critical stages of social interaction and

development with their peers, while simultaneously limiting their academic

progress. This can result in low self-esteem, social isolation, and dissatisfaction

that could well have precipitated non-attendance in the first place.

From the findings of Molina (as cited by E. Padilla in her study on the factor

causing the child’s absenteeism) it was revealed that pupils have poor attendance
Bauan Technical High School

especially in the afternoon because of these factors: lack of interest in going to

school, parents are factors of the pupil’s absenteeism, computer video games, TV

drama series play important parts in pupil’s poor attendance, and pupils in the

hinterland schools have very poor attendance.

According to Kearney's (2008) comprehensive review of literature related to

school absenteeism and school refusal behavior suggests absenteeism can be

linked to physical conditions, psychiatric conditions, classification and proximal

variables, contextual risk factors, as well as cross-cultural variables. Each of these

variables has been shown to influence student attendance. Most people agree

that kids need to regularly attend school in order to succeed. Yet absenteeism, or

being chronically absent, is a growing problem in the United States. And in many

ways, it’s a hidden one. Most schools report their overall daily attendance figures.

But they don’t keep track of how many students are chronically absent or missing

more than 10 percent of school for any reason. If a child misses 18 or more days

in a school year, he’s considered to be chronically absent. Some school absences

are unavoidable. Kids get sick, or there may be a family emergency or other

important reason for missing school. But parents may not always realize how

much school their child is missing. Missing two days each month doesn’t always

seem like a lot. But that’s all it takes for a child to be considered chronically absent.

Chronic absences keep kids from getting the consistent instruction they need to

build on basic skills. For kids with learning and attention issues, there’s something

else to consider: Frequent absences mean missed opportunities to get help.

Missing school in the early grades can have a snowball effect. It sets kids up to
Bauan Technical High School

fall behind in the fundamental reading skills they need in order to move on to more

complicated work. Research shows how great the impact can be. A study in

California looked at kids who were chronically absent in both kindergarten and

first grade. By the end of third grade, only one in six of them were proficient

readers. But of the kids who missed less than 5 percent of school, two-thirds were

proficient. A Rhode Island study looked at kids who were chronically absent in

kindergarten. In later grades, they scored 20 percent lower than their peers in

reading and math. For some kids, frequent absences can become a long-term

habit. Research shows that kids who are allowed to miss school when they’re

young are more likely to skip school when they’re older. And that can lead to other

consequences. Being chronically absent affects high school graduation rates and

the chances for success in college. In a Rhode Island study only 11 percent of

high school students with chronic absences made it to their second year of

college. That’s compared to 51 percent of students who didn’t miss that much

school. Kids with learning and attention issues are even more vulnerable to the

impact of chronic absences. It can be hard enough for them to master the lessons

in school with the support of the teacher or aide. Trying to do it at home can make

the work even harder. Plus, each day of learning builds on the previous day. When

kids miss a few days in a row, it can be hard to follow subsequent lessons. And

when kids aren’t in school, they’re missing the opportunities to be identified for

intervention and extra supports.

Bauan Technical High School

Another study was the one conducted by Enamiroro Oghuvbu in Nigeria. The

objective of the study was to determine the causes of the absenteeism and

lateness among the secondary students in Nigeria and to seek for solutions to the

growing problem. According to Oghuvbu (2008), female students are more likely

to be late than male students because of “their involvement in domestic activities

by their parents” (para 7). Also, as cited by Oghuvbu, “distance to school, school

discipline, family background and school location” (Emore, 2005) are some of the

common causes for the tardiness of the secondary students.

According to Bimler and Kirkland (2001) indicated that there may be as many

as 10 different 'hot spots' that can predict student absenteeism and truancy. These

'hot spots' broadly include: school conditions; home-based behavioral issues;

psychological issues; family background; school-based behavioral issues; peer

issues; as well as lack of motivation or interest in school. These issues align with

more recent reviews of literature regarding student absenteeism, truancy, and

school avoidance behavior (Kearney, 2008). As Kearney's (2008) comprehensive

review of literature related to school absenteeism and school refusal behavior

suggests absenteeism can be linked to physical conditions, psychiatric conditions,

classification and proximal variables, contextual risk factors, as well as cross-

cultural variables. Each of these variables has been shown to influence student

Bauan Technical High School

According to Hanover (2016) in June 2016, the U.S Department of Education

found that chronic absenteeism is widespread and prevalent among all student

groups, regardless of geography, race and grade level.

The academic program also influences whether students attend school. There

is a growing body of research that suggests that school culture influences student

learning, engagement, and achievement (Cohen, McCabe, Michelli, & Pickeral,

2009). Researchers note that disengagement can lead to a significant increase in

'deviant behavior' – including truancy (Appleton, Christenson, & Furlong, 2008).

Klem and Connell (2004) noted that "Students who perceive teachers as creating

a caring, well-structured learning environment in which expectations are high,

clear, and fair are more likely to report engagement in school" (p. 270). Higher-

levels of student engagement reduce the risk of students missing school or

dropping out of school (Appleton, et al., 2008). This perception can be achieved

through lower student-to-teacher ratios (Catalano, Oesterle, Fleming, & Hawkins,

2004) as well as other school-based programs (i.e., Check and Connect) that

increase student-teacher contact through mentoring (Sinclair, Christenson, Lehr,

& Anderson, 2003).

Predictors of absenteeism and truancy can be found inside and outside of the

school environment. Bimler and Kirkland (2001) indicated that there may be as

many as 10 different 'hot spots' that can predict student absenteeism and truancy.

These 'hot spots' broadly include: school conditions; home-based behavioral

issues; psychological issues; family background; school-based behavioral issues;

Bauan Technical High School

peer issues; as well as lack of motivation or interest in school. These issues align

with more recent reviews of literature regarding student absenteeism, truancy,

and school avoidance behavior (Kearney, 2008). As Kearney's (2008)

comprehensive review of literature related to school absenteeism and school

refusal behavior suggests absenteeism can be linked to physical conditions,

psychiatric conditions, classification and proximal variables, contextual risk

factors, as well as cross-cultural variables. Each of these variables has been

shown to influence student attendance.

Bauan Technical High School

III. Action Research Questions

The broad intent of this quantitative action study entitled, “Avoiding

Absences in School of Grade 12 Students in Bauan Technical High School” the

research aims to accomplish the following objectives:

1. What are the factors affecting student absenteeism?

2. What are the strategies can minimize or eradicate absenteeism?

3. What are the solutions and suggestion for further improvement towards


Scope and Limitation

This research aimed to determine the differences factors affecting

student absenteeism to find out what are commonly the result outcome of

absenteeism in school of Grade 12 students. More so this research tends to

explain how to describe the strategies can minimize or eradicate will support to

the Grade12 students that can help to avoid their absences.

Bauan Technical High School

VI. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

The research entitled “Avoiding Absences in School of Grade 12 Students

in Bauan Technical High School” will conduct a open forum in Bauan Technical

High School Gymnasium.

The said open forum will have a guest speaker that will came from the

Department of Education. The speaker will discuss the ways in preventing stress

and techniques to easily overcome the stress.

Bauan Technical High School

V. Action Research Method

Instrument used

The research used a strand questionnaire based on the objective of the

study. The survey questionnaire is composed of three main parts; the first part

shows the demographic profile of the respondents. The second part is mainly

composed of questions regarding avoiding absences. Third, are the strategies can

minimize or eradicate absenteeism.

Four levels were determined to interpret the responses of the student

towards questionnaire which is strongly agree (4), agree (3), disagree (2) ,strongly

disagree (1).

Research design

The research entitled Avoiding Absences in School of Grade 12 Students in

Bauan Technical High School. This research is quantitative action research and

explained the study by gathering numerical data and analyzed using mathematical

methods. To gather data’s, the researchers conducted a survey method by

distributing questionnaire to the respondent. This questionnaire contains the

essential question needed by the researchers to strengthen the result of the study.

Research Procedure

Upon the approval of the topic, the researchers proceed on doing the

objectives which is the basis of the study. Using the objectives, the researchers

prepare on the data gathering tool which is the survey questionnaire. The
Bauan Technical High School

researchers proceed on distributing the survey questionnaire to the respective

respondents. The researchers gave a corresponding time to answer the

questionnaire and collected it. To validate the information gathered, the

researchers interpret and connect the situations that helped to clarify the

objectives of the study .The data that are gathered are analyzed and checked for


Data analysis

After the retrieval of the questionnaire, the researcher sorted it out and

numbered the instrument. The collected are presented using statistical treatment,

weighted mean is involved in showing the respondents answer and decisions in

choosing their school and career. The researcher applied statistical method to

interpret the data gathered. Since, the researchers used standardized

questionnaire, all data were tabulated. The researchers also used the Likert Scale

to get the verbal interpretation of the weighted mean.

Bauan Technical High School

Weighted Mean - was applied to determine the average weighted mean.


X= mean

ΣX= total points

N= total number of respondents

Scale Interpretation Rank

4 Strongly Agree 4.00-3.26

3 Agree 3.25-2.51

2 Strongly Disagree 2.50-1.76

1 Disagree 1.75-1.00
Bauan Technical High School

VI. Work Plan and Time Line

Activities Duration

Gathering literature January 5-10, 2018

Formulating objectives January 11-16, 2018

Analysing and drafting literature January 17-22, 2018

Drafting the context and rationale January 23-26, 2018

Identifying research design and January 26-31, 2018


Drafting and peer validation of February 1-3,2018


Distribution and retrieval of February 4-7,2018


Tallying and interpretation of February 8-9,2018


Drafting results and discussion February 10-13,2018

Drawing conclusions and writing the February 14-15,2018


Finalizing the introduction, February 16-18,2018

review of related literature,

results and discussion,


Drafting the research output

Bauan Technical High School

Encoding and polishing the entire February 19-20,2018

paper and peer validation of the

research output

Submission of the action research to February 21-23,2018

the division office and presentation to


VII. Work Plan and Cost Estimates

Budget Item Budget Requirement

Coupon Bond P 40.00

Internet Access P 60.00

Printing Fees P 80.00

TOTAL P 180.00
Bauan Technical High School

VIII. Results and Discussion

This section contains the discussion about the results and information

gathered during a survey. The data is presented by tables and other graphic aids

together with the corresponding analysis and interpretation. The data is presented

in sequential manner; following the order of presentation of the specific problems

proposed at the beginning of the study.

Profile of the Respondents

The profile of the respondents is looked upon in terms of gender and their
year level.

Figure 1
Distribution of Respondent as to Gender

50% 50%
Bauan Technical High School

Gender varies in two categories: the Male and the Female. Figure 1

illustrates the total population of the male and female respondents who participate

in this study. It could be gleaned in the figure that the total population of male is

12 with a percentage 50% and females total population is 12 having a total

percentage of 50%. Based on the figure, the dominated gender among the

respondents is female. This shows that there are equal participants who have

interest in participating in research studies.

Bauan Technical High School

Research Questionnaire

Name (optional)
Male Female


I. The following statement describes the factors affecting student absenteeism.

Check (/) your response using this scale.
4-Strongly Agree 3-Agree 2-Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree

The factors affecting student absenteeism 4 3 2 1

1. I'm down with fever/flu. 14 6 3 1

2. I am not interested in my studies. 8 5 5 6
3. I feel lazy 6 8 7 3
4. My friends influence me to be absent from my 4 3 6 11
5. I didn't wake up early. 11 6 7 0
6. I got fond of playing computer games. 3 6 9 6
7. I'm too pre-occupied with household chores. 5 6 6 8
8. My parents don't care about my studies. 0 2 10 12
9. I have a headache 12 6 2 4
10. Bullied by a classmate/classmate. 3 2 11 8

II. The following statement describes the strategies can minimize or eradicate
absenteeism. Check (/) your response using this scale. 4-Strongly Agree 3-
Agree 2-Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree
The strategies can minimize or eradicate absenteeism 4 3 2 1
1. Educate the students on how to take care of their 18 4 2 0
overall well-being
2 Ensure that classroom atmosphere is conducive to 11 6 3 4
3. Inform parents about the benefit of keeping their 15 9 0 0
children in school.
4. Refrain from scolding misbehaving pupils 14 5 3 2
5. Give extra attention to those who are left behind in 16 5 2 1
the lessons.
6. Emphasize that academic success is very much 17 7 0 0
dependent on student attitude towards school
Bauan Technical High School

Table 2.1
Factors affecting student absenteeism

Items Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. I'm down with fever/flu. 3.5 Strongly
2. I am not interested in my studies 2.63 Agree
3. I feel lazy 2.71 Agree
4. My friends influence me to be 2.00 Strongly
absent from my classes Disagree
5. I didn’t wake up early 3.17 Agree
6. I got fond in playing computer 2.25 Strongly
games Disagree
7. I’m too pre occupied with 2.42 Disagree
household chores
8. My parents don’t care about my 1.58 Strongly
studies Disagree
9. I have a headache 1.06 Strongly
10. Bullied by a classmate/ classmates. 2.00 Disagree

The above table which consists of the computed weighted mean that

corresponds to each factors affecting student absenteeism. I didn’t wake up early

which has a weighted mean 3.17 which falls as rank one (1) and I feel lazy has

weighted mean 2.71 which falls as second rank (2) and third rank (3) I am not

interested in my student which has a weighted mean 2.63.

Bauan Technical High School

As an illustration, a study conducted by Kearney (2008), these issues align

with more recent reviews of literature regarding student absenteeism, truancy,

and school avoidance behavior (Kearney, 2008). As Kearney's (2008)

comprehensive review of literature related to school absenteeism and school

refusal behavior suggests absenteeism can be linked to physical conditions,

psychiatric conditions, classification and proximal variables, contextual risk

factors, as well as cross-cultural variables. Each of these variables has been

shown to influence student attendance.

Bauan Technical High School

Table 2.2
Strategies can minimize or eradicate absenteeism

Items Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. Educate the students on how to 3.67 Strongly agree
take care of their overall wellbeing.
2. Ensure that classroom atmosphere 3.00 Agree
is conducive to learning
3. Inform parents about the benefits of 3.62 Strongly agree
keeping their children in school.
4. Refrain from scolding misbehaving 3.29 Agree
5. Give extra attention to those who 3.5 Strongly
are left behind in their lessons. Agree
6. Emphasize that academic success 3.71 Strongly
is very much dependent on Agree
student’s attitude toward school.

The above table which consists of the computed weighted mean that

corresponds to each strategies can minimize or eradicate absenteeism.

Emphasize that academic success is very much dependent on student’s attitude

toward school which falls as rank one (1) and has a weighted mean 3.71, educate

the students on how to take care of their overall wellbeing which falls as second

rank (2) and has a weighted mean 3.67, and third rank (3) is to inform parents
Bauan Technical High School

about the benefits of keeping their children in school and has a weighted mean


As an illustration, a study conducted Cohen, McCabe, Michelli, & Pickeral,

(2009) et al., the academic program also influences whether students attend school.

There is a growing body of research that suggests that school culture influences

student learning, engagement, and achievement. Researchers note that

disengagement can lead to a significant increase in 'deviant behavior' – including

truancy. Klem and Connell noted that "Students who perceive teachers as creating a

caring, well-structured learning environment in which expectations are high, clear,

and fair are more likely to report engagement in school". Higher-levels of student

engagement reduce the risk of students missing school or dropping out of school.

This perception can be achieved through lower student-to-teacher ratios as well as

other school-based programs that increase student-teacher contact through

Bauan Technical High School

IX. Conclusion and Recommendations


Based on the foregoing findings of the study, the following conclusions

were drawn by the researchers.

1. There are equal participants who have interest in participating in

research studies.

2. The most factors affecting student absenteeism is I didn’t wake up


3. The strategies can minimize or eradicate absenteeism is emphasize

that academic success is very much dependent on student’s attitude

toward school.


For further improvement and understanding of avoiding absences in school

of grade 12 students in Bauan Technical High School, the following

recommendations were formulated:

1. Adjustment on class timing to students should be done.

2. The students must be establishing program of constantly emphasizing

the benefits of attending the class to students

3. The student should be prioritize the ability of lectures to engage/

entertain the class.

Bauan Technical High School




March 8, 2018

Dear Respondents,

Good day! We re graduating students of Bauan Technical High School in

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics strand. As a requirement for

our Practical Research II, we are currently conducting a survey about the


TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL”. The respondents for this study are Senior High

Students in BTHS.

In line with this, we have chosen you to be one of our respondents of this

study and we hope that you will take time to answering the questions honestly.

Rest assured that all data gathered will be treated with outmost confidentiality and

will be used for academic purposes only.

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

-The Researchers
Bauan Technical High School


Survey Questionnaire

Name (optional)


Male Female


I. The following statement describes the factors affecting student absenteeism.

Check (/) your response using this scale.
4-Strongly Agree 3-Agree 2-Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree

The factors affecting student absenteeism 4 3 2 1

1. I'm down with fever/flu.

2. I am not interested in my studies.

3. I feel lazy

4. My friends influence me to be absent from my classes.

5. I didn't wake up early.

6. I got fond of playing computer games.

7. I'm too pre-occupied with household chores.

8. My parents don't care about my studies.

9. I have a headache

10. Bullied by a classmate/classmate.

Bauan Technical High School

II. The following statement describes the strategies can minimize or eradicate
absenteeism. Check (/) your response using this scale. 4-Strongly Agree 3-
Agree 2-Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree

The strategies can minimize or eradicate absenteeism 4 3 2 1

1. Educate the students on how to take care of their

overall well-being

2 Ensure that classroom atmosphere is conducive to


3. Inform parents about the benefit of keeping their

children in school.

4. Refrain from scolding misbehaving pupils

5. Give extra attention to those who are left behind in the

6. Emphasize that academic success is very much
dependent on student attitude towards school
Bauan Technical High School


Erigbuagas, Osayris A.
Poblacion 1 Bauan, Batangas
Cellphone #: 0948-392-086
Email Address:

Personal Data

Birthday : March 26, 2000

Birthplace : Batangas Regional Hospital
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Height : 5’3 cm
Weight : 55 kg

Educational Background

Elementary Graduate
Manghinao Elementary School

Junior High Completer

Bauan Technical High School

Parents : Marlon D. Erigbuagas

Vivian A. Erigbuagas
Bauan Technical High School

Herrera, Ben Jorrel S.

301 Sta Maria Bauan, Batangas
Cellphone #: 0919-569-4159
Email Address:

Personal Data

Birthday : April 28, 2000

Birthplace : Bauan, Batangas
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Height : 5’4
Weight : 56 kg

Educational Background

Elementary Graduate
San Pedro Elementary School

Junior High Completer

Bauan Technical High School

Parents : Ben M. Herrera

Marcelina S. Herrera
Bauan Technical High School

Castillo, Kenneth M.
Incbulan Bauan, Batangas
Cellphone #: 0936-710-5836
Email Address:

Personal Data

Birthday : January 21, 2000

Birthplace : Bauan, Batangas
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Height : 5’6
Weight : 65 kg

Educational Background

Elementary Graduate
Incbulan, Rizal Elementary School

Junior High Completer

Bauan Technical High School

Parents : Jomar I. Castillo

Evangeline M. Castillo
Bauan Technical High School


The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to all

individuals, personnel, and groups for their patience, ideas, and invaluable

contributions as encouragement and motivations for them in the completion of this


First and foremost, praises and thanks to God, the Almighty, for His

constant guidance and endless shower of blessings. Truly, with Him nothing is


To the respondents, teachers and parents, for their support and

cooperation, without whom, this study would not have been completed.

To their Research Project Teacher, Mrs. Maricel D. Espinili for her

exemplary guidance, motivation, patience, valuable feedback and constant

encouragement throughout the duration of the study.

To their loving parents and families, for their unwavering support,

understanding, love, generosity, and prayers. Also, to their friends who gave

encouragement and offered prayers for the completion and success of their study.

-The Researchers
Bauan Technical High School


The researchers would like to dedicate this research to the great creator

our Almighty God the author of knowledge and wisdom who made this possible.

It is also the researchers’ genuine gratefulness and warmest regard to

dedicate this work to their beloved families and friends whose untiring support and

assistance have made possible the fruition of their efforts.

To their Alma Mater the Bauan Technical High School, to their classmates,

to the Senior High students of Bauan Technical High School for their cooperation

while conducting the study, to their instructors, and most of all to their research

adviser Mrs. Maricel D. Espinili

-The Researchers
Bauan Technical High School


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the K-12 Enhanced Basic education

Curriculum, this research paper entitled “Avoiding Absences in School of Grade

12 Students in Bauan Technical High School” has been prepared by Osayris A.

Erigbuagas, Maricel B. Castillo, Ben Jorrell S. Herrera and Kenneth M. Castillo for

approval and acceptance.

Maricel D. Espinili

Research Adviser

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