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AWS License Included:

- Win Server
2 Admin RDP connections
- SQL Server
Std, Enter, Web
Per core, No CAL needed
Amazon EC2 or AMazon RDS

Pricing Models
- On demand (per hour)
- Reserved Instances (1 yr/3 yr/with or without upfront)
- Spot Instances

Advantages of Buying License Included Instances

- Provides Pay-as-you-go with no upfront or long-term costs
- Manages licensing compliance
- Supports current and legacy Microsoft software
- Eliminates requirement of Windows CALs (Client access license)

License Mobility
- License mobility through software assurance allows existing on premise licenses to be moved to share
tenant instances in the cloud. (Ex: Exchange, Lync, Skype for business, SQL server, Microsoft Dynamics,
- Customers complete a simple verification process within 10 days of registration
- License mobility not provided for - Windows server; Windows desktop; Visual Studio; MS office

AWS Dedicated Host

- Physcal server with ECS instance capacity fully dedicated to customer
- Bring ON-premise license that do not qualify for License mobility
- Take advantage of AWS Linux compute pricing
- Reduce exzpenses by utilizing on premise software
- Maintain control and visibility into physical core and processor count
- Customer defines which host it will be running on for its placement and declares an affinity
between the instance and the host
MSDN licenses can be brought to dedicated hosts.

AWS Dedicated Instances

Physically isolated at host hardware level
- Bring on premise licenses that do not qualify for license mobility
MS office, Windows Enterprise Desktop, SQL server.


Cloud Computing -> on demand delivery of IT resources and applications via Internet with pay-as-you-
Compute power / Storage / Databases and other services. AWS installs and maintains the infrastructure
- Flexible secure, cost effective IT infra
- Centrally managed, self-service, efficient
- No need to purchase and maintain new hardware
- computing resources delivered as a service
- focus on business and customers instead of IT

- Reduces the time to get resources available

- Lower the cost and time to experiment and develop
- Increase agility for the organization

AWS Platform ->

Region: Collection of two or more availability zone in a specific geographic area
Choose your region in which data will be stored, instances run, queues started, databases
Independent from each other

Availability Zones: Isolated collections of AWS resources, analogous to cluster of data centers.
Associated with datacenters within each region
Optimize latency
Minimize costs
Protect application from possible failure

Edge location : Content delivery network

Requested routed to nearest edge location

AWS Core Benefits ->

Cost - Benefit for massive economies of scale = reduced price for customers; Pay as you go
Elasticity - power to scale up and down ; quickly deploy new apps, instantly scale up or down
Flexibility - ecommerce, mobile,gaming, social media, HR, Finance, Sales, Win Server, Oracle, SAP,
Sharepoint, SQL, Big Data , DRS, Backup.
Security - Physical, network, platform securuty. implemented in every layer of architecture.
Shared responsibility model - AWS responsibility for security of the cloud
Customer responsible for security in the cloud
Responsibility of the Customer:
Config and Management of:
Security Groups
Network Configuration
Account management

AWS Partner Ecosystem ->

AWS MSP provides APN partners with tech n business benefits to deliver AWS cloud servuces as
Business to customers
- Cloud Infra
- Apps Migration
- Proactive monitoring
- Automation
- Management of customer environment.

Customer Journey ->

Deploy non critical apps
Setup security n user roles
Configure VPC
Integrate with AWS\Deploy dev/test workloads
AD integration

Company's website
Run test n dev applications
Migrate production apps
Deploy analytics workloads
Virtual desktops

Expand use in AWS
View platform for whole business perspective
Form teams to explore areas to leverage
Charge back models
Provisioning and service catalog design
Workload and cost modeling tools

Companies revisit and align core IT strategies with cloud
Adopt DevOps methodologies
Focus on automation and code refactoring
IT development processes
Managed services infra deployment

Services are available on demand through a web based management console or through API
- Compute
- Storage
- Database
- Networking
- Security and Identity
- Analytics
- Application Services
- Management services
- Mobile services
- Enterprise Applications

Address computational needs of users deployed in the cloud.
Foundational services:
Amazon EC2 – Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
- Virtual computing environments (Instances)
- Preconfigured templates – Amazon Machine Images
- Instance Types
Autoscaling can be used with EC2 and elastic load balancing for automatically distributing
Traffic across multiple EC2 instances.

AWS Lambda
- Runs backend code in response to events and manages compute resources.
- Runs within mili-seconds of an event like click, image upload etc

AMAZON EC2 Container Services (ECS)

Run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

Benefits of Compute:
Elastic – Scale capacity as computing requirements change
Flexible – Resizable Compute capacity
Secure – Configure security and network access
Low Cost – Pay only for capacity that is actually used

EC2 instance types:

- General Purpose (M4) : Balance of compute, memory and network resources
- Compute Optimized (C4) : Highest performing processors, lowest price/compute performance
- Memory Optimized (R3) : For memory intensive applications
- T2 : Burstable performance instances
- GPU G2 : Graphic and general purpose GPU compute applications
- Storage Optimized (I2) : SSD backed instance storage
- Dense Storage (D2) : High disk throughput, lowest price per disk
EC2 Cost Model:
- On demand (Spiky Workload) – Pay for compute by the hour. No long term commitments
- Reserved (Committed Utilization) – pay upfront in exchange for hourly prices that are 50-75%
lower than on demand
- Spot (Time Intensive Workloads) – Bid for unused Amazon EC2 capacity
- Dedicated (Customer Requirement) – Launch instances on dedicated customer hardware

Elastic Load Balancing:

- Enables customers to achieve high fault tolerance in their applications.
- Dynamically grows and shrinks resources based on traffic
- Detects health of Amazon EC2 instances to ensure, detect, and remove unhealthy instances.
- Seamlessly integrates with Auto Scaling to add and remove instances based on scaling activities.
- Works with Amazon VPC to provide robust networking and security features.

Low cost archival storage to persistent, flexible, high performance block storage.

Amazon Simple Store Service (S3)

- Internet sscale storage via API
- Designed for 99.999999999% durability

Amazon EBS
- Block storage to use with Amazon EC2

Amazon Glacier
- Storage for archiving and backup
- 1 cent per GB per month

AWS Storage Gateway

- Integrates on premises IT and AWS storage

Amazon EFS (Elastic File system)

- Create and configure file systems for Amazon EC2 instances
- Grows dynamically (elastic) so that the instances get the storage when they need it.

Benefits of AWS Storage:

- Low Cost : Pay only for the storage and performance that you actually provision
- Elastic : Scale capacity as computing requirements change ; Number of objects you can store is
- Flexible : Ability to choose volume types – Standard or Provisioned IOPS
Geographic flexibility – EBS provides ability to copy snapshots across AWS Regions enabling
geographic expansion, Data center migration, DRS.
- Secure : Securely encrypt EBS data volume and snapshots ; Configure Amazon S3 bucket policies
to manage permissions.
Each EBS volume is automatically replicated within availability zone to protect from component
S3 supports data transfer over SSL and automatic encryption of your data.
Object Storage Vs Block Storage
Amazon S3 Object Storage
- S3 is object storage for the internet.
- Designed to make web scale computing easy
- Provides simple web services interface to store and retrieve any amount of data.
- Static images and video files
- Higher latency
- Cannot modify files

Amazon EBS Block Store

- Behaves like a hard drive
- Operating system and website files
- Can be modified
- Automatically replicated in AZ for high availability

EBS Volume Types:

- Standard Volumes
I/O performance consistency not critical
- Provisioned IOPS Volumes
Storage with consistent and low latency performance
Designed for applications with I/O intensive workloads such as databases.

Amazon S3:
- Durable, scalable object sore with pay-as-you-go billing
- Store and retrieve any amount of data, any time, from anywhere on the web
- Store data with up to 99.999999999% durability , with 99.99 % availability
- Store objects in buckets and retrieve using a unique developer assigned key
- Store buckets in one of several AWS regions.

Amazon Glacier
- Storage service that provides secure and durable storage for data archiving and backup.
- Optimized for data that is infrequently accessed and retrieval time of several hours.
- Easily and cost effectively retain huge amounts of data.
- 1 cent per GB per month
- Data can be store with long retention period such as backup data.

AWS Storage Gateway

- Connects an on premises software appliance with Cloud-based storage.
- Securely upload data to the AWS cloud for cost effective backup and rapid disaster recovery.
- Back up point in time snapshots on your on premises application data to amazon S3 for future
- Mirror your on premises data for use with Amazon EC2

AWS Import/Export Snowball

- Petabyte scale data transport solution uses secure appliances to transfer data into and out of
the cloud
- Simple, fast, secure, cost effective.
- Secure and quickly transfer terabytes to many petabytes to AWS
- Inexpensive upgrades to network infrastructure
- Minimizes large backlogs of data
- Can be used in physically isolated environment
- Unaffected by internet connections that are limited or cost prohibitive.

Amazon CloudFront (Global Delivery Network)

- Cache contents at edge locations
- Closer to the users around the world
- Uses Amazon S3 or custom origin
- Integrates with other AWS services
- Distribute content to end users with low latency, high speed transfer and no commitments.


Database Services:
- Amazon RDS (Relational)
MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, NOW
- Amazon RDS For Aurora
Newest MySQL compatible relational database engine
- Amazon DynamoDB
Managed NoSQL database services
- Amazon ElastiCache
In-memory caching service

Key Benefits:
- Low Cost : Repeated price drops
- Managed : Handles time consuming database management tasks such as backups, replication
- Flexible : choice of database – SQL, MySQL, Oracle or PostGres
- Secure – DB security groups, SSL connections, automated backups, DB snapshots and multi AZ

Amazon Relational Database (RDS)

- Cost efficient and resizable capacity
- Manages time consuming database administrative tasks
- Launch and connect to the DB instance using your favorite database tools or language
- Access to the capabilities of a familiar MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, Microsoft server DB engine
- Monitor compute and storage resource utilization of database instances using Amazon Cloud
Watch Metrix

Amazon DynamoDB
- Fully managed NoSQL database service
- Store an unlimited amount of data
- Provision and change the request capacity needed for each table
- Fast, predictable performance using SSDs.
- Consistent low latency performance, easy APIs, unlimited storage, flexible data model and SSD
Amazon ElastiCache
- In-Memory Caching service
- Improves application performance
- Memcached compliant cache cluster on demand
- Manages patching, cache node failure detection and recovery of the instance
- Simple API calls to grow and shrink the cache cluster.
- Seamlessly caches in front of Amazon RDS Instances.


- Amazon VPC
Private, isolated section of the AWS cloud
- AWS Direct Connect
Private connectivity between AWS and your data center
- Amazon Route 53
Highly scalable DNS service

Key benefits of Networking:

- Low cost : A VPC is no additional cost to secure your AWS resources
- Elastic: Route 53 is designed to automatically scale to handle very large query volumes.
- Flexible: The AWS console provides a single view to efficiently manage all your connections and
virtual interfaces.
- Secure: Control inbound and outbound access to and from individual subnets using network
access control lists.

Amazon VPC:
- Provision a private, isolated section of the AWS cloud.
- Launch AWS resources in a virtual network that customers can define.
- Security options: Create public and private subnets; Control inbound and outbound access to
and from individual subnets using network access control lists.
- Attach an Amazon Elastic IP address to any instance in your VPC so it can be reached directly
from the internet.
- Bridge your Amazon VPC and your onsite IT infrastructure.

Amazon Route 53:

- DNS service designed to be fast, easy and cost-effective
- DNS allows you to create and manage your public DNS records
- Route 53 effectively connects user requests to infrastructure running in AWS
- Answer DNS queries with low latency by using a global network of DNS servers.

AWS Direct connect:

- Establish a dedicated network connection from on premises to AWS
- Enables private connectivity in the customer’s data center, office or co-location environment to
- Reduce network costs, increase bandwidth throughout and provide a more consistent
experience than internet based connection.

- AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)

Manage users, groups and permissions
- AWS Directory service
Connect existing on-premises MS directory or setup new standalone
- AWS CloudHSM
Dedicated hardware security module appliance

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

- AWS IAM lets developers focus in the features and functionality of their application, while it
does the heavy lifting on the security side.
- Configurable AWS access controls
Manage AWS IAM roles and their permissions
Manage AWS IAM users and their access
Manage federated users and their permissions

Monitoring and Usage Auditing

- Amazon Cloudwatch
Monitoring resources; collect track metrics, collect log files, and set alarms
- AWS Cloudtrail
Record AWS API calls for your account
- AWS Config
Resource inventory configuration history
Meets needs of compliance and governance of large enterprises

Amazon CloudWatch
- Reliable, scalable and flexible resource and application monitoring
Monitors AWS resources automatically and monitors custom metrics
Visibility into resource utilization, operational performance and overall demand patterns.
Metrics including CPU Utilization, disk reads and writes, and network traffic.
Accessible via AWS Management console, APIs, Software Development Kits (SDKs) or Command
Line interface CLI

Amazon CloudTrail
- Records AWS API calls for your account and delivers log files.
- The AWS API call history produced by CloudTrail enables security analysis. Resource change
tracking and compliance auditing.

AWS Config
- Track a continuous stream of resource configuration change
- Review full history of all configuration changes
- Review configuration change impact across resources.

- Amazon Redshift
Fast, powerful, petabyte scale data warehouse to analyze all data using business intelligence
- Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR)
Process Large amounts of data
Uses Hadoop
- Amazon Kinesis
Real time data stream processing for large distributed data streams

Amazon Redshift
Fast, powerful, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse
- Up to 10 times higher performance than traditional databases for analytics workloads
- Simple and cost effective to efficiently analyze all your data using your existing business
intelligence tools
- Costs less than a tenth of most other data warehousing solutions
- Fastest growing AWS service
- 25 cent per hour with no commitments and scale to 1000$ per TB/year

Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR)

Easily and cost effectively process large amounts of data
- Uses a hosted Apache Hadoop framework running as its data processing engine for
infrastructure of Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3
- Scalable - Instantly provision capacity as you like to perform data intensive tasks for applications
- Management – Significantly reduce the complexity and save time and cost

Amazon Kinesis
Real-time data stream processing
- A fully managed service for real time processing of streaming data at massive scale
- Automatically manages the infrastructure, storage, networking and configuration needed.
- Synchronously replicates data across three facilities in an AWS region providing high availability
and data durability.
- Allows to create applications that react to live events (clicks, uploads etc)

Amazon QuickSight
- Superfast, parallel, in-memory, calculation engine (SPICE)

Offers variety of Managed services to use with Applications including Amazon Appstream, Amazon
Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Simple notification service (SNS), Amazon Simple email service
(SES), Amazon CloudSearch, Amazon Elastic Transcoder

Amazon AppStream
Low latency application streaming
- Flexible, low latency service that lets you stream resource intensive applications and games
from the cloud
- Scale to handle cast computational and storage needs
- Games and apps no longer constrained to customer hardware.


Deployment and management of Applications

- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Automate resource management
Deploy and scale web services developed with Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, PHP
- AWS OpsWorks
DevOPS to manage entire applications from loadbalancers to database
Framework for application lifecycle management
- AWS CloudFormation
Templates to deploy and manage
A consistent scripting interface for creating/configuring AWS resources
A framework for lifecycle management of resources created using scripts.

Template -> AWS CloudFormation -> Stack

Compute, Scaling, Security, CDN, DNS, Database, Backup, Storage, Load Balancing, Workflow,
Monitoring, Networking, Messaging

Amazon Cognito
- User identity and data sync service, securely manage and sync app data for your users across
their mobile devices
Manage unique identities
Work offline
Seamless guest access
Store and sync across devices
Safeguard AWS credentials
Control access to AWS resources

AWS Device Farm

Test your app on real devices in the AWS cloud
- Run tests across large selection of devices from various manufactures
- View detailed reports to fix issues faster
- Simulate real-world customer conditions

Improve the quality of your IOS, Android and Fire OS apps by testing them against real smartphones and
tablets in the AWS cloud

Amazon Workspaces
- Fully managed, secure enterprise storage and sharing service with strong administrative controls
and feedback capabilities.
- Fully managed, high quality desktop experience
- User access desktop from any internet connection across multiple devices
- Optimized network protocols - efficient use of network bandwidth
- Data is secure and available

Amazon WorkDocs
- Fully managed desktop computing service in the cloud
- Full managed, secure enterprise storage and sharing service
- Feedback capabilities
- Users access desktop from any internet connection across multipole devices
- Optimized network protocols

Amazon WorkMail
- Secure, managed business email and calendaring service for desktop and mobile email clients

Total Cost of Ownership

- Acquisition costs
- Operating costs
- Decommissioning and retiring systems
- Financial metric
- Estimate/compare direct and indirect costs
- Opportunity costs

How to achieve lower TCO with AWS?

- Replace large upfront expenditure with pay as you go and only for what you use.
- Pricing model choice to support variable and stable workloads
- Save more money as you grow bigger

TCO is used to compare the cost of on premises or colocation with AWS and specific workload with AWS

Only 30% of the time is spent on architecting for the cloud and configuring your assets.

Typical Data Center Cost models:

Budget Model 1 – Software and hardware
Software costs
Hardware costs
IT admin costs
Facility costs

Budget Model 2 – Server, storage, network

Server costs
Storage costs
Network costs
IT Admin costs
Facility costs

TCO Calculator:
Virtual machines
- Describe your existing or planned on-premises or hosting infra
- Get an instant summary report which shows three year CTO comparison
- Download or save the report


AWS Pricing principles

- No upfront investment
- Pay per use
- Pay as you go
- Services priced independently
- Volume pricing discounts
- Reserved instance discounts
- Regularly reduced prices for customers due to AWS scale

AWS Free Tier

AWS provides free tiers across many services to help business get started
- Run free EC2 or EC2 micro instance and a free RDS micro instance for a year
- More than 50% of AWS services have free tier offering
- Customers launch new applications, test existing applications in the cloud or gain hands on
experience with AWS

AWS Trusted Advisor

Further reduced costs
- Inspects your AWS environment
- Recommends opportunities to save money
- Eliminated unused and idle resources

Fundamental Cost Characteristics:

Data transfer out
- These drivers vary depending on the AWS service that a customer is using
- Fundamentally these are the core characteristics that have the greatest impact on cost
- The majority of your costs are driven by EC2, S3 and EBS.

Amazon EC2 Pricing – COMPUTE

- Instance type per instance running hour
- EC2 purchasing options
On-demand; Reserved; Spot
- Network IO
Requiring very high random high IO access to data

Amazon EC2 Pricing – STORAGE

Amazon EBS provides block level storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances
- Allocated volume storage
Standard volumes charged by amount customer provisions
- Snapshot storage
EBS snapshot saved to S3
Charge based on amount of space data consumes on S3
- I/O Requests
Standard Volumes – charged by number of requests made to the volume
Provisioned IOPS – charged by amount multiplied by % of days per month
Amazon EC2 pricing – Other Costs
- Elastic load balancing
- Detailed monitoring
- Auto scaling
- Elastic IP addresses
- Operating system and Software packages

Pricing – Elastic Load balancing (ELB)

An ELB can be used to distribute traffic among Amazon EC2 instances
- Charged for each hour or partial hour ELB is running
- Charged each GB of data transferred through ELB

Amazon S3 Pricing
- Storage class : Standard, Reduced Redundancy, Glacier
- Storage – Number of TB/month
- Requests – Pricing per 1000 requests 9PUT). Pricing per 10000 requests (GET)
- Data transfer – Pricing based on data transferred in and out of S3
- Standard-Infrequent access – Same durability as standard with reduced availability

Amazon RDS pricing

- Database Instance class
- Allocated storage
- Database Type

Data Transfer Costs

- Data transfer costs for
Data transfer out, not transfer in
Cross availability zone or AZ data transfer
- Data transmitted in different regions is charged as Internet data transfer on both sides of

Amazon CloudFront Pricing

- Traffic Distribution
Pricing caries across geographic regions
Based on data transferred from origin server to edge locations
- Requests
The number and type of requests
Geographic region
- Data transfer out
Amount of data transferred out to the customer’s Amaxon CloudFront Edge locations


Estimate monthly charge based on:

- Architecture
- Usage of each service
- Features for each service in the region
AWS is designed to allow customers to save money in three usage patterns:
- Steady state (Corporate website)
- Spiky but predictable (Sports event website)
- Uncertain and unpredictable (Social coupon sharing website)

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