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REG NO: CD/46/15




Statement of the problem

The study will be focused on youth participation in Development Programs in Mbooni Sub-

County. Targeting the educational programs mainly for capacity building, integration of former

abductees to the entire and participation of youth in Mbooni Sub-County.

Too little is known as yet about the aspirations and motivations of societies, their present

evolution and their interaction with social changes, as also about the probable reaction of

communities and groups to various courses of action and to the implementation of development

programs in general, (UNSECO, 1977)

These effects has however imposed on youths problems which preferably indicate absolute

underpowered and unenlightened population causing increased orphanage, street children, child

headed families, widows and widowers, disability, trauma, and other social related problems like

stigmatization and discrimination, HIV/AIDS, poverty and illiteracy.

Hence the need for training will be quite inevitable, of which all these will be ranked as the

vibrant way to empower such population with such problems at hands in empowering them as

citizens not as clients in their own land. This will create commitment to all concerned stakeholders

though might have done a proper and appreciated job of empowering youths in an educational


In the rural context, development is considered to be a primary component of effective and

sustainable Community Development practice. Yet there is little research into how rural social

workers integrate development values, skills and strategies into their practice. This exploratory

qualitative and quantitative study of development programs in youth participation will find out the

utilized development approaches in a diverse range of ways. There are also various constrained in
the limited and inconsistent formal support to place development within the continuum of

work/Community Development practice that the research will explore in.

Objectives of study

The general objective of the study shall be; to assess the role of Development Programs on

the youth participation in Mbooni Sub-County. The study will be guided in these specific

objectives and they are;

i) To identify the different Development Programs used in in the participation of

youth greatly in Mbooni sub-county.

ii) To identify the different approaches and methods used in in delivering its

Development Programs to youth in Mbooni Sub-County.

iii) To find out if the youth trained in with the different Development Programs

have utilized the knowledge and the acquired skills.

iv) To find out the impact of Development Programs on youth attitudes and


v) To assess the challenges faced in promoting youth participation through

Development Programs in Mbooni Sub-County.

Research Questions
These research questions will guide this study and these questions will lead to the success

of the study and they include;

i) What are the different Development Programs used in in the participation of

youth greatly in Mbooni sub-county?

ii) What are the different approaches and methods used in in delivering their

Development Programs to youth in Mbooni Sub-County?

iii) How are youth trained in different Development Programs utilized the

knowledge and the skills acquired?

iv) What are the impacts of Development Programs on youth attitudes and

behaviors in Mbooni Sub-County?

v) What are the challenges faced in in promoting youth participation in

Development Programs?

Significance of the study

The study will preferably propose some of the fundamental Development Programs,

educational approaches and methods that can be used in the study and other practitioners opted to

empower youth.

The study will help to satisfy my desire and intention of carrying out the study of my

interest, which will be essentially done to comply with the requirements of writing a research

report which partially lead to the a ward of the bachelor’s degree in Community Development.

It will also be able to give an insight into the various problems youth normally face in their

effort to utilize the knowledge and skills acquired from the training and thereby suggest solutions

to help curb and to minimize the situation; that is to say “it’s better to give someone skills that will

help him/her feed on her own tomorrow than to give him/her fish that would get finish today and

the next day he/ she begs for another” therefore the skills to be given is the participation given.

Fundamentally, the purpose of this study will ensure that the findings are used to bring

some effective changes in running of the different development programs both at the district and
national levels. Ultimately leading to better lives which are social transformations out of the

marginalized situations. This echoes the fact that an assessment will focus on the results and seeks

to measure whether the objectives have been achieved and the effectiveness of the programs

alongside the challenges met in the process of participation.

Literature Review


There are a myriad of job titles for Development (CD) workers and their employers include

public authorities and voluntary or non-governmental organizations, funded in the state and in

independent grant making bodies. Since the nineteen seventies the prefix word ‘’ has also been

adopted in several other occupations from the police and health workers to planners and architects,

who work with more disadvantaged groups and communities and have been influenced in CD

approaches.( (Okech, 2004).

Participation in this context refers to the activity of teaching, educating, training, and

imparting knowledge, ideas, and skills to the youth both within the formal education system and

informally to give youths the skills to be enlightened to fully participate in development of society.

This concept has been supported in Dakar Framework for action (2000) which set target for the

achievement of education for all youth and children. In Kenya, this was endorsed and adopted as

a tool for participation in the year 2004, (Okech. A, 2004:213).

Approaches and methods used in in delivering development programs;

This refers to the ways and techniques that the facilitator or instructor can use when

facilitating learners. (Adewole (1979) cited in Samuel M, 1992:11). The educational approach can

be participatory and non-participatory depending on the methods of training employed and suits
the study. The provision of participation programs taken in might have included these aspects as

considered important while approaching any learning situation like;

 The responsibility for learning; (Glasersfeld, 1989) argued that the responsibility of

learning should reside increasingly with the learner.

 The motivation for learning; (Von Glasersfeld, 1989) that sustaining motivation to learn is

strongly dependent on the learner’s confidence in his/her potential for learning.

 The role of the instructor, that is instructors as facilitators

 The nature of the learning process, that is learning is an active, social process, dynamic

interaction between task, instructor and learner, and greatly collaboration among learners.

In spite of the training approaches used in the training there might have been various

methods that can be used in the training and they include the following;

 Lecture method; which is well prepared presentation on a topic in a person (Bergerin,

Morris, and Smith, 1963), as the core of learning to make and enhance more understanding

as World Vision prepared for the youths in Mbooni sub-county.

 Discussion methods; (Glasersfeld, 1989); as the purposeful conversation or deliberate

about a topic of mutual interest and concern under the guide of a discussion leader, as of

Mbooni sub-county youths will be brought together with a view of sharing knowledge,

experiences and making decisions and that are made to the success of the process of

participation taken in people through World Vision.

 Demonstration method; as a method of learning/teaching where learning is associated with

acting, showing the learned things, modeling and role play which has maximized learning

opportunities for adult or youths as stated in Seaman and Fellenz ( 1985) as they added an
individual can both watch and listen, and can understand more than the one who only


 Brainstorming method; Seaman and Fellenz (1989:134) acknowledged brainstorming as

one of the interactive methods because it generates ideas or helps determine the exact

nature of the content to be discussed. Of which it will create a pool of ideas on a topic.

Research design

The study shall be conducted in such a way that; the qualitative research approaches will

be used; information will be sought from several sample groups including members of staff, local

leaders, child mothers, returnees, peer education, and the youth who attended

development/educational programs; the cross-sectional design will be selected for the study due

to its ability to bring together different views which concerns the District’s Development programs

for youth. The study will use these approaches in collection of primary and secondary data; the

choice of the two approaches will be based on the possibility of errors in data collection in case a

single approach was to be used. As quantitative data collection will be incorporated in to the

process of data administering.

Data Collection Methods and Techniques:

The study will adopt qualitative and quantitative data collection methods; for which the

data will be collected before and after the research exercise in the virtue of the two approaches

being employed. The primary data in this context derives the first hand and unprocessed

information directly gotten from the respondents, and secondary data gives those information

already processed like newspapers, textbooks, organization guide-note, manuals and so on.

Therefore the data methods of collection shall be categorized basing on the two approaches
respectively; key informant or in-depth interview method, they will be designed and administered

to different key informants as a tool to capture the qualitative information; and these key

informants will include local leaders, District staff, focus group discussions and youth. This will

be preferably to gather information in comparison to what is given to the beneficiaries.

Documentary review; the main sources of secondary data to be made for this proposal will

include the following: internet surfing, newspapers, reports, and publications, reviewing of

magazines for orientation in the field, existing data set like records from Mbooni Sub-county

headquarter, census reports, textbooks and from these sources; Sub-County of the area, population

characteristics and the existing literature related to the topic shall be obtained.

Babikuwa D. (2003): Environmental Policy to Action. Methodology & approaches in based

program in Kenya.

Bruner, J.S. (1961). “The Act of Discovery”. Havard Educational Review 31(1):21-32

Dialogue Implementation Guide, November 2005, MGLSD, Nairobi- Kenya.

Dakar Youth Participation Strategy. <>

Duffy T.M & Jonassen, D (Eds), (1992). Constructivism and the technology of instruction: A

conversation. Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Fernando, postlek (2007) Promoting People Centered Approaches In The Aid Sector With

Intergrity And Excellence Reasoning The Most Vulnerable An Ngo And Contactor

Experience, International Development Support Services, Melbourne, Australia.

Gamoran, A, Secada, W.G., Marrett, CA (1998) The Organizational context of teaching and

learning: changing theoretical perspectives, in Hallinan, M.T ( Eds), handbook of

sociology of education. Hallinan

Indabawa S. & Mpofu S. (2004): The Social Context of Adult Learning in Africa. African

Perspective on Adult learning. UNSECO; Hamburg & Germany

Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (MGLSD) (2001): The National Youth

Policy, Nairobi.

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