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The Journals of Gerontology Series A In the Public Domain

1995. Vol. 50A (Special Issue), 41-44

Age, Gender, and Muscular Strength

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Ben F. Hurley

Department of Kinesiology, College of Health and Human Performance, University of Maryland, College Park.

Muscular strength can be measured by cable tensiometry, non-motorized dynamometry (e.g., handgrip dynamome-
ter), motorized dynamometry, or with free weights or exercise machines. Advantages and disadvantages of each are
discussed. Cross-sectional studies indicate that isometric and concentric strength levels peak between the second and
third decade, remain unchanged until the fourth or fifth decade, and start to decline from about the fifth decade at a
rate of12% to 15% per decade until the eighth decade in men. Greater strength losses in both men and women have
been suggestedfrom the few longitudinal studies available on this topic. However, concentric strength levels in women
tend to peak sooner, start to decline earlier, and decrease at a slightly slower rate than men. Age- and inactivity-
induced sarcopenia explains some but not all of the losses in strength with age. There is a need to determine the
separate roles of disease, inactivity, and normal aging on these losses. Newfindingsfrom the Baltimore Longitudinal
Study of Aging suggest a preservation of eccentric strength levels with age in women.

and reliable assessments of muscular
strength in the elderly are important because of the
hand-grip dynamometer has many of the same advantages as
the cable tensiometer. It is portable, inexpensive and easy to
many health and functional implications associated with the administer, but it does not offer the wide range of angles and
loss of strength and muscle mass with age (Hyatt et al., muscle group testing provided by the cable tensiometer. This
1990; Buchner and deLateur, 1991; Bassey et al., 1992; limitation results in a major disadvantage for use in aging
Buchner and Wagner, 1992). Strength measurements are research because it means that you can only evaluate a
usually performed with either a cable tensiometer, a non- muscle group that may not be representative of those used
motorized dynamometer (e.g., hand-grip dynamometer), a for maintaining posture, mobility, and stability. In addition,
motorized dynamometer (e.g., an isokinetic device), or with age-associated strength losses occur sooner and at a faster
free weights or exercise machines using a one- or three- rate in the lower body than in the upper body (Asmussen and
repetition maximum test. Nielsen, 1962; Bemben et al., 1991; Frontera et al., 1991).
The cable tensiometer consists of a cable connected Although it may be argued that strength assessments with
through a tension dial indicator. As tension on the cable hand-grip dynomometers predict falls in the elderly (Wick-
increases, a riser on the dial indicator is deflected and causes ham et al., 1989), there are many more studies using motor-
needle movement in proportion to the amount of force ized dynamometers (i.e., isokinetic devices) that have dis-
generated against the cable. This device can provide accu- tinguished fallers from nonfallers based on dorsal flexion,
rate and reliable strength measurements (McArdle et al., plantar flexion, or quadricep strength (Whipple et al., 1987;
1994). It is also portable, inexpensive, easy to administer, Gehlsen and Whaley, 1990; Lord et al., 1991). Neverthe-
and allows for testing a wide range of angles and muscle less, when it is necessary to test large numbers of people in
groups. However, cable tensiometry can only measure iso- short time periods at many locations, and cost is an impor-
metric force. Thus, it cannot provide any information about tant factor, hand-grip dynamometry may be the instrument
the dynamics of muscle force generation. of choice.
The most common form of non-motorized dynamometry Strength assessment through repetition(s) maximum (i.e.,
used in strength and aging research is the hand-grip dyna- the maximal weight or resistance that can be moved through
mometer. It has been used for strength assessment in many a range of motion for a specified number of repetitions) with
cross-sectional and longitudinal aging studies (Clement free weights or exercise machines has several advantages
1974; Viitasaloetal., 1985; Cauley et al., 1987;Kallmanet over cable tensiometry, non-motorized dynamometry, and
al., 1990;Bembenetal., 1991; Sipila etal., 1991; Era etal., motorized dynamometry. One advantage is that the repeti-
1992; Bassey and Harries, 1993; Rantanenetal., 1994). The tion maximum (RM) test (e.g., 1-RM) is more representa-


tive of the strength needed to perform functional tasks such done, accurate and reliable measures of peak torque can be
as lifting heavy objects from one level to another. The values obtained with modern computerized dynamometers (Farrell
derived from this test are often more meaningful to subjects and Richards, 1986; Tredinnick and Duncan, 1988).
because it tells them the amount of weight they can actually
lift. It is also more specific to the type of training they would Strength Losses with Age
most likely do to enhance strength levels. For this reason,
the 1-RM test is often used to measure strength gains Cross-sectional studies. — Muscular strength tends to
resulting from strength-training programs. Nonetheless, this peak between the second and third decades and remains the
testing modality has disadvantages for large-scale testing in same until about 45-50 years of age in men. Losses then
aging research. Pollock et al. (1991) have suggested that one begin to occur at the rate of approximately 12% to 15% per
disadvantage is safety. For example, they observed a higher decade until the eighth decade (Clement, 1974; Larsson et
rate of injury during 1-RM testing in 70- to 79-year-olds al., 1979; Murray et al., 1980; Johnson, 1982; Viitasalo et

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(19.3%) than they did throughout an entire strength training al., 1985; Youngetal., 1985;Kallmanetal., 1990;Bemben
program (8.7%). In an attempt to reduce the risk of injury in et al., 1991; Frontera et al., 1991; Era et al., 1992). Isomet-
older subjects, some investigators are now using a 3-RM ric strength levels in the quadriceps of young men (age range
test. However, others have not reported injuries from 1-RM 20—35 years) are about 30—47% higher than those reported
testing (Frontera et al., 1988; Fiatarone et al., 1990, 1994). in older men (Larsson et al., 1979; Murray et al., 1980;
Another disadvantage of 1-RM testing is the difficulty in Johnson, 1982; Young et al., 1985; Viitasalo et al., 1985).
establishing an objective criterion. Furthermore, it can re- When comparing isometric strength levels of the same mus-
quire more motor learning than other testing modalities, cle group in women, declines begin sooner than in men
which could affect test reliability. For these reasons, RM (Asmussen and Nielsen, 1962), but appear to occur at a
testing with free weights or exercise machines is seldom slower rate from cross-sectional analysis (Clement, 1974).
used for strength testing in aging research unless training is Moreover, on a percentage basis, there is less total strength
involved. loss with age in women compared to men (Young et al.,
Motorized dynamometry is the most common category of 1984; Murray et al., 1985; Harries and Bassey, 1990; Fron-
exercise devices currently used for strength testing. These tera et al., 1991). However, one study showed no gender
devices provide information on muscle dynamics throughout differences in plantar or dorsal flexion (Danneskiold-Samsoe
the full range of extension and flexion. They can provide et al., 1984). A 30-39% strength loss has been reported
better isolation of muscle groups and allow a more objective when comparing women in their 60s and 70s to those in their
criterion than the 1-RM test. The disadvantages are that they 20s (Young et al., 1984; Murray et al., 1985; Stalberg et al.,
are expensive and not specific to activities of daily living or 1989; Harries and Bassey, 1990). Cauley et al. (1987) and
the type of training that older people are likely to do to Phillips et al. (1993) have suggested that much of the
increase their strength levels. The Cybex II isokinetic device strength decline in women after menopause can be prevented
is the dynamometer most often reported in previous strength by hormone replacement therapy (HRT). However, this
and aging studies. Although it is possible to get accurate and conclusion was based on cross-sectional comparisons of
reliable strength (peak torque) measures from the Cybex II, women who received HRT to those who did not. Women
it requires many manipulations by the investigator to correct who receive HRT may be much different from those not
for specific problems. Unfortunately, these problems were receiving it in ways that could have affected their results.
not corrected in many of the previously published studies Thus, there is a need for longitudinal studies on this issue.
using the Cybex II and may have led to substantial measure- Age-related differences in slow-speed isokinetic peak
ment errors (Winter et al., 1981; Sapega et al., 1982; torque values of the quadriceps are similar to those of
Murray, 1986; Murray and Harrison, 1986; Herzog, 1988). isometric values in men (Larsson et al., 1979; Murray et al.,
For instance, errors ranging from 11% to 200% have been 1980; Johnson, 1982) and women (Danneskiold-Samsoe et
reported from transient spikes on the Cybex II, often re- al., 1984; Murray et al., 1985; Stalberg et al., 1989), but
corded as peak torque, but found to represent artifacts due to greater age-related differences are observed at faster speeds
excess acceleration of the machine's lever arm (Sapega et (Larsson et al., 1979; Harries and Bassey, 1990). In addi-
al., 1982). Errors of 26% to 43% for extension and 55% to tion, older men take longer to reach peak torque compared to
510% for flexion have also been reported from not correcting younger men (Murray et al., 1980). These data are supported
for the gravitational effects of the limb being tested (Winter by the observation of greater losses in muscle power than
et al., 1981). Newer models of Cybex and other motorized strength (Young and Skelton, 1994), and a close association
dynamometers are now computerized and have included between age-related losses in muscle power and functional
gravity corrections as well as corrections for other potential abilities, particularly in women (Bassey et al., 1992). These
sources of error. The newer models of computerized dyna- findings may be explained by a selective atrophy of type lib
mometers offer a long list of options that can provide much fibers with advanced age (Aniansson et al., 1986).
needed information about the muscle dynamics of aging Although strength losses tend to occur earlier in the lower
muscle. However, investigators should not assume that all extremities than the upper extremities (Bemben et al.,
computerized dynamometers are accurate and reliable. To 1991), percentage differences between young and old
ensure accuracy and reliability, investigators should devise groups for upper extremity muscle groups are about the same
their own external calibration and test-retest procedures in as those of the lower extremities (Viitasalo et al., 1985;
addition to those provided by the manufacturer. When this is Kallmanetal., 1990; Bemben etal., 1991; Era etal., 1992).

Upper body strength values in men in their seventh or eighth Only two studies could be found on the effects of age on
decades are reported to be 37% (Kallman et al., 1990), 38% maximal eccentric force production (Vandervoort et al.,
(Eraetal., 1992), and 42% (Viitasaloet al., 1985) less than 1990; Poulin et al., 1992). Vandervoort et al. (1990) re-
those in their third decade. However, cross-sectional studies ported some losses in eccentric strength levels with age, but
tend to underestimate the true strength losses with age they were much less than those reported for concentric
(Clement, 1974; Bassey and Harries, 1993). strength. Poulin et al. (1992) found similar results at slower
velocities, and observed no age-related losses in eccentric
Longitudinal studies. — Bassey and Harries (1993) re- strength levels at faster velocities. However, both of these
ported a 12% loss after four years in the hand-grip strength of investigations had small ample sizes and only studied two
men over 65 years of age. During this same time period they age groups. We are presently studying this relationship in
reported a 19% loss in women of similar age. Strength losses participants of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging.
ranging from 9-27% after five years (Aniansson et al., Our preliminary results show that both concentric and eccen-

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1983), 10-22% after seven years (Aniansson et al., 1986), tric peak torque values decrease with age at the same rate in
and 25-35% after approximately eleven years were ob- men, but not in women. For some undetermined reason,
served in elderly men and women (Aniansson et al., 1992). women tend to preserve their eccentric strength levels with
The seven-year strength losses were accompanied by a 14% age much better than men. We are presently analyzing
reduction in type Ha fiber area, a 25% reduction in type lib stretch-shortening cycles in men and women to help further
fiber area, and no significant change in type I fiber area understand these relationships.
(Aniansson et al., 1986). Therefore, muscle fiber type may
explain a large portion of peak torque changes (Stalberg et
al., 1989), as well as changes in the force/velocity relation- Conclusion
ship with age (Harries and Bassey, 1990). Accurate and reliable strength data can be obtained from
motorized dynamometers as long as the investigator goes
Muscle quality. — To determine whether age affects the through all the necessary calibration and test-retest proce-
quality of muscle, many investigators have attempted to dures. Muscular strength peaks between the second and third
assess strength in relation to muscle mass. This is a difficult decade, remains unchanged until the fourth or fifth decade,
task because of the problems associated with the measure- and then declines from the fifth to the eighth decade by about
ment of muscle mass. Young et al. (1984) found no differ- 35-45% in men, based on cross-sectional observations. The
ence in intrinsic strength of muscle when comparing women few longitudinal studies available on this topic show a higher
in their eighth decade to those in their third decade, whereas rate of loss with age. Women reach peak strength levels
losses in muscle quality with age have been reported in men slightly sooner and start to lose strength earlier, but total
(Young et al, 1985; Kallman et al., 1990; Frontera et al., strength losses appear to be slightly less than those in men.
1991; Reed et al., 1991; Overend et al., 1992). Young et al. There appears to be a preservation of eccentric strength
(1985) and Overend et al. (1992) found reductions in levels in women with age but not in men. Future studies
strength per cross-sectional area of muscle in older men should: (1) determine whether muscle quality changes with
compared to younger men. Moreover, Kallman et al. (1990) age, (2) identify factors other than muscle mass (e.g.,
observed losses in strength relative to muscle mass estimated neuromuscular, contractile, and mechanical properties) that
by creatinine excretion in older men. Nevertheless, prospec- may contribute to age-related losses in strength, (3) deter-
tive studies using more direct measures of muscle mass need mine the effects of interventions such as strength training
to be performed before any definitive conclusions can be and growth hormone on factors affecting strength, (4) pro-
made concerning age and gender effects on muscle quality. vide more information on the relationship of age- and
inactivity-induced sarcopenia to the loss of functional abili-
Concentric vs eccentric losses. — Dynamic muscular ties and health status, (5) assess strength losses in those over
exertions usually consist of a phase in which the muscle 80 years of age, and (6) determine the separate roles of
shortens (concentric) and a phase in which the muscle resists disease, inactivity, and normal aging on strength losses.
lengthening (eccentric). Most previous research on the ef-
fects of age on muscular strength has focused either on
isometric or only on the concentric phase of dynamic muscu-
lar exertions. One major reason for this is that dynamometers Address correspondence to Dr. Ben F. Hurley, Department of Kinesiol-
ogy, College of Health and Human Performance, University of Maryland,
for measuring strength have only recently had the capacity College Park, MD 20742.
for the measurement of the eccentric component. This phase
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