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MOBILE NO:937 666 50 50


Without bias or Prejudice requiring your urgent attention

The Chairman,
National Minorities Commission
New Delhi

Subject: Complaint against discriminatory ‘Police Raj’ in Shahpur, Ahmedabad


I the undersigned Usman H.Qurayshi(free-lance, journalist)and editor of “AAMIN”

GUJARATI MONTHLY(REG.) A Social activist and associated with many institutes related
to minority welfare hereby give a representation before you.
It may be noted that we are not against Anti-Encroachment drive and against illegal
road squatters but certainly have reservations against the objectionable, partisan and
targeted attitude of penalising poor hawkers, licensed shop holders and common man
through most stringent penalties of Traffic violations ranging from Rs.1000-3000 as per
the whims and caprices towards the Muslim Community in general.
The best part of the story is that this traffic violators are punished further by ending in
incarceration of two to twenty-four hours where individual Human rights are gone to
wind? Followed by a hefty fine.
Hereby it has come to our knowledge through various sources that Mr.Hardevsinh
Vaghela the current Police Inspector of Shahpur possesses an ‘abnormal psyche’ with a
sadistic mindset and has a chequered History of transfers in one such happening due to
his gory style of law implementation has led to violence in Petlad town of Gujarat,
followingly this was challenged subsequently in Gujarat High Court by local residents of

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Petlad, order of Gujarat High Court is attached as Annexure-‘A’ after which he may have
been transferred on DYSP’s order. Copy of Sabrang Press,Mumbai in which a detailed
explanation is given as how is the mindset of this persons towards Muslims in particular
and Minorities in general (press-report attached), as Annexure-‘B’, secondly he is so
perverse that he attributes himself respect of none other than the President Of the
Country that can be understood through a local newspaper report which claims he
stopped a Jain Community Procession in Petlad although it possessed due permissions for
the same he tried to stop arbitrarily without any justified reasons, maybe he may been
disturbed from his slumber, which is annexed as Annexure-‘C’
Here in Shahpur he has created History of sorts by targeting Muslim areas in Anti
encroachment drive and has spared other areas belonging to non-Muslim’s in spite of
bringing to his notice orally and in writing, this objectionable style of policing is highly
condemned in strictest adjectives of English Language.
It may be further noticed that the said Anti-Encroachment drive has cleaned the
Qureshi Chowk of Mirzapur, but vice versa no cleansing drive was undertaken in Shahpur
Bahai Centre, where he leaves top Guns scot free, wherein are big Commercial
establishments like:
(i) Janta Palace (Milk Shop), Shahpur, Bahai Centre
(ii) Adinath Chawana Stores, “ “
(iii) Ganesh Kiran Store and Mini Mall “
(iv) Gayatri Bhaji pao and Sandwich “
And several others have not been touched upon through any stern action, similarly
what he did in Qureshi Chowk, Mirzapur is a glaring example of injustice to Shahpur
residents, where selective, targeted and discriminatory implementation of the law goes
The style of his operation is worth mentioning when he arrives with a pompous entry
with a sole purpose of instilling fear in members of the minority with a posse of
Policeman armed to the teeth and backed by Traffic towing cranes and further with
Vehicles belonging to AMC for encroachment removal including a large army of Traffic
and regular Police followed by extremely derogatory and abusive language used by him
against the members of the minority and his staff.
It may be noted that he has no locus standi on the Anti encroachment drive initiated
by him which is the prerogative of the Local Municipal Authorities and he has assumed
the role of superman (self-proclaimed) and this how he is just punishing the Minority

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This representation has a following prayer:
(i) Strictly instruct the concerned Police Inspector to stop this type of torturous,
alienating and excruciating behaviour which is clearly Anti-Muslim, Anti-Poor
and Anti-Social approach.
(ii) You may please the aggrieved persons by transferring this tainted officer to
some other Police Station.
(iii) Make him accountable for his prejudiced unfair, intolerant and in equal
treatment meted out to the public at large or pass an appropriate order
according to the principles of natural Justice.
Undoubtedly this person is reaping a bad name for the Police Department as he is
instilling fear and terror in the name of Police instead of a creating a peaceful
coexistence atmosphere, he is estranging the public at large through his harsh modus
I was once his admirer and have given felicitations to him for his Anti-Encroachment
drive, but as soon as it came to my knowledge that he was tainted and had a
Communal bent of mind I have desisted and distanced myself from him.

This statement may be treated as a prelude to representation before higher

authorities including a petition before a competent court for the redressal of the
Minority areas appear to be living in Police Raj instead of democracy where
constitutional liberties are as if suspended temporarily, this petition urges for a swift
prompt and judicious action from your side.
Date:26thJuly,2017, AHMEDABAD
Yours’s Faithfully,

(Usman H.Qurayshi)

Page 3 of 7…/petlad-gujarat-communal-violence- ANNEXURE-‘A’
Petlad, Gujarat: Communal Violence Breaks Out
Written by Sabrangindia Staff | Published on: May 29, 2016
Under the pretext of an investigation, muslim accused were reportedly severely
beaten and made to walk bare footed in the scorching heat.
The police allegedly paraded Muslim boys in the scorching heat and under the guise of
an investigation, resorted to beating them publicly. This incident occurred two days
after the communal violence which had plagued Anand, subsided. This violation of
human rights has angered many people and has led to an atmosphere of tension
enveloping the town with the market shutting down. Community leaders appealed to
the DSP and demanded the immediate suspension or transfer of PI Vaghela.

According to reports, the incident began with a verbal quarrel about a traffic incident,
overtaking by a tractor, which turned into a stone pelting incident between the two
communities. Subsequently, several frightened people from the city had left their
homes and fled the town. Due to this incident, and the difficulties which citizens
would face, the police force was requested to maintain law and order, maintain unity
between communities and avoid targeting innocent citizens. According to local
citizens, Bagdadbhai Pathan and two others were arrested by PI Vaghela. The reports
suggest that the three were targeted only because they were muslims and Bagdadbhai
Pathan, an elderly man, along with others were taken to Muslim areas of the town
and beaten up. Bagdadbhai Pathan was taken near his house and was made to sit on
the hot road and was tortured in the scorching heat. Due to this, people were
provoked and it resulted in a light stone pelting incident. After this tension, several
shops were shut down and people ran amuck.

According to Local municipal councilor Fahimabanu Malek, PI Hardevsingh Vaghela

attempted to vitiate the peaceful atmosphere of the town. On informing him of
human rights violation at his hand, he replied dismissively, saying “do whatever you
want to do”.

According to a local, Sabirmiya Malek Vaghela has had an anti-Muslim mentality right
from the start of his tenure in Petlad. The DSP, Saurabhsingh said that the accused
were taken to their area as part of the investigation and not in an effort to publicly
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shame them and create communal tensions. Today, the DSP had discussions with
leaders from Ahmedabad, including those from the Peace Committee and now peace
has prevailed in the town.

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પપપપપપ પપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપપપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપ પપ પપપપપપપ ! ANNEXURE-
Bhaskar News, Petlad | Mar 14, 2016, 00:55 IST
પેટલાદ: પેટલાદ શહે રમાાં સ્ટે શન પપપ પપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપ
પપપપ પપપપ પપપપપપ પપપ પપપપ પપપપ પપ પપપપપ પપપ. પપપપપપપ પપપપપ
પપપપપપપપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપપપપપપ પપપપપ પ પપપપ પપપપ પપપપ
પપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપ પપપ. પ પપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપ પપપ પપપપપ
પપપપપપપપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપ પપપપપપ પપ પપ પપપ.

- પપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપ પપપપ પપપપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપપપ
પપપપપપ પપપપપપપ પપપપપપ

- પપપપપપ પપપ પપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપપપપપ પપપપ

પપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપ પપપપ પપપ પપપપપપ પપપપ પપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપપ
પપપપપપપ પપ પપપપ પપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપપ પપપ. પપપપપપ પપપપપપપપ પપપપ
પપપપપપ પપ પપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપપપ પપપપ પપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપપપ
પપપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપ પપપ પપ. પપ પપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપ પપપપપપ
પપપપપ પપપપ-પપપપપપ પપપપ પપપ પપપપપપપપ પપપપ પપ પપપપ પપપપ પપપ
પપપપપપપ પપપ.

પ પપપપપપ પપપ પપપપપ 6 પપપપપપપપ પપપપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપ

પપપપપ પપપપપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપ પપ પપપપપ પપપ પપ પપપપપપપ પપપપપ પ પપપપપ
પપપપપપપપપપપ પપ.પપ. પપપપપપ પપપપ પપપપ પપપપ પપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપપપપપપ
પપપ પપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપપપપ પપપપપ પપપ પપપ. પપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપપપપપ
પપપપપપપ પપપપપપ પપપપ પપ પપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપપપ પપપ.

પપપપપ પપપપપપપપપ પપપ પપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપ પપપપપપપપ પપ પપપ.

પપપપપપપ પ પપપપપ પપપપપપપપપપપ પપ પપપપ પપપપ પપપપપ પપપ પપપપપપપપ પપપ
પપપ પપપપપપ પપપપ પપપ પપ પપપપપ પપપપ પપપપ પપપ. પપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપ
પપપપપપ પપપપપપપ પપપપપપ પપ પપપ. પપ પપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપપપપપપ પપપ
પપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપ પપપપ પપપપપપ પપપ પપપ. પપપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપ
પપપપપપપપ પપપ. પપપપ પપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપ પપપ પપપપપપપ પપપપપ પપપપપપપ
પપપપ પપપ પપપ પપપ પપપપપપ બાદ ઘીના ઠામમાાં ઘી પડ્યાં હતય.ાં
કાં ઇ જ બન્યાં નથી
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પેટલાદ શહે ર પોલીસ મથકના પોલીસ ઇનસ્પેક્ટર એચ. બી. વાઘેલાના ટે લલફોનથી સાંપકક
કરતાાં તેઓએ જણાવ્યાં હતયાં કે ‘આવયાં કાાંઇ જ બન્યાં નથી.’

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