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June/July 2018

It might not feel like summer as I sit here and type this, but summer will arrive soon enough. The corn
is beginning to pop, hostas in the garden are back in full force, and, no doubt, soon I will be bit by a
mosquito. Summer is here.
Which means that a lot of you are not here at church. You’re at the lake. On family vacations. At the
camper. Don’t worry, keep reading, I’m not here to make you feel guilty about that; I’ll be on vacation
and in the garden too. Summer is typically a time to take a break – from school, from rushing to one
thing and another, from the crazy busyness of the other nine months of the year.
But here’s what I will say: though you may make it to church less this summer, as is the case for
many people, think of the summer – your vacations, your trips to the campground, your time away –
as Sabbath. A time of rest and a time with God as God goes with you wherever you may be.
Sabbath – the commandment given to Moses while God’s people wandered in the wilderness – is a
gift. Think about it: God’s people had been slaves in Egypt. They had been told when to work, when
to eat, and when to sleep. Their time to rest was most likely non-existent. As a people who had only
known life as slaves, Sabbath was a gift. A time to rest, to simply be, to not perform a task was a
complete and utter gift.
Think of this summer as a gift. Every weekend adventure, every night at the lake – a gift. To be. To
renew. To rest. To sit with God. Wayne Muller, in his book on Sabbath, writes this: Sabbath is more
than the absence of work; it is not just a day off, when we catch up on television or errands. It is the
presence of something that arises when we consecrate a period of time to listen to what is most
deeply beautiful, nourishing, or true. It is time consecrated with our attention, our mindfulness,
honoring those quiet forces of grace or spirit that sustain and heal us.
Use your summer moments of Sabbath to listen, to honor the spirit that sustains you, to turn off your
phone and just be. For some of you, that may mean worship on Sunday morning. But for many of
you, I know you’ll be elsewhere. Wherever you may be, may moments of Sabbath be sought,
moments to rest with God. We are all better equipped to live in relationship and through life’s ups and
downs when we make this a priority.
Blessings for a safe and restful summer,
Pastor Lindsay
Red Oak Grove Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Brent Ingvalson. Members in attendance included Brent Ingvalson,
Jenny Ingvalson, Tom Harber, Wendy Cadwell, John Trihus, Tammy Harber, Jamie Hanson,
Pete Kleinschmidt, Karen Johnson, Diane Maxwell and Pastor Lindsay.

Pastor Lindsay opened with the poem “Invite Wonder”. Highs and lows of the week were shared.

The Pastor’s Report was given. Discussed the updates to the constitution. Secretary’s Report- motion made
to accept by Diane and seconded by Jamie. Discussion of the Debit Card to add Pastor Lindsay and Marilyn
Blume to the General Account and the Youth Fund. Jenny will check on setting up the account for the new
Scholarship Fund. Discussed the upcoming Strawberry Social. Outdoor games will be added to the Social.
The Deacons reported s’mores cookout for the last Gift of the season. Trustees reported the circuit board is
out on garage door #1. Also, water softener in parsonage needs replacement. Motion made and seconded to
replace the garage door opener and to replace the water softener. Meadow Brooks Softener Company will
help with the water softener. A new trap was replaced in the men’s bathroom. The sink is still clogged and will
need to be snaked.

Old Business

l. Building update-waiting for casters for the refrigerator. The ceiling in the kitchenette was fixed. Ryan
Kubista will be removing old counter top. Saw dust from the tree will be removed by John.

2. Logo/graphic design update-A little more tweaking and it will be done.

3. Glass door assistance follow up-plan to make the door more accessible.

4. Spring Spruce Up-Thanks to all who helped and the Thrivent gift helped to cover expenses of supplies and
food. The painting in the narthex will be completed.

5. An anonymous source has volunteered to mow the church lawn and fix the patio at the parsonage.

New Business

l. Strawberry Social-outdoor activities will be added to the flyer.

2. Outdoor Clean-up scheduled for May 9th.

3. Austin Fairgrounds Electronic Recycling-suggestion made to have old tvs/monitor taken there to be
disposed of.

4. Campership/Houston Youth money disbursement-After supporting the campers for camp this summer there
will be $380 left. Motion made and accepted for $50 to go to each participant going to the upcoming ELCA
Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas.

5. Next meeting will be July 8th after church.

The Lord’s Prayer was prayed and the meeting was adjourned.

Diane Maxwell
Acting Secretary
WELCA Minutes

Sunday, April 4, 2018 meeting was cancelled due to snowstorm.

Sunday, May 6th meeting was changed from Wednesday, May 2nd so we could attend the annual Guest Day
held at First Lutheran Church in Blooming Prairie. The meeting was called to order by President Karen
Johnson at 10:25 a.m. There were 12 present. The meeting was opened in the Name of the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. The purpose was read together. Devotions were given by Evelyn Johnson from Ruth Circle. She
read the first chapter of Hebrews.

Linda read the March WELCA Report. Lavonne had two months of reports to give. Both reports were
approved and placed on file.

Correspondence was read by Linda. A thank you from Virginia Davis for her plant she received for her 90th
birthday. Thank you from Blooming Prairie After Prom for our guilt donation. Thank you from the Cecil
Friesner family for serving his funeral. A note of thanks from Burt and Dorothy Kittelson for prayers, cards and

Committee Reports: Quilting – Judy Wambeam reported the 108x108 teal and gray quilt is ready for the
Strawberry Social. Made by Diana Magnuson. She thanked everyone for donations giving to our quilting
project. Quilts will be dedicated Sunday, May 27th. Our 4 senior quilts will be presented on the May 20th
outdoor service.

Prairie Manor – Joyce Peterson had Prairie Star available for taking. The last auxiliary meeting was April 30th.
Activity director said that First Lutheran donated 24 new hymnals. National Nursing Home Week is May 13th-
19th. Residents have been able to take trolley rides around town. Auxiliary donated $250 to trolley. A 2nd
grade class volunteers each week and they are presenting a play on May 23rd. A fund raiser made $150. The
auxiliary is buying a new flag. Ardell thanked all who have helped with funerals. Also she announced that WIT
will meet Tuesday, May 8th to go to Bubbles for lunch.

Marie Sandvik – We will be collecting items for a June delivery. Items needed are toys, clothes; men, women,
children, youth; kitchen items; bedding; small kitchen appliances-toaster, blenders, etc.

An announcement was made that Trinity Lutheran Church northwest of Blooming Prairie will be closing.

Unfinished Business – The new cooler is here. A new ceiling will be put up in the kitchen. It has been painted.
women’s bathroom repaired and painted. Kitchenette needs some new wiring and is painted. Tree is ground.
Council President Brent Ingvalson is keeping updated on progress. Cabinet man coming in 2 weeks to work in
kitchen. Yard cleanup will be on May 9th. Ardell, Joyce, Judy and Linda each gave a report of Zumbro River
Conference Spring event held in Ostrander on April 19th.

Strawberry Social plans will be put in place as officers meet May 9th. The Council is willing to help and provide
outdoor activities at the Social on June 12th.

Offering was taken. Our next meeting will be Sunday, June 3rd at 10:15 a.m. Devotions will be given by Naomi
Circle. Thank you to Evelyn for devotions today and to Judy for ushering. There were no birthdays. Closed
with the Lord’s Prayer.

Linda Christianson, Secretary

Thank you to all who helped make our May 20th youth worship and lunch a success! To the
youth who led service, to their families who prepared lunch, to the Lights of Litomysl for the
worship music, to all who baked goodies for the bake sale, and to all of you who attended.
The youth heading to Houston for the youth gathering made over $900 towards their trip
from your generosity – THANK YOU!
77th Annual

Red Oak Grove

Lutheran Church
30456 Mower-Freeborn Road

Austin, Minnesota

507-437-3000 or 507-583-2038

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

11:00 – 1:00
4:00 – 7:00

Adults $9 – Children 10 and under $4

Serving – Pulled Pork Sandwich or Hot Dog, Cole Slaw, Baked Beans,
Strawberries, Angel Food or Shortcake, Ice Cream and Beverages.

Take Out Available

Quilt Raffle Cards for sale

Bake Sale and Quilt Sale Outside Activities

Workers (especially men) are needed on Sunday to help move tables, etc. after worship.
Monday, June 11th at 9 a.m. we will start to set up for the social.
To sign up to work on Tuesday, please talk to Karen Johnson.
Communion Bread Bakers Needed!
Maybe you’ve noticed that, since Easter, we’ve been using real bread instead of wafers at the Holy
Communion table. We’ve heard lots of positive feedback about this change! We’re looking for volunteers to
make our communion bread. We need one volunteer for each month, as one batch kept in the freezer will be
enough for the month. The recipe is below so you can see how simple it is. (We realize you may not have
wheat flour in your cupboard; we’ll keep a bag in the kitchen so when it’s your month, you can grab a half cup.)
Are you willing to volunteer for a month to bake our communion bread?
Sign up with Pastor Lindsay.

1 ½ cups white flour

½ cup wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
¾ cup water
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons oil
Mix all ingredients well. Turn dough onto floured surface and divide into six balls. Roll each ball out to ¼ inch
thickness. Use a knife to mark each with a cross. Bake on greased cookie sheets for 10 to 15 minutes at 350
degrees. Once cool, place in freezer Ziploc bag to deliver to church. Bread will be kept in the kitchenette

Notice of a Special Congregational Meeting to amend our church Constitution – This meeting will follow
worship on August 5, 2018. Copies of the proposed changes will be available in July.

Summer Programming for Children and Families: Summer programming is still in the planning
stages. Watch your mailboxes in beginning of July for information!

You’re Invited to a
Wedding Open House
for Pastor Lindsay & Dave

We are getting married with our families by our side in Wisconsin on
June 23 but we’d love to celebrate with you too! Please join us for a
dessert reception at the church on Saturday, July 7 from 2pm to 4pm.

In lieu of gifts, please consider a donation to Red Oak Grove’s

Improvement Fund, which funds improvements to the parsonage where
we will live, in addition to projects at the church; or the Blooming Prairie
Ministerial Fund, which helps our community, especially in the
Christmas season.

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