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When I get older I would like to major in anesthesiology or something in the medical

field. I would like to study this because I was always good with people and I would like to help
and take care of others. The University of Pittsburgh has great anesthesiology programs, that is
where I would like to study and pursue my future career. Anesthesiologists are the nurses that
stay in the room during the surgery and monitor the patient’s heartbeats, also they inject the shot
to put them to sleep and numb them so they cannot feel anything during their surgery.
Anesthesiologists record the type and amount of anesthesia and patient condition
throughout the procedure. They examine patients, obtain medical history, and use diagnostic
tests to determine risk during surgical, obstetrical, and other medical procedures. The average
salary for an anesthesiologist that works at UPMC hospital is $211,900. 25% make $166,400.
50% make the same. 75% make $160,010. 90% make $133,490.
I plan on preparing myself to pursue my career by taking an medical perspectives course my
senior year of high school as well as any science related course.
Some possible degrees offered are Bachelor degree of medicine. The University of Pittsburgh
offers this degree and many more degrees. Becoming a nurse has always been a dream of mine
because I love taking care of kids/adults. I would like to interview or job shadow someone at
The interview I conducted was with Stephanie Trbovich. She is a Cardiac Nurse at
Women's UPMC health hospital. During this interview I learned all the schooling and classes
you have to take in order to become a registered nurse. From this interview it made me more
interested in this topic. Also I learned the average salary made when first starting and the
average salary after being there for so long.

“My Path” Speaker Series:

Military, 9/15/16
Art & Design, 10/12/16
Music, 11/17/16
Writing & Journalism, 12/1/16

Real Estate & Architecture, 9/14/17

Finance, 10/19/17
Goals & How to Achieve Them: NC Alumni Linda Maloney, 11/3/17
Driving Skills for Life, 12/12/17
Engineering, 2/8/18
CAP Workshop: Sophomore Majors & Degrees, Job Shadowing Identification, & Career
Interviews: January 2018

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